For the More Curious: Alternatives to Atom

There are many, many text editors to choose from. If you are not that keen on Atom, when you are done working through the projects in this book you may want to try out one of the following two options. Both are available for free for Mac and Windows, and both have a large number of plug-ins to customize your development experience. Also, like Atom, both are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but run as desktop applications.

Visual Studio Code is Microsoft’s open source text editor, made specifically for developing web applications. It can be downloaded from (Figure 1.28).

Figure 1.28  The Visual Studio Code website

The Visual Studio Code website

Adobe’s Brackets text editor is particularly good for building user interfaces with HTML and CSS. In fact, it provides an extension for helping you work with Adobe’s layered PSD image files. Brackets is available from (Figure 1.29).

Figure 1.29  The Adobe Brackets website

The Adobe Brackets website
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