
One of the greatest gifts of aviation photography is the community that is required to reach photographic success. I’ve been very blessed to work with some of the greats, and to all of you, a giant, heartfelt thank you! I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have been befriended and mentored by Kevin Dobler, Warren Pietsch, and, especially, Bob Odegaard. You will forever have my eternal gratitude for all you have shared with me, and the experiences of a lifetime that fill this book and my heart.

The community of pilots and plane owners who have supported and been a part of my craziness over the past decade is an exhausting list, and to all of you, thanks ever so much. I especially need to thank Doug Rozendaal, Scott Foster, Bernie Vasquez, Dale and Brian Churchill, Larry Perkins, Casey Odegaard, Kermit Weeks, Mike Schiffer, Alan Miller, Kevin Crozier, Jim Busha, Bruce Eames, Mark Murphy, Sam Graves, Spike Mclane, Brian Sturm, Scott Woods, Angela West, Lee Lauderback, KT Budde-Jones, Walt Bowe, Tyson Voelkel, Tony Phillippi, Toby McPherson, Bob Engkvist, Ryan Pemberton, Addison Pemberton, Russ Gilmore, Richard VanderMeulen, Paul Bowen, Rod Lewis, Matt Sager, Larry Kelley, Paul Stecewycz, Jay Consalvi, Mark Todd, Pat Hutchinson, and Howard Cook. To you all—blue skies!

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