Further Reading


Ward, Peter, Bermingham, Alan and Wherry, Chris, Multiskilling for Television Production, Focal Press, Oxford, 2000.


Amyes, Tim, Audio Post-production in Video and Film, Focal Press, Oxford, 1996.

Nesbit, Alec, The Use of Microphones, Focal Press, Oxford, 1993.

Watkinson, John, Introduction to Digital Audio, Focal Press, Oxford, 1994.

Watkinson, John, Audio for Television, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.

Rumsey, Francis, MIDI Systems and Control, Focal Press, Oxford, 1994.

Rumsey, Francis and Watkinson, John, The Digital Interface Handbook, Focal Press, Oxford, 1995.

Rumsey, Francis and McCormick, Tim, Sound and Recording—An Introduction, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.


Dancyger, Ken, The Technique of Film and Video Editing, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.

Broadcast Equipment Group, Canon Inc, TV Optics 11, 1992.

Hunt, Dr R.W.G., The Reproduction of Colour in Photography, Printing and Television, Fountain Press, 1989.

Ray, Sidney F., Applied Photographic Optics, Focal Press, Oxford, 1994.

Ward, Peter, Composition for Film and TV, Focal Press, Oxford, 1996.

Ward, Peter, Multi-Camera Camerawork, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.

Ward, Peter, Basic and DVCpro Camerawork, Focal Press, Oxford, 1998.


Bermingham, Alan, Talbot-Smith, Michael, Angold-Stephens, Ken and Boyce, Ed, The Video Studio, Focal Press, Oxford, 3rd edn, 1994.

Hodges, Peter, An Introduction to Video Measurement, Focal Press, Oxford, 1996.

Inglis, Andrew F., and Luther, Arch C. Satellite Technology, Focal Press, 1997.

Rumsey, Francis and Watkinson, John, The Digital Interface Handbook, Focal Press, Oxford, 1995.

Steinberg, Victor, Video Standards, Snell & Willcox, 1994.

Watkinson, John, An Introduction to Digital Video, Focal Press, Oxford, 1994.

Watkinson, John, Television Fundamentals, Focal Press, Oxford, 1996.

White, Gordon, Video Techniques, Focal Press, Oxford, 1988.

Wood, James, Satellite Communications, Newnes/ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford, 1994.


Bermingham, Alan, Colour Temperature Correction & Neutral Density Filter in TV Lighting, The Society of TV Lighting Directors, 1989.

Carlson, V. and S.E. Professional Lighting Handbook, Focal Press, Oxford, 1991.

Fitt, B. and Thornley, J., Lighting Technology, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.

Gregory, R.L., Eye and the Brain. The Psychology of Seeing, World University Library, London, 1967.

Huntington, John, Control Systems for Live Entertainment, Focal Press, Oxford.

Millerson, Gerald, TV Lighting Methods, Focal Press, Oxford, 1999.

Moody, James L., Concert Lighting Techniques, Focal Press, Oxford, 1998.

Box, Harry C. (edited by Brian Fitt), The Gaffer’s Handbook, Focal Press, Oxford, 1999.

Sandstrom, Ulf, Stage Lighting Controls, Focal Press, Oxford, 1997.


Health & Safety Executive, Camera Operations on Location (Safety), Crown Copyright 1997.

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