4.1 Determinants of Order 2

In this section, we define the determinant of a 2×2 matrix and investigate its geometric significance in terms of area and orientation.




is a 2×2 matrix with entries from a field F, then we define the determinant of A, denoted det(A) or |A|, to be the scalar adbc.

Example 1

For the matrices


in M2×2(R), we have


For the matrices A and B in Example 1, we have


and so


Since det(A+B)det(A)+det(B), the function det: M2×2(R)R is not a linear transformation. Nevertheless, the determinant does possess an important linearity property, which is explained in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1.

The function det: M2×2(F)F is a linear function of each row of a 2×2 matrix when the other row is held fixed. That is, if u, v, and w are in F2 and k is a scalar, then





Let u=(a1, a2), v=(b1, b2), and w=(c1, c2) be in F2 and k be a scalar. Then


A similar calculation shows that


For the 2×2 matrices A and B in Example 1, it is easily checked that A is invertible but B is not. Note that det(A)0 but det(B)=0. We now show that this property is true in general.

Theorem 4.2.

Let AM2×2(F). Then the determinant of A is nonzero if and only if A is invertible. Moreover, if A is invertible, then



If det(A)0,, then we can define a matrix


A straightforward calculation shows that AM=MA=I, and so A is invertible and M=A1.

Conversely, suppose that A is invertible. A remark on page 152 shows that the rank of


must be 2. Hence A110 or A210. If A110, add A21/A11 times row 1 of A to row 2 to obtain the matrix


Because elementary row operations are rank-preserving by the corollary to Theorem 3.4 (p. 152), it follows that


Therefore det(A)=A11A22A12A210.. On the other hand, if A210, we see that det(A)0 by adding A11/A21 times row 2 of A to row 1 and applying a similar argument. Thus, in either case, det(A)0.

In Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we extend the definition of the determinant to n×n matrices and show that Theorem 4.2 remains true in this more general context. In the remainder of this section, which can be omitted if desired, we explore the geometric significance of the determinant of a 2×2 matrix. In particular, we show the importance of the sign of the determinant in the study of orientation.

The Area of a Parallelogram

By the angle between two vectors in R2, we mean the angle with measure θ (0θ<π) that is formed by the vectors having the same magnitude and direction as the given vectors but emanating from the origin. (See Figure 4.1.)

Two diagrams of vectors. The left diagram shows 2 vectors where the first vector points diagonally left. The second vector points diagonally right.

Figure 4.1: Angle between two vectors in R2

If β={u, v} is an ordered basis for R2, we define the orientation of β to be the real number


(The denominator of this fraction is nonzero by Theorem 4.2.) Clearly


Notice that


Recall that a coordinate system {u, v} is called right-handed if u can be rotated in a counterclockwise direction through an angle θ (0<θ<π) to coincide with v. Otherwise {u, v} is called a left-handed system. (See Figure 4.2.) In general (see Exercise 12),

Two diagrams of coordinate systems.

Figure 4.2

if and only if the ordered basis {u, v} forms a right-handed coordinate system. For convenience, we also define


if {u, v} is linearly dependent.

Any ordered set {u, v} in R2 determines a parallelogram in the following manner. Regarding u and v as arrows emanating from the origin of R2, we call the parallelogram having u and v as adjacent sides the parallelogram determined by u and v. (See Figure 4.3.) Observe that if the set {u, v}

A diagram of 2 parallelograms determined by u and v.

Figure 4.3: Parallelograms determined by u and v

is linearly dependent (i.e., if u and v are parallel), then the “parallelogram” determined by u and v is actually a line segment, which we consider to be a degenerate parallelogram having area zero.

There is an interesting relationship between


the area of the parallelogram determined by u and v, and


which we now investigate. Observe first, however, that since


may be negative, we cannot expect that


But we can prove that


from which it follows that


Our argument that


employs a technique that, although somewhat indirect, can be generalized to Rn. First, since


we may multiply both sides of the desired equation by


to obtain the equivalent form


We establish this equation by verifying that the three conditions of Exercise 11 are satisfied by the function


(a) We begin by showing that for any real number c


Observe that this equation is valid if c=0 because


So assume that c0. Regarding cv as the base of the parallelogram determined by u and cv, we see that

A(ucv)=base×altitude=|c|(length of v)(altitude)=|c|A(uv),

since the altitude h of the parallelogram determined by u and cv is the same as that in the parallelogram determined by u and v. (See Figure 4.4.) Hence

A diagram of a parallelogram with 3 vectors.

Figure 4.4


A similar argument shows that


We next prove that


for any u, wR2 and any real numbers a and b. Because the parallelograms determined by u and w and by u and u+w have a common base u and the same altitude (see Figure 4.5), it follows that

A diagram of a parallelogram with three vectors.

Figure 4.5

If a=0, then


by the first paragraph of (a). Otherwise, if a0, then


So the desired conclusion is obtained in either case.

We are now able to show that


for all u, v1, v2R2. Since the result is immediate if u=0, we assume that u0. Choose any vector wR2 such that {u, w} is linearly independent. Then for any vectors v1, v2R2 there exist scalars ai and bi such that vi=aiu+biw (i=1, 2). Thus


A similar argument shows that


for all u1, u2, vR2.

(b) Since

A(uu)=0, it follows thatδ(uu)=O(uu)A(uu)=0

for any uR2.

(c) Because the parallelogram determined by e1 and e2 is the unit square,


Therefore δ satisfies the three conditions of Exercise 11, and hence δ=det.. So the area of the parallelogram determined by u and v equals


Thus we see, for example, that the area of the parallelogram determined by u=(1, 5) and v=(4, 2) is



  1. Label the following statements as true or false.

    1. (a) The function det: M2×2(F)F is a linear transformation.

    2. (b) The determinant of a 2×2 matrix is a linear function of each row of the matrix when the other row is held fixed.

    3. (c) If AM2×2(F) and det(A)=0,, then A is invertible.

    4. (d) If u and v are vectors in R2 emanating from the origin, then the area of the parallelogram having u and v as adjacent sides is

    5. (e) A coordinate system is right-handed if and only if its orientation equals 1.

  2. Compute the determinants of the following matrices in M2×2(R).

    1. (a) (6324)

    2. (b) (5261)

    3. (c) (8031)

  3. Compute the determinants of the following matrices in M2×2(C).

    1. (a) (1+i14i3+2i23i)

    2. (b) (52i6+4i3+i7i)

    3. (c) (2i346i)

  4. For each of the following pairs of vectors u and v in R2,, compute the area of the parallelogram determined by u and v.

    1. (a) u=(3, 2) and v=(2, 5)

    2. (b) u=(1, 3) and v=(3, 1)

    3. (c) u=(4, 1) and v=(6, 2)

    4. (d) u=(3, 4) and v=(2, 6)

  5. Prove that if B is the matrix obtained by interchanging the rows of a 2×2 matrix A, then det(B)=det(A).

  6. Prove that if the two columns of AM2×2(F) are identical, then det(A)=0.

  7. Prove that det(At)=det(A) for any AM2×2(F).

  8. Prove that if AM2×2(F) is upper triangular, then det(A) equals the product of the diagonal entries of A.

  9. Prove that det(AB)=det(A)det(B) for any A, BM2×2(F).

  10. The classical adjoint of a 2×2 matrix AM2×2(F) is the matrix


    Prove that

    1. (a) CA=AC=[det(A)]I.

    2. (b) det(C)=det(A).

    3. (c) The classical adjoint of At is Ct.

    4. (d) If A is invertible, then A1=[det(A)]1C.

  11. Let δ:M2×2(F)F be a function with the following three properties.

    1. (i) δ is a linear function of each row of the matrix when the other row is held fixed.

    2. (ii) If the two rows of AM2×2(F) are identical, then δ(A)=0.

    3. (iii) If I is the 2×2 identity matrix, then δ(I)=1.

    1. (a) Prove that δ(E)=det(E) for all elementary matrices EM2×2(F).

    2. (b) Prove that δ(EA)=δ(E)δ(A) for all AM2×2(F) and all elementary matrices EM2×2(F).

  12. Let δ:M2×2(F)F be a function with properties (i), (ii), and (iii) in Exercise 11. Use Exercise 11 to prove that δ(A)=det(A) for all AM2×2(F). (This result is generalized in Section 4.5.) Visit goo.gl/ztwxWA for a solution.

  13. Let {u, v} be an ordered basis for R2. Prove that


    if and only if {u, v} forms a right-handed coordinate system. Hint: Recall the definition of a rotation given in Example 2 of Section 2.1.

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