

AddColumn allows you to add a new column to an existing table. For example, if you added a new property to the TwitterUser class to record the user’s age, you would then need to use the DatabaseSchemaUpdater to create a new column to store the Age value. This could be achieved in the following manner:

using (DataContext dataContext
            = new TwitterDataContext("isostore:Twitter.sdf"))
    DatabaseSchemaUpdater updater
                  = dataContext.CreateDatabaseSchemaUpdater();


The AddColumn method only allows columns to be added that can contain null values. Therefore, decorating a property with [Column(CanBeNull = false)] prevents the AddColumn method from succeeding and causes an SqlCeException to be raised when the DatabaseSchemaUpdater.Execute method is called.

The database does not change to reflect updates from the DatabaseSchemaUpdater until its Execute method is called, at which point all changes are submitted to the local database as a single transaction, which ensures the database maintains integrity if it is interrupted, such as when the user exits the app during an upgrade.

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