
Windows Phone Toolkit Gestures

Windows Phone Toolkit, introduced in Chapter 9, “Enriching the User Experience with the Windows Phone Toolkit Controls,” abstracts low-level touch events and further consolidates touch event data into a set of events representing the various single and multitouch gesture types.

Toolkit gestures harness the Touch.FrameReported event (described in the previous section “Touch and TouchPoint Classes”) to provide high-level gesture information.

Unless you require low-level touch point data, UIElement and Toolkit gestures are the recommended way to add single and multitouch capabilities to your apps.


Some overlap exists between the UIElement touch gesture events and the Toolkit gestures API; both allow you to handle tap, double tap, and hold gestures.

The first release of the Windows Phone SDK did not include baked-in support for these three gestures, and they were subsequently added with the 7.1 release of the SDK. In the meantime, the Toolkit had already included gesture support, so the presence of these gestures in the Toolkit remains as somewhat of a legacy feature. It is therefore recommended that you use the UIElement touch gesture events, rather than the Toolkit gesture API, for the tap, double tap, and hold gestures.

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