Chapter 8. Data visualization

A great way to make sense of large volumes of data is to create graphic visualizations that make it easier for users or consumers of the data to understand what the data is telling them. Graphics can

  • Make spotting trends easier

  • Identify or clarify relationships between data elements

  • Speed the decision-making cycle

Some of the most common data visualizations include time-series analysis (line charts), ranking (bar charts), ratio analysis (pie charts), frequency distribution, geospatial (maps), correlation (scatterplots), and cluster analysis.

Azure Sentinel Workbooks

Azure Sentinel Workbooks provide interactive reports that can be used to visualize your security and compliance data. Workbooks combine text, queries, and parameters to make it easy for developers to create mature visualizations, and they provide advanced filtering, drill-down capabilities, advanced dashboard navigations, and more. Also, Workbooks allow users of the dashboards to edit and customize the visualizations to meet their needs using simple drop-down menus. To get started with Azure Sentinel Workbooks, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has either contributor or reader permissions on the resource group to which the Azure Sentinel workspace belongs.

  2. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click the Azure Sentinel icon when it appears.

  3. Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel has been enabled.

  4. In the left navigation pane, click Workbooks > Templates. The Azure Sentinel – Workbooks Templates page appears, as shown in Figure 8-1.

This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel Workbooks Templates page with the Azure Activity template selected.
FIGURE 8-1 Azure Sentinel Workbooks Templates page

At the time of publication, Azure Sentinel included the following templates:

  • Azure Activity

  • Azure AD Audit Logs

  • Azure AD Sign-in Logs

  • Azure Firewall

  • Check Point Software Technologies

  • Cisco

  • DNS

  • Exchange Online

  • FortiGate

  • Identity & Access

  • Linux Machines

  • Microsoft Cloud App Security – Discovery Logs

  • Microsoft Web Application Firewall (WAF) – Firewall Events

  • Microsoft Web Application Firewall (WAF) – Gateway Access Events

  • Microsoft Web Application Firewall (WAF) – overview

  • Office 365

  • Palo Alto Network Threat

  • Palo Alto overview

  • SharePoint & OneDrive

  • Threat Intelligence

  • VM insights

Using built-in Workbooks

To leverage a specific Workbook template, you must have at least Workbook reader or Workbook contributor permissions on the resource group of the Azure Sentinel workspace. The Workbooks that you can see in Azure Sentinel are saved within the Azure Sentinel’s workspace resource group and are tagged by the workspace in which they were created. To leverage one of the built-in Workbooks, follow these steps:

  1. Starting from the Azure Sentinel main portal, go to Workbooks and select Templates. You can select each template to determine the required data types that must be connected to use it.

  2. Select the Azure Activity template. As shown in Figure 8-2, the Azure Activity Workbook requires the Azure Activity data type. The green circle with the white checkmark indicates that the data source for Azure Activity logs is connected to Azure Sentinel.

    This is a screenshot showing the preview blade for the Azure Activity Workbook within Azure Sentinel. It contains a description of the Workbook, shows the required data types, includes an indicator if the required data types are sending data to Azure Sentinel, and it includes View Workbook and Save buttons.
    FIGURE 8-2 Preview blade for the Azure Activity Workbook within Azure Sentinel
  3. Click the View Workbook button to see the template populated with your data. An example of the Azure Activity Workbook is shown in Figure 8-3. The Workbook includes visualizations for the top active resource groups, activities over time, caller activities, and a time series view of activities by alert level.

    This is a screenshot showing the Azure Activity Workbook populated with data from the connected workspace. It shows the top 10 active resource groups, activities over time, and caller activities using a variety of visualizations.
    FIGURE 8-3 The Azure Activity Workbook within Azure Sentinel populated with data from the connected workspace
  4. At the top of the Azure Activity Workbook are three drop-down menus that allow you to customize the view across three parameters: TimeRange, Caller, and ResourceGroup. You can select any of these to display the drop-down menu and then pick the appropriate option. In Figure 8-4 below, the TimeRange parameter is selected and the available options are displayed. Select one of the displayed options to change the time period of the Azure Activity data being displayed in the Workbook.

  5. You can also edit the built-in Workbooks. To edit the Workbook, return to the previous screen showing the preview blade for the Azure Activity Workbook template (see Figure 8.2 shown earlier). Select Save, select the location where you want to save the template, and click OK. The drop-down menu will include a list of Azure regions in which you can save the template, as shown in Figure 8-5. The Azure Activity Workbook will now appear under the My Workbooks blade.


    When you save a Workbook template, an Azure resource is created based on the relevant template, and the template’s JSON file is saved, not the data itself.

    This is a screenshot showing the Azure Activity Workbook with the TimeRange parameter selected and displaying the available options for customizing the view. The options allow you to choose ranges between Last 5 Minutes up to the Last 90 Days of activity. Last 7 Days is selected.
    FIGURE 8-4 The Azure Activity Workbook with the TimeRange parameter selected and displaying the available options for customizing the view
    This is a screenshot showing the drop-down menu to save an Azure Sentinel Workbook template. The drop-down menu lists the Azure regions available to save the Workbook.
    FIGURE 8-5 Azure Sentinel drop-down menu for saving the AzureActivity Workbook template
  6. Now that the Azure Activity Workbook is saved, you will see a new taskbar included at the top, as shown in Figure 8-6. You now have action menus that allow you to edit, open, save, refresh, and share the Workbook. The last icon allows you to provide feedback about this feature to Microsoft.

    This is a screenshot showing the action menu for Azure Sentinel Workbooks. From here, you can edit, open, save, refresh, and share the Workbook.
    FIGURE 8-6 Azure Sentinel Workbook action menu
  7. Select Edit. Once selected, a new Edit button will appear to the far right of each visualization widget. Select the Edit button at the very top of the Azure Activity Workbook. A new editing window will appear, as shown in Figure 8-7. It lists the current parameters on the top of the Workbook: TimeRange, Caller, and ResourceGroup.

    This is a screenshot showing the editing window for customizing the Azure Activity Workbook. This window displays the existing parameters for TimeRange, Caller, and ResourceGroup, and it provides an Add Parameter button to add another parameter.
    FIGURE 8-7 Editing window to modify the Azure Activity Workbook template
  8. For a simple demonstration, you are going to add a parameter that will allow you to filter the results displayed in the Workbook according to the level of the Azure Activity log event. Review the Azure Activity event log documentation at to find the correct log event property to filter upon. Based on the documentation, you will want to summarize the underlying queries based on their Level. The documentation notes that the Level property will contain one of the following values: Critical, Error, Warning, or Informational. Click Add Parameter. A new editing screen will appear. For Parameter Name enter Level and check the Required? and Allow multiple selections boxes. In the Query window, enter AzureActivity | summarize by Level. Click the Run Query button to ensure the query executes as expected. The finished results for the new parameter should look like Figure 8-8.

  9. Click the Save button. Then select the Done Editing button. You should now have a new drop-down menu like the one in Figure 8-9 that allows you to filter the Workbook’s results based on the level of the events.

    This is a screenshot showing the editing screen to add a new parameter to the Azure Activity Workbook template.
    FIGURE 8-8 Editing the screen to add a parameter to the Azure Activity Workbook template
    This is a screenshot showing the Azure Activity Workbook template with the new Level parameter.
    FIGURE 8-9 A view of the modified Azure Activity Workbook with the new Level parameter

Creating custom Workbooks

You can also create your own custom Workbooks if the pre-built templates are insufficient for your needs. You can combine text, analytic queries, Azure metrics, and parameters into highly interactive reports. Follow the steps below to create your own Workbook:

  1. In the Azure Sentinel dashboard, go to Workbooks and then select Add Workbook to create a new Workbook from scratch. You will be taken to the New workbook screen, as shown in Figure 8-10.

    This is a screenshot of the New Workbook screen showing buttons to edit, open, and save the workbook. The New Workbook screen also comes with a pre-loaded query for reference.
    FIGURE 8-10 View of the New Workbook screen
  2. To edit the Workbook, select Edit. In the top-right corner, select the Edit button to make changes to the text that was included with the New workbook template. As shown in Figure 8-11, add the following text: Workbook to Visualize changes in the volume and severity of Security Alerts. Click Done Editing.

    This is a screenshot of the Markdown Text To Display screen showing the new text: Workbook to Visualize changes in the volume and severity of Security Alerts.
    FIGURE 8-11 A view of the Markdown Text To Display screen
  3. Now add a pie chart displaying the Security Events that have occurred over the last six months, sorted by severity. To do this, select Edit at the top of the Workbook. Now, scroll to the right of the screen and select the second Edit button. In the Log Analytics Workspace Logs Query section, add the following query:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(180d)
    | summarize Count=count() by AlertSeverity
    | render piechart

    Based on the data in your workspace, your results should look similar to Figure 8-12. Select Done Editing.

    This is a screenshot of the Add Query edit screen showing the query needed to render a pie chart showing the number of security events by severity over the last six months.
    FIGURE 8-12 The New Workbook Add Query edit screen
  4. Now create a new time chart displaying changes in the number of security alerts by severity over the last year. Add the following query to the Add Query edit window:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(365d)
    | summarize Count=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), AlertSeverity

    From the Visualization drop-down menu, select Time Chart. Select Run Query. The results should be like Figure 8-13. Select Done Editing.

    This is a screenshot of the Add Query edit screen showing the query needed to render a time chart showing the daily changes in the number of security events, by severity level, over the last year.
    FIGURE 8-13 The New Workbook Add Query edit screen with a query to render a time chart showing the changes in security events by severity level
  5. Now that you have created your new Workbook, save the Workbook by pressing the Save icon at the top of the screen. You will then be presented with a set of text boxes and drop-down menus, including Title, Save To, Subscription, Resource Group, and Location. Ensure that you save the new Workbook under the subscription and resource group of your Azure Sentinel workspace. If you want to let others in your organization use the Workbook, select Shared Reports from the Save To menu. If you want this Workbook to be available only to you, select My Reports. Add a meaningful title for your Workbook and then press Save.


For more detailed information on creating custom Workbooks, see

Creating visualizations in PowerBI and Excel

SOC leaders are often asked to provide metrics and report on their operations to executives and key business partners. Most likely, executives and business partners will not have access to Azure Sentinel; therefore, another method must be leveraged to provide them with the information they need.

Creating visualizations in Power BI

Log Analytics provides a native integration with Power BI. You can take any query used in Log Analytics and export it in Power Query language to create a Power BI Dataset. The architecture for exporting Azure Sentinel data in PowerBI is shown in Figure 8-14.

This is an illustration of a high-level architecture showing the option to export the returned results from Azure Sentinel to Microsoft Power BI.
FIGURE 8-14 Architecture for exporting Azure Sentinel data to PowerBI

To create visualizations in Power BI with Azure Sentinel data, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have Power BI Desktop installed on your computer.

  2. Next, create a log query within Azure Sentinel that returns the data that you want to populate a Power BI dataset. To do this, open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has either contributor or reader permissions on the resource group to which the Azure Sentinel workspace belongs.

  3. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click the Azure Sentinel icon when it appears.

  4. Select the workspace on which Azure Sentinel has been enabled.

  5. Click Logs in the left navigation pane and enter the query to retrieve the data you want to share. For example, enter the following query to retrieve all Azure Active Directory audit logs for the last six months:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(120d)
  6. Click Export at the top of the Query window and then select Export To Power BI (M Query), as shown in Figure 8-15. You will be prompted to open or save the Power BI M query. For demonstration purposes, click Open. A Notepad file will open with the M query.

    This is a screenshot of the Azure Sentinel query pane showing the drop-down menu options when the Export button is selected.
    FIGURE 8-15 Azure Sentinel query pane drop-down menu

    Open Power BI Desktop and click Get Data > Blank Query and then select Advanced Editor as shown in Figure 8-16. Paste the contents from the exported file into the query window. Click Done.

    This is a screenshot of the steps for navigating to the Power BI Desktop Advanced Editor.
    FIGURE 8-16 Power BI Desktop app navigation to the Advanced Editor
  7. Click Close & Apply. The Azure Sentinel data is now available within Power BI, and you can create custom reports and share those reports with others within your organization. For details on publishing Power BI reports, please review

Exporting data to Microsoft Excel

You can also easily export your Azure Sentinel data to Microsoft Excel to create visualizations and share information. You can use this approach if you need to create custom, one-time reports for individuals.

  1. Open the Azure Portal and sign in as a user who has either contributor or reader permissions on the resource group to which the Azure Sentinel workspace belongs.

  2. In the search pane, type Azure Sentinel and click the Azure Sentinel icon when it appears.

  3. Select the workspace in which Azure Sentinel has been enabled.

  4. Select Logs and enter the query to retrieve the data you want to share. For example, enter the following query to retrieve all Security Events that have occurred over the last six months and display the alert name, severity level, and whether it was identified as an incident:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(120d)
    | project AlertName, AlertSeverity, IsIncident
  5. Press Run.

  6. Select Export at the top of the window, as shown previously in Figure 8-15, and select Export To CSV – All Columns.

Now you can open, save, or share the CSV file and work with the data as needed to create additional reports and visualizations.

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