Allowing the User to Review Your App Using the MarketplaceReviewTask


The Marketplace review task is used to launch the built-in Marketplace application. A review page allows the user to enter a text review for the current app and give it a rating out of five. The user can also see the average rating of the application by other users.

The MarketplaceReviewTask has no settable properties and is launched like so:

MarketplaceReviewTask task = new MarketplaceReviewTask();

Sample Overview

Example code for the MarketplaceReviewTask can be found in the MarketplaceViewModel in the downloadable sample code. The MarketPlaceView uses a button to execute an ICommand called ReviewCommand in the viewmodel.

The reviewCommand is instantiated in the MarketplaceViewModel constructor. When executed, the reviewCommand creates a new MarketplaceReviewTask and calls its Show method, like so:

public MarketplaceViewModel()
    reviewCommand = new DelegateCommand(
                MarketplaceReviewTask task = new MarketplaceReviewTask();
// ...

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