Deleting Data from the Server

Using Ajax, you can now save orders to the server and retrieve orders from the server. The last thing to do is to delete orders from the server when they are delivered.

To do this, you will send an HTTP request to the URL for an individual order. As you did with RemoteDataStore.prototype.get, you will use the server URL, but you will append a slash and the customer’s email address.

You will be sending the server a DELETE request. DELETE is one of the HTTP verbs. The server knows to remove the data associated with that customer’s email address if it receives a DELETE request at that URL.

Using jQuery’s $.ajax method

jQuery provides the $.get and $.post methods as a convenience because these are the two most common HTTP verbs used. For example, a GET request is used whenever the browser asks for an HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or image file (among others). A POST request is used most often when a form is submitted.

jQuery does not provide a convenience method for sending DELETE requests via Ajax. Instead, you will need to use the $.ajax method. ($.get and $.post actually call $.ajax for you, specifying GET and POST as the HTTP verbs.)

In remotedatastore.js, add the remove prototype method. In it, call the $.ajax method, passing it two arguments. The first argument is an individual coffee order’s URL, made up of the server URL, a slash, and the key (the customer’s email address). The second argument is an object that contains the options, or settings, for the Ajax request. The only option you need to specify for the remove method is that the type is DELETE.

  RemoteDataStore.prototype.get = function (key, cb) {

  RemoteDataStore.prototype.remove = function (key) {
    $.ajax(this.serverUrl + '/' + key, {
      type: 'DELETE'

  App.RemoteDataStore = RemoteDataStore;
  window.App = App;

(There are many options available for Ajax requests, which you can read about at​jquery.ajax.)

Save and return to the console. Instantiate a new RemoteDataStore and invoke the remove method. Pass it the email address for the test orders you have created. Finally, call getAll to confirm that it is no longer included in the orders returned from the server.

var remoteDS = new App.RemoteDataStore
remoteDS.remove('[email protected]');

If you inspect the response from the server for the DELETE request, you can see that the server sends back information about what it did (Figure 13.11). (As we mentioned earlier, other servers may provide different information in the response.)

Figure 13.11  Inspecting the response from a DELETE request

Inspecting the response from a DELETE request
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