Unloading Sounds

The app works, but to be a good citizen you should clean up your SoundPool by calling SoundPool.release() when you are done with it (Listing 20.18).

Listing 20.18  Releasing your SoundPool (BeatBox.kt)

class BeatBox(private val assets: AssetManager) {
    fun play(sound: Sound) {

    fun release() {

    private fun loadSounds(): List<Sound> {

Then, add a matching BeatBox.release() function in MainActivity (Listing 20.19).

Listing 20.19  Releasing your BeatBox (MainActivity.kt)

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var beatBox: BeatBox

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onDestroy() {

Run your app again to make sure it works correctly with your new release() function. If you play a long sound and rotate the screen or hit the Back button, you should now hear the sound stop.

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