Setting Up Your Development Environment

There are countless tools and resources for front-end development, with more being built all the time. Choosing the best ones is challenging for developers of all skill levels. Throughout the projects in this book, we will guide you in the use of some of our favorites.

To get started, you will need three basic tools: a browser, a text editor, and good reference documentation for the many technologies used in front-end development. Also, there are several extras that – while not essential – will make your development experience smoother and more enjoyable.

For the purposes of this book we recommend that you use the same software we use to get the most benefit from our directions and screenshots. This chapter walks you through installing and configuring the Google Chrome browser, the Atom text editor, Node.js, and a number of plug-ins and extras. You will also find out about good documentation options and get a crash course in using the command line on Mac and Windows. In the next chapter, you will put all these resources to use as you begin your first project.

Installing Google Chrome

Your computer should already have a browser installed by default, but the best one to use for front-end development is Google Chrome. If you do not already have the latest version of Chrome, you can get it from www.google.com/​chrome/​browser/​desktop (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1  Downloading Google Chrome

Downloading Google Chrome
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