
14-24mm lens, 152

16mm fisheye lens, 15, 176

24-70mm lens, 15, 39, 152

50-gallon plastic bags, 71

70-200mm lens, 15, 90, 123, 152, 174, 176

80-400mm lens, 90, 174

81A gel, 155, 158

105mm lens, 152

300mm lens, 15


A-4 Skyhawk aircraft, 128, 142

A6M2 Zero aircraft, 167, 187, 198, 202

A36 Bonanza aircraft, 179

acronyms, aviation-related, 3

AD/A-1 Skyraider Attack Bomber, 45

ADDS weather app, 58

aerial photography, 177

Aeronca 7AC aircraft, x, 58

afternoon light, 31

air shows, 3, 63–87

description of, 65

early bird/sunrise pass to, 71–73

finding a listing of, 65

flying into, 63–65

gear recommended for, 69–71

information in guides to, 149

interacting with owners/pilots at, 73–78 class on shooting, 82

lighting considerations at, 79–80

locating yourself at, 78–81

panning technique used at, 80–81

photographic strategies for, 84–87

self-preservation at, 66–68

spectator photography at, 147–149

spending two days at, 80

starting at smaller, 82, 84

See also fly-ins

air traffic control (ATC), 165


attraction of, viii

reflectivity of, 29, 105, 106

restoration of, 29, 91, 160–161

airports, letter indicators for, 3

air-to-air photography, 1, 163–209

author’s introduction to, 167–173

backgrounds used in, 169

backlit opportunities in, 107

basics of shooting, 173

broadside shots in, 195

check lists for, 185–186

communicating with pilots in, 183–185, 198–199

flight bags for, 185

flight suits for, 182–183

flight/safety brief for, 193–194

gear recommended for, 174–176, 181–182

hand-holding cameras for, 173

horizon line in, 201–202

logbook or log app for, 203

personal approaches to, 166–167

photo platform for, 176–180

pilot considerations for, 180–181

portraits of pilots in, 196

post-flight recommendations for, 203

safety harness for, 181–182

sharing your images from, 204

shooting open or no canopy, 187–188

shooting through windows, 188–191

Shot List for, 193, 194, 195–198

video recording of, 191–192

warning about dangers of, 167, 173

weather concerns in, 164–165

wind stream and, 187–188

airworthy aircraft, 29

angle of attack, 39

antique aircraft, 85, 89

Antique Airplane Association (AAA), 89

AOPA Regional Fly-Ins, 89

aperture priority mode, 5, 8

aperture settings

dust in photos related to, 54

mode for prioritizing, 5, 8

Arizona Ground Crew reenactors, 151

astro blast mode, 8

AT-6 Texan aircraft, ix, 32, 65, 103, 178, 182

Midnight Miss III, 2

Midnight Rendezvous, xii

attitude, 39, 56, 101

Auto-area AF mode, 4, 47, 98, 99

autofocus system, 4–5, 12, 99

aviation photography

air shows for, 63–87

air-to-air shots in, 163–209

aviation acronyms and, 3

camera settings for, 4–12

cleaning the sensor for, 13

fly-ins for, 88–91

gear recommended for, 16–17

ground-to-air shots in, 96–131

importance of light in, 22 resources on, viii

lenses used for, 15, 174

light and shadow in, 24–39

movement conveyed in, 48–60

open-mindedness in, 38

romance in, 38–39

Aviator (film), 58


B-17 Flying Fortress, 53, 100

B-17G aircraft

Sentimental Journey, 14, 38–39, 78, 151, 181

Thunderbird, 192

B-24 Liberator aircraft, 79

B25 aircraft

Doolittle Raiders reunion, 19–21, 134–139

used as photo platforms, 179

B25A aircraft, Miss Hap, 139

B25H aircraft, Barbie III, 82–84

B25J aircraft

Betty’s Dream, 34, 78, 98, 115, 139, 181, 187, 195, 202

God and Country, 179

Maid in the Shade, 21, 134, 135, 138

Miss Mitchell, 18

Pacific Princess, 139

Pacific Prowler, 129

Panchito, 138, 139

Show Me, 122

Take-Off Time, 110

B-29 aircraft, FIFI, 55, 122


creating motion blur in, 57, 109–110, 118–119

ground-to-air photography, 109–112

people photography, 150

takeoff and landing, 127

backlit photos, 107–108

ballhead, 192

banana pass, 79–80

banking turns, 57

Battle of Britain (film), 23

Beech A-212 aircraft, 90

Beech D18S aircraft, 30

Beech Party fly-in, 89

Beechcraft AT-6 aircraft, 48

Beechcraft King Air B200 aircraft, 202

Bell UH-1 Iroquois aircraft, 67, 68

biplanes, 53, 81, 85

Blakesburg Fly-In, 88, 89, 91

blinkies, 27

Blue Max, The (film), 124

blue skies, 105–106, 113

blurred backgrounds, 57, 109–110, 118–119

body language, 199 website, 15

bouncing light, 155

Bowen, Paul, 169

bracketing photos, 36

broadside shots, 195

Buehn, Dennis, 143

buffer issues, 8, 127, 174

Bush, George H. W., 94–96

business cards, 71, 77, 89, 141


C-47 Skytrain, 109

C-130 aircraft, 167, 168, 169–171, 180

Cable Air Show, 82

Cactus Fly-In, 89


autofocus system, 4–5

buffer issues, 8, 127, 174

carry bags for, 16, 69, 71

exposure modes, 5

FPS speed, 8–12

hand-holding, 44–45, 84, 96, 173

panning, 47–48, 80–81, 97–98

renting, 176

straps for, 17, 45, 173

tilting/turning, 101

Canadian Harvard aircraft, 59, 125

carabiner, 173

card write speeds, 12

carry bags, 16, 69, 71

Caudron G.III aircraft, 122, 123

Cessna 170 aircraft, 191

Cessna 172 aircraft, 177

Cessna 182RG aircraft, 154, 177

Cessna 750X+ aircraft, 34

Cessna Citation aircraft, 195

Cessna Citation X+ aircraft, 158, 159

Cessna T-50 Bamboo Bomber, 52

CFI (certified flight instructor), 177

chairs for air shows, 67–68

Clean Image Sensor option, 13

cleaning sensors, 13, 80

closest subject priority, 4, 99


aircraft backgrounds utilizing, 59

ground-to-air photography and, 106, 112–114

illusion of speed conveyed by, 59–60


air-to-air photos of pilots in, 196

on-ground photos of pilots in, 127, 145–146

Cole, Richard E., 134, 139, 140

color cast, 118, 190

Columbia PFG shirts, 66–67

Commander 500s Shrike aircraft, 52


air-to-air photography, 183–185, 198–199

terminology for aviation, 3

compression, long-lens, 128–131

continuous high firing mode, 98, 99

Continuous-servo AF mode, 99

contrast, 24, 27–29

coupling link, 173


David Clark (DC) headsets, 184

dawn light, 30–31

Dawson, “Bucky,” 169

DC-3 Flagship aircraft, 28, 29

debriefing, post-flight, 203

depth of field (DOF), 5, 150

direction of light, 106

disk blur. See prop blur


panning and camera-to-subject, 54

safety and between-aircraft, 193

Diussa, Scott, 2

Doolittle Raiders 70th Reunion, 19–21, 134–140

B25 aircraft at, 134–137

living attendees of, 134

Doolittle, Jimmy, 41, 134

Douglas A-1E Skyraider aircraft, 5

Douglas C-53 Skytrooper aircraft, 186

Dragon Rapide aircraft, 123, 124

D-rings, 182

Dudley story, 141–142

dust spots, 13, 54

Duxford Aerodrome, 123


EA-6B Prowler aircraft, 118, 119

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, 62, 64–65, 72, 141–142

early bird pass, 71–73

editorial market, 86–87

emotion, 22

Epson printers, 143

equipment. See gear recommendations


camera modes for, 5

clouds related to, 60

determining settings for, 6–8

light and, 35–37

exposure compensation, 6, 8, 155, 156

eye used for shooting, 47

eyecup for cameras, 45, 97


F2G Corsair aircraft, 102

F2G Super Corsair aircraft, 107

F2G-1 Super Corsair aircraft, 123, 125

F2G-1D Super Corsair Race 57 aircraft, 160, 161, 199

F2G-2 Super Corsair aircraft, 148, 175, 209

F2G-2 Super Corsair Race 74 aircraft, 161

F4U-1 Corsair aircraft, 130

F4U-4 Corsair aircraft, 35–36

F7F Tigercat aircraft, 52, 118

Big Bossman, 169, 170, 172

Here Kitty, Kitty!, 169, 170, 171, 172

F-16 Fighting Falcons, 101

F-22 Raptor aircraft, 86

F-86 Sabre aircraft, 85, 128

F-106 Delta Dart aircraft, 30

Fagen MX2 aircraft, 24

Fairchild aircraft, 31, 72

family history, 87

family outings, 87

FAST cards, 180

Fast Orange Wipes, 13, 68

FG-1D Corsair aircraft, 29, 49, 52, 149, 150, 167, 181, 187, 202

fill flash, 152

filters, 173, 188

firmware, updating, 12

fisheye lenses, 15, 176


gels used for, 155

learning to use, 152, 156

portrait photography and, 76, 152, 153, 155

remote TTL cord attached to, 154

flash compensation, 156

flight, romance of, viii–xi

flight bags, 185

flight suits, 182–183

flight/safety brief, 193–194

Florida International Air Show, 82

fly-ins, 88–91

challenge of finding, 88–89

description of, 65–66, 88

gear recommended for, 69–71, 90

how to approach, 89–91

meeting people at, 90

See also air shows

FM-2 Wildcat aircraft, 25, 102, 196

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 aircraft, 26, 27, 148


autofocus system for, 4–5, 12, 99

ground-to-air photography, 99–100

Focus Tracking with Lock-On, 99

fog, 164–166

follow-up tools, 77

foot care, 66

Ford Tri-Motor aircraft, 145, 203

formations, 180, 193

Foss, Joe, 151

frames per second (FPS), 8–12

framing images, 54–57

FreeWire Quickdraws, 182

f-stops, 150

fuselage, 48–49, 99


gear list, 16, 185

gear recommendations

for air shows/fly-ins, 69–71, 90

for air-to-air photography, 174–176, 181–182

for aviation photography, 16–17

for people photography, 152

gels, 155, 158

German reenactors, 148, 155

gesture, 39, 56, 101

Glacier glasses, 67

gloves for hand signals, 185, 199

Golden Gate Bridge photos, 162, 165–166

golden light, 24, 154–155

Graham, Kevin, 169

gray skies, 109, 113

Great Lakes Biplane, 81, 119

Griffin, Thomas C., 134, 139

Grimes Field, 19, 132, 139

ground effect, 124

ground-to-air photography, 96–131

backgrounds in, 109–112

backlighting for, 107–108

basics of, 96–98

clouds in, 106, 112–114

explanation of, 96

focusing for, 99–100

hand-holding cameras for, 96–97

Hollywood effect in, 128–131

horizontal orientation for, 100

illusion of speed in, 118–120

lighting considerations for, 103–109

long-lens compression in, 128–131

moving around for, 126

panning technique for, 97–98

skies in, 105–106, 109, 113

smoke in, 114–118

takeoff and landing in, 121–127

vertical orientation for, 101–103

viewer involvement in, 131

Group-area AF, 4

Grumman G-21 Goose aircraft, 40

gunner’s seat, 178


Halsey, William “Bull,” 133

Hamilton Metalplane H-47 aircraft, 186

hand signals, 185, 199

hand wipes, 13, 68

hand-held radios, 184–185, 199

hand-holding cameras, 44–47, 84, 96, 173

hangars, lighting, 153, 154

Hanriot aircraft, 46

Hardy, George, 156

Hawker Hurricane Mk.XIIA aircraft, 32

Hawker Sea Fury FB. 11 aircraft, 183

Hawker Sea Fury Mk. 11 aircraft, 43

HDR photos, 36

headsets, 184–185, 199

high noon light, 31, 155

highlight warning, 27

Hinton, Steve, 73

Hollywood effect, 128–131

Hone, Claude, 150–151

horizon line, 201–202

horizontal orientation, 100, 200

Horsemen F-86 Sabre performance, 85

hot shoe flash, 152, 153, 155

Howard 500 aircraft, 34, 91, 119, 120, 208

Hughes, Howard, 58

human element. See people photography

hydration, importance of, 66


iPads, 17, 71, 74

IS/VR technology, 176


Jefferson, Alexander, 156

jets, 54, 118

Josey, Allen, 135


K&M Adventures, 93, 94 resources, viii, 156

Kelley, Larry, 135

Kelty Linger chair, 67

Kennebunkport, Maine, 94

KeyMission video cameras, 17

knee board, 194


L-5 Sentinel aircraft, 157, 158

L-39 Albatros aircraft, 196

landing photos, 121, 125–127

landscape orientation, 100

landscape photography, xi

late afternoon light, 31

launch photos, 121–125, 127

left-seat flying, 177

lens shades/hoods, 173, 188


aviation photography, 15, 174

long, 90, 128–131, 145–146, 150, 152

prefocusing, 5, 100

renting, 15

wide-angle, 15, 76, 152

wipes for cleaning, 13, 68

zoom, 15, 90, 123


backlit shots and, 107–108

bouncing, 155

contrast and, 24, 27–29

direction of, 106

exposure and, 35–37

golden hours of, 24, 154–155

reflected, 27, 105

romance related to, 38–39

shadows and, 24–26, 27

storytelling and, 22, 29

time of day and, 23–26, 29–34

lighting considerations

for air shows, 79–80

for ground-to-air photography, 103–109

for people photography, 150, 153–156

logbook, 17, 203

LogTen Pro X app, 17, 203

long lenses

compression effect from, 128–131

fly-in photos using, 90

open cockpit photos using, 145–146

people photography using, 150, 152

long-term assignments, 87

Luscombe T8F Observer, 194


magazine articles, 86–87, 91

Magnum 50° reflector, 158

Manfrotto 492LCD Micro Ball Head, 192

McGee, Charles, 156

McNally, Joe, 156

Meyers MAC 145 aircraft, 23

microphones, 17

midday light, 31

MiG 15 aircraft, 57

MILAVIA website, 65

modern military aircraft, 85–86

Monocoupe 110 Special aircraft, 196, 201

Morane-Saulnier MS.230 aircraft, 124

morning light, 31

motion blur, 57, 109–110, 118–119

Mountainsmith Lumbar Day Pack, 16, 69

Mountainsmith Strapettes harness, 69


clouds for conveying, 59–60

communicating in images, xi, 48

framing aircraft to suggest, 54–57

prop blur indicating, 48–54

movies. See video

mystery, creating, 39


N-9MB flying wing, 113

National Aviation Heritage Invitational awards, 160

nighttime light, 34

Nikon AN-SBR2 BlackRapid Quick-Draw Strap, 16, 17

Nikon cameras

autofocus system on, 4

gear recommendations for, 16

video recording using, 192

Nikon Lens Wipes, 13, 68

Nikon Professional Services (NPS), 169

Nomex flight suit, 182

“North 40” plane camping, 62


Octa light, 158, 159

Odegaard, Robert, 107, 160–161

Oshkosh gathering, 62, 64–65, 72, 141–142

out-of-focus images, 99

overcast skies, 155

overexposed images, 6, 7

owners of aircraft

engaging at air shows, 73–78

sending prints to, 143


P-38F Lightning aircraft

23 Skidoo, 168, 170

Glacier Girl, 168, 170, 171, 172

P-38L Lightning aircraft, 97

P-40 Kittyhawk aircraft, 53

P-40 Warhawk aircraft, 116

P-40E Kittyhawk aircraft, 53

P-40E Warhawk aircraft, 31

P-40K Warhawk aircraft, Aleutian Tiger, 56, 112, 135, 181, 187, 202

P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft, 37, 53, 70, 192

P-51 Mustang aircraft, 52

P-51C Mustang aircraft, 131, 156

P-51D Mustang aircraft, 49, 53, 181

Big Beautiful Doll, 159–160

Boo-Man Choo, 192

Boomer, 33, 190

Charlotte’s Chariot, 192

Cripes A’Mighty, 160, 183

Dakota Kid II, 145, 181, 187, 192, 202

Little Horse, 192

painting effect, 87

panning technique, 47–48

air shows and, 80–81

air-to-air photography and, 173

camera-to-subject distance and, 54

fuselage as focus of, 48–49

ground-to-air photography and, 97–98

long lenses and slowing down, 130

tips and tail problem, 100

panoramas, 202


for prints, 143

for writing notes, 147

Pekala, Bill, 169

pencil and paper, 147

people photography, 133–161

author’s lesson about, 141–142

cultivating relationships for, 146–147, 151

Doolittle Raiders Reunion, 134–140

flash used for, 152

gear recommended for, 152

lighting considerations for, 153–156

making subjects pop in, 150–151

open cockpits for, 145–146

overcoming the social challenge of, 143

pilot portrait project, 157–160

preparation recommended for, 144–145

rewards of shooting, 160–161

sending prints to subjects of, 143, 146–147

spectators as subjects of, 147–149

See also portraits

personal assignments, 87

photo pass, 79–80

photog list, 186

PIC (pilot-in-command), 177

pickup portraits, 156

pigtail, 182

pilot operating handbook (POH), 182


air-to-air photography, 180–181

asking about fly-ins, 88–89

author’s lesson on photographing, 141–142

cultivating relationships with, 146–147

engaging at air shows, 73–78

ground-to-air focus on, 100

left-seat vs. right-seat, 177

portraits of, 157–160, 196

sending prints to, 77, 143, 146–147, 204

thanking after flights, 203

See also people photography

Piper J3C-65 Cub aircraft, x, 104, 106, 108, 111

Piper PA-11 Cub aircraft, x, 60–61

Piper PA-18 Super Cub aircraft, 205, 207

Pitts Special Biplane, 53

plane camping, 62, 64

Planes of Fame Air Show, 72, 73

plastic bags, 71

Platine paper, 143

Plexiglas windows, 188–190

POH (pilot operating handbook), 182

Point Mugu Air Show, vii

Polly, Michael, 138

Porterfield 65 aircraft, 33, 52, 89, 90, 124, 125, 189


lenses for, 152

lighting, 152, 153–156

pickup, 156

pilot, 157–160, 196

preparing to shoot, 76

See also people photography

post-flight recommendations, 203

post-production, 80, 118, 190

predawn light, 30

prefocusing lenses, 5, 100

prints, sending to pilots, 77, 143, 146–147, 204

professionalism, 71, 147

Profoto lights, 158, 159, 160

prop blur, 48–54

air-to-air photography and, 200

examples of bad and good, 50–53

shutter speed and, 49, 54, 119, 126–127, 171

takeoff vs. landing and, 126–127

protective lens filter, 188

P-S1D Mustang aircraft, xi

PT-17 Stearman aircraft, 64, 105, 108, 114, 121, 206

pylon races, 2–3, 112, 130–131


Radar Cast app, 58

radios, hand-held, 184–185

Really Right Stuff Ground-Level tripod, 17

recovery photos, 121, 125–127

reenactors, 75, 78, 148, 151

reflected light, 27, 105

Reno Air Races, 2, 168


cameras, 176

lenses, 15

restored aircraft, 29, 91, 160–161

right-seat flying, 177

rivets, aircraft, 29

rock-steady cameras, 44–47

romance in aviation, 38–39

Royal Canadian Airforce Snowbirds, 117, 118

RV aircraft, 140, 141, 144


safety harness, 181–182

Saylor, Edward J., 134, 139

SB-5000 Speedlight, 152

SBD Dauntless aircraft, 30

Schweizer SGS 1-26 Glider, 204

scratches on windows, 188–190

self-preservation, 66–68

sensors, cleaning, 13, 80


contrast and, 29

light and, 24–26, 27

mystery and, 39

sharing your images, 204

shoes for air shows, 66

Short Skyvan aircraft, 180

Shot List, 193, 194, 195–198

show guides, 149

shutter priority mode, 5, 8, 54

shutter release technique, 45, 97

shutter speed

air-to-air photography and, 200

mode for prioritizing, 5, 8, 54

motion blur and, 119

practice shots with slow, 96

prop blur and, 49, 54, 119, 126–127, 171

takeoff/landing photos and, 127

Sioux Falls Airshow, 151


ground-to-air photography, 105–106, 109

portraits under overcast, 155

Slocum, Scott, 169

smoke from aircraft, 114–118

sniper mode, 8

sniper portraits, 152

SNJ-5C Texan aircraft, xi, 92

spectator photography, 147–149


blurring backgrounds to show, 57, 118–119

clouds used to convey, 59–60

creating the illusion of, 118–120

Spitfire Mk. IX aircraft, 34, 127, 155, 178, 181

Spitfire V Mk. IXb aircraft, 9, 10–11, 12

Starduster Too aircraft, 32, 153, 184

Stearman Field, 108

stepless shutter speeds, 5

Stinson Reliant SR-9F aircraft, 31, 162, 164, 165

stock photography, 84

storytelling, 22, 29, 131, 148, 150

straps, camera, 17, 45, 173

strip light, 159

subjects, determining, 22


backlit photos and, 107–108

disk blur and flying into, 200

personal protection from, 66–67

sunblock, 66

sunglasses, 67

sunrise pass, 71–73

sunset light, 34

Super Guppy aircraft, 30


T-28 Trojan aircraft, 33

T-33 Shooting Star aircraft, 143

tack sharp images, 96, 171

takeoff photos, 121–125, 127

tandem seats, 178

Taylor J-2 aircraft, 32

Taylorcraft BC-12D aircraft, x

TBM Avenger aircraft, 126, 179, 187

Team AeroDynamix, 117

telephoto lenses. See long lenses

terminology, aviation, 3, 177

test pilots, 158

Texas Flying Legends Museum (TFLM), 93, 94–95, 134

Thatcher, David J., 134, 139

tilting your camera, 101

tips and tails problem, 100

to do list, 185

“Tora! Tora! Tora!” re-creation, 116, 117

tripods, 17, 44, 130

twilight light, 34


underexposed images, 6, 7, 106

USAF Thunderbirds F-16 Fighting Falcons, 101

USS Hornet, 133, 134

USS Nashville, 133


VanderMeulen, Richard, 169

vertical orientation, 101–103, 201


equipment for shooting, 17

recording on air-to-air shoots, 191–192

VisibleDust swab system, 13

VR/IS technology, 176

Vulture A2 strap, 173


Waco DSO aircraft, 42

Waco QCF aircraft, vi, 31, 197

Waco YKC aircraft, 90

warbirds, 84–85, 185

weather concerns, 41, 42, 58, 164–165

weight lifting tip, 102

wide-angle lenses, 15, 76, 152

wildlife photography, xi

wind stream, 187–188

windows, shooting through, 188–191

Wings Over Wiscasset air show, 93

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 19–21, 110

writing pad, 147

X, Y, Z

XB-70 Valkyrie aircraft, 181

YouTube channel of author, 13

zoom lenses, 15, 90, 123

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