
Special thanks to Bin Du for his help with the Monitoring chapter, particularly the Azure diagnostics part. Bin Du is a senior software engineer in Microsoft who has been working on Visual Studio diagnostics tools for Azure platform for more than five years. His experience and insights in diagnostic telemetry, performance troubleshooting, and big data analytics made it possible to write about Azure diagnostics and diagnostics practices from an inside view of a developer who is working in those areas.

Special thanks also to Den Delimarschi for helping author the Continuous Delivery chapter. Den is a Program Manager who had previously worked on improving the build and continuous integration process for Outlook so his insights and hands-on experience were invaluable.

This book would not have been possible without the help of many people. Special thanks to all of the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and discussion, which has helped to make the book of such a great quality. In particular, thanks to Ahmet Alp Balkan, Bin Du, Chris Patterson, Christopher Bennage, Corey Sanders, Den Delimarschi, Donovan Brown, Jeffrey Richter, John Gossman, Lubo Birov, Marc Mercuri, Mark Fussell, Masashi Narumoto, Matt Snider, Vaclav Turecek.

We also thank our families and friends who have contributed in countless nontechnical ways. We could not have done it without your support!

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