2.7* Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

As an introduction to this section, consider the following physical problem. A weight of mass m is attached to a vertically suspended spring that is allowed to stretch until the forces acting on the weight are in equilibrium. Suppose that the weight is now motionless and impose an xy-coordinate system with the weight at the origin and the spring lying on the positive y-axis (see Figure 2.7).

A diagram of a vertical coiled spring sits on the y axis of an x y plane. Below the spring is a solid box that is centered on the origin.

Figure 2.7

Suppose that at a certain time, say t=0t=0, the weight is lowered a distance s along the y-axis and released. The spring then begins to oscillate.

We describe the motion of the spring. At any time t0t0, let F(t) denote the force acting on the weight and y(t) denote the position of the weight along the y-axis. For example, y(0)=sy(0)=s. The second derivative of y with respect to time, y(t)y′′(t), is the acceleration of the weight at time t; hence, by Newton’s second law of motion,

F(t)=my(t).              (1)
F(t)=my′′(t).              (1)

It is reasonable to assume that the force acting on the weight is due totally to the tension of the spring, and that this force satisfies Hooke’s law: The force acting on the weight is proportional to its displacement from the equilibrium position, but acts in the opposite direction. If k>0k>0 is the proportionality constant, then Hooke’s law states that

F(t)=ky(t).                  (2)
F(t)=ky(t).                  (2)

Combining (1) and (2), we obtain my=kymy′′=ky or

y+kmy=0.                        (3)
y′′+kmy=0.                        (3)

The expression (3) is an example of a differential equation. A differential equation in an unknown function y=y(t)y=y(t) is an equation involving y, t, and derivatives of y. If the differential equation is of the form

any(n)+an1y(n1)++a1y(1)+a0y=f,               (4)
any(n)+an1y(n1)++a1y(1)+a0y=f,               (4)

where a0, a1, , ana0, a1, , an and f are functions of t and y(k)y(k) denotes the kth derivative of y, then the equation is said to be linear. The functions aiai are called the coefficients of the differential equation (4). Thus (3) is an example of a linear differential equation in which the coefficients are constants and the function f is identically zero. When f is identically zero, (4) is called homogeneous.

In this section, we apply the linear algebra we have studied to solve homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients. If an0an0, we say that differential equation (4) is of order n. In this case, we divide both sides by an to obtain a new, but equivalent, equation


where bi=ai/anbi=ai/an for i=0, 1, , n1i=0, 1, , n1. Because of this observation, we always assume that the coefficient anan in (4) is 1.

A solution to (4) is a function that when substituted for y reduces (4) to an identity.

Example 1

The function y(t)=sink/m ty(t)=sink/m t is a solution to (3) since


for all t. Notice, however, that substituting y(t)=ty(t)=t into (3) yields


which is not identically zero. Thus y(t)=ty(t)=t is not a solution to (3).

In our study of differential equations, it is useful to regard solutions as complex-valued functions of a real variable even though the solutions that are meaningful to us in a physical sense are real-valued. The convenience of this viewpoint will become clear later. Thus we are concerned with the vector space F(R, C) (as defined in Example 3 of Section 1.2). In order to consider complex-valued functions of a real variable as solutions to differential equations, we must define what it means to differentiate such functions. Given a complex-valued function xF(R, C)xF(R, C) of a real variable t, there exist unique real-valued functions x1x1 and x2x2 of t, such that

x(t)=x1(t)+ix2(t)   for   tR,
x(t)=x1(t)+ix2(t)   for   tR,

where i is the imaginary number such that i2=1i2=1. We call x1x1 the real part and x2x2 the imaginary part of x.


Given a function xF(R, C)xF(R, C) with real part x1x1 and imaginary part x2x2, we say that x is differentiable if x1x1 and x2x2 are differentiable. If x is differentiable, we define the derivative xx of x by


We illustrate some computations with complex-valued functions in the following example.

Example 2

Suppose that x(t)=cos2t+isin2tx(t)=cos2t+isin2t. Then


We next find the real and imaginary parts of x2x2. Since

x2(t)=(cos2t+isin2t)2=(cos22tsin22t)+i(2sin2t cos2t)        =cos4t+isin4t, 
x2(t)=(cos2t+isin2t)2=(cos22tsin22t)+i(2sin2t cos2t)        =cos4t+isin4t, 

the real part of x2(t)x2(t) is cos4tcos4t, and the imaginary part is sin 4t.

The next theorem indicates that we may limit our investigations to a vector space considerably smaller than F(R, C). Its proof, which is illustrated in Example 3, involves a simple induction argument, which we omit.

Theorem 2.27.

Any solution to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients has derivatives of all orders; that is, if x is a solution to such an equation, then x(k)x(k) exists for every positive integer k.

Example 3

To illustrate Theorem 2.27, consider the equation


Clearly, to qualify as a solution, a function y must have two derivatives. If y is a solution, however, then


Thus since y(2)y(2) is a constant multiple of a function y that has two derivatives, y(2)y(2) must have two derivatives. Hence y(4)y(4) exists; in fact,


Since y(4)y(4) is a constant multiple of a function that we have shown has at least two derivatives, it also has at least two derivatives; hence y(6)y(6) exists. Continuing in this manner, we can show that any solution has derivatives of all orders.


We use CC to denote the set of all functions in F(R, C) that have derivatives of all orders.

It is a simple exercise to show that CC is a subspace of F(R, C) and hence a vector space over C. In view of Theorem 2.27, it is this vector space that is of interest to us. For xCxC, the derivative xx of x also lies in CC. We can use the derivative operation to define a mapping D:CCD:CC by

D(x)=x    for  xC.
D(x)=x    for  xC.

It is easy to show that D is a linear operator. More generally, consider any polynomial over C of the form


If we define


then p(D) is a linear operator on CC. (See Appendix E.)


For any polynomial p(t) over C of positive degree, we call p(D) a differential operator with constant coefficients, or, more simply, a differential operator. The order of the differential operator p(D) is the degree of the polynomial p(t).

Differential operators are useful since they provide us with a means of reformulating a differential equation in the context of linear algebra. Any homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients,


can be rewritten using differential operators as



Given the differential equation above, the complex polynomial


is called the auxiliary polynomial associated with the equation. For example, (3) has the auxiliary polynomial


Any homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients can be rewritten as


where p(t) is the auxiliary polynomial associated with the equation. Clearly, this equation implies the following theorem.

Theorem 2.28.

The set of all solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients coincides with the null space of p(D), where p(t) is the auxiliary polynomial associated with the equation.




The set of all solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is a subspace of CC.

In view of the preceding corollary, we call the set of solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients the solution space of the equation. A practical way of describing such a space is in terms of a basis. We now examine a certain class of functions that is of use in finding bases for these solution spaces.

For a real number s, we are familiar with the real number eses, where e is the unique number whose natural logarithm is 1 (i.e., ln e=1ln e=1). We know, for instance, certain properties of exponentiation, namely,

es+t=eset     and       et=1et
es+t=eset     and       et=1et

for any real numbers s and t. We now extend the definition of powers of e to include complex numbers in such a way that these properties are preserved.


Let c=a+ibc=a+ib be a complex number with real part a and imaginary part b. Define

ec=ea(cos b+i sin b).
ec=ea(cos b+i sin b).

The special case

eib=cos b+i sin b
eib=cos b+i sin b

is called Euler’s formula.

For example, for c=2+i(π/3),c=2+i(π/3),

ec=e2(cos π3+i sin π3)=e2(12+i32).
ec=e2(cos π3+i sin π3)=e2(12+i32).

Clearly, if c is real (b=0)(b=0), then we obtain the usual result: ec=eaec=ea. Using the approach of Example 2, we can show by the use of trigonometric identities that

ec+d=eced      and      ec=1ec
ec+d=eced      and      ec=1ec

for any complex numbers c and d.


A function f:RCf:RC defined by f(t)=ectf(t)=ect for a fixed complex number c is called an exponential function.

The derivative of an exponential function, as described in the next theorem, is consistent with the real version. The proof involves a straightforward computation, which we leave as an exercise.

Theorem 2.29.

For any exponential function f(t)=ect, f(t)=cectf(t)=ect, f(t)=cect.



We can use exponential functions to describe all solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation of order 1. Recall that the order of such an equation is the degree of its auxiliary polynomial. Thus an equation of order 1 is of the form

y+a0y=0.               (5)
y+a0y=0.               (5)

Theorem 2.30.

The solution space for (5) is of dimension 1 and has {ea0t}{ea0t} as a basis.


Clearly (5) has ea0tea0t as a solution. Suppose that x(t) is any solution to (5). Then

x(t)=a0x(t)      for all  tR.
x(t)=a0x(t)      for all  tR.



Differentiating z yields


(Notice that the familiar product rule for differentiation holds for complex- valued functions of a real variable. A justification of this involves a lengthy, although direct, computation.)

Since zz is identically zero, z is a constant function. (Again, this fact, well known for real-valued functions, is also true for complex-valued functions. The proof, which relies on the real case, involves looking separately at the real and imaginary parts of z.) Thus there exists a complex number k such that

z(t)=ea0tx(t)=k     for all tR.
z(t)=ea0tx(t)=k     for all tR.



We conclude that any solution to (5) is a scalar multiple of ea0tea0t.

Another way of stating Theorem 2.30 is as follows.


For any complex number c, the null space of the differential operator DcIDcI has {ect}{ect} as a basis.

We next concern ourselves with differential equations of order greater than one. Given an nth order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients,


its auxiliary polynomial


factors into a product of polynomials of degree 1, that is,


where c1, c2, , cnc1, c2, , cn are (not necessarily distinct) complex numbers. (This follows from the fundamental theorem of algebra in Appendix D.) Thus


The operators DciIDciI commute, and so, by Exercise 9, we have that

N(DciI)N(p(D))    for all i.
N(DciI)N(p(D))    for all i.

Since N(p(D)) coincides with the solution space of the given differential equation, we can deduce the following result from the preceding corollary.

Theorem 2.31.

Let p(t) be the auxiliary polynomial for a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. For any complex number c, if c is a zero of p(t), then ectect is a solution to the differential equation.

Example 4

Given the differential equation


its auxiliary polynomial is


Hence, by Theorem 2.31, etet and e2te2t are solutions to the differential equation because c=1c=1 and c=2c=2 are zeros of p(t). Since the solution space of the differential equation is a subspace of C , span ({et, e2t})C , span ({et, e2t}) lies in the solution space. It is a simple matter to show that {et, e2t}{et, e2t} is linearly independent. Thus if we can show that the solution space is two-dimensional, we can conclude that {et, e2t}{et, e2t} is a basis for the solution space. This result is a consequence of the next theorem.

Theorem 2.32.

For any differential operator p(D) of order n, the null space of p(D) is an n-dimensional subspace of CC.

As a preliminary to the proof of Theorem 2.32, we establish two lemmas.

Lemma 1.

The differential operator DcI:CCDcI:CC is onto for any complex number c.


Let vCvC. We wish to find uCuC such that (DcI)u=v(DcI)u=v. Let w(t)=v(t)ectw(t)=v(t)ect for tRtR. Clearly, wCwC because both v and ectect lie in CC. Let w1w1 and w2w2 be the real and imaginary parts of w. Then w1w1 and w2w2 are continuous because they are differentiable. Hence they have antiderivatives, say, W1W1 and W2W2, respectively. Let W:RCW:RC be defined by

W(t)=W1(t)+iW2(t)    for tR.
W(t)=W1(t)+iW2(t)    for tR.

Then WCWC, and the real and imaginary parts of W are W1W1 and W2W2, respectively. Furthermore, W=wW=w. Finally, let u:RCu:RC be defined by u(t)=W(t)ectu(t)=W(t)ect for tRtR. Clearly uCuC, and since

(DcI)u(t)=u(t)cu(t)                   = W(t)ect+W(t)cectcW(t)ect                   = w(t)ect                   = v(t)ectect                   = v(t),
(DcI)u(t)=u(t)cu(t)                   = W(t)ect+W(t)cectcW(t)ect                   = w(t)ect                   = v(t)ectect                   = v(t),

we have (DcI)u=v(DcI)u=v.

Lemma 2.

Let V be a vector space, and suppose that T and U are linear operators on V such that U is onto and the null spaces of T and U are finite-dimensional. Then the null space of TU is finite-dimensional, and

dim(N(TU))= dim(N(T))+ dim(N(U)).
dim(N(TU))= dim(N(T))+ dim(N(U)).


Let p=dim(N(T)), q=dim(N(U))p=dim(N(T)), q=dim(N(U)) and {u1, u2, , up}{u1, u2, , up} and {v1, v2, , vq}{v1, v2, , vq} be bases for N(T) and N(U), respectively. Since U is onto, we can choose for each i(1ip)i(1ip) a vector wiVwiV such that U(wi)=uiU(wi)=ui. Note that the wiwi’s are distinct. Furthermore, for any i and j, wivjwivj, for otherwise ui=U(wi)=U(vj)=0ui=U(wi)=U(vj)=0—a contradiction. Hence the set

β={w1, w2, , wp, v1, v2, , vq}
β={w1, w2, , wp, v1, v2, , vq}

contains p+qp+q distinct vectors. To complete the proof of the lemma, it suffices to show that ft is a basis for N(TU).

We first show that ββ generates N(TU). Since for any wiwi and vjvj in β, TU(wi)=T(ui)=0β, TU(wi)=T(ui)=0, and TU(vj)=T(0)=0TU(vj)=T(0)=0, it follows that βN(TU)βN(TU). Now suppose that vN(TU)vN(TU). Then 0=TU(v)=T(U(v))0=TU(v)=T(U(v)). Thus U(v)N(T)U(v)N(T). So there exist scalars a1, a2, , apa1, a2, , ap such that

U(v)=a1u1+a2u2++apup        = a1U(w1)+a2U(w2)++apU(wp)        = U(a1w1+a2w2++apwp).
U(v)=a1u1+a2u2++apup        = a1U(w1)+a2U(w2)++apU(wp)        = U(a1w1+a2w2++apwp).



Consequently, v(a1w1+a2w2++apwp)v(a1w1+a2w2++apwp) lies in N(U). It follows that there exist scalars b1, b2, , bqb1, b2, , bq such that




Therefore ββ spans N(TU).

To prove that ββ is linearly independent, let a1, a2, , ap, b1, b2, , bqa1, a2, , ap, b1, b2, , bq be any scalars such that

a1w1+a2w2++apwp+b1v1+b2v2++bqvq=0.          (6)
a1w1+a2w2++apwp+b1v1+b2v2++bqvq=0.          (6)

Applying U to both sides of (6), we obtain


Since {u1, u2, , up}{u1, u2, , up} is linearly independent, the aiai ’ s are all zero. Thus (6) reduces to


Again, the linear independence of {v1, v2, , vq}{v1, v2, , vq} implies that the bibi’s are all zero. We conclude that ββ is a basis for N(TU). Hence N(TU) is finite-dimensional, and dim(N(TU))=p+q=dim(N(T))+dim(N(U))dim(N(TU))=p+q=dim(N(T))+dim(N(U)).

Proof of Theorem 2.32.

The proof is by mathematical induction on the order of the differential operator p(D). The first-order case coincides with Theorem 2.30. For some integer n>1n>1, suppose that Theorem 2.32 holds for any differential operator of order less than n, and consider a differential operator p(D) of order n. The polynomial p(t) can be factored into a product of two polynomials as follows:


where q(t) is a polynomial of degree n1n1 and c is a complex number. Thus the given differential operator may be rewritten as


Now, by Lemma 1, DcIDcI is onto, and by the corollary to Theorem 2.30, dim(N(DcI))=1dim(N(DcI))=1. Also, by the induction hypothesis, dim(N(q(D))=n1dim(N(q(D))=n1. Thus, by Lemma 2, we conclude that

dim(N(p(D)))=dim(N(q(D)))+dim(N(DcI))                       =(n1)+1=n.
dim(N(p(D)))=dim(N(q(D)))+dim(N(DcI))                       =(n1)+1=n.


The solution space of any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is an n-dimensional subspace of CC.

The corollary to Theorem 2.32 reduces the problem of finding all solutions to an nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients to finding a set of n linearly independent solutions to the equation. By the results of Chapter 1, any such set must be a basis for the solution space. The next theorem enables us to find a basis quickly for many such equations. Hints for its proof are provided in the exercises.

Theorem 2.33.

Given n distinct complex numbers c1, c2, cnc1, c2, cn, the set of exponential functions {ec1t, ec2t, , ecnt}{ec1t, ec2t, , ecnt} is linearly independent.


Exercise. (See Exercise 10.)


For any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, if the auxiliary polynomial has n distinct zeros c1, c2, cnc1, c2, cn, then {ec1t, ec2t, , ecnt}{ec1t, ec2t, , ecnt} is a basis for the solution space of the differential equation.


Exercise. (See Exercise 10.)

Example 5

We find all solutions to the differential equation


Since the auxiliary polynomial factors as (t+4)(t+1)(t+4)(t+1), it has two distinct zeros, 11 and 44. Thus {et, e4t}{et, e4t} is a basis for the solution space. So any solution to the given equation is of the form


for unique scalars b1b1 and b2b2.

Example 6

We find all solutions to the differential equation


The auxiliary polynomial t2+9t2+9 factors as (t3i)(t+3i)(t3i)(t+3i) and hence has distinct zeros c1=3ic1=3i and c2=3ic2=3i. Thus {e3it, e3it}{e3it, e3it} is a basis for the solution space. Since

cos3t=12(e3it+e3it)          and        sin3t=12i(e3ite3it),
cos3t=12(e3it+e3it)          and        sin3t=12i(e3ite3it),

it follows from Exercise 7 that {cos3t, sin3t}{cos3t, sin3t} is also a basis for this solution space. This basis has an advantage over the original one because it consists of the familiar sine and cosine functions and makes no reference to the imaginary number i. Using this latter basis, we see that any solution to the given equation is of the form


for unique scalars b1b1 and b2b2.

Next consider the differential equation


for which the auxiliary polynomial is (t+1)2(t+1)2. By Theorem 2.31, etet is a solution to this equation. By the corollary to Theorem 2.32, its solution space is two-dimensional. In order to obtain a basis for the solution space, we need a solution that is linearly independent of etet. The reader can verify that tettet is a such a solution. The following lemma extends this result.


For a given complex number c and positive integer n, suppose that (tc)n(tc)n is the auxiliary polynomial of a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Then the set

β={ect, tect, , tn1ect}
β={ect, tect, , tn1ect}

is a basis for the solution space of the equation.


Since the solution space is n-dimensional, we need only show that ft is linearly independent and lies in the solution space. First, observe that for any positive integer k,

(DcI)(tkect)=ktk1ect+ctkectctkect                       = ktk1ect.
(DcI)(tkect)=ktk1ect+ctkectctkect                       = ktk1ect.

Hence for k<nk<n,


It follows that ββ is a subset of the solution space.

We next show that ββ is linearly independent. Consider any linear combination of vectors in ββ such that

b0ect+b1tect++bn1tn1ect=0             (7)
b0ect+b1tect++bn1tn1ect=0             (7)

for some scalars b0, b1, , bn1b0, b1, , bn1. Dividing by ectect in (7), we obtain

b0+b1t++bn1tn1=0.                     (8)
b0+b1t++bn1tn1=0.                     (8)

Thus the left side of (8) must be the zero polynomial function. We conclude that the coefficients b0, b1, , bn1b0, b1, , bn1 are all zero. So ββ is linearly independent and hence is a basis for the solution space.

Example 7

We find all solutions to the differential equation


Since the auxiliary polynomial is


we can immediately conclude by the preceding lemma that {et, tet, t2et, t3et}{et, tet, t2et, t3et} is a basis for the solution space. So any solution y to the given differential equation is of the form


for unique scalars b1, b2, b3b1, b2, b3, and b4b4.

The most general situation is stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.34.

Given a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients and auxiliary polynomial


where n1, n2, , nkn1, n2, , nk are positive integers and c1, c2, , ckc1, c2, , ck are distinct complex numbers, the following set is a basis for the solution space of the equation:

{ec1t, tec1t, , tn11ec1t, eckt, teckt, , tnk1eckt}.
{ec1t, tec1t, , tn11ec1t, eckt, teckt, , tnk1eckt}.



Example 8

The differential equation


has the auxiliary polynomial


By Theorem 2.34, {et, tet, e2t}{et, tet, e2t} is a basis for the solution space of the differential equation. Thus any solution y has the form


for unique scalars b1, b2b1, b2, and b3b3.


  1. Label the following statements as true or false.

    1. (a) The set of solutions to an nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is an n-dimensional subspace of CC.

    2. (b) The solution space of a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is the null space of a differential operator.

    3. (c) The auxiliary polynomial of a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is a solution to the differential equation.

    4. (d) Any solution to a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is of the form aectaect or atkectatkect, where a and c are complex numbers and k is a positive integer.

    5. (e) Any linear combination of solutions to a given homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients is also a solution to the given equation.

    6. (f) For any homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients having auxiliary polynomial p(t), if c1, c2, , ckc1, c2, , ck are the distinct zeros of p(t), then {ec1t, ec2t, , eckt}{ec1t, ec2t, , eckt} is a basis for the solution space of the given differential equation.

    7. (g) Given any polynomial p(t)P(C)p(t)P(C), there exists a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients whose auxiliary polynomial is p(t).

  2. For each of the following parts, determine whether the statement is true or false. Justify your claim with either a proof or a counterexample, whichever is appropriate.

    1. (a) Any finite-dimensional subspace of CC is the solution space of a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients.

    2. (b) There exists a homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients whose solution space has the basis {t, t2}{t, t2}.

    3. (c) For any homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, if x is a solution to the equation, so is its derivative xx.

      Given two polynomials p(t) and q(t) in P(C), if xN(p(D))xN(p(D)) and yN(q(D))yN(q(D)), then

    4. (d) x+yN(p(D)q(D))x+yN(p(D)q(D)).

    5. (e) xyN(p(D)q(D))xyN(p(D)q(D)).

  3. Find a basis for the solution space of each of the following differential equations.

    1. (a) y+2y+y=0y′′+2y+y=0

    2. (b) y=yy=y

    3. (c) y(4)2y(2)+y=0y(4)2y(2)+y=0

    4. (d) y+2y+y=0y′′+2y+y=0

    5. (e) y(3)y(2)+3y(1)+5y=0y(3)y(2)+3y(1)+5y=0

  4. Find a basis for each of the following subspaces of CC.

    1. (a) N(D2DI)N(D2DI)

    2. (b) N(D33D2+3DI)N(D33D2+3DI)

    3. (c) N(D3+6D2+8D)N(D3+6D2+8D)

  5. Show that CC is a subspace of F(R, C).

    1. (a) Show that D:CCD:CC is a linear operator.

    2. (b) Show that any differential operator is a linear operator on CC.

  6. Prove that if {x, y}{x, y} is a basis for a vector space over C, then so is

    {12(x+y), 12i(xy)}.
    {12(x+y), 12i(xy)}.
  7. Consider a second-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients in which the auxiliary polynomial has distinct conjugate complex roots a+iba+ib and aibaib, where a, bRa, bR. Show that {eat cos bt, eat sin bt}{eat cos bt, eat sin bt} is a basis for the solution space.

  8. Suppose that {U1, U2, , Un}{U1, U2, , Un} is a collection of pairwise commutative linear operators on a vector space V (i.e., operators such that UiUj=UjUiUiUj=UjUi for all i, j). Prove that, for any i(1in),i(1in),

  9. Prove Theorem 2.33 and its corollary. Hints: For Theorem 2.33, use mathematical induction on n. In the inductive step, let a1, a2, , ana1, a2, , an be scalars such that ni=1aiecit=0ni=1aiecit=0. Multiply both sides of this equation by ecntecnt, and differentiate the resulting equation with respect to t. For the corollary, use Theorems 2.31, 2.33, and 2.32. Visit goo.gl/oKTEbV for a solution.

  10. Prove Theorem 2.34. Hint: First verify that the alleged basis lies in the solution space. Then verify that this set is linearly independent by mathematical induction on k as follows. The case k=1k=1 is the lemma to Theorem 2.34. Assuming that the theorem holds for k1k1 distinct cici’s, apply the operator (DckI)nk(DckI)nk to any linear combination of the alleged basis that equals 0 .

  11. Let V be the solution space of an nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients having auxiliary polynomial p(t). Prove that if p(t)=g(t)h(t)p(t)=g(t)h(t), where g(t) and h(t) are polynomials of positive degree, then


    where DV:VVDV:VV is defined by DV(x)=xDV(x)=x for xVxV. Hint: First prove g(D)(V)N(h(D))g(D)(V)N(h(D)). Then prove that the two spaces have the same finite dimension.

  12. A differential equation


    is called a nonhomogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients if the aiai s are constant and x is a function that is not identically zero.

    1. (a) Prove that for any xCxC there exists yCyC such that y is a solution to the differential equation. Hint: Use Lemma 1 to Theorem 2.32 to show that for any polynomial p(t), the linear operator p(D):CCp(D):CC.

    2. (b) Let V be the solution space for the homogeneous linear equation


      Prove that if z is any solution to the associated nonhomogeneous linear differential equation, then the set of all solutions to the nonhomogeneous linear differential equation is

  13. Given any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, prove that, for any solution x and any t0Rt0R, if x(t0)=x(t0)==x(n1)(t0)=0x(t0)=x(t0)==x(n1)(t0)=0, then x=0x=0 (the zero function). Hint: Use mathematical induction on n as follows. First prove the conclusion for the case n=1n=1. Next suppose that it is true for equations of order n1n1, and consider an nth-order differential equation with auxiliary polynomial p(t). Factor p(t)=q(t)(tc)p(t)=q(t)(tc), and let z=q((D))xz=q((D))x. Show that z(t0)=0z(t0)=0 and zcz=0zcz=0 to conclude that z=0z=0. Now apply the induction hypothesis.

  14. Let V be the solution space of an nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients. Fix t0Rt0R, and define a mapping Φ:VCnΦ:VCn by

    Φ(x)=(x(t0)x(t0)x(n1)(t0))       for each xV.
    Φ(x)=x(t0)x(t0)x(n1)(t0)       for each xV.
    1. (a) Prove that ΦΦ is linear and its null space is the zero subspace of V. Deduce that ΦΦ is an isomorphism. Hint: Use Exercise 14.

    2. (b) Prove the following: For any nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, any t0Rt0R, and any complex numbers c0, c1, , cn1c0, c1, , cn1 (not necessarily distinct), there exists exactly one solution, x, to the given differential equation such that x(t0)=c0x(t0)=c0 and x(k)(t0)=ckx(k)(t0)=ck for k=1, 2, , n1k=1, 2, , n1.

  15. Pendular Motion. It is well known that the motion of a pendulum is approximated by the differential equation


    where θ(t)θ(t) is the angle in radians that the pendulum makes with a vertical line at time t (see Figure 2.8), interpreted so that θθ is positive if the pendulum is to the right and negative if the pendulum is to the left of the vertical line as viewed by the reader. Here l is the length of the pendulum and g is the magnitude of acceleration due to gravity. The variable t and constants l and g must be in compatible units (e.g., t in seconds, l in meters, and g in meters per second per second).

    A diagram of a pendulum contains a vertical line on the left side. The pendulum starts from the top tip of the vertical line and goes downward to the right.

    Figure 2.8

    1. (a) Express an arbitrary solution to this equation as a linear combination of two real-valued solutions.

    2. (b) Find the unique solution to the equation that satisfies the conditions

      θ(0)=θ0>0     and      θ(0)=0.
      θ(0)=θ0>0     and      θ(0)=0.

      (The significance of these conditions is that at time t=0t=0 the pendulum is released from a position displaced from the vertical by θ0θ0.)

    3. (c) Prove that it takes 2πl/g2πl/g units of time for the pendulum to make one circuit back and forth. (This time is called the period of the pendulum.)

  16. Periodic Motion of a Spring without Damping. Find the general solution to (3), which describes the periodic motion of a spring, ignoring frictional forces.

  17. Periodic Motion of a Spring with Damping. The ideal periodic motion described by solutions to (3) is due to the ignoring of frictional forces. In reality, however, there is a frictional force acting on the motion that is proportional to the speed of motion, but that acts in the opposite direction. The modification of (3) to account for the frictional force, called the damping force, is given by


    where r>0r>0 is the proportionality constant.

    1. (a) Find the general solution to this equation.

    2. (b) Find the unique solution in (a) that satisfies the initial conditions y(0)=0y(0)=0 and y(0)=v0y(0)=v0, the initial velocity.

    3. (c) For y(t) as in (b), show that the amplitude of the oscillation decreases to zero; that is, prove that limty(t)=0limty(t)=0.

  18. In our study of differential equations, we have regarded solutions as complex-valued functions even though functions that are useful in describing physical motion are real-valued. Justify this approach.

  19. The following parts, which do not involve linear algebra, are included for the sake of completeness.

    1. (a) Prove Theorem 2.27. Hint: Use mathematical induction on the number of derivatives possessed by a solution.

    2. (b) For any c, dCc, dC, prove that

      ec+d=cced      and       ec=1ec.
      ec+d=cced      and       ec=1ec.
    3. (c) Prove Theorem 2.28.

    4. (d) Prove Theorem 2.29.

    5. (e) Prove the product rule for differentiating complex-valued functions of a real variable: For any differentiable functions x and y in F(R, C), the product xy is differentiable and


      Hint: Apply the rules of differentiation to the real and imaginary parts of xy.

    6. (f) Prove that if xF(R, C)xF(R, C) and x=0x=0, then x is a constant function.

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