

about this book, xiiixv

accessories, 253265

bags, 259

conversion lenses, 256259

flash systems, 263264

hoods and straps, 260

shutter release cables, 263

soft release buttons, 261

thumb grips, 261

tripods and heads, 261262

action portraits, 114115

Adams, Ansel, 199

adapter ring, 260

Adobe RGB color space, 14

advanced filters, 144146, 147

AE bracketing, 225226

AF Mode menu option, 200201

AF-C mode, 13, 114, 203204, 246

AFL/AEL button, 82, 206, 207208

AF-S mode, 13, 109, 201202, 246

ambient light, 153, 155, 167

angles, compositions using, 178

Aperture Priority (A) mode, 12, 7075

assignment on using, 89

author’s preference for, 86

camera configuration for, 71

Depth of Field Preview in, 75

exposure compensation in, 80

long exposures using, 161

photo examples taken in, 71, 72, 73

portrait photography and, 71, 9697

setting up and shooting in, 7475

shutter speed limitations in, 74

situations for using, 7173

aperture settings

adjusting, 48

depth of field and, 38, 39, 7071

explained, 11, 34

exposure and, 34, 35

focusing attention using, 188

f-stops and, 11, 74

landscape photography and, 139

portrait photography and, 9697

shutter speed and, 38, 69, 74, 78

street photography and, 204

video recording and, 245

X100S examples of, 31, 32

area AF mode, 201202

aspect ratio, 8, 9, 248

Atget, Eugene, 199

audio recording, 243244

Auto Dynamic Range setting, 86, 87

Auto flash mode, 164, 165

Auto ISO feature, 1011, 8485, 155

Auto Power Off feature, 7

Auto white balance, 131

autofocus (AF) modes, 13

automatic modes, 62

Average metering mode, 101, 102


back button focusing, 207208, 215


blurring, 97, 176

composition and, 186

portrait, 9697, 99

backlit subjects, 162

back-of-camera features, 3

backup battery, 7

bags, camera, 259

ball heads, 262

barrel distortion, 33


backup, 7

charging, 6

battery indicator, 6, 47

beach scenes, 224

Big Stopper filter, 129130

black-and-white images

landscapes as, 135136

portraits as, 9293, 105, 117


background, 97, 176

motion, 36, 37

blur warning icon, 52

bokeh, 36, 97

bounced flash, 263

bracketing exposures, 225228

AE bracketing, 225226

assignment about, 237

dynamic range bracketing, 228

film simulation bracketing, 227228

ISO bracketing, 226227

bright frame, 47

brightness, 140, 179

buffering process, 56

built-in flash, 161165, 264

Bulb (B) mode, 12, 160, 161

burst mode

action portraits and, 114

street photography and, 206207


camera shake, 124, 153, 157, 168

candid photography, 191

action portraits as, 114115

annotated examples of, 192193, 218219

focus modes for, 200206

See also street photography

captioning images, 215

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 194, 196, 199

catchlight, 116

charging the battery, 6

chimping, 17

clipping, 46

close-up photography. See macro photography

clouds in photos, 138

color composition, 182183, 188

color saturation settings, 88

color space settings, 1415

color temperature, 133


contrasting, 182

eyes drawn to, 140

saturated, 182

command control, 65, 74, 206

Commander mode, 112, 164

composition, 171189

angles and, 178

annotated examples of, 172175

assignments on, 188189

backgrounds and, 186

color and, 182183

combining elements of, 187, 189

contrast and, 182, 184

depth of field and, 176177

landscape, 140142

leading lines and, 185

light and, 179

point of view and, 180181

portrait, 116

reflections and, 177

rule of thirds and, 140141

street photography, 195

continuous autofocus (AF-C) mode, 13, 114, 203204, 246

continuous shooting mode, 52

action portraits and, 114

street photography and, 206207

contrast-detect AF, 159

contrasting elements, 182, 184

Corrected AF Frame option, 17, 5051

crop factor, 33

cropping portraits, 116

crop-sensor camera, 71

custom settings, 209210

Custom white balance, 132

customizing viewfinder displays, 5456


decisive moment, 194, 196

depth of field

aperture settings and, 38, 39, 7071

bokeh and, 36, 97

composition and, 176177

focusing attention using, 188

landscape photography and, 139

portrait photography and, 9697, 117

preview option for, 52, 75

X100S lens and, 31

Depth of Field Preview option, 52, 75

Detail Information view, 18

Detailed display mode, 56

digital negatives, 8

Digital Split Image option, 206

Display Custom setting, 54, 55

distance indicator, 47

distortion, barrel, 33

documentary photography, 85

Drive button, 52, 206

DSLR cameras, 153

dynamic range, 47, 8687, 234

dynamic range bracketing, 228

Dynamic Tone filter, 145, 146


editing videos, 250

EF-20 flash unit, 263

EF-42 flash unit, 264

EF-X20 flash unit, 111, 264

electronic viewfinder (EVF), 17, 5253

assignment on using, 57

illustration of options in, 45

overview of functions in, 5253

environmental portraits, 96, 97

equivalent focal lengths, 33

expanded ISO levels, 11, 155157

exposure, 3336

bracketing, 225228

definition of, 33

elements of, 11, 3334

locking, 48, 8283, 104

long, 67, 68

multiple, 229230

reciprocal settings for, 3536

video recording and, 244246

exposure compensation, 48, 7981

assignment on using, 89

dial for controlling, 79

exposure modes and, 8081

flash exposures and, 167

scale indicating, 7677, 79

video recording and, 246

exposure lock, 48, 8283

exposure modes, 12, 48, 5968

See also professional modes

exposure preview, 113

exposure triangle, 33

exposure value (EV), 33

External Flash mode, 164

See also off-camera flash

Eye Sensor view mode, 54

Eye-Fi cards, 52


catchlight in, 116

focusing on, 106107, 108


face detection, 109

fast lenses, 72

fast shutter speeds, 69, 78

fill flash, 110, 117, 164

film simulation bracketing, 227228

film simulation modes, 47, 105106

Monochrome+R, 135

Sepia, 105, 106

video recording in, 247248, 251

filters, 127130

advanced, 144146, 147

neutral density, 48, 73, 128129, 147

third-party, 129130

Fine white balance, 131, 134

fireworks, 160

firmware updates, 27, 2930, 41

fixed lens, 30


bounced, 263

built-in, 161165, 264

choosing modes for, 47

exposure compensation for, 167

fill, 110, 117, 164

low lighting and, 38, 161165

manually shooting with, 167

off-camera, 110113, 164, 263264, 265

options for controlling, 164

red-eye removal for, 166167

TTL metering for, 161162

flash exposure compensation, 167

Flickr group for book, xv, 19

Fluorescent white balance, 131, 134

Fn button, 75, 128, 210

focal length, 30, 33

focus distance scale, 204

focus frame, 47, 200201

Focus Lock/Exposure button, 82

focus modes, 200206

assignment on exploring, 215

continuous autofocus, 13, 114, 203204

focus frame adjustments, 200201

manual focus, 48, 140, 204206

single autofocus, 13, 109, 201202

video recording and, 246247

Focus Peak Highlight option, 159160, 206

focus points

changing the size of, 107

EVF vs. OVF, 12, 200

low-light photography and, 159

portrait photography and, 107, 109

steps for setting, 13


for landscape photography, 139140

for low-light photography, 158160, 169

for portrait photography, 106109

for street photography, 201, 202, 203, 204205, 207208

for video recording, 246247, 251

Forced Flash mode, 164

formatting memory cards, 28, 29, 41

frame rate for video, 242

framing images, 142

freezing motion, 36, 37, 67

front-of-camera features, 2

f-stops, 11, 34, 35, 74

See also aperture settings

Fujifilm website, 29

Fujifilm X100 camera, 26, 27

Fujifilm X100S camera

features illustration, 24

firmware updates, 2930

Fujifilm X100 compared to, 26

items included with, 5

viewfinders, 1517, 4357

Function (Fn) button, 75, 128, 210


gift icon, 28

Gilden, Bruce, 199

golden light, 137138

Gorillapod, 157, 262

graduated filters, 130


handheld photography, 153, 157, 168, 265

heads, tripod, 125, 262

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, 234236

assignment on shooting, 237

bracketing exposures for, 225

setting up for shooting, 236

tripods required for, 124

High Performance option, 7

Highlight Tone settings, 88, 135136

histograms, 46, 48, 57

horizon line, 140, 141

hot shoe, 110, 111, 263

humorous images, 211

hybrid viewfinder, 15, 43, 57

hyperfocal distance (HFD), 139


image formats, 89

image quality settings, 89, 47

image size settings, 8, 9, 47

iMovie program, 250

Incandescent white balance, 131

internal memory indicator, 48

ISO bracketing, 226227

ISO settings

assignment on exploring, 168

Auto ISO feature, 1011, 8485, 155

expanded, 11, 155157

explained, 10, 33

exposure and, 33, 34, 35

landscape photos and, 126127

low-light photos and, 152157

noise in images and, 126127, 155

portrait photography and, 100

sensitivity options, 48, 85

shutter speed and, 153, 154, 155

steps for selecting, 11, 127


JPEG file format, 89

advanced filters and, 144, 145

film simulation modes and, 106

ISO bracketing and, 227

noise reduction and, 155


landscape photography, 119147

annotated examples of, 120123

assignments on shooting, 147

black-and-white, 135136

composition in, 140142

depth of field in, 139

filters for, 127130, 144146, 147

focusing for, 139140

golden light in, 137138

hyperfocal distance in, 139

ISO settings for, 126127

manual focus mode for, 140

panoramas and, 142144, 147

sunrise/sunset in, 137138

tripods used for, 124125, 139, 147

waterfall shots in, 129130

white balance settings for, 131134, 147

LCD monitor

Detailed view, 56

video recording display, 240

view modes using, 54

zoom feature, 155

leading lines, 185, 188

lens barrel distortion, 33

lens flare, 233234

lens hood, 234, 260

lens on Fujifilm X100S, 3033

accessories for, 256259

assignment on exploring, 41


composition and, 179, 189

portrait photography and, 98, 115

street photography and, 195, 197

See also flash; low-light photography

Lightroom, 106, 134, 249, 250

lines, leading, 185, 188

locking exposure, 48, 8283, 104

London cityscape photo, 174175

Long Exposure Noise Reduction, 161

long exposures

low-light photography and, 160161, 169

Shutter Priority mode for, 67, 68

lossy compression, 8

low-light photography, 149169

annotated example of, 150151

Aperture Priority mode for, 72

assignments on shooting, 168169

built-in flash for, 38, 161165

flash exposure compensation for, 167

focusing for, 158160, 169

ISO settings for, 152157

long exposures for, 67, 68, 160161, 169

noise reduction for, 155, 161

red-eye removal for, 166167

stabilizing the camera for, 157

tripods used for, 157

video recording and, 251

luminance histogram, 46


macro photography, 52, 230232

annotated example of, 220221

assignment on exploring, 237

macro mode for shooting, 232

manual focus (MF) mode, 13, 204206

fine-tuning compositions using, 140

Focus Peak Highlight option, 159160

OVF icon indicating, 48

video recording using, 246247

Manual (M) mode, 12, 7578

assignment on using, 89

camera configuration for, 76

Depth of Field Preview in, 75

exposure compensation scale in, 7677

fast shutter speeds and, 78

flash photography in, 167

photo examples taken in, 77

setting up and shooting in, 78

situations for using, 77, 86

turning off exposure preview in, 113

Max. Sensitivity setting, 85

memory cards, 2729

buffering to, 56

capacity considerations, 27

characteristics of SD, 5

formatting, 28, 29, 41

tips on using, 2728

video and, 243, 248

metering modes, 47, 101103, 117

Average, 101, 102

Multi, 101, 103

Spot, 101, 103, 222224

microphones, 243244

Min. Shutter Speed setting, 85

mirrorless cameras, 153

model release, 196

Monitor Sunlight mode, 52

Monochrome+R film simulation, 135


blurring, 36, 37

freezing, 36, 37, 67

portraying, 2223, 38, 40, 67, 68

shutter speed and, 36, 37, 38, 40

motion panorama feature, 142, 143144

.MOV file format, 249

Movie mode, 241, 242, 246

See also video recording

Multi AF mode, 201

Multi metering mode, 101, 103

Multiple Exposure feature, 229230, 237


natural light, 117

ND (neutral density) filter

built-in, 128129

OVF icon indicating, 48

third-party, 129130, 147

noise in images

ISO settings and, 126127, 155, 156

long exposures and, 161

Noise Reduction settings, 88, 155, 161, 168


off-camera flash, 110113

exposure preview and, 113

handheld flash as, 265

how it works, 110111

setting up for, 112

units recommended for, 263264

optical viewfinder (OVF), 16, 44, 4751

assignment on using, 57

benefits of using, 49

Corrected AF Frame option, 5051

illustration of options in, 44

overview of functions in, 4749

parallax effect and, 4950, 51

Outdoor mode, 52, 209

overexposed images, 7677


pan heads, 262

panoramas, 142144, 147

parallax, 17, 4950

assignment on working with, 57

Corrected AF Frame option for, 5051

optical viewfinder and, 4950, 51

Parr, Martin, 199

performance level settings, 7

peripheral vision, 49

perspective, 180181, 189

pet photography, 99

phase-detection AF, 159

photometry, 101

Photoshop, 234, 236, 237

Playback button, 18, 249

point of view, 180181, 189

portrait orientation, 116

portraits, 91117

action shots as, 114115

annotated examples of, 9295

Aperture Priority mode for, 71, 9697

assignments on shooting, 117

backgrounds for, 9697, 99

black-and-white, 9293, 105, 117

composition of, 116

depth of field in, 9697, 117

environmental, 96, 97

fill flash for, 110

film simulations for, 105106

focusing for, 106109

ISO setting for, 100

lighting for, 98, 115

locking exposure for, 104

macro photography for, 231

metering modes for, 101103, 117, 224

off-camera flash for, 110113

tips for shooting, 115116

white balance for, 100

Power Management option, 7

Premiere Elements, 250

preparedness for shooting, 34

professional modes, 5978

Aperture Priority mode, 7075

assignments on using, 89

Manual mode, 7578

Program mode, 6265

Shutter Priority mode, 6670

Program (P) mode, 12, 6265

assignment on using, 89

Auto flash mode and, 164

camera configuration for, 63

exposure compensation in, 80

limitations in, 64, 78

photo example taken in, 64

program shift in, 65

setting up and shooting in, 65

situations for using, 64, 65

program shift, 65


Q button, 208209

quality settings, 89


.RAF file extension, 10

RAW file format, 89

color space and, 15

dynamic range setting and, 87

film simulation modes and, 106

Fuji X-Series files and, 10

HDR photography and, 236

ISO bracketing and, 227

noise reduction and, 155

white balance and, 134

RAW+JPEG option, 9, 155

reciprocal exposures, 3536

recomposing portraits, 109

Red-Eye Removal feature, 166167

reflections, shooting, 177


image, 26

video, 26, 248

reviewing images, 1718

assignment on, 19

Detail Information view for, 18

duration setting for, 18

rule of thirds, 140141


saturated colors, 182

scene modes, 62

screen display. See LCD monitor

SD cards, 5, 2729, 243

See also memory cards

SDHC cards, 27

SDXC cards, 28

self-timer, 52, 263

sensitivity, ISO, 48, 85

Sepia film simulation, 105, 106

Shade white balance, 100, 131

Shadow Tone settings, 88, 135136


composition using, 179

fill flash for reducing, 110, 117, 164

sharpness of photos

aperture settings and, 38, 39

eyes drawn to, 140

hyperfocal distance and, 139

option for adjusting, 88

wide conversion lens and, 258

shooting configuration options, 208

shooting from the hip, 204, 215

Shooting menu, 9, 11, 51, 55, 84

Shutter Priority (S) mode, 12, 6670

action portraits and, 114

aperture limitations in, 69

assignment on using, 89

camera configuration for, 6667

exposure compensation in, 80

photo examples taken in, 67, 68

setting up and shooting in, 70

situations for using, 6768

shutter release cables, 161, 263, 265

shutter speed

adjusting, 48, 69

aperture settings and, 38, 69, 74, 78

explained, 11, 34

exposure and, 34, 35

fast vs. slow, 69

intermediate selections for, 69

ISO setting and, 153, 154, 155

minimum setting for, 85

motion and, 36, 37, 38, 40

tripod use and, 124, 125

silent mode

EVF indicator for, 52

hot shoe disabled in, 111

single autofocus (AF-S) mode, 13, 109, 201202, 246

slow shutter speeds, 69

Slow Sync flash mode, 164, 165

soft release buttons, 261

Spot metering mode, 101, 103, 222224

assignments on exploring, 237

situations for using, 223224

steps for selecting, 223

sRGB color space, 14

storytelling photography, 194

straps, camera, 260

street photography, 191215

annotated examples of, 2425, 192193

assignments on shooting, 215

back button focusing for, 207208, 215

beating your fear of, 196197, 215

burst mode for, 206207

choosing topics for, 198

composition of, 195

configuring features for, 207210

decisive moment in, 194, 196

definition of, 194

elements of, 194195

focus modes for, 200206

inspirations for, 199

light used in, 195, 197

patience required for, 197

tips for shooting, 211214


lens flare from, 233234

portrait photography and, 110, 117

Sunny 16 Rule, 36

sunrise/sunset photos, 137138

Suppressed Flash mode, 164


Tele Conversion Lens (TCL), 259

temperature warning icon, 48

Think Tank Retrospective 7 bag, 259

third-party filters, 129130

thumb grips, 261

tight spaces, 31, 32

Time (T) mode, 12, 161

Time Value Priority (Tv) mode, 66

tone mapping process, 234

top-of-camera features, 4

triggers, flash, 110

tripods, 261262

advice on choosing, 125, 262

ball and pan heads for, 262

landscape photography and, 124125, 139, 147

low-light photography and, 157

shutter speed for using, 125

stability considerations, 125

TTL metering, 161162


underexposed images, 7677

Underwater white balance, 131

updating the firmware, 27, 2930, 41


Versace, Vincent, 188

video recording, 239251

assignments on, 251

audio for, 243244

editing tools for, 250

exposure for, 244246

file format for, 249

film simulations for, 247248, 251

focus modes for, 246247, 251

frame rate for, 242

LCD monitor display for, 240

maximum time for, 248

memory cards and, 243, 248

Movie mode for, 241, 242, 246

resolution and aspect ratio for, 248

setting up and starting, 241, 251

watching/reviewing, 249

white balance for, 247

View Mode button, 5354

Viewfinder mode, 54

viewfinders, 1517, 4357

assignments on using, 57

customizing, 5456

electronic, 17, 45, 5253

explained, 1516, 43

histogram in, 46, 57

optical, 16, 44, 4751

selecting, 19, 53

switching between, 5354

virtual horizon, 47


water, showing motion in, 129130

WCL-X100 conversion lens, 97, 256258

white balance settings

color temperature and, 133

creating custom, 132

displayed in OVF, 47

landscape photography and, 131134, 147

portrait photography and, 100

presets available as, 131

RAW file format and, 134

shift function for, 133

steps for selecting, 131

video recording and, 247

wide conversion lens, 52, 97, 256258, 265

Windows Movie Maker, 250


Yokohama, Japan, 6061

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