List of Examples

Example 1-1 A Vertex Shader Example

Example 1-2 A Fragment Shader Example

Example 2-1 Hello_Triangle.c Example

Example 3-1 Initializing EGL

Example 3-2 Specifying EGL Attributes

Example 3-3 Querying EGL Surface Configurations

Example 3-4 Creating an EGL Window Surface

Example 3-5 Creating an EGL Pixel Buffer

Example 3-6 Creating an EGL Context

Example 3-7 A Complete Routine for Creating an EGL Window

Example 3-8 Creating a Window Using the esUtil Library

Example 4-1 Loading a Shader

Example 4-2 Create, Attach Shaders to, and Link a Program

Example 4-3 Querying for Active Uniforms

Example 5-1 Sample Vertex Shader

Example 5-2 Vertex and Fragment Shaders with Matching Output/Input Declarations

Example 6-1 Array of Structures

Example 6-2 Structure of Arrays

Example 6-3 Using Constant and Vertex Array Attributes

Example 6-4 Creating and Binding Vertex Buffer Objects

Example 6-5 Drawing with and without Vertex Buffer Objects

Example 6-6 Drawing with a Buffer Object per Attribute

Example 6-7 Drawing with a Vertex Array Object

Example 6-8 Mapping a Buffer Object for Writing

Example 8-1 Vertex Shader with Matrix Transform for the Position

Example 8-2 Directional Light

Example 8-3 Spotlight

Example 8-4 Sphere Map Texture Coordinate Generation

Example 8-5 Cubemap Texture Coordinate Generation

Example 8-6 Vertex Skinning Shader with No Check of Whether Matrix Weight = 0

Example 8-7 Vertex Skinning Shader with Checks of Whether Matrix Weight = 0

Example 8-8 Displacement Mapping Vertex Shader

Example 8-9 OpenGL ES 1.1 Fixed-Function Vertex Pipeline

Example 9-1 Generating a Texture Object, Binding It, and Loading Image Data

Example 9-2 Loading a 2D Mipmap Chain

Example 9-3 Vertex and Fragment Shaders for Performing 2D Texturing

Example 9-4 Loading a Cubemap Texture

Example 9-5 Vertex and Fragment Shader Pair for Cubemap Texturing

Example 10-1 Multitexture Fragment Shader

Example 10-2 Vertex Shader for Computing Distance to Eye

Example 10-3 Fragment Shader for Rendering Linear Fog

Example 10-4 Fragment Shader for Alpha Test Using Discard

Example 10-5 User Clip Plane Vertex Shader

Example 10-6 User Clip Plane Fragment Shader

Example 11-1 Setting up Multiple Render Targets

Example 11-2 Fragment Shader with Multiple Render Targets

Example 12-1 Copying Pixels Using Framebuffer Blits

Example 12-2 Render to Texture

Example 12-3 Render to Depth Texture

Example 13-1 Inserting a Fence Command and Waiting for Its Result in Transform Feedback Example

Example 14-1 Per-Fragment Lighting Vertex Shader

Example 14-2 Per-Fragment Lighting Fragment Shader

Example 14-3 Environment Mapping Vertex Shader

Example 14-4 Environment Mapping Fragment Shader

Example 14-5 Particle System Vertex Shader

Example 14-6 Update Function for Particle System Sample

Example 14-7 Particle System Fragment Shader

Example 14-8 Draw Function for Particle System Sample

Example 14-9 Particle Emission Vertex Shader

Example 14-10 Emit Particles with Transform Feedback

Example 14-11 Particle Rendering Vertex Shader

Example 14-12 Blur Fragment Shader

Example 14-13 Projective Texturing Vertex Shader

Example 14-14 Projective Texturing Fragment Shader

Example 14-15 Generating Gradient Vectors

Example 14-16 3D Noise

Example 14-17 Noise-Distorted Fog Fragment Shader

Example 14-18 Checker Vertex Shader

Example 14-19 Checker Fragment Shader with Conditional Checks

Example 14-20 Checker Fragment Shader without Conditional Checks

Example 14-21 Anti-Aliased Checker Fragment Shader

Example 14-22 Terrain Rendering Flat Grid Generation

Example 14-23 Terrain Rendering Vertex Shader

Example 14-24 Set up a MVP Matrix from the Light Position

Example 14-25 Create a Depth Texture and Attach It to a Framebuffer Object

Example 14-26 Rendering to Depth Texture Shaders

Example 14-27 Rendering from the Eye Position Shaders

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