
Continuous Innovation: To keep their positon in the market, the team needs to be able to experiment with new features and release them into the market immediately.

Reduce Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): The DevOps team needs to be able to quickly identify and release fixes to the service.

Technology Choice: New technologies are constantly being introduced into the market that can be leveraged in key areas of the application, and it’s important that the team is able to quickly adopt them if it makes sense for the business.

Optimize resources: It’s important that the application is optimized to reduce cloud infrastructure costs.

Application availability: It’s important that some features of the application are highly available.

Reduce developer ramp-up: The team has been growing quickly, and it’s important that new developers are able to ramp up and begin contributing immediately.

It’s apparent the ecommerce application will benefit from a microservices architecture and the costs are worth the return. The team has enough experience in DevOps to service design to handle it, and the application has been decomposed into the following set of services.

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