
Why do certain people succeed?

Let’s consider a few. Richard Branson, Madonna, Simon Cowell, Jordan/Katie Price, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs. Love ’em or loathe ’em, you can’t deny that they’ve succeeded in their chosen fields.

So how did they hit the big time?

Because they know who they are. They understand their personal strengths and shortcomings. None of them are all-rounded and talented in every way, but they pursue endeavours that play to what they are good at. All of them manage their weaknesses and avoid situations that expose them. Rather than treading the same, old, tired path as everyone else, they carve out their own journeys to create careers that are one of a kind.

These people understand their unique personalities and make them work for them. You can too.

Your personalised plan

Each of us is unique. We all have individual traits and characteristics that we call our personality. Some of us thrive on pressure while others hate it. Some strive to be noticed while others prefer to live comfortably in the crowd. Some of us crave harmony while others revel in confrontation.

We’re all different.

And if we’re all different, it follows that we need to take diverse paths to succeed. What works for me may not work for you. The actions you need to get ahead will almost certainly differ from those that your best friend, partner or teammates would need to take. Rather than tell you advice aimed at the masses, I’ll help you to create a personalised development programme that is specifically tailored to you and your personality.

The science of success

In this book I present you with advice that is proven to be effective.

I’m sure you’ve heard of – or even completed – personality tests. The truth is that a lot of the personality or psychometric tests out there are actually decades old. If I asked you to name a personality test, I bet I could guess which one you’re thinking of. But you may be surprised to hear that it was probably developed over 50 years ago. Psychology has moved on quite a bit since then.

Modern personality tests are more accurate and better at predicting what people need to do to succeed. By completing questionnaires and following advice within this book, you’ll be guided through seven major dimensions of personality. These have been researched in over half a million people – from groups as varied as chief executives and entrepreneurs to students and soldiers, in countries ranging from the UK and USA to Brazil and China.

Not long ago, the BBC asked me to test the personalities of the celebrities and professional dancers on its hit TV show Strictly Come Dancing. My analysis of the celebrities’ personality profiles allowed me to make stunningly accurate predictions about how well the couples would get on, how hard they would train and how popular they would be with the general public. The celebrities who shone on the show understood their personalities, their unique strengths.

By understanding your personality and exploring and honing your particular talents, you can chart your very own course to success. Perhaps you work for a large organisation and want to climb the career ladder. Maybe you work for yourself and realise that your livelihood depends on how good you are. Or you may want to be successful in some other endeavour – to be a better parent, a more successful fundraiser, an empire-building entrepreneur. Whatever your goals, you will achieve them by learning more about your personality and following advice that is perfectly designed for you and you alone.

Ready to discover your greatest asset?

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