Chapter 5. Threat hunting

Until now, you’ve learned important Azure Sentinel capabilities that can be used during the incident response lifecycle, such as analytics and case management. However, organizations that have a more mature Security Operations Center (SOC) are starting to invest more in proactive investigation to identify indications of attack (IOA). This process is usually called “proactive hunting” or “proactive threat hunting.”

Azure Sentinel provides a platform for proactive threat hunting that can help to identify sophisticated threat behaviors used by threat actors, even when they are still in the early stages of the attack. The goal is to be able to disrupt the cyber kill chain during the initial phases to avoid exploitations.

In this chapter, you will learn how to use threat hunting in Azure Sentinel and how to leverage Microsoft Security Researcher’s expertise to create your own hunting queries.

Introduction to threat hunting

Threat hunting is the process of iteratively searching through a variety of data with the objective to identify threats in the systems. Threat hunting involves creating hypotheses about the attackers’ behavior and researching the hypotheses and techniques that were used to determine the artifacts that were left behind.

When a SOC is organized in specialized teams, they are usually divided in different tiers. The diagram shown in Figure 5-1 is an example of a SOC operating in a three-tier approach.

This is a diagram showing the SOC three-tiered approach, which includes Tier 1, Automated Investigation and Remediation; Tier 2, Deeper Analysis and Remediation; and Tier 3, Proactive Hunting and Advanced Forensics.
FIGURE 5-1 SOC using a three-tiered approach

As you can see in Figure 5-1, Tier 3 is responsible for performing proactive hunting and advanced forensics. The goal of this team is to perform an analysis to identify anomalies that may indicate advanced adversaries. While most incidents are remediated at Tiers 1 and 2, only unprecedented findings or deviations from the norm are escalated to Tier 3 teams.

While escalations are usually sent to this team, they don’t operate only in reactive cases; they also do proactive hunting, which entails performing investigations without a formal ongoing incident. Azure Sentinel has a series of pre-defined threat-hunting queries that can help identify suspicious activities. The following sections cover this topic in more detail.

Hunting threats in Azure Sentinel

Azure Sentinel has a dedicated threat-hunting capability designed specifically for hunt teams and Tier 3 analysts. Within Azure Sentinel, an analyst can create a new query; modify existing queries; bookmark, annotate, and tag interesting findings; and launch a more detailed investigation. To access the Hunting dashboard, follow the steps below:

Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has either contributor or read permissions on the resource group to which the Azure Sentinel workspace belongs.

In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click the Azure Sentinel icon when it appears.

Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel is enabled. In the left navigation pane, click Hunting. The Azure Sentinel – Hunting dashboard appears, as shown below in Figure 5-2.

This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard. The dashboard includes Refresh, Last 24 Hours, New Query, and Run All Queries menus. The dashboard also shows the number of hunting queries that exist and a pane that shows the actual Kusto Query Language for each query.
FIGURE 5-2 Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

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In the Hunting blade, there are several components for executing specific actions or configuring other components within the blade. As shown in Figure 5-3, the first component is the Refresh button, which is used to refresh the data visible within the Hunting blade. The button resembling a clock is used to adjust the timeframe for the data appearing within the Hunting blade. Next, the New Query button is used to create a new hunting query. We will cover the details of creating a new hunting query in the next section. The Run All Queries button is used to execute all the Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries in the Hunting blade.

This is a screenshot of the top pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard. The pane includes Refresh, Last 24 Hours, New Query, and Run All Queries buttons.
FIGURE 5-3 Top pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

As shown in Figure 5-4, the middle pane provides summaries of key details for the hunting team and security leaders, including the total number of hunting queries and bookmarks that have been created by analysts. Next is an interactive widget that shows the number of hunting queries that are aligned to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Clicking any one of the individual icons will filter the available queries for that specific attacker technique.

This is a screenshot of the middle pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard. The pane includes icons that represent the total number of hunting queries and bookmarks created by analysts and is broken down by the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
FIGURE 5-4 Middle pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

The MITRE ATT&CK framework is an important tool for hunting teams. According to, MITRE ATT&CK is “a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations.” These adversary tactics and techniques are grouped within a matrix that can be used for forming hunting hypotheses and writing the supporting queries. The ATT&CK Matrix includes the following categories:

  • Initial Access These are techniques used by the adversary to obtain a foothold within a network and includes techniques such as targeted spear-phishing and exploiting vulnerabilities or configuration weaknesses in public-facing systems.

  • Execution These are techniques that result in adversaries running their code on a target system. For example, an attacker may run a PowerShell script to download additional attacker tools and/or to scan other systems.

  • Persistence These are techniques that allow an adversary to maintain access to a target system, even following reboots and credential changes. An example of a persistence technique would be an attacker creating a scheduled task that runs their code at a specific time or on reboot.

  • Privilege Escalation These are techniques leveraged by an adversary to gain higher-level privileges on a system, such as local administrator or root.

  • Defense Evasion These are techniques used by attackers to avoid detection. Evasion techniques include hiding malicious code within trusted processes and folders, encrypting or obfuscating adversary code, and disabling security software.

  • Credential Access These are techniques deployed on systems and networks to steal usernames and credentials for re-use.

  • Discovery These are techniques used by adversaries to obtain information about systems and networks that they are looking to exploit or use for their tactical advantage.

  • Lateral Movement These are techniques that allow an attacker to move from one system to another within a network. Common techniques include pass-the-hash methods of authenticating users and the abuse of the remote desktop protocol.

  • Collection These are techniques used by an adversary to gather and consolidate the information they were targeting as part of their objectives.

  • Command And Control These are techniques leveraged by an attacker to communicate with a system under their control. One example is that an attacker may communicate with a system over an uncommon or high-numbered port to evade detection by security appliances or proxies.

  • Exfiltration These are techniques used to move data from the compromised network to a system or network fully under the control of the attacker.

  • Impact These are techniques used by an attacker to impact the availability of systems, networks, and data. Methods in this category would include denial-of-service attacks and disk- or data-wiping software.

The bottom pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard includes two tables. One table shows the active hunting queries and the other shows the details related to a specific query selected in the active hunting queries table. Figure 5-5 shows the two tables in the bottom pane. Analysts will spend a significant amount of their time reviewing and acting on the information contained in these two tables.

This is a screenshot of the bottom pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard. The pane includes two tables. One table includes the list of active hunting queries in Azure Sentinel; the other table includes the details related to the specific queries.
FIGURE 5-5 Bottom pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

You can also toggle to the hunting Bookmarks view by selecting Bookmarks at the top of the bottom pane, as shown in Figure 5-6.

This is a screenshot of the Queries and Bookmarks buttons on the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard. The buttons allow you to toggle between the queries and bookmarks views.
FIGURE 5-6 Buttons on the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard used to toggle between the Queries and Bookmarks views

In the bottom pane, select Queries to ensure you are in the hunting queries table. As you can see in Figure 5-5, there are five columns within the first table including Query, Provider, Data Source, Results, and Tactics. These columns provide the analyst with the following information:

  • Query This column provides the name of the KQL hunting query.

  • Provider This column lists the entity that created the KQL hunting query. Currently, the two value options for this column will either be Microsoft for the built-in queries that ship with the product or Custom Query for those written by you.

  • Data Source This is the Log Analytics data table from which the results are retrieved.

  • Results This shows the total number of results for the last execution of the query.

  • Tactics This shows the MITRE ATT&CK tactics the specific hunting query is designed to discover.

Finally, for each hunting query—and as shown in Figure 5-7—there is an ellipsis (“…”) at the end of the table, which provides additional options. The options include Run query, Add to favorites, Edit Query, Clone Query, and Delete Query. These options are self-explanatory, and we will cover them in greater detail in the next section.

This is a screenshot of the bottom pane of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard that shows the additional actions that an analyst can take with a selected query. The context menu provides the Run Query, Add To Favorites, Edit Query, Clone Query, and Delete Query options.
FIGURE 5-7 Action menu of the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard for each hunting query

The right-hand table within the bottom pane of the Hunting dashboard contains specific details on the hunting query selected by the analyst in the left-hand table. In Figure 5-8, the details for the Enumeration of users and groups hunting query are shown. Within this window, an analyst can quickly view the KQL query, description of the query, log sources searched, and MITRE ATT&CK tactics covered, and the analyst can take action to run the query or view the results.

This is a screenshot of the query window of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard that shows the additional actions about a selected hunting query. The window contains the name of the query and its description; the provider of the query and its creation date; the results from last running the query; log sources searched; actual KQL text; and the MITRE ATT&CK tactics included in the search. The window also includes action buttons to run the query and view the results.
FIGURE 5-8 Query window within the main Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

The Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard also has a Bookmarks view. Bookmarks allow threat hunters to save, tag, and annotate the results they want to return to during a hunting operation. Tags are custom labels that can be applied to the bookmarked data by an analyst to make it easier and more intuitive to search and find hunting results. As you can see in Figure 5-9, the Bookmarks view contains the details associated with each bookmark including the creation time, name of the bookmark, person creating the bookmark, and any associated tags and notes for the returned results. Also, each bookmark has an ellipsis that provides an analyst with an option to delete the bookmark.

This is a screenshot of the Bookmarks window of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Dashboard. The window contains the name of the bookmark, time created, person who created the bookmark, and any associated tags and notes. The window also includes action buttons to delete the bookmark.
FIGURE 5-9 Bookmarks window within the main Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard

Like the Queries window, once you select a specific bookmark within the Bookmarks window, you get additional details related to the bookmark. As shown in Figure 5-10, the details are listed in a separate window in the rightmost pane of the Bookmarks window.

This is a screenshot of the bookmark details window of the Azure Sentinel Hunting Bookmarks view. In addition to containing the name of the bookmark, time created, person who created the bookmark, and any associated tags and notes, the window has an Investigate button that allows the analyst to investigate the data bookmarked.
FIGURE 5-10 Bookmarks detail window within the main Azure Sentinel Hunting Bookmarks view

Azure Sentinel ships with built-in hunting queries that have been written and tested by Microsoft security researchers and engineers. At the time this book was written, the following 16 hunting queries were provided by Microsoft:

  • Anomalous Azure Active Directory apps based on authentication location

  • Windows executables with Base64-encoding in process command lines

  • Process executed from binary hidden in Base64-encoded file

  • Enumeration of users and groups

  • Summary of failed user logons by reason of failure

  • Host with new logons

  • Malware in Recycle Bin

  • Masquerading files

  • Azure Active Directory sign-ins from new locations

  • New processes observed in last 24 hours

  • Summary of users created using uncommon and undocumented command-line switches

  • PowerShell downloads

  • Cscript daily summary breakdown

  • New user agents associated with clientIP for SharePoint uploads and downloads

  • Uncommon processes (bottom 5 percent)

  • Summary of user logons by logon type

As discussed previously, Microsoft has also created a GitHub repository ( to which Microsoft researchers, internal security teams, and partners contribute hunting queries. At the time this book was written, the Azure Sentinel GitHub repository contained the following hunting queries:

  • AWS CloudTrail

    • AWS IAM policy change

  • Audit Logs

    • Consent to application discovery

    • Rare audit activity by app

    • Rare audit activity by user

  • Azure Activity

    • Anomalous listing of storage keys

    • Common deployed resources

    • Creating anomalous number of resources

    • Granting permissions to account

  • DNS Events

    • DNS commonly abused TLDs

    • DNS domain anomalous lookup increase

    • DNS full name anomalous lookup increase

    • DNS high NX domain count

    • DNS high reverse DNS count

    • DNS long URI lookup

    • DNS WannaCry

  • Multiple Data Sources

    • Cobalt DNS beacon

    • Failed Sign-ins with audit details

    • Logon with expired account

    • Multiple password resets by user

    • Permutations on logon names

    • Rare DNS lookup with data transfer

    • Rare domains in cloud logs

    • Strontium IOC retro hunt

    • Tracking privileged accounts

    • Traffic to know bad IPs

    • User agent exploit pentest

  • Office 365 Activity

    • Office mail forwarding hunting

    • New admin account activity

    • New SharePoint downloads by IP

    • New SharePoint downloads by user agent

    • Non-owner mailbox login

    • PowerShell or non-browser mailbox login

    • SharePoint downloads

  • Security Alert

    • Alerts for IP

    • Alerts for user

    • Alerts on host

    • Alerts with file

    • Alerts with process

  • Security Event

    • Customer user list failed logons

    • Failed user logons

    • Group added to privilege group

    • Hosts with new logons

    • Least common parent child process

    • Least common process command lines

    • Least common process with depth

    • Process entropy

    • Rare processes by service account

    • User logons by logon type

    • User account added to privilege group

    • User account created / deleted

    • User added / removed to group by unauthorized user

    • User created by unauthorized user

    • VIP account failed logons

    • Cscript summary

    • Enumeration of users and groups

    • Masquerading files

    • New processes

    • Persistence create account

    • PowerShell downloads

    • PowerShell new encoded scripts

    • Uncommon processes

  • Sign-in Logs

    • Anomalous user app sign-in location increase

    • Anomalous user app sign-in location increase detail

    • Disabled account sign-in attempts

    • Disabled account sign-in attempts by IP

    • Inactive accounts

    • Legacy authentication attempts

    • Sign-in logs with expanded policies

    • Success then fail / same user but different app

    • Unauthorized user / Azure Portal

    • Anomalous app Azure Active Directory sign-in

    • New locations Azure Active Directory sign-in

    • Sign-in Burst from multiple locations

  • Syslog

    • Scheduled task aggregation

    • Scheduled task edit via Contab

    • Disabled account squid usage

    • Squid abused TLDs

    • Squid malformed requests

    • Squid volume anomalies

  • Threat Intelligence Indicator

    • DNS events match to threat intel

  • W3C IIS Log

    • Client IP with many user agents

    • Potential webshell

    • Potential IIS brute force

    • Potential IIS code injection

    • Rare user agent strings

  • Wire Data

    • Wire data beacon

In the next section, we will cover the details of how to leverage these community-based queries in your hunting operations. I highly recommend that you take time to review these hunting queries to both generate ideas for your environment and to quickly learn KQL.

Creating new hunting queries and bookmarks

Now that you have a feel for the Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard and capabilities, it’s time to create your first hunting query. For the best results, I suggest setting up a lab environment and connecting a few data sources. To create a new hunting query from scratch, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has either contributor or read permissions on the resource group on which the Azure Sentinel workspace belongs.

  2. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click the Azure Sentinel icon when it appears.

  3. Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel is enabled.

  4. In the left navigation pane, click Hunting.

  5. At the top of the Hunting window, click the New Query icon, which will take you to the Create custom query pane. As shown in Figure 5-11, you need to complete the following actions:

    • Provide a name for the query

    • Provide a description

    • Write the query using the KQL language

    • Map the relevant fields in the query results to the entities that Azure Sentinel recognizes

    • Select the MITRE ATT&CK tactics associated with the query. Azure Sentinel currently recognizes Account, Host, IP Address, and Timestamp entity types.

This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel window for creating a new hunting query. The pane includes the following fields: Name, Description, and Custom Query. The window also includes drop-down menus to map the fields returned from the query to the entities recognized by Azure Sentinel. The recognized entities currently include Account, Host, IP Address, and Timestamp. You can also select the MITRE ATT&CK tactics being analyzed by clicking the Tactics drop-down menu. Also, below the Custom Query text box is a View Query Results link.
FIGURE 5-11 Azure Sentinel window for creating a new query

Now that you understand how the interface works, let’s create your first hunting query. First, we will start with a hypothesis on which we will execute our hunting operation. For this specific scenario, we believe that the threat actor group may be targeting our organization to gain access to sensitive data aligned with this group’s motives and objectives. Based on Microsoft’s Security Intelligence Report, we know that this threat actor will typically launch a spear phishing attack against specific individuals within our organization. These emails commonly include a link to a website that hosts malicious software that is then downloaded on the victims’ computers allowing the attacker to establish control over the infected computers. Once a foothold is established, this specific actor will evaluate the local accounts to determine whether they are part of a group with elevated privileges, which will help the actor to extend the attack.

For this hunting sample, assume that the attacker was able to evade other controls and execute malicious code on local computers within your company’s network. The fictitious scenario here is that the threat actor followed his or her normal tactics and leveraged Microsoft PowerShell to determine whether the local account belonged to an administrative group. Now that you understand the scenario, it is time to go hunting.

  1. Follow the previous steps in this chapter and return to the main Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard.

  2. Select New Query.

  3. In the Create Custom Query window, provide a descriptive name for the query, such as “Enumeration of local groups with PowerShell.”

  4. In the Description window, add a description that is specific to the query and makes it easy for others within your organization to understand. For this specific scenario, enter the following: Query to determine if a malicious actor who gained remote access to a corporate computer began further discovery operations by using Microsoft PowerShell to determine the group membership of the local account.

  5. In the Custom Query window, you need to add the KQL query that will search for evidence to support or disprove our hypothesis. Windows event with ID 4798 would be generated if a user’s local group membership was enumerated. For more details, see Enter the following KQL code in the window:

    | where EventID == 4798
    | where TimeGenerated > ago(180d)
    | where CallerProcessName contains “powershell”

    The preceding KQL code searches within the SecurityEvent table and filters on logs where the Windows Event ID equals 4798 and the log was generated between today and the last 180 days—or six months. Finally, the returned results are further filtered to only those logs where the process responsible for triggering the event contained the string powershell. Contains is not case sensitive so it would return results where the caller process contained PowerShell, powershell, POWERSHELL, or any other derivative.

  6. Just below the Custom Query window is where you can map the entities that Azure Sentinel recognizes to the appropriate data fields in the returned search results. Select IpAddress from the IP Address drop-down menu. Select TimeGenerated from the Timestamp drop-down menu. The following code will be added to your query:

    | extend IPCustomEntity = IpAddress
    | extend TimestampCustomEntity = TimeGenerated
  7. In the Tactics drop-down menu, select Discovery because this is the associated technique, according to the MITRE ATT&CK framework available at You can also search on the Mitre techniques webpage at to see examples and definitions of different attacker techniques to select the right tactic—or tactics—from the Azure Sentinel drop-down menu.

  8. The input fields for your new hunting query should match those in Figure 5-12. To finish creating this Hunting query, press Save.

    This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel new hunting query creation window. The window contains all fields completed to test the hypothesis that an attacker has compromised a corporate computer and is using Microsoft PowerShell to enumerate the group membership of the local account.
    FIGURE 5-12 Azure Sentinel New Custom Query to identify an attacker who is enumerating group memberships of a local account
  9. After saving, you will be taken back to the main Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard. Your new query will now be visible within the Queries view. From here, you can run your query by using the ellipsis next to the query or by using the Run Query button.

Leverage community-based hunting queries

As discussed previously in this chapter, Microsoft researchers and partners have contributed hunting queries that you can leverage with Azure Sentinel. This makes it faster for you and your company to get started. Now, let’s see how we can leverage one of these community-based hunting queries to find attackers in your environment.

Like the previous scenario, we believe attackers have established a foothold within our corporate network. We want to use a statistical-based hunt to summarize the number of failed user logons by reason for the failure. By analyzing the data, we can infer lateral movement. Use the following steps to leverage the power of the Azure Sentinel community:

  1. Visit the Azure Sentinel community at and click Hunting Queries, SecurityEvent, and FailedUserLogons.yaml. Review the details of the query to ensure it supports the hypothesis you are evaluating. See Figure 5-13 below for a description of the community-based hunting query.

    This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel Github community repository that shows a query summarizing the number of failed logons by reason for the failure.
    FIGURE 5-13 Azure Sentinel community-based query that summarizes the number of failed logons by reason for the failure
  2. Next, sign-in to Azure Sentinel and navigate to the Hunting dashboard. Refer to the beginning of the chapter if you need step-by-step directions.

  3. Click the New Query action button. Using the details from the community page shown in Figure 5-13, fill in the required fields for a new hunting query. I recommend that you copy and paste the KQL query into the Custom Query pane. For this example, you will need to delete the top description so that the syntax is correct. Your new query should resemble the query shown in Figure 5-14.

    This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel Create Custom Query window containing the details from the community-based query.
    FIGURE 5-14 Azure Sentinel Create Custom Query window containing the details from the community-based query
  4. Click Create. You will be returned to the main Azure Sentinel Hunting dashboard. From here, you can run the query.

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