Bonus Chapter 42

Using Perl

Perl (whose name comes from the Practical Extraction and Report Language or the Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, depending on whom you speak to) is a powerful scripting tool that enables you to manage files, create reports, edit text, and perform many other tasks. Perl is included with and installed in Ubuntu by default and could be considered an integral part of the distribution because Ubuntu depends on Perl for many types of software services, logging activities, and software tools.

Perl is not the easiest of programming languages to learn because it is designed for flexibility. This chapter shows how to create and use Perl scripts on your system. You learn what a Perl program looks like, how the language is structured, and where you can find modules of prewritten code to help you write your own Perl scripts. This chapter also includes several examples of Perl used to perform a few common functions on a computer system.

Using Perl with Linux

Although originally designed as a data-extraction and report-generation language, Perl appeals to many Linux system administrators because they can use it to create utilities that fill a gap between the capabilities of shell scripts and compiled C programs. Another advantage of Perl over other UNIX tools is that it can process and extract data from binary files, whereas sed and awk cannot.


In Perl, “there is more than one way to do it.” This is the unofficial motto of Perl, and it comes up so often that it is usually abbreviated as TIMTOWTDI.

You can use Perl at your shell’s command line to execute one-line Perl programs, but most often the programs (usually ending in .pl) are run as commands. These programs generally work on any computer platform because Perl has been ported to nearly every operating system.

Perl programs are used to support a number of Ubuntu services, such as system logging. For example, if you install the logwatch package, the program is run every morning at 6:25 a.m. by the crond (scheduling) daemon on your system. Other Ubuntu services supported by Perl include the following:

Amanda for local and network backups

Fax spooling with the faxrunqd program

Printing supported by Perl document-filtering programs

Hardware sensor monitoring setup using the sensors-detect Perl program

Perl Versions

Perl is installed in Ubuntu by default. You can download the code from and build the newest version from source if you want to, although a stable and quality release of Perl is already installed by default in Ubuntu and most (perhaps all) Linux and UNIX-like distributions, including macOS. Updated versions might appear in the Ubuntu repositories, but they’re generally only security fixes that can be installed by updating your system. See Chapter 9, “Managing Software,” to see how to quickly get a list of available updates for Ubuntu.

You can determine what version of Perl you have installed by typing perl -v at a shell prompt. When you install the latest Ubuntu distribution, you should have the latest version of Perl that was available when the software for your Ubuntu release was gathered and finalized.

Note that there was a development effort underway to replace Perl 5. The new version was to be called Perl 6, but had diverged far enough away from Perl 5 that the decision was made to rename it to Raku. You can learn about Raku at

A Simple Perl Program

This section introduces a very simple Perl program example to get you started using Perl. Although trivial for experienced Perl hackers, this short example is necessary for new users who want to learn more about Perl.

To introduce you to the absolute basics of Perl programming, Listing 42.1 illustrates a simple Perl program that prints a short message.

LISTING 42-1 A Simple Perl Program

print 'Look at all the camels!

Type in the program shown in the listing and save it to a file called Then make the file executable by using the chmod command (see the following sidebar) and run it at the command prompt.

Command-Line Error

If you get the message bash: command not found or bash: ./ Permission denied, you have either typed the command line incorrectly or forgotten to make executable with the chmod command, as shown here:

matthew@seymour:~$ chmod +x

You can force the command to execute in the current directory as follows:

matthew@seymour:~$ ./

Or you can use Perl to run the program, like this:

matthew@seymour:~$ perl

The sample program in the listing is a two-line Perl program. When you type in the program and run it (using Perl or by making the program executable), you are creating a Perl program, a process duplicated by Linux users around the world every day.


#! is often pronounced shebang, which is short for sharp (musicians’ name for the # character), and bang, which is another name for the exclamation point. This notation is also used in shell scripts. See Chapter 14, “Automating Tasks and Shell Scripting,” for more information about writing shell scripts.

The #! line is technically not part of the Perl code at all. The # character indicates that the rest of the screen line is a comment. The comment is a message to the shell, telling it where it should go to find the executable to run this program. The interpreter ignores the comment line. Comments are useful for documenting scripts, like this:

# a simple example to print a greeting
print "hello there

The # character can also be used in a quoted string and used as the delimiter in a regular expression.

A block of code such as what might appear inside a loop or a branch of a conditional statement is indicated with curly braces ({}). For example, here is an infinite loop:

# a block of code to print a greeting forever
while (1) {
        print "hello there

A Perl statement is terminated with a semicolon (;). A Perl statement can extend over several screen lines because Perl is not concerned about white space.

The second line of the simple program in Listing 42.1 prints the text enclosed in quotation marks. is the escape sequence for a newline character.


Using the perldoc and man commands is an easy way to get more information about the version of Perl installed on your system. To learn how to use the perldoc command, enter the following:

matthew@seymour:~$ perldoc

To get introductory information on Perl, you can use either of these commands:

matthew@seymour:~$ perldoc perl
matthew@seymour:~$ man perl

For an overview or table of contents of Perl’s documentation, use the perldoc command, like this:

matthew@seymour:~$ perldoc perltoc

The documentation is extensive and well organized. Perl includes a number of standard Linux manual pages as brief guides to its capabilities, but perhaps the best way to learn more about Perl is to read its perlfunc document, which lists all the available Perl functions and their usage. You can view this document by using the perldoc script and typing perldoc perlfunc at the command line. You can also find this document online at

Perl Variables and Data Structures

Perl is a weakly typed language, meaning that it does not require that you declare a data type, such as a type of value (data) to be stored in a particular variable. C, for example, makes you declare that a particular variable is an integer, a character, a structure, or whatever the case may be. Perl variables are whatever type they need to be and can change type when you need them to.

Perl Variable Types

Perl has three variable types: scalars, arrays, and hashes. A different character is used to signify each variable type, so you can have the same name used with each type at the same time.

A scalar variable is indicated with the $ character, as in $penguin. Scalars can be numbers or strings, and they can change type as needed. If you treat a number like a string, it becomes a string. If you treat a string like a number, it is translated into a number if it makes sense to do so; otherwise, it usually evaluates to 0. For example, the string "76trombones" evaluates as the number 76 if used in a numeric calculation, but the string "polar bear" evaluates to 0.

A Perl array is indicated with the @ character, as in @fish. An array is a list of values referenced by index number, starting with the first element, numbered 0, just as in C and awk. Each element in the array is a scalar value. Because scalar values are indicated with the $ character, a single element in an array is also indicated with a $ character.

For example, $fish[2] refers to the third element in the @fish array. This tends to throw some people off but is similar to arrays in C, in which the first array element is 0.

A hash is indicated with the % character, as in %employee. A hash is a list of name/value pairs. Individual elements in a hash are referenced by name rather than by index (unlike in an array). Again, because the values are scalars, the $ character is used for individual elements.

For example, $employee{name} gives you one value from the hash. Two rather useful functions for dealing with hashes are keys and values. The keys function returns an array that contains all the keys of the hash, and values returns an array of the values of the hash. Using this approach, the Perl program in Listing 42.2 displays all the values in your environment, much like typing the bash shell’s env command.

LISTING 42-2 Displaying the Contents of the env Hash

foreach $key (keys %ENV)  {
  print "$key = $ENV{$key}

Special Variables

Perl has a variety of special variables, which usually look like punctuation—$_, $!, and $]—and are all extremely useful for shorthand code. $_ is the default variable, $! is the error message returned by the operating system, and $] is the Perl version number.

$_ is perhaps the most useful of these. You see this variable used often in this chapter. $_ is the Perl default variable, which is used when no argument is specified. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:



The following loops are equivalent:

for $cow (@cattle) {
        print "$cow says moo.

for (@cattle)        {
        print "$_ says moo.

For a complete list of the special variables, see the perlvar man page.

Perl Operators

Perl supports a number of operators for performing various operations. There are comparison operators (used to compare values, as the name implies), compound operators (used to combine operations or multiple comparisons), arithmetic operators (to perform math), and special string constants.

Comparison Operators

The comparison operators used by Perl are similar to those used by C, awk, and the csh shells, and they are used to specify and compare values (including strings). A comparison operator is most often used within an if statement or loop. Perl has comparison operators for numbers and strings. Table 42.1 shows the numeric comparison operators and their meanings.

Table 42.1 Numeric Comparison Operators in Perl




Is equal to


Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Returns –1 if less than, 0 if equal to, and 1 if greater than


Not equal to


Range of >= first operand to <= second operand

Table 42.2 shows the string comparison operators and their meanings.

Table 42.2 String Comparison Operators in Perl




Is equal to


Less than


Greater than


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to


Not equal to


Returns -1 if less than, 0 if equal to, and 1 if greater than


Matched by regular expression


Not matched by regular expression

Compound Operators

Perl uses compound operators, similar to those used by C or awk, which can be used to combine other operations (such as comparisons or arithmetic) into more complex forms of logic. Table 42.3 shows the compound pattern operators and their meanings.

Table 42.3 Compound Pattern Operators in Perl




Logical AND


Logical OR


Logical NOT


Parentheses; used to group compound statements

Arithmetic Operators

Perl supports a variety of math operations. Table 42.4 summarizes these operators.

Table 42.4 Perl Arithmetic Operators




Raises x to the y power (same as x^y)


Calculates the remainder of x/y


Adds x to y


Subtracts y from x


Multiplies x by y


Divides x by y


Negates y (switches the sign of y); also known as the unary minus


Increments y by 1 and uses the value (prefix increment)


Uses the value of y and then increments by 1 (postfix increment)


Decrements y by 1 and uses the value (prefix decrement)


Uses the value of y and then decrements by 1 (postfix decrement)


Assigns the value of y to x. Perl also supports operator-assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=, and others)

You can also use comparison operators (such as == or <) and compound pattern operators (&&, ||, and !) in arithmetic statements. They evaluate to the value 0 for false and 1 for true.

Other Operators

Perl supports a number of operators that do not fit any of the prior categories. Table 42.5 summarizes these operators.

Table 42.5 Other Perl Operators




Bitwise NOT (changes 0 bits to 1 and 1 bits to 0 bits)

x & y

Bitwise AND

x | y

Bitwise OR

x ^ y

Bitwise exclusive or (XOR)

x << y

Bitwise shift left (shifts x by y bits)

x >> y

Bitwise shift right (shifts x by y bits)

x . y

Concatenate y onto x

a x b

Repeats string a for b number of times

x, y

Comma operator; evaluates x and then y

x ? y : z

Conditional expression (If x is true, y is evaluated; otherwise, z is evaluated.)

Except for the comma operator and conditional expression, you can also use these operators with the assignment operator, similar to the way addition (+) can be combined with assignment (=), giving +=.

Special String Constants

Perl supports string constants that have special meaning or cannot be entered from the keyboard.

Table 42.6 shows most of the constants supported by Perl.

Table 42.6 Perl Special String Constants




The means of including a backslash


The alert or bell character



Control character (like holding the Ctrl key down and pressing the C character)






Carriage return



Indicates that NN is a hexadecimal number


Indicates that NNN is an octal (base 8) number

Conditional Statements: if/else and unless

Perl offers two conditional statements, if and unless, which function opposite one another. if enables you to execute a block of code only if certain conditions are met so that you can control the flow of logic through your program. Conversely, unless performs the statements when certain conditions are not met.

The following sections explain and demonstrate how to use these conditional statements when writing scripts for Linux.


The syntax of the Perl if/else structure is as follows:

if (condition) {
  statement or block of code
} elsif (condition) {
  statement or block of code
} else {
  statement or block of code

condition is a statement that returns a true or false value.

Truth is defined in Perl in a way that might be unfamiliar to you, so be careful. Everything in Perl is true except 0 (the digit zero), "0" (the string containing the number 0), "" (the empty string), and an undefined value. Note that even the string "00" is a true value because it is not one of the four false cases.

A statement or block of code section is executed if the test condition returns a true value.

For example, Listing 42.3 uses the if/else structure and shows conditional statements using the eq string comparison operator.

LISTING 42-3 if/elsif/else

if  ($favorite eq "chocolate") {
      print "I like chocolate too.
} elsif ($favorite eq "spinach") {
      print "Oh, I do not like spinach.
} else {
     print "Your favorite food is $favorite.


unless works just like if only backward. unless performs a statement or block if a condition is false:

unless ($name eq "Rich")        {
  print "Go away, you're not allowed in here!


You can restate the preceding example in more natural language, like this:

print "Go away!
" unless $name eq "Rich";


A loop repeats a program action multiple times. A simple example is a countdown timer that performs a task (waiting for one second) 300 times before telling you that your egg is done boiling.

Looping constructs (also known as control structures) can be used to iterate a block of code as long as certain conditions apply or while the code steps through (evaluates) a list of values, perhaps using that list as arguments.

Perl has several looping constructs.


The for construct performs a statement (block of code) for a set of conditions defined as follows:

for (start condition; end condition; increment function) {

The start condition is set at the beginning of the loop. Each time the loop is executed, the increment function is performed until the end condition is achieved. This looks much like the traditional for/next loop. The following code is an example of a for loop:

for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) {
      print "$i


The foreach construct performs a statement block for each element in a list or an array:

@names = ("alpha","bravo","Charlie");
foreach $name (@names) {
  print "$name sounding off!

The loop variable ($name in the example) is not merely set to the value of the array elements; it is aliased to that element. This means if you modify the loop variable, you’re actually modifying the array. If no loop array is specified, the Perl default variable $_ may be used, as shown here:

@names = ("alpha","bravo","Charlie");
foreach (@names) {
  print "$_ sounding off!


This syntax can be very convenient, but it can also lead to unreadable code. Give a thought to the poor person who’ll be maintaining your code. (It will probably be you.)


foreach is frequently abbreviated as for.


while performs a block of statements as long as a particular condition is true, as shown in this example:

while ($x<10) {
     print "$x

Remember that the condition can be anything that returns a true or false value. For example, it could be a function call, like this:

while ( InvalidPassword($user, $password) )        {
        print "You've entered an invalid password. Please try again.
        $password = GetPassword;


until is exactly the opposite of the while statement. It performs a block of statements as long as a particular condition is false (or, rather, until it becomes true). The following is an example:

until (ValidPassword($user, $password))  {
  print "YSdpgm_m
You have entered an invalid password. Please try again.
  $password = GetPassword;

last and next

You can force Perl to end a loop early by using a last statement. last is similar to the C break command; the loop is exited. If you decide you need to skip the remaining contents of a loop without ending the loop, you can use next, which is similar to the C continue command. Unfortunately, these statements do not work with do ... while. However, you can use redo to jump to a loop (marked by a label) or inside the loop where called:

$a = 100;
while (1) {
  print "start
  TEST: {
    if (($a = $a / 2) > 2) {
      print "$a
      if (—$a < 2) {
      redo TEST;

In this simple example, the variable $a is repeatedly manipulated and tested in a loop. The word start will be printed only once.

do ... while and do ... until

The while and until loops evaluate the conditional first. The behavior is changed by applying a do block before the conditional. With the do block, the condition is evaluated last, which results in the contents of the block always executing at least once (even if the condition is false). This is similar to the C language do ... while (conditional) statement.

Regular Expressions

Perl’s greatest strength lies in text and file manipulation, which is accomplished by using the regular expression (regex) library. Regexes, which are quite different from the wildcard-handling and filename-expansion capabilities of the shell (see Chapter 14, “Automating Tasks and Shell Scripting”), allow complicated pattern matching and replacement to be done efficiently and easily.

For example, the following line of code replaces every occurrence of the string bob or the string mary with fred in a line of text:

$string =~ s/bob|mary/fred/gi;

Without going into too many of the details, Table 42.7 explains what the preceding line says.

Table 42.7 Explanation of $string =~ s/bob|mary/fred/gi;



$string =~

Performs this pattern match on the text found in the variable called $string.


Performs a substitution.


Begins the text to be matched.


Matches the text bob or mary. You should remember that it is looking for the text mary, not the word mary; that is, it will also match the text mary in the word maryland.


Replaces anything that was matched with the text fred.


Ends replace text.


Does this substitution globally; that is, replaces the match text wherever in the string you match it (and any number of times).


The search text is not case sensitive. It matches bob, Bob, or bOB.


Indicates the end of the line of code.

If you are interested in the details, you can get more information using the regex (7) section of the man page by entering man 7 regex from the command line.

Although replacing one string with another might seem a rather trivial task, the code required to do the same thing in another language (for example, C) is rather daunting unless supported by additional subroutines from external libraries.

Access to the Shell

Perl can perform for you any process you might ordinarily perform by typing commands to the shell through the \ syntax. For example, the code in Listing 42.4 prints a directory listing.

LISTING 42-4 Using Backticks to Access the Shell

$curr_dir = `pwd`;
@listing = `ls -al`;
print "Listing for $curr_dir
foreach $file (@listing) {
     print "$file";


The \ notation uses the backtick found above the Tab key (on most keyboards), not the single quotation mark.

You can also use the Shell module to access the shell. Shell is one of the standard modules that come with Perl; it allows creation and use of a shell-like command line. The following code provides an example:

use Shell qw(cp);
cp ("/home/httpd/logs/access.log", :/tmp/httpd.log");

This code almost looks like it is importing the command-line functions directly into Perl. Although that is not really happening, you can pretend that the code is similar to a command line and use this approach in your Perl programs.

A third method of accessing the shell is via the system function call:

$rc = 0xffff & system(`cp /home/httpd/logs/access.log /tmp/httpd.log`);
if ($rc == 0) {
  print "system cp succeeded 
} else {
  print "system cp failed $rc

The call can also be used with the or die clause:

system(`cp /home/httpd/logs/access.log /tmp/httpd.log`) == 0
  or die "system cp failed: $?"

However, you cannot capture the output of a command executed through the system function.

Modules and CPAN

A great strength of the Perl community (and the Linux community) is the fact that it is an open source community. This community support is expressed for Perl via the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), which is a network of mirrors of a repository of Perl code.

Most of CPAN is made up of modules, which are reusable chunks of code that do useful things, similar to software libraries containing functions for C programmers. These modules help speed development when building Perl programs and free Perl hackers from repeatedly reinventing the wheel when building bicycles.

Perl comes with a set of standard modules installed. Those modules should contain much of the functionality that you initially need with Perl. If you need to use a module not installed with Ubuntu, use the CPAN module (which is one of the standard modules) to download and install other modules onto your system. At, you can find the CPAN Multiplex Dispatcher, which attempts to direct you to the CPAN site closest to you.

Typing the following command puts you into an interactive shell that gives you access to CPAN. You can type help at the prompt to get more information on how to use the CPAN program:

matthew@seymour:~$ perl -MCPAN -e shell

After installing a module from CPAN (or writing one of your own), you can load that module into memory, where you can use it with the use function:

use Time::CTime;

use looks in the directories listed in the variable @INC for the module. In this example, use looks for a directory called Time, which contains a file called, which in turn is assumed to contain a package called Time::CTime. The distribution of each module should contain documentation on using that module.

For a list of all the standard Perl modules (those that come with Perl when you install it), see perlmodlib in the Perl documentation. You can read this document by typing perldoc perlmodlib at the command prompt.

Code Examples

The following sections contain a few examples of things you might want to do with Perl.

Sending Mail

You can get Perl to send email in several ways. One method that you see frequently is opening a pipe to the sendmail command and sending data to it (as shown in Listing 42.5). Another method is using the Mail::Sendmail module (available through CPAN), which uses socket connections directly to send mail (as shown in Listing 42.6). The latter method is faster because it does not have to launch an external process. Note that sendmail must be installed on your system for the Perl program in Listing 42.5 to work.

LISTING 42-5 Sending Mail Using Sendmail

open (MAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t"); # Use -t to protect from users
print MAIL <<EndMail;
To: you
From: me
Subject: A Sample Email
Sending email from Perl is easy!

close MAIL;


The @ sign in the email addresses must be escaped so that Perl does not try to evaluate an array of that name. That is, [email protected] will cause a problem, so you need to use this:

dpitts<indexterm startref="iddle2799" class="endofrange" significance="normal"/>:}]

The syntax used to print the mail message is called a here document. The syntax is as follows:

print <<EndText;

The EndText value must be identical at the beginning and at the end of the block, including any white space.

LISTING 42-6 Sending Mail Using the Mail::Sendmail Module

use Mail::Sendmail;

%mail = ( To => "[email protected]",
  From => "[email protected]",
  Subject => "A Sample Email",
  Message => "This is a very short message"

sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;

print "OK. Log says:
", $Mail::Sendmail::log;

use Mail::Sendmail;

Perl ignores the comma after the last element in the hash. It is convenient to leave it there; then, if you want to add items to the hash, you do not need to add the comma. This is purely a style decision.

Using Perl to Install a CPAN Module

You can use Perl to interactively download and install a Perl module from the CPAN archives by using the -M and -e commands. Start the process by using a Perl command like this:

# perl -MCPAN -e shell

When you press Enter, you see some introductory information, and you are asked to choose an initial automatic or manual configuration, which is required before any download or install takes place. Type no and press Enter to have Perl automatically configure for the download and install process; or if you want, just press Enter to manually configure for downloading and installation. If you use manual configuration, you must answer a series of questions regarding paths, caching, terminal settings, program locations, and so on. Settings are saved in a directory named .cpan in the current directory.

When finished, you see the CPAN prompt:


To have Perl examine your system and then download and install a large number of modules, use the install keyword, specify Bundle at the prompt, and then press Enter, like this:

cpan> install Bundle::CPAN

To download a desired module (using the example in Listing 42.6), use the get keyword, like this:

cpan> get Mail::Sendmail

The source for the module is downloaded into the .cpan directory. You can then build and install the module by using the install keyword, like this:

cpan> install Mail::Sendmail

The entire process of retrieving, building, and installing a module can also be accomplished at the command line by using Perl’s -e option, like this:

# perl -MCPAN   -e "install Mail::Sendmail

Note also that the @ sign in Listing 42.6 does not need to be escaped within single quotation marks (''). Perl does not interpolate (evaluate variables) within single quotation marks but does within double quotation marks and here strings (similar to << shell operations).

Purging Logs

Many programs maintain some variety of logs. Often, much of the information in the logs is redundant or just useless. The program shown in Listing 42.7 removes all lines from a file that contain a particular word or phrase, so lines that you know are not important can be purged. For example, you might want to remove all the lines in the Apache error log that originate with your test client machine because you know those error messages were produced during testing.

LISTING 42-7 Purging Log Files

# Be careful using this program!
# This will remove all lines that contain a given word
# Usage:  remove <word> <file>
if ($file)  {
  # Open file for reading
  open (FILE, "$file") or die "Could not open file: $!";
  close FILE;
  # Open file for writing
  open (FILE, ">$file") or die "Could not open file for writing: $!";
  for (@lines)  {
    print FILE unless /$word/;
  } # End for
  close FILE;
} else {
  print "Usage:  remove <word> <file>
}  #  End if...else

The code in Listing 42.7 includes a few idiomatic Perl expressions to keep it brief. It reads the file into an array by using the <FILE> notation; it then writes the lines back out to the file unless they match the pattern given on the command line.

The die function kills program operation and displays an error message if the open statements fail. $! in the error message, as mentioned earlier in this chapter, is the error message returned by the operating system. It is likely to be something like 'file not found' or 'permission denied'.

Posting to Usenet

If some portion of your job requires periodic postings to Usenet—an FAQ listing, for example—the following Perl program can automate the process for you. In Listing 42.8, the posted text is read in from a text file, but your input can come from anywhere.

The program shown in Listing 42.8 uses the Net::NNTP module, which is a standard part of the Perl distribution. You can find more documentation on the Net::NNTP module by entering 'perldoc Net::NNTP' at the command line.

LISTING 42-8 Posting an Article to Usenet

# load the post data into @post
open (POST, "post.file");
@post = <POST>;
close POST;
# import the NNTP module
use Net::NNTP;
$NNTPhost = 'news';
# attempt to connect to the remote host;
# print an error message on failure
$nntp = Net::NNTP->new($NNTPhost)
  or die "Cannot contact $NNTPhost: $!";
# $nntp->debug(1);
  or die "Could not post article: $!";
# send the header of the post
$nntp->datasend("Newsgroups: news.announce
$nntp->datasend("Subject: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
$nntp->datasend("From: ADMIN <root>

# for each line in the @post array, send it
for (@post)     {
} #  End for


Perl excels at the one-liner. Folks go to great lengths to reduce tasks to one line of Perl code. Perl has the rather undeserved reputation of being unreadable. The fact is that you can write unreadable code in any language. Perl allows for more than one way to do something, and this leads rather naturally to people trying to find the most arcane way to do things.

Named for Randal Schwartz, a Schwartzian transform is a way of sorting an array by something that is not obvious. The sort function sorts arrays alphabetically; that is pretty obvious. What if you want to sort an array of strings alphabetically by the third word? Perhaps you want something more useful, such as sorting a list of files by file size? A Schwartzian transform creates a new list that contains the information you want to sort by, referencing the first list. You then sort the new list and use it to figure out the order that the first list should be in. Here’s a simple example that sorts a list of strings by length:

@sorted_by_length =
  map { $_ => [0] }            # Extract original list
  sort { $a=>[1] <=> $b=>[1] } # Sort by the transformed value
  map { [$_, length($_)] }     # Map to a list of element lengths

Because each operator acts on the thing immediately to the right of it, it helps to read this from right to left (or bottom to top, the way it is written here).

The first thing that acts on the list is the map operator. It transforms the list into a hash in which the keys are the list elements and the values are the lengths of each element. This is where you put in your code that does the transformation by which you want to sort.

The next operator is the sort function, which sorts the list by the values.

Finally, the hash is transformed back into an array by extracting its keys. The array is now in the desired order.

Command-Line Processing

Perl is great at parsing the output of various programs. This is a task for which many people use tools such as awk and sed. Perl gives you a larger vocabulary for performing these tasks. The following example is very simple but illustrates how you might use Perl to chop up some output and do something with it. In this example, Perl is used to list only files that are larger than 10KB:

matthew@seymour:~$ ls -la | perl -nae 'print "$F[8] is $F[4]
" if $F[4] >

The -n switch indicates that the Perl code should run for each line of the output. The -a switch automatically splits the output into the @F array. The -e switch indicates that the Perl code is going to follow on the command line.

Related Ubuntu and Linux Commands

You use these commands and tools often when using Perl with Linux:

a2p—A filter used to translate awk scripts into Perl

find2perl—A utility used to create Perl code from command lines using the find command

perldoc—A Perl utility used to read Perl documentation

s2p—A filter used to translate sed scripts into Perl

vi—The vi (actually vim) text editor


Learning Perl, Third Edition by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix—The standard entry text for learning Perl.

Programming Perl, 3rd edition, by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant—The standard advanced text for learning Perl.

Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey Friedl—Regular expressions are what make Perl so powerful.

www.perl.comThis is the place to find all sorts of information about Perl, from its history and culture to helpful tips. This is also the place to download the Perl interpreter for your system.

https://cpan.perl.orgCPAN is the place for you to find modules and programs in Perl. If you write something in Perl that you think is particularly useful, you can make it available to the Perl community here. index of common Perl queries; this site offers a handy way to quickly search for answers about Perl.

https://learn.perl.orgOne of the best places to start learning Perl online.

http://jobs.perl.orgIf you master Perl, go to this site to look for a job. Perl Mongers are local Perl user groups. There might be one in your area.

www.perl.orgThis is the Perl advocacy site.

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