
Every generation probably would claim that it lived in changing times. What distinguishes this generation is the pace of change. The rapidity with which advances occur quickly renders obsolete traditional methods of doing things.

With their reliance on technology, the media—especially electronic media—are particularly susceptible to change. Proof lies in the confused reactions of many executives to the results of Roper’s latest quinquennial Media Comparison Study. One of its findings is that television viewing has increased since 2000. But that conclusion may suggest more about consumers’ video consumption than about the television medium in an age of mushrooming growth in the number and variety of video distribution methods.

Confusion about the transformation we are witnessing is not limited to TV executives. Decision makers in all media face the task of trying to identify trends and understand their possible implications so that they may take actions deemed appropriate at the time. In the pages that follow, the authors have attempted to prepare prospective managers to handle the complexities that characterize today’s electronic media environment.

The organization of the book remains unchanged from the fourth edition. However, all chapters have been updated. New case studies reflecting contemporary challenges accompany each. Similarly, the glossary and the bibliography include the language and the literature of this new era.

The authors have been assisted in their efforts by reviewers and users of the fourth edition, to whom they offer thanks.

They are also appreciative of the support they have received from the staff at Focal Press. And they are especially indebted to their editor, Amy Jollymore. Her insights, guidance, and suggestions have made the writing of this edition instructive and rewarding.

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