

The Develop and Test Stage: Do It!


Key deliverables

Process steps

The Develop and Test Stage is when you spend the bulk of the costs relating to the project.

‘The world can only be grasped by action, not contemplation.’



The Develop and Test Stage is when you usually spend the bulk of the costs relating to the project. It comprises the outstanding design, development, creation and building of the chosen solution and its supporting systems, manuals, business processes, organisation and training. It concludes with a full test in a controlled environment to verify that the deliverables have been ‘built right’. If this stage is of long duration (more than four months), it is essential that review points are built into the plan to ensure its on-going viability is assessed (see ’Reviews during a project’, Chapter 26). It is also wise to have additional review points just prior to letting any major contracts relating to the project.

During this stage you will need to make a decision to start the Trial Stage, when you you validate, with customers and users, that what you have produced is the ‘right thing’. This decision can be taken prior to completion of the full work scope for the stage, as only activities required for the trial need be completed.

Key deliverables


The Test Results verify that any testing has been completed in accordance with the test plans and acceptance criteria, prior to doing the ready for trial review. Any outstanding issues are noted (see the CD-ROM for a template).


The Trial Plan documents the way in which the output will be piloted and the criteria for determining whether it was successful (see the CD-ROM for a template).


The Ready for Trial Review Report is a short report which confirms that all deliverables, resources, and prerequisites across all functions required for starting the trial are in place (see the CD-ROM for a template).


The Project Plan: the schedule, resource and cost plan for the Trial Stage should be fully detailed with the remainder of the project in outline.

Deliverable Prepared by Review by Approval, prior to gate, by
Test Results Project manager Team members and experts Project sponsor
Trial plan Project manager Team members Operational staff Project sponsor
Ready for Trial Review Report Project manager Team members Operational staff Project sponsor
The Project Plan Project manager Team members Project sponsor

Note: These are minimum review roles and deliverables only. Each project should define its full set prior to the start of the stage.

Process steps

Development Gate. This gate determines whether the development and testing work should start. If the Business Case is authorised, the Develop and Test stage is started and the benefits, revenues and costs are built into the Business Plan. See checklist on p. 106.

  1. The project manager informs the stakeholders and key team members that authorisation to start development has been given.
  2. The project manager assembles the team (including suppliers) and confirms the project controls, roles and accountabilities for each individual. The plan (as produced at the end of the previous stage) should be reviewed to ensure it is still valid.
  3. The work, as defined in the business case and laid out in the project plan, is carried out within the project control cycle (see p. 23). Work is done, progress is measured, issues and variances noted and corrections made. As deliverables are produced they are reviewed, amended and finally accepted. These comprise those which are required prior to:
    • starting testing;
    • starting the Trial Stage (if one is required);
    • the Release Gate.
  4. The tests are carried out, the results are reviewed, and any modification and retesting done. Some deliverables and the output definition may need to be amended in light of the tests.
  5. A review is done to check that all activities have been done and deliverables are ready for the following stage(s) to start. All project documentation (including the project plan, output definition and business case) is updated.

If a Trial Stage is required, submit the Ready for Trial Report for gate authorisation. If a trial is not required, submit the Ready for Service Report for gate authorisation.

Figure 8.1 Steps in the Develop and Test Stage

Figure 8.1 Steps in the Develop and Test Stage



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