Lesson 23

Controlling Flow with Conditions and Loops

What You’ll Learn in This Lesson:

  • Image How to test conditions with the if statement

  • Image How to use comparison operators to compare values

  • Image How to use logical operators to combine conditions

  • Image How to use alternative conditions with else

  • Image How to create expressions with conditional operators

  • Image How to test for multiple conditions

  • Image How to perform repeated statements with the for loop

  • Image How to use while and do...while loops

  • Image How to create infinite loops (and why you shouldn’t)

  • Image How to escape from loops and continue loops

  • Image How to loop through an array’s properties

Statements in a JavaScript program generally execute in the order in which they appear, one after the other. Because this order isn’t always practical, most programming languages provide flow control statements that let you control the order in which code is executed. Functions, which you learned about in the preceding lesson, are one type of flow control; although a function might be defined first thing in your code, its statements can be executed anywhere in the script.

In this lesson, you’ll look at two other types of flow control in JavaScript: conditions, which allow a choice of different options depending on values that are tested, and loops, which allow statements to repeat based on certain conditions.

The if Statement

One of the most important features of a computer language is the capability to test and compare values and to perform different actions based on the results of the test or the values that are present. This allows your scripts to behave differently based on the values of variables or based on input from the user.

The if statement is the main conditional statement in JavaScript. This statement means much the same in JavaScript as it does in English. For example, here is a typical conditional statement in English:

If the phone rings, answer it.

This statement consists of two parts: a condition (If the phone rings) and an action (answer it). The if statement in JavaScript works much the same way. Here is an example of a basic if statement:

if (a == 1) alert("I found a 1!");

This statement includes a condition (if a equals 1) and an action (display a message). This statement checks the variable a and, if it has a value of 1, displays an alert message. Otherwise, it does nothing.

If you use an if statement all on one line, as in the preceding example, you can use only a single statement as the action. However, you can also use multiple statements for the action by enclosing the entire if statement in curly braces ({}), as shown here:

if (a == 1) {
   alert("I found a 1!");
   a = 0;

This block of statements checks the variable a once again. If the value of the variable matches 1, it displays a message and sets a to 0.

It’s up to you, as a matter of personal style, whether you use the curly braces for single statements within flow control structures. Some people find it easier to read if all the flow control structures are clearly delineated through the use of curly braces no matter their length, and other developers are perfectly happy using a mix of single-line conditional statements and statements within braces. It doesn’t really matter which you use; just try to use them consistently for easier ongoing maintenance.

Conditional Operators

The action part of an if statement can include any of the JavaScript statements you’ve already learned (and those you haven’t, for that matter), but the condition part of the statement uses its own syntax. This is called a conditional expression.

A conditional expression usually includes two values to be compared (in the preceding example, the values a and 1). These values can be variables, constants, or even expressions in themselves.


Either side of the conditional expression can be a variable, a constant, or an expression. You can compare a variable and a value or compare two variables. (You can also compare two constants, but there’s usually no reason to do this.)

Between the two values to be compared is a conditional operator. This operator tells JavaScript how to compare the two values. For instance, the == operator that you saw in the preceding section is used to test whether the two values are equal.

Various conditional operators are available:

  • Image ==—Is equal to

  • Image !=—Is not equal to

  • Image <—Is less than

  • Image >—Is greater than

  • Image >=—Is greater than or equal to

  • Image <=—Is less than or equal to


Be sure not to confuse the equality operator (==) with the assignment operator (=), even though they both might be read or referred to as “equals.” Remember to use = when assigning a value to a variable and == when comparing values. Confusing these two is one of the most common mistakes in programming (JavaScript or otherwise).

Combining Conditions with Logical Operators

Often, you’ll want to check a variable for more than one possible value or check more than one variable at once. JavaScript includes logical operators, also known as Boolean operators, for this purpose. For example, the following two statements check different conditions and use the same action:

if (phone == "") alert("error!");
if (email == "") alert("error!");

Using a logical operator, you can combine them into a single statement:

if ((phone == "") || (email == "")) alert("Something Is Missing!");

This statement uses the logical OR operator (||) to combine the conditions. Translated to English, this would be, “If the phone number is blank or the email address is blank, display an error message.”

An additional logical operator is the AND operator, &&. Consider this statement:

if ((phone == "") && (email == "")) alert("Both Values Are Missing!");

In this case, the error message will be displayed only if both the email address and phone number variables are blank.


If the JavaScript interpreter discovers the answer to a conditional expression before reaching the end, it does not evaluate the rest of the condition. For example, if the first of two conditions separated by the || operator is true, the second is not evaluated because the condition (one or the other) has already been met. You can therefore use operators to improve the speed of your scripts.

A third logical operator is the exclamation point (!), which means NOT. It can be used to invert an expression—in other words, make a true expression false and a false expression true. For example, here’s a statement that uses the NOT operator:

if (!phone == "") alert("phone is OK");

In this statement, the ! (NOT) operator inverts the condition, so the action of the if statement is executed only if the phone number variable is not blank. You could also use the != (NOT EQUAL) operator to simplify this statement:

if (phone != "") alert("phone is OK");

Both of the preceding statements will alert you if the phone variable has a value assigned to it (that is, if it is not blank or null).


Logical operators are powerful, but it’s easy to accidentally create an impossible condition with them. For example, the condition ((a < 10) && (a > 20)) might look correct at first glance. However, if you read it out loud, you get “If a is less than 10 and a is greater than 20”—which is an impossibility in our universe. In this case, OR (||) should have been used to make a meaningful condition.

The else Keyword

An additional feature of the if statement is the else keyword. Much like its English-language counterpart, else tells the JavaScript interpreter what to do if the condition in the if statement isn’t met. The following is a simple example of the else keyword in action:

if (a == 1) {
   alert("Found a 1!");
   a = 0;
} else {
   alert("Incorrect value: " + a);

This snippet displays a message and resets the variable a if the condition is met. If the condition is not met (if a is not 1), a different message is displayed, courtesy of the else statement.


Like the if statement, else can be followed either by a single action statement or by a number of statements, enclosed in braces.

Using Shorthand Conditional Expressions

In addition to the if statement, JavaScript provides a shorthand type of conditional expression that you can use to make quick decisions. This uses a peculiar syntax that is also found in other languages, such as C. A conditional expression looks like this:

variable= (condition) ? (value if true) : (value if false);

This construction ends up assigning one of two values to the variable: one value if the condition is true, and another value if it is false. Here is an example of a conditional expression:

value = (a == 1) ? 1 : 0;

This statement might look confusing, but it is equivalent to the following if statement:

if (a == 1) {
   value = 1;
} else {
   value = 0;

In other words, the value directly after the question mark (?) will be used if the condition is true, and the value directly after the colon (:) will be used if the condition is false. The colon and what follows represents the else portion of the statement, were it written as an if...else statement and, like the else portion of the if statement, it is optional.

These shorthand expressions can be used anywhere JavaScript expects a value. They provide a quick way to make simple decisions about values. As an example, here’s a quick way to display a grammatically correct message about a variable:

document.write("Found " + counter +
    ((counter == 1) ? " word." : " words."));

This prints the message Found 1 word if the counter variable has a value of 1 and Found 2 words if its value is 2 or greater.

You might, in fact, find that conditional expressions are not quicker or easier for you to use, and that is perfectly fine. You should, however, know what they look like and how to read them in case you encounter them in someone else’s code in the future.

Testing Multiple Conditions with if and else

You now have all the pieces necessary to create a script using if and else statements to control flow. In Lesson 4, “Understanding JavaScript,” you created a simple script that displays the current date and time. You’ll use that knowledge here as you create a script that uses conditions to display a greeting that depends on the time: “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” “Good evening,” or “Good day.” To accomplish this task, you can use a combination of several if statements, like so:

if (hour_of_day < 10)  {
     document.write("Good morning.");
}  else if ((hour_of_day >= 14) && (hour_of_day <= 17))  {
     document.write("Good afternoon.");
}  else if (hour_of_day >= 17)  {
     document.write("Good evening.");
}  else {
     document.write("Good day.");

The first statement checks the hour_of_day variable for a value less than 10. In other words, it checks whether the current time is before 10:00 a.m. If so, it displays the greeting “Good morning.”

The second statement checks whether the time is between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and, if so, displays “Good afternoon.” This statement uses else if to indicate that this condition will be tested only if the preceding one failed; if it’s morning, there’s no need to check whether it’s afternoon. Similarly, the third statement checks for times after 5:00 p.m. and displays “Good evening.”

The final statement uses a simple else, meaning it will be executed if none of the previous conditions matched. This covers the times between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (neglected by the other statements) and displays “Good day.”

The HTML File

To try the time and greeting example in a browser, you need an HTML file. In this case, you can keep the JavaScript code separate. Listing 23.1 is the complete HTML file. Save it as timegreet.html but don’t load it into the browser until you’ve prepared the JavaScript file in the next section.

Listing 23.1 The HTML File for the Time and Greeting Example

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Time Greet Example</title>
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <h1>Current Date and Time</h1>
    <script src="timegreet.js"></script>

The JavaScript File

Listing 23.2 shows the complete JavaScript file for the time and greeting example. This uses the built-in Date object functions to find the current date and store it in hour_of_day, minute_of_hour, and seconds_of_minute variables, as you learned in the last lesson. Next, document.write statements display the current time, and the if and else statements, introduced earlier, display an appropriate greeting.

Listing 23.2 A Script to Display the Current Time and a Greeting

// Get the current date
now = new Date();

// Split into hours, minutes, seconds
hour_of_day = now.getHours();
minute_of_hour = now.getMinutes();
seconds_of_minute = now.getSeconds();

// Display the time
document.write(hour_of_day + ":" + minute_of_hour +
               ":" + seconds_of_minute);

// Display a greeting
// open the paragraph
// change the greetings
if  (hour_of_day < 10)  {
     document.write("Good morning.");
}  else if ((hour_of_day >= 14) && (hour_of_day <= 17)) {
     document.write("Good afternoon.");
}  else if (hour_of_day >= 17)  {
     document.write("Good evening.");
}  else  {
     document.write("Good day.");
// close the paragraph

To try this example, save this file as timegreet.js and then load the timegreet.html file into your browser. Figure 23.1 shows the results of this script.

A screenshot shows the output of the script for displaying current date and time. The heading of the page is "Current Date and time," followed by time in hours, minutes, and seconds format. A message below reads, Good day.
Figure 23.1 The output of the time and greeting example.

Using Multiple Conditions with switch

In Listing 23.2, you used several if...else statements in a row to test for different conditions. Here is another example of this technique:

if (button=="next") {
} else if (button=="previous") {
} else if (button=="home") {
} else if (button=="back") {

Although using this construction is a logical way of doing things, this method can get messy if each if statement has its own block of code with several statements in it. As an alternative, JavaScript includes the switch statement, which enables you to combine several tests of the same variable or expression into a single block of statements. The following shows the same example converted to use switch:

switch(button) {
    case "next":
    case "previous":
    case "home":
    case "back":
        window.alert("Wrong button.");

The switch statement has several components:

  • Image The initial switch statement—This statement includes the value to test (in this case, button) in parentheses.

  • Image Braces ({ and })—Braces enclose the contents of the switch statement, much as with a function or an if statement.

  • Image One or more case statements—Each of these statements specifies a value to compare with the value specified in the switch statement. If the values match, the statements after the case statement are executed. Otherwise, the next case is tried.

  • Image The break statement—This statement is used to end each case to skip to the end of the switch. If break is not included, statements in multiple cases might be executed, whether or not they match.

  • Image The default case—Optionally, the default case can be included and followed by one or more statements that are executed if none of the other cases were matched.


You can use multiple statements after each case statement within the switch structure and not just the single-line statements shown here. You don’t need to enclose them in braces. If the case matches, the JavaScript interpreter executes statements until it encounters a break or the next case.

One of the main benefits of using a switch statement instead of an if...else statement is readability: In one glance you know that all the conditional tests are for the same expression, and you can therefore focus on understanding the desired outcome of the conditional tests. But using a switch statement is purely optional; you might find that you prefer if...else statements, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Any efficiency gains in using a switch statement instead of an if...else statement will not be noticeable to human eyes, if any is even present at all. The bottom line is this: Use what you like.

Using for Loops

The for keyword is the first tool to consider for creating loops, much as you saw in the preceding lesson, in the random number example. A for loop typically uses a variable (called a counter or an index) to keep track of how many times the loop has executed, and it stops when the counter reaches a certain number. A basic for statement looks like this:

for (var = 1; var < 10; var++) {
   // more code

There are three parameters in the for loop, each separated by semicolons:

  • Image Initial expression—The first parameter (var = 1 in the example) specifies a variable and assigns an initial value to it. This is called the initial expression because it sets up the initial state for the loop.

  • Image Condition—The second parameter (var < 10 in the example) is a condition that must remain true to keep the loop running. This is called the condition of the loop.

  • Image Increment expression—The third parameter (var++ in the example) is a statement that executes with each iteration of the loop. This is called the increment expression because it is typically used to increment the counter. The increment expression executes at the end of each loop iteration.

After the three parameters are specified, a left brace ({) is used to signal the beginning of a block. A right brace (}) is used at the end of the block. All the statements between the braces will be executed with each iteration of the loop.

The parameters for a for loop might sound a bit confusing, but when you’re used to for, you’ll use for loops frequently. Here is a simple example of this type of loop:

for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
   document.write("This is line " + i + "<br>");

These statements define a loop that uses the variable i, initializes it with the value 0, and loops as long as the value of i is less than 10. The increment expression, i++, adds 1 to the value of i with each iteration of the loop. Because this happens at the end of the loop, the output will be nine lines of text.

When a loop includes only a single statement between the braces, as in this example, you can omit the braces if you want. The following statement defines the same loop without braces:

for (i=0; i<10; i++)
   document.write("This is line " + i + "<br>");


It’s a good style convention to use braces with every loop, whether it contains one statement or many statements. This makes it easy to add statements to the loop later, without causing syntax errors.

The loop in this example contains a document.write statement that will be repeatedly executed. To see what this loop does, you can add it to a <script> section of an HTML document, as shown in Listing 23.3.

Listing 23.3 A Loop Using the for Keyword

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Using a for Loop</title>
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <h1>Using a for Loop</h1>
    <p>The following is the output of the <strong>for</strong> loop:</p>
      for (i=1;i<10;i++) {
         document.write("This is line " + i + "<br>");

This example displays a message containing the current value of the loop’s counter during each iteration. The output of Listing 23.3 is shown in Figure 23.2.

A screenshot shows the output of the for loop example. The output is comprised of nine statements, with the same text "This is line" followed by a number, which is the value of "i" every time the loop is executed.
Figure 23.2 The results of the for loop example.

Notice that the loop was executed only nine times. This is because the conditional is i<10—that is, i is less than 10. When the counter (i) is incremented to 10, the expression is no longer true. If you want the loop to count to 10, you have to change the conditional; either i<=10 or i<11 will work fine.

The for loop is traditionally used to count from one number to another, but you can use just about any statement for the initialization, condition, and increment. However, there’s usually a better way to do other types of loops with the while keyword, as described in the next section.

Using while Loops

Another keyword for loops in JavaScript is while. Unlike for loops, while loops don’t necessarily use a variable to count. Instead, they continue to execute as long as a condition is true. In fact, if the condition starts out as false, the statements won’t execute at all.

The while statement includes the condition in parentheses, and it is followed by a block of statements within braces, just like a for loop. Here is a simple while loop:

while (total < 10) {
    total += values[n];

This loop uses a counter, n, to iterate through the values array. Rather than stopping at a certain count, however, it stops when the total of the values reaches 10.

You might have thought that you could have done the same thing with a for loop, and you’d be correct:

for (n=0;total < 10; n++) {
    total += values[n];

As a matter of fact, the for loop is nothing more than a special kind of while loop that handles an initialization and an increment for you, all in one line. You can generally use while for any loop. However, it’s best to choose whichever type of loop makes the most sense for the job or takes the least amount of typing.

Using do...while Loops

JavaScript, like many other programming languages, includes a third type of loop: the do...while loop. This type of loop is similar to an ordinary while loop, with one difference: The condition is tested at the end of the loop rather than the beginning, so the commands inside the loop will always execute at least one time. Here is a typical do...while loop:

do {
    total += values[n];
while (total < 10);

As you’ve probably noticed, this is basically an upside-down version of the previous while example. There is one difference: With the do loop, the condition is tested at the end of the loop. This means that the statements in the loop will always be executed at least once, even if the condition is never true.


As with the for and while loops, the do ... while can include a single statement without braces or a number of statements enclosed in braces.

Working with Loops

Although you can use simple for and while loops for straightforward tasks, there are some considerations you should make when using more complicated loops. In the next sections, you’ll look at infinite loops (to be avoided!) and the break and continue statements, which give you more control over the execution of your loops.

Creating an Infinite Loop

The for and while loops give you quite a bit of control over the loops. In some cases, this can cause problems if you’re not careful. For example, look at the following loop code:

while (i < 10) {
    values[n] = 0;

There’s a mistake in this example. The condition of the while loop refers to the i variable, but that variable doesn’t actually change during the loop; the n variable does. This creates an infinite loop, which means the loop will continue executing until the user stops it or until it generates an error of some kind—usually because the browser runs out of memory.

Infinite loops can’t always be stopped by the user, except by quitting the browser—and some loops can even prevent the browser from quitting or may cause crashes.

Obviously, you should avoid infinite loops. They can be difficult to spot because JavaScript won’t give you an error that actually tells you there is an infinite loop. Thus, each time you create a loop in a script, you should be careful to make sure there’s a way out.


Depending on the browser version in use, an infinite loop might even make the browser stop responding to the user because all the memory is used up. Be sure you provide an escape route from infinite loops and be sure to always test your work.

Occasionally, you might want to create a long-running and seemingly infinite loop deliberately. For example, you might want your program to execute until the user explicitly stops it or until you provide an escape route with the break statement, which is introduced in the next section. Here’s an easy way to create an infinite loop:

while (true) {
   //more code

Because the value true is the conditional, this loop will always find its condition to be true.

Escaping from a Loop

There is a way out of a long-running and seemingly infinite loop. You can use the break statement at some point during the loop to exit immediately and continue with the first statement after the loop. Here is a simple example of the use of break:

while (true) {
    if (values[n] == 1) break;

Although the while statement is set up as an infinite loop, the if statement checks the corresponding value of an array, and if it finds the value 1, it exits the loop.

When the JavaScript interpreter encounters a break statement, it skips the rest of the loop and continues the script with the first statement after the right brace at the loop’s end. You can use the break statement in any type of loop, whether infinite or not. This provides an easy way to exit if an error occurs or if another condition is met.

Continuing a Loop

One more JavaScript statement is available to help you control the execution of a loop. The continue statement skips the rest of the loop but, unlike break, it continues with the next iteration of the loop. Here is a simple example:

for (i=1; i<21; i++) {
  if (score[i]==0) continue;
    document.write("Student number "+ i + ", Score: "
                   + score[i] + "<br>");

This script uses a for loop to print scores for 20 students, stored in the score array (not shown here). The if statement is used to check for scores with a value of 0. The script assumes that a score of 0 means that the student didn’t take the test, so it continues the loop without printing that score.

Looping Through Object Properties

Yet another type of loop is available in JavaScript. The for...in loop is not as flexible as an ordinary for or while loop, but it is specifically designed to perform an operation on each property of an object.

For example, the built-in navigator object contains properties that describe the user’s browser. You can use for...in to display this object’s properties:

for (i in navigator) {
    document.write("<p>Property: " + i + "<br>");
    document.write("Value: " + navigator[i] + "</p>");

Like an ordinary for loop, this type of loop uses an index variable (i in the example). For each iteration of the loop, the variable is set to the next property of the object. This makes it easy when you need to check or modify each of an object’s properties.

One common use of loops is to work with arrays. Without loops, it can be very difficult to initialize arrays. The following script will prompt the user for a series of names. After all the names have been entered, it will display the list of names in a numbered list. First, initialize some variables:

names = new Array();
var i = 0;

The names array will store the names the user enters. You don’t know how many names will be entered, so you don’t need to specify a dimension for the array. The i variable will be used as a counter in the loops.

Next, use the prompt statement to prompt the user for a series of names. The prompt statement acts like alert, only it asks for user input rather than just displaying a message. Use a loop to repeat the prompt for each name. You want the user to enter at least one name, so a do...while loop is ideal:

do {
    next = prompt("Enter the Next Name", "");
    if (next > " ") names[i] = next;
    i = i + 1;
   } while (next > " ");


If you’re interested in making your scripts as short as possible, remember that you could use the increment (++) operator to combine the i = i + 1 statement with the preceding statement, like so:


This loop prompts for a string called next. If a name was entered and isn’t blank, it’s stored as the next entry in the names array. The i counter is then incremented. The loop repeats until the user doesn’t enter a name or clicks Cancel in the prompt dialog.

Next, your script can display the number of names entered:

document.write("<h2>" + (names.length) + " names entered.</h2>");

This statement displays the length property of the names array, surrounded by level 2 heading tags for emphasis.

Next, the script should display all the names in the order in which they were entered. Because the names are in an array, the for...in loop is a good choice:

for (i in names) {
    document.write("<li>" + names[i] + "</li>");

Here you have a for...in loop that loops through the names array, assigning the counter i to each index in turn. The script then prints the name between opening and closing <li> tags as an item in an ordered list. Before and after the loop, the script prints beginning and ending <ol> tags.

You now have everything you need for a working script. Listing 23.4 shows the HTML file for this example, and Listing 23.5 shows the JavaScript file.

Listing 23.4 HTML to Prompt for Names and Display Them

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Loops Example</title>
    <meta name="viewport"
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <h1>Loops Example</h1>
    <p>Enter a series of names and JavaScript will display them
    in a numbered list.</p>
    <script src="loops.js"></script>

Listing 23.5 JavaScript to Prompt for Names and Display Them

// create the array
names = new Array();
var i = 0;

// loop and prompt for names
do {
  next = window.prompt("Enter the Next Name", "");
  if (next > " ") names[i] = next;
  i = i + 1;
} while (next > " ");

document.write("<h2>" + (names.length) + " names entered.</h2>");

// display all of the names
for (i in names) {
  document.write("<li>" + names[i] + "</li>");
// close the list

To try this example, save the JavaScript file as loops.js and then load the HTML document into a browser. You’ll be prompted for one name at a time. Enter several names and then click Cancel to indicate that you’re finished. Figure 23.3 shows what the final results should look like in a browser.

A screenshot shows an example of using do while loop for capturing user input and displaying the same as a list.
Figure 23.3 The output of the names example.


In this lesson, you’ve learned two ways to control the flow of your scripts. First, you learned how to use the if statement to evaluate conditional expressions and react to them. You also learned a shorthand form of conditional expression using the ? operator and the switch statement for working with multiple conditions.

You also learned about JavaScript’s looping capabilities using for, while, and the do...while loops, and how to control loops further by using the break and continue statements. Finally, you looked at the for...in loop for working with each property of an object.


Q. What happens if I compare two items of different data types (for example, a number and a string) in a conditional expression?

A. The JavaScript interpreter does its best to make the values a common format and compare them. In this case, it would convert them both to strings before comparing. You can use the special equality operator === to compare two values and their types. Using this operator, the expression will be true only if the expressions have the same value and the same data type.

Q. Why don’t I get a friendly error message if I accidentally use = instead of ==?

A. In some cases, using = does result in an error. However, the incorrect version often appears to be a correct statement. For example, in the statement if (a=1), the variable a is assigned the value 1. The if statement is considered true, and the value of a is lost.


The Workshop contains quiz questions and activities to help you solidify your understanding of the material covered. Try to answer all questions before looking at the “Answers” section that follows.


1. Which of the following operators means “is not equal to” in JavaScript?

  1. !

  2. !=

  3. <>

2. What does the switch statement do?

  1. Tests a variable or expression for a number of different values

  2. Turns a variable on or off

  3. Makes ordinary if statements longer and more confusing

3. Which type of JavaScript loop checks the condition at the end of the loop?

  1. for

  2. while

  3. do...while

4. Within a loop, what does the break statement do?

  1. Crashes the browser

  2. Starts the loop over

  3. Escapes the loop entirely

5. The statement while (3==3) is an example of which of the following?

  1. A typographical error

  2. An infinite loop

  3. An illegal JavaScript statement

6. How would you write the statement “if J is 10, then M  is 40” in JavaScript?

  1. if (j == 10) m = 40;

  2. if (j == 10) then m = 40;

  3. if (j equals 10) m = 40;

  4. if (j equals 10) then m = 40;

7. Which of these is a logical operator?

  1. $$

  2. &*

  3. =

  4. !

8. What does the following statement say in English?

Wilma = (Barney == 50) ? 44 : 29;

  1. Wilma is 44 and Barney is 50 if Wilma is 29

  2. Wilma is 44 if Barney is 50; otherwise, Wilma is 29

  3. Wilma is 29 if Barny is 50, otherwise Wilma is 44.

  4. Wilma is 29 less than Barney if Barney is 50; otherwise Wilma is 44.

9. What does the statement scooby++ mean in JavaScript?

  1. The function scooby subtracts 1 from the argument.

  2. The function scooby adds 1 to the argument.

  3. The variable scooby has 1 subtracted from its value.

  4. The variable scooby has 1 added to its value.

10. Why would you want to create an infinite loop?

  1. To let the script run until the user stops it.

  2. To let the script run until the computer ends it.

  3. To let the script run until the server stops it.

  4. You would never want to create an infinite loop.


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1. b. The != operator means is not equal to.

2. a. The switch statement can test the same variable or expression for a number of different values.

3. c. The do...while loop uses a condition at the end of the loop.

4. c. The break statement escapes the loop.

5. b. Because the condition (3==3) will always be true, this statement creates an infinite loop.

6. a. The statement would be written as follows:

if (j == 10)
m = 40;

7. d. JavaScript has the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, written as &&, ||, and !.

8. b. The statement says that Wilma is 44 if Barney is 50; otherwise, Wilma is 29.

9. d. This is an increment expression, and it means that scooby will have 1 added to its value.

10. a. An infinite or long-running loop is usually created to let the script run until the user explicitly stops it or until a break or continue statement occurs.


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