
12-bit capture, 19

16-bit mode, 2122, 43

24-bit color (8 bits per channel), 19

48-bit color (16 bits per channel), 19

ACR see Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)

Add Blank Page option, 316318

Add graphics for Slide Show Editor, 333

Add Noise filter, 135, 147

Add Page Using Current Layout option, 316318


layers, 115

pages, 316318

photos, 314315

selections, 106

Adjust Color Curves control, 1112, 186188

Adjust Sharpness filter, 153154, 162163

Adjust Smart Fix command, 97

Adjustment layers, 114

Adjustment layers masks, 119120

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) interface, 6467, 6971, 76

Adobe Gamma, screen calibration, 368369

Adobe Photo Downloader (APD), 6163

Adobe/sRGB, 367

Advanced dialog for Adobe Photo Downloader, 6263

Align option, 322

Alignment of text, 276

Angle controls, 270

Animated buttons, 260

Animated headings, 260261

Animation in websites, 253

APD see Adobe Photo Downloader


depth of field panoramas, 227

digital shooting, 2324

Arrange option, 323

Art paper, 380

Artworks and effects palette, 146, 318321

Assembly of websites, 264265

Assets protection, 88

Auto Color Correction command, 102, 240

Auto Contrast function, 8, 102

Auto dust removal, 47

Auto Face Tagging, 82

Auto fixes for exposure in panoramas, 237

Auto Levels function, 8, 102

Auto photo stacking, 9394

Auto Red Eye Fix command, 97

Auto Smart Fix command, 97

Auto stack whilst downloading, 93

Auto tonal control, 69

Auto white balance, 32

Automatic editing:

Elements, 96, 98

Slide Show Editor, 333

Automatic white balance settings, 33


free form photo layouts, 326328

layers, 115

matting for websites, 262263


Backup/Copy files command, 88

creation, 8990

frequency, 90

glossary, 8990

new features, 90

Barrel distortion, 198199

Basic Dialog for Adobe Photo Downloader, 61

Bicubic Smoother resampling option, 389

Bits comparison, 19

Black and white:

and color, 142143

prints, 378

see also White balance

Blemishes, 210213

Blend modes, 392393

Book publishing, 339340


shapes as, 284

techniques, 143149


panoramas, 233235

tonal adjustments, 68

Brown, Russell, 124


changing, 271272

characteristics, 269270

creation, 272273

Bulk Red Eye fixing, 99


advanced techniques 127-8, 131

tools 123

Burning-in, 127128, 131

Buttons on webpages, 253, 259261

Calibration, printers, 373377


color-managed workflow, 363364

defaults for Adobe Camera Raw interface, 65

exposure for RAW format capture, 60

noise, 48

positioning, 221222

RAW files data, 37

raw-enabled, 5758

support, 222224

Canon workflow, 58

Captioning, 80

Capture workflows, RAW format, 5960

Cataloged photos stacking, 94

CD jacket, 344

Change to old darkroom technique, 200201

Clear Frame option, 313

Clear Photo option, 313

Clone Stamp tool, 195, 210, 212, 231


adding photos, 83

command, 8182

groups, 84


balance for panoramas, 238240

black and white conversion feature, 121, 125126

black and white two layer erase technique, 142143

cast correction, 46

casts, 9, 31

consistency, 360361

depth, 18, 4344

depth for RAW format capture, 60

desaturation files, 122123

discrete, 18

faded images restoration, 170172

interpolation, 36

management, 362-7

noise reduction, 70

Polaroid effect, 161

printers, 374375

printing, 348350

reduction, 296297

regeneration, 49

saturation, 2728

Variations command, 240

white light, 30

workflow management, 366

Color Curves function, 1112

Color Vision Spyder, screen calibration, 370371

ColorVision PrintFIX, 376377

Combination of images, 191193

Compare Photos Side by Side command, 85

Compression and images quality, 258259

Contact sheets, 358


control, 2627, 45

RAW format capture, 60

tonal adjustments, 68

Unsharp Mask filter, 162163

Conversion process, Raw files, 7275

Convert then Edit approach, 5676

Converted files outputting, Raw files, 7072

Cropping, 78

Cross-processing effects, 172173

Curves feature, 186


Adobe Camera Raw interface, 65

of shapes, 280281, 285

Date View command, 4, 85

Defragmentation, 394

Deletion of pages, 316318

Depth of field (DOF):

darkroom techniques on desktop, 176180

panoramas, 226227, 236


color file, 122123

darkroom techniques on desktop, 168169

Polaroid effect, 160

Diffuse glow filter, 206, 208

Diffusion printing, 156157

Digital technologies:

camera workflows, 40

hand coloring, 174176

ICE technology, 47

ROC cameras, 49

shooting techniques, 2224

Discrete colors (levels), 18

Distance from subject for DOF in panoramas, 227


free form photo layouts, 314

lens, 198199

perspective, 167

Distribute option, 323

Dodging, 123, 127128, 131

DOF see Depth of field

Dots in printing, 349350

‘Dots Per Inch’ (dpi), 15

Downloading organization, 7879

Dpi see ‘Dots Per Inch’

Drawing tools, 268

Drawn symbols, 294

Dreamy effect, 208209

Drop Shadow options, 180184

Dropped Shadow text box, 305306

Duplicate files storage, 90

Dust, 47, 189190


jacket, 344

VCD/DVD with menu project, 335336

Dye sublimation printers, 352353


automatic, 9699

manual, 103104

multiple files, 99

non-destructive, 124

pages 316318

photos 314316

semi-automatic 100102

versioning, 91


faster running programs, 394395

Photo Galleries tool, 253256

Photoshop feature equivalents, 406

printing, 355357

Enhance command, 123

Enhancement of poorly exposed images, 132

Eraser tool, 157

Erasure in tonal layers, 129130


compensation, 2425

control, 2324

digital shooting, 22

panoramas, 225, 237240

poorly exposed pictures, 134

tonal adjustments, 68

Eyes, 207, 214

see also Red Eye fixing

Fade settings, 270

Fade to white in presentation backgrounds, 304

Faded images restoration, 170172

Faster running for Elements, 394395

Feather tool, 179, 232

Files, location, 8687

Fill flash effects, 188

Fill layers:

description, 114

masks, 119120

Film scanners, 4142

Find option in collections, 87

Fit Frame to Photo option, 313

Flat pictures in spinning movies conversion, 244247

Flipbooks, 345

Focal length in depth of field in panoramas, 227

Focus in panoramas, 226

Font families and styles, 276


alignment, arrangement and distribution, 322323

frame-by-frame control, 2526

layers, 115, 145146, 308

in Polaroid effect, 161

Freckles, 209

Free Rotate Layer option, 314

Free Transform tool, 111, 314

Frequency of backup, 90

Full Edit workspace, 101, 103

Full Editor, 5

Gaussian Blur filter, 157, 176, 179

General purpose paper, 380

Get Photos command, 4

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format, 258

Global enhancement, 20

Glossary, 398402

Glossy photographic paper, 380

Gradient Editor, 293

Gradient maps, 142, 197

Grain filter, 148

Graphics, 326328

Graphics, tablets, 294

Grayscale masks, 121‘2, 124125, 144145

Greetings card project, 343

Grouping of photos, 83

‘Groups with previous’ masks, 120

Hand coloring, digital, 174176

Hardness settings, 270

Headings for websites, 253, 260263

Healing Brush tool, 210, 213

High bit mode, 2022

High-key pictures, 196197

High-resolution mosaics, 241


adjustment, 44

capture, 4546

poorly exposed photos, 135136


Adobe Camera Raw interface, 64

tones, 27

History (faster running of Elements), 395

Hue Jitter controls, 270

Hue/Saturation control, 136137


Adobe Camera Raw interface settings, 65

cache settings, 395

capture, 1516

combination, 191193

compression and quality, 258259

data for RAW files, 37

editing program, color-managed workflow, 365366

Elements Photo Galleries tool, 253

layers, 114

layers screening, 132134

professional outsourcing, 385386

quality and compression, 258259

Raw files, 37

resolution/printer resolution, 354355

sharpness, 2728

stacks, 9294

in text, 286‘7, 288290

websites, 253


multi-selections, 63

photos, 67

In-camera picture details, 78


for black and white prints, 378381

mottling in Polaroid effect, 160161

Inkjet printers, 350351

Input resolution, 15

Interactive website styles, 254


color, 36

shoot small print big, 387

ISO RAW format capture, 60

‘Jaggies’, 275

Jargon buster, 398402

Java Applet viewer, 247

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, 36, 258

Justification of text, 276

Kaleidoscopic images, 300302

Keyboard shortcuts, 403405

Kodak Gallery, 340341

Kodak Photo book, 325

Large preview of Adobe Camera Raw interface, 66

Laser printers, 352

Lasso tool, 168


black and white and color, 142

image changes, 114117

masks, 119120


editing, 309314

printing, 324325

Leading text, 277

Lens Flare filter, 196

Lens problems, 198199

Levels adjustments, 11

Life expectancy, prints, 382384

Light sources:

color casts, 31

white balance settings, 3233

Lightening soft-edges for presentation

backgrounds, 304

Lighting adjustment function, 11

Lith printing, 164166

Loading selections, 109

Local enhancement, 21


files, 8687

metadata, 8788

Logos 294295

Luminance smoothing, 70

Magic Selection Brush command, 108109

Magic Wand tool, 140

Magical selections, 108109

Magnetic tool, 168

Manipulation of layers, 116

Manual editing, 103104

Map View, 4

Marquee option, 113

Mask mode Selection Brush command, 107

Masking techniques, 118126

Matt/satin paper, 380

Metadata location, 8788

Modification of selections, 110

Monitors for color-managed workflow, 364365

Monochrome inks, 79‘80, 380381

Monochromes, tinted, 136


darkroom techniques on desktop, 193196

text, 291293

Month by month project, 346

More options palette, 270

Motion Blur option, 154

Moving of pages, 316318

Multi-page documents, 395

Multi-reflection images, 300

Multi-sampling, 4445


editing, 99

importing, 63

Multimedia slide shows, 333

Multiple files processing, 98

Multiple prints, 359

Music and narration for Slide Show Editor, 334

Mypublisher, 342

Naming, 8081

Neutral grays, 379

Nikon workflow, 58


cameras, 48

RAW format capture, 60

reduction, 48

Non-destructive techniques:

editing, 124

retouching, 216

textures, 149

Offset lithography, 353

Old look, change to, 200201

On-line publishing, 340342

Open files, 395


downloading, 7879

Photo Browser, 7879

photos, 78

Organizer function, 4

Orientation, 67


adding, moving and deleting 316318

printing and publishing, 336338

Painterly photos, 202204

Painting tools, 268

Pan and Zoom, Slide Show Editor, 333

Pano2Exe utility, 246


movies, 244247

printing, 242243

tripod heads, 223

workflow, 248

zoom, 226


black and white prints, 378381

Polaroid effect, 161

Paragraph text, 275

Permanence in printing, 381385

Perspective, 166167, 314

Photo books, 337338

Photo Browser view command, 84

Photo Creations:

access, 331

command, 5

options, 331

projects, 308, 333346

Photo Downloader, 67

Photo Galleries option, 254

Photo Layout feature, 308, 309314

Photomerge, 218220, 244

Photoshop, Elements feature equivalents, 406

Photoworks, 341342

Pictrography, 353


addition to shapes, 282283

month by month project, 346

text, 286

Pincushion distortion, 198199

Pixels, 14, 1617

Plug-in options, 396397

Polaroid transfer effect, 158161

Poorly exposed images enhancement, 132

Pop art posters, 203204

Position Photo in Frame option, 313

Positioning, camera, 221222

Posterized pictures, 298299

Posters of pop art, 203204

Powerpoint slides, 305306

Precision control of selection size, 113

Presentation backgrounds, 303306

Preview, websites, 256

Previous conversion of Adobe Camera Raw

interface, 65

Print function, 5

Print preview dialog, 356357

Printer resolution/images resolution, 354355


basics, 348351

color management, 362

diffusion printing 156157

Elements, 355357

layouts, 324325

panoramas, 242243

printers, calibration, 373377

publishing, 336338

sRGB/Adobe RGB, 367

workflow, 390

Prints, life expectancy, 382384

Professional outsourcing of images, 385386

Protection of assets, 88


books, 339340

online, 340342

printing, 336338

Quick Fix Editor, 5, 100, 101

Quick reorder, Slide Show Editor, 334

Quicktime movie format, 245

RAM percentages, 394

RAW format:

advantages, 39

control, 35

dialog, 38

processing, 36‘8, 5676

Raw files:

Adobe Photo Downloader, 61

camera/card reader, 6162

conversion process, 7275

description, 37

existing archive/disk/drive, 63

outputting converted files, 7072

plugins, 76

raw-enabled cameras, 5758

Red eye fixing see Auto Red Eye Fix command

Reduction of color, 296297

Removal of photos, 314315

Renaming, 8081

Replace Photo option, 313

Replacement of photos, 313, 314315


basics, 1416

printers, 374

Raw format capture, 59

scanners, 4243

Retouching, non-destructive, 216

Ring flash shadow, 184, 185

‘Rollovers’ (animated buttons), 260

Rotate 90– Right or Left option, 313

Roundness settings, 270

Rule of thirds, 221


RAW format capture, 60

tonal adjustments, 69

Saturation adjustment, 28

Saving, 10, 109

Scale to Fit option, 356

Scale options:

to fit, 356

proportionately, 314


color-managed workflow, 363364

description, 4143

scanning workflow, 50

Scatter settings, 270

Scrapbooks, 336338

Scratch disk, 394, 395

Scratches, 47, 189190


calibration with Adobe Gamma, 368369

calibration with Color Vision Spyder, 370371

color-managed workflow, 364365

Select and Tone, 139140

Selection Brush tool, 106107, 118


layer masks, 120

loading, 109

modification, 110

saving, 109

Selection Brush command, 106107

size precision control, 113

tone, 127128

Semi-auto full edit features, 101

Semi-automatic editing, 100

Sepia effect, 137, 200


adjustment, 44

capture, 4546

poorly exposed pictures, 135136

shadow/highlights feature, 188

tonal adjustments, 68

Shape layers, 115

Shapes, 280285

Sharedink, 341

Sharing of websites, 254


Adobe camera Raw interface, 70

basics, 910, 150151

capture workflow for Raw files, 60

image changes, 150151

sharpness adjustment, 29

sharpness of printers, 375376

Shoot small print big, 387389

Shooting problems, 5152

Shortcuts using keyboard, 403405

Shutters, 2324

Simple borders, 143

Simple type, 274

Simulated tones in printing, 351

Size of selections, 113

Skew option, 314


retouching, 215

tones, 207

Slide Show Editor, 332334

Slide shows for websites, 263264

Snapfish, 342

Speciality paper, 380

Spinning movies conversion of flat pictures, 244247

Spinning panoramas movies, 244247

Split toning, 139140

Spot healing brush, 211

SRGB/Adobe RGB, 367

Stacking cataloged photos, 94

Storage of duplicate files, 90

Straightening, 78


layers, 116

styled text, 333

text layers, 277279

Subtraction of selection, 106

Support for cameras, 222224

Symbols, 294

Tagging, 81

Tags command, 81

Temperature (color selection), 66


alignment, 276

changes, 275

graphics, 274276

images, 286‘7, 288290

justification, 276

layers, 114

layers styles, 277279

leading, 277

montages, 291293

pictures, 286

websites, 253

Textures, 147, 149

Themes system, 308

Thermal wax transfer printing, 353

Threshold command, 294

TIFF format, 36

Timing of panoramas, 229


Adobe camera Raw interface, 67

hue/saturation control, 138

monochromes, 136

Tonal adjustments, raw files, 6869


basics, 89, 1112

enhancement, 132134

layers erasure, 129130

printers, 373374

printing, 348350

selections, 127128

techniques, 137

Transformation selections, 111112

Transitions in Slide Show Editor, 333

Tripod heads, 223, 230

Two-layer erase technique, 141

Type tools controls, 274

Unsharp Mask (USM) filter, contrast, 162163

Unsharp masking, 151152

Uploading of websites, 266

Upscaling techniques, 388

USM see Unsharp Mask

VCD/DVD with Menu project, 335336, 345

Version Set Photos command, 92


edits, 91

Photoshop Elements, 9192

Vertical panoramas, 240

View changing, 8485

View Photos in Full Screen command, 85

Viewing, layers, 116

Virtual memory, 395

Virtual reality (VR) tripod heads, 223, 230

Visual surgery, 207

VR see Virtual reality

Warhol, Andy, 298

Watercolour painting, 203204

Web galleries, 254

Web pages:

button creation, 253, 259261

creation, 252

Java Applet viewer, 247


animation, 254

assembly 264265

assets, 253

for book, 3

building, 251252

headings 253, 260263

interactive, 254

photo optimization, 257258

saving options 254

settings, 256

sharing options, 254

slide shows, 263264

styles, 250, 253255

web galleries, 254

White balance:

Adobe Camera Raw interface, 6667

automatic, 33

control, 1930

customization, 34

light sources, 3233

panoramas, 228

RAW format capture, 60

White Balancing Bracketing option, 33

WIR (Wilhelm Imaging Research) certification

program, 384385


Basic Elements, 1011

Canon cameras, 58

digital camera, 40

Panoramas, 248

printing, 390

RAW format capture, 5960

scanning, 50

Zoom for panoramas, 226

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