12.5 Setting Variables with reflect.Value

So far, reflection has only interpreted values in our program in various ways. The point of this section, however, is to change them.

Recall that some Go expressions like x, x.f[1], and *p denote variables, but others like x + 1 and f(2) do not. A variable is an addressable storage location that contains a value, and its value may be updated through that address.

A similar distinction applies to reflect.Values. Some are addressable; others are not. Consider the following declarations:

x := 2                     // value   type   variable?
a := reflect.ValueOf(2)    // 2       int    no
b := reflect.ValueOf(x)    // 2       int    no
c := reflect.ValueOf(&x)   // &x      *int   no
d := c.Elem()              // 2       int    yes (x)

The value within a is not addressable. It is merely a copy of the integer 2. The same is true of b. The value within c is also non-addressable, being a copy of the pointer value &x. In fact, no reflect.Value returned by reflect.ValueOf(x) is addressable. But d, derived from c by dereferencing the pointer within it, refers to a variable and is thus addressable. We can use this approach, calling reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem(), to obtain an addressable Value for any variable x.

We can ask a reflect.Value whether it is addressable through its CanAddr method:

fmt.Println(a.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(b.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(c.CanAddr()) // "false"
fmt.Println(d.CanAddr()) // "true"

We obtain an addressable reflect.Value whenever we indirect through a pointer, even if we started from a non-addressable Value. All the usual rules for addressability have analogs for reflection. For example, since the slice indexing expression e[i] implicitly follows a pointer, it is addressable even if the expression e is not. By analogy, reflect.ValueOf(e).Index(i) refers to a variable, and is thus addressable even if reflect.ValueOf(e) is not.

To recover the variable from an addressable reflect.Value requires three steps. First, we call Addr(), which returns a Value holding a pointer to the variable. Next, we call Interface() on this Value, which returns an interface{} value containing the pointer. Finally, if we know the type of the variable, we can use a type assertion to retrieve the contents of the interface as an ordinary pointer. We can then update the variable through the pointer:

x := 2
d := reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem()     // d refers to the variable x
px := d.Addr().Interface().(*int)   // px := &x
*px = 3                             // x = 3
fmt.Println(x)                      // "3"

Or, we can update the variable referred to by an addressable reflect.Value directly, without using a pointer, by calling the reflect.Value.Set method:

fmt.Println(x) // "4"

The same checks for assignability that are ordinarily performed by the compiler are done at run time by the Set methods. Above, the variable and the value both have type int, but if the variable had been an int64, the program would panic, so it’s crucial to make sure the value is assignable to the type of the variable:

d.Set(reflect.ValueOf(int64(5))) // panic: int64 is not assignable to int

And of course calling Set on a non-addressable reflect.Value panics too:

x := 2
b := reflect.ValueOf(x)
b.Set(reflect.ValueOf(3)) // panic: Set using unaddressable value

There are variants of Set specialized for certain groups of basic types: SetInt, SetUint, SetString, SetFloat, and so on:

d := reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem()
fmt.Println(x) // "3"

In some ways these methods are more forgiving. SetInt, for example, will succeed so long as the variable’s type is some kind of signed integer, or even a named type whose underlying type is a signed integer, and if the value is too large it will be quietly truncated to fit. But tread carefully: calling SetInt on a reflect.Value that refers to an interface{} variable will panic, even though Set would succeed.

x := 1
rx := reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem()
rx.SetInt(2)                     // OK, x = 2
rx.Set(reflect.ValueOf(3))       // OK, x = 3
rx.SetString("hello")            // panic: string is not assignable to int
rx.Set(reflect.ValueOf("hello")) // panic: string is not assignable to int

var y interface{}
ry := reflect.ValueOf(&y).Elem()
ry.SetInt(2)                     // panic: SetInt called on interface Value
ry.Set(reflect.ValueOf(3))       // OK, y = int(3)
ry.SetString("hello")            // panic: SetString called on interface Value
ry.Set(reflect.ValueOf("hello")) // OK, y = "hello"

When we applied Display to os.Stdout, we found that reflection can read the values of unexported struct fields that are inaccessible according to the usual rules of the language, like the fd int field of an os.File struct on a Unix-like platform. However, reflection cannot update such values:

stdout := reflect.ValueOf(os.Stdout).Elem() // *os.Stdout, an os.File var
fmt.Println(stdout.Type())                  // "os.File"
fd := stdout.FieldByName("fd")
fmt.Println(fd.Int()) // "1"
fd.SetInt(2)          // panic: unexported field

An addressable reflect.Value records whether it was obtained by traversing an unexported struct field and, if so, disallows modification. Consequently, CanAddr is not usually the right check to use before setting a variable. The related method CanSet reports whether a reflect.Value is addressable and settable:

fmt.Println(fd.CanAddr(), fd.CanSet()) // "true false"
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