Chapter 7. Dojo Form Widgets


... and the world was without Form ...


As with creation, there was a point when the World Wide Web itself was also without form, <form> tags that is. But we certainly have them now, and they are the primary technique for gathering data from the user. Standard HTML provides a number of useful form widgets such as text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, and select lists. However, these widgets are limited and a bit primitive especially considering that users today are clamoring for Rich Internet Applications with user interfaces rivaling those of some desktop applications. Dojo provides replacements for these standard widgets along with many new widgets that can be used in forms to collect information from the user of our pages. This chapter drills down into the details of the Dojo form widgets.

Standard Forms and Dojo Form Widgets

To begin our discussion of form widgets, let’s go back to first principles for a moment. Why do we need forms at all? We need them so that we can capture data from the user and send it to the server for processing. But we don’t really send forms to the server; we send the individual data elements. Remember what a query string looks like in a URL? Here’s an example of something you might see in the address bar of the browser:


In this example we have three data fields being sent from the browser (name, id, and type) along with their values (“Joe,” 123, “new”). But where is the form? The form is the aggregation of the data but doesn’t appear as a distinct component in the URL. However, within the HTML for the page, it certainly has a distinct identity and its own tag: <form>. We need it so we can specify characteristics of the entire form such as the action (server resource to be requested) and the method type (“GET” or “POST”). So we need a form widget, and Dojo provides one for us that allows us to treat the form as a Dojo object and gives us a few additional methods that make it easier to use.

However, the real meat in this chapter is in the form element widgets. These are the components that capture the actual data and associate it with a logical name to be used on the server. To make this more concrete, let’s look at just one of the name/value pairs from the prior URL example.


From this we can tell that there is a field (or variable) called “id,” which was given a value of “123” by the user. This doesn’t tell us anything about how the user entered the value. Did they do it by typing it in, selecting it from a pull-down list, or maybe even just checking a radio button that was associated with the value. The server doesn’t know, and it doesn’t care—and it shouldn’t. The server just cares about the data value. But for the user, the “how” is very important. They need a widget that makes it easy and intuitive for them to enter the right value. And that is why we need a number of form widgets—to present different metaphors to the user for entering and validating data. So for us, a form widget is simply a visual component of the page that captures a single data value but does it in a way that corresponds to the user’s understanding of the data. For example, the technique for selecting a data value for a date should be different than that of selecting an RGB value for color. Each should have its own unique visual metaphor, and Dojo provides snazzy widgets for both!

Now let’s explore the technical details of the Dojo form widgets.

The dijit.form._FormWidget Class

Form widgets are used to capture entered values from the user so that the data can be submitted to the server. The simplest examples of these widgets are the replacements for the standard HTML form elements such as text fields, multi-line text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and select lists. Each acts as an individual data element on a form. Dojo provides us with souped-up versions of these HTML elements along with some new widgets that have no HTML counterparts.

Although there are many different Dojo form widgets, they have many common features. The Dojo widgets are built using an object-oriented approach, which implies that a new widget should be able to inherit properties from more general widgets. The most general widget of all is dijit.form._FormWidget, which can be described as “the mother of all form widgets.” In other words, any Dojo widget we create in the form package inherits properties and methods from this class. Remember, inheritance is additive. A form widget will possesses all the properties and methods in its own class plus any from the dijit.form._FormWidget class. And also remember that in Chapter 6 we studied the base class for all widgets: dijit._Widget. The form widget dijit.form._FormWidget is a subclass of dijit._Widget, so any individual form widgets would also inherit all dijit._Widget methods and properties.

Let’s review the properties and methods that all widgets have in common by studying the members of the dijit.form._FormWidget class. We’ll review the key properties and methods. To see a full list of every property and method, you should review the source code for the widget.

Properties in dijit.form._FormWidget

You may notice that many of the properties have a null value in FormWidget. This is because they are common properties of all form widgets, but each specific widget must assign its own value for the property. The reason that they don’t need values in FormWidget is that we will never build a FormWidget object directly. We’ll build one of its subclasses. That makes FormWidget an abstract class.

Table 7.1. dijit.form._FormWidget Properties






CSS class for this widget used to associate styles.



Used to assign the alt attribute of the HTML <input> tag associated with the widget.



Used to assign the value attribute of the HTML <input> tag associated with the widget. This is the most important property of the widget: its data value.



Used to assign the name attribute of the HTML <input> tag associated with the widget.



Used to assign the tabIndex attribute of the HTML <input> tag associated with the widget. This determines the order in which the cursor moves through the fields.



Determines whether the user can interact with this widget. A value of true turns the widget off, but it is still displayed (usually with a different style) while a value of true makes the widget usable.

We seem to be missing some important properties. For instance, where is the style property that defines styles for a DOM element? Remember, dijit.form._FormWidget inherits from dijit._Widget, and it is dijit._Widget that contains the definition for the style property.

Methods in dijit.form._FormWidget

Here are the key methods for dijit.form._FormWidget. Again, these aren’t all the methods, just the ones I felt were important. There are more in the source code.

Table 7.2. dijit.form._FormWidget Methods



setDisabled (disable)

Turns the widget on or off based on the argument disable. Both the DOM element and the widget object are disabled (or enabled). Following is the key line from the method:

  this.domNode.disabled =
      this.disabled = disabled;

Notice that both the DOM element and the Dojo widget have a disabled property that is set to the value of the argument to this method.


Returns true if focus can be placed on the widget (it is enabled and visible), otherwise returns false.


Places the widget in focus. This places the cursor on the widget.


This is the method that you would override to add your own behavior to the widget when the user enters some new data. If you look at the code for this method, you’ll notice that it doesn’t do anything. It is a stub method that can be replaced by your own code—although you don’t have to.


Programmatically change the value of the widget to newValue. This is run automatically when the user enters data.


Returns the current value of the widget.


Resets the value of the widget to the last value passed to the onChange method. This method allows the developer to back out a change to setValue without having to write code to store the old value.

The Dojo Form Widget Explained

This section provides a detailed write-up, usually two pages long, describing each of the form widgets in a standard format. But first, the following are some suggestions on how to use these write-ups, and a description of each of the categories in the write-ups.

Table 7.3. Legend for Dojo Widget Documentation

Widget Name

This is the full name of the widget including the package name. For example, dijit.form.TextBox is the TextBox widget in the package “dijit.form”. Sometimes you’ll see references to only the name of the widget, but that isn’t completely correct. However, in this version of Dojo, widget names are unique within a package but also across all the packages.

Super Classes

Widgets inherit properties and methods from their super classes. This shows the class hierarchy for the widget. There are some missing pieces here. Some of the classes that act as interfaces aren’t shown, such as dijit._Templated and dijit._Container. Almost all widgets use these, so showing them would take more space without really adding any value. When you really need to be sure if these classes are used by a widget, check the source code.

File Location

This contains the location of the file containing the JavaScript source code for the widget. You don’t need to look at the source code, but here’s some advice: Don’t be afraid to look at the source code. It is very well written and very instructive. A wise developer once said that a programmer who doesn’t read the source code is really no better than one who can’t read the source code. Let’s not be that developer.


This section also contains the JavaScript code necessary to include this widget in your page. Declaring the widget in the HTML is not enough.


This describes when you might use the widget and describes the behavior of the widget.

Display Examples

This shows you some examples of what the widget would look like on your page.

HTML Markup Examples

This shows the HTML that you would need to include in your page to create the widget. Remember, you can create the widget either in HTML or JavaScript. The HTML markup method is also known as the declarative method.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

This shows the JavaScript code you would need to create your widget. This is the programmatic method of creating the widget. When you create a widget this way, it is not automatically included in the DOM; you need to explicitly attach it; otherwise, it won’t be usable.

Key Properties

These are some of the important properties of the widget. I usually only show properties unique to the class and not the ones that are inherited from super classes. However, sometimes the really important properties are the inherited ones so they are listed.

Key Methods

These are some of the important methods of the widget.

Key Styles

Need explanation from Jim.

Key Events

These are some of the important events of the widget.


This contains additional items of interest about the widget.

One final note before we begin the form widget write-ups. The write-ups do not attempt to document every aspect of each widget. They provide a summary of each widget. These write-ups balance completeness versus succinctness. When you really need all the details you should go to the Dojo site to review documentation, the API, and the forums. You should also dive into the source code.

Also there are a few form widgets that are more complicated and specialized. I’ve chosen to put those in Chapter 8, “Dojo Layout Widgets.” These include the Slider, Number Spinner, InlineEditBox, Textarea, and Editor.

Table 7.4. Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");


This class will create a button icon that triggers some behavior when clicked. This button replaces the standard HTML <button> and can be used for form submission or anywhere that some action needs to be initiated by the user.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple button.

   <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" label="Click Me" />

Create a simple button with an icon:

   <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button"
      label="Click Me" iconClass="circleIcon" />

Example CSS for icon

   .circleIcon {
      background-image: url(circleIcon.gif);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;}

Create a simple button with the label defined by placing text in the tag body:

   <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="handler">
       Click here!

Note: This example also shows how to create behavior by assigning a function named handler to the onclick event. It assumes that there is a function named handler that will execute if the user clicks the button.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new Button with a label of “Click me”:

new dijit.form.Button({label: "Click me"}, dojo.byId("form1");

This code automatically adds the widget to an existing widget in the DOM whose id is “form1”. If you don’t specify a node for attaching the widget, it will not appear on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets


You can also attach an onClick event to the widget using JavaScript so that there is a clear separation between the structure (HTML markup) of your widget and the behavior (JavaScript). This example assumes there is a function named, handler, and the id of the button is btn1.

dojo.connect( dojo.byId("btn1"), "onclick", handler);


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");


This class creates a button icon that displays its child element when clicked. The child element can be any widget type. This widget is named as it is because it makes the creation of drop-down menus very simple. By default, the displayed content appears just below the button.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

The examples here show what the widget looks like before it is clicked and then after. The rightmost image shows how the widget appears after it is clicked.

HTML Markup Examples

Create a DropDownButton with Menu:

<div dojoType="dijit.form.DropDownButton">
  <div dojoType="dijit.Menu">
   <div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"
   iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCut">Cut</div>
   <div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"
   iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCopy">Copy</div>
   <div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"
   iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconPaste">Paste</div>

In this example, the child widget is a dijit.Menu with dijit.MenuItem widgets attached. Each menu item gets an icon because of the iconClass property. This is a feature of the Menu widget, not of the DropDownButton specifically.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new DropDownButton with a label of “Menu”:

btn1 = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({label: "Menu"};

This code creates the widget, but it must be attached as a child of some DOM element to be visible on the page.

For this widget to be useful you must also attach a child widget that will be displayed when the button is activated. Let’s say that you’ve already created a Menu widget with items on it (see the description for dijit.Menu for details on how to create menus), and the object name is menu. The DropDownButton provides a special property to attach the widget to the button.

  btn1.dropDown = menu;

This is necessary because a bit of processing needs to be done to make the widget hidden, so just adding the new widget as a child of the button using addChild() wouldn’t be sufficient.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

There are no additional public methods for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.

Key Styles

There are no additional public key styles for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.

Key Events

There are no additional public events for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.


The power of this widget comes from its ability to display any other widget on activation, but its most typical use is to display menus.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");


This class creates a button combining the features of a dijit.form.Button and a dijit.form.DropDownButton. When the user clicks the down arrow icon on this widget, it acts as a DropDownButton and displays its child widget. When the user clicks the button outside the down arrow, this widget acts as a Button and runs its onclick event handler. This is useful when some default behavior can be tied to the button while the child widget asks for or applies some restrictions or further characteristics for the behavior. A classic example of this would be where the primary button does a “Save,” but the child widget performs a “Save” or “Save As...”

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

The rightmost widget shows what would display if the user clicks the down arrow icon on the widget.

HTML Markup Examples

Create a ComboButton with a Menu.

  <div dojoType="dijit.form.ComboButton">
    <div dojoType="dijit.Menu" id="saveMenu1">
        <div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem"
        iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconSave">Save</div>
        <div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem">Save As</div>

Remember to include dojo.require("dijit.Menu") in your page to use menus.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new ComboButton with a label of “Click me”:

new dijit.form.ComboButton({label: "Save"},

This code automatically adds the widget to an existing widget in the DOM whose id is “form1”. If you don’t specify a node for attaching the widget, it will not appear on the page.

Key Properties

There are no additional public properties for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.

Key Methods

There are no additional public methods for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

There are no additional public events for this widget, just those that have been inherited from its super classes.




Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.Button");


This class creates a button that can be in two states (checked or not). Use this widget to provide users with a means of flipping some internal state. It looks like a regular Button. However, it has a built-in feature to automatically change the button CSS and icon CSS when it is toggled.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple ToggleButton:

  <button dojoType="dijit.form.ToggleButton"

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new ToggleButton with a label of “Click me”:

new dijit.form.ToggleButton({label: "Toggle"},

This code automatically adds the widget to an existing widget in the DOM whose id is “form1”. If you don’t specify a node for attaching the widget, it will not appear on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets


ToggleButton is a base class for checkboxes and radio buttons.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox");


This class creates a widget that can be in two states (checked or not). These widgets can be combined into a group. This is a replacement for the HTML <input type="checkbox" name="c1"/> tag. Although only a single widget is required, you would usually use multiple instances for each possible checkbox item. As with standard HTML, you can use the same value for the name attribute to link the individual checkboxes together into a group.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple CheckBox.

<input dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" checked="checked" name="c1">
<input dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" name="c1">
<input dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" name="c1">
   Checked and Disabled

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new CheckBox:

   new dijit.form.CheckBox({name: "c1", checked: true});

This constructor only created the CheckBox not the label that usually goes along with it. You would also have to create the label and attach both it and the CheckBox to the DOM.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets


Use an <input> tag rather than a <button> tag for dijit.form.CheckBox.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox");


This class creates a widget that can be in two states (checked or not). These widgets can be combined into a group. This is a replacement for the HTML <input type="checkbox" name="c1"/> tag. Although only a single widget is required, you would usually use multiple instances for each possible checkbox item. As with standard HTML, you can use the same value for the name attribute to link the individual checkboxes together into a group. The difference between this widget and the CheckBox widget is that only one of the instances in a group of RadioButton widgets can be checked.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple set of RadioButton widgets.

   <input type="radio" name="rb" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton"
       checked="checked" name="rb1">

   <input type="radio" name="rb" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton">

   <input type="radio" name="rb" dojoType="dijit.form.RadioButton"
       disabled="disabled" >

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new RadioButton:

   new dijit.form.Radiobutton({name: "c1", checked: true});

This constructor only created a single RadionButton widget, not the label that usually goes along with it. You would also have to create the label and attach both it and the RadioButton to the DOM.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets




Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox");


Creates a generic textbox field. This widget can be used as a replacement for the <input type="text"> tag. By using the widget instead of the HTML tag you can get the benefits of consistent styling and a number of additional useful methods. This widget by itself does not provide any validation. However, Dojo does provide a number of subclasses of this widget that do provide lots of validation features. Details for each of these subclasses are provided on their own page, but they’re also summarized in the following table.

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

A label would usually be associated with this field but is not part of the widget itself.

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple TextBox

   <input type="text" name="f1" dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"/>

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new TextBox

new dijit.form.TextBox({}, dojo.byId("form1");

This code automatically adds the widget to an existing widget in the DOM whose id is “form1”. If you don’t specify a node for attaching the widget, it will not appear on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets


Even though this class is used as a root class for other more useful validating textbox types, it can still be used by itself and often is when validation is not required.

The autocomplete property is set to off. This prevents the browser from displaying suggestions for this field based on previously entered values.

This widget allows the user to enter a single field. However, you can think of the data for the entry as being stored in two properties. The first property, displayedValue, contains the data as it is entered and seen by the user. The second property, value, contains the data as it is manipulated by the widget. The parse() method of the widget may transform the data in some way, and it is run whenever the displayedValue is changed. The format() method transforms the data in value back to the format required for display. The methods are intended to be the inverse of each other. The following diagram depicts this process visually.

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

The default behavior for these methods is to perform no transformation so that the internal value is the same as the externally displayed displayedValue.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");


This widget can be used as a replacement for the <input type="text"> tag, just like TextBox, with the additional benefit that validations can be automatically applied to the data when it is entered by the user. Validations can be defined by setting values for certain properties on the widget. Validation messages will appear as pop-ups next to the entered fields. Standard validation messages also exist but can be overridden. You can also define a helpful message that appears when the field is in focus and no data has been entered. This message can be defined in the promptMessage property of the widget.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This widget requires that a value be entered. The prompt message appears when the widget is in focus and no value has been entered.

HTML Markup Examples

Create a simple ValidationTextBox

   <input id="q01" type="text" name="age"
      promptMessage="Enter an age between 0 and 120"
      required="true" />

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Constructor for creating a new ValidationTextBox

   new dijit.form.ValidationTextBox(
     { promptMessage: "Enter an age between 0 and 120",
       required: "true"},

This code automatically adds the widget to an existing widget in the DOM whose id is “form1”. If you don’t specify a node for attaching the widget, it will not appear on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Events

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets


The regular expression validation is extremely powerful. Regular expressions can be created for a huge variety of validations, although they can be somewhat difficult to work with at first. Regular expression syntax is beyond the scope of the book, but many good references exist.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");


This widget is the same as ValidationTextBox with a few differences. Additional methods are provided to allow the entered data to have special serialization performed and saved in a hidden field. The typical purpose of this is to allow you to transform the value for the widget before it is submitted to the server. In other words, this widget actually maps to two form elements, one of which is a hidden field whose value is passed to the server. The other element is the field actually entered by the user.

Although it is possible to create widgets from this class it usually isn’t done. Instead, this is used as a base class for other validation widgets. You could think of this as an abstract class used to implement inheritance in the class hierarchy.

Display Examples

Not applicable.

HTML Markup Examples

Not applicable.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Not applicable.

Key Properties


Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles


Key Events

Not applicable.


This widget is used as a base class for other validation wizards and would probably not be used directly.

You might wonder what the purpose of the serialize method is given that Dojo form widgets get serialized automatically by the browser on form submission because they populate the value property of the DOM node. The serialize method in this widget can be overridden to provide specialized serialization, transforming the data before submission to the server. That is the difference.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox");


This widget is a subclass of MappedTextBox that provides the ability to check for a minimum value, a maximum value, or both. Like MappedTextBox it tends to be used as an abstract class for inheritance to subclasses and not as a concrete class. In other words, you probably won’t create widgets from this class directly. You may use it as a super class to define your own custom widgets. Its two subclasses are NumberTextBox and TimeTextBox.

Display Examples

Not applicable.

HTML Markup Examples

Not applicable.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Not applicable.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles


Key Events





Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.NumberTextBox");


This class creates a widget that subclasses RangeBoundTextBox and allows only numeric values. By inheriting all of the functionality from its super classes, this widget provides a powerful set of features to provide for the entry of numeric data. It doesn’t possess any of its own new methods or properties but overrides a number of inherited methods to provide some useful numeric validations.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This figure shows the rangeMessage Tooltip when the entered data is outside the valid range. Notice also that the field is highlighted, and there is a special warning message icon at the far right of the field.

HTML Markup Examples

Following is the HTML for creating a simple NumberTextBox with a range validation.

  <inputtype="text" name="age"
    promptMessage="Enter an age"
    rangeMessage="Enter an age between 18 and 120"
    required="true" />

Notice that the constraints attribute specifies a value within braces: This is JSON notation for building an object.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Create a NumberTextBox widget using JavaScript.

  var obj = {
    name: "temperature",
    value: 98.6,
    constraints: {min:90,max:110,places:1},
    promptMessage: "Enter a value between 90 and 110",
    required: "true" ,
    invalidMessage: "Invalid temperature."

  var f1 = new dijit.form.NumberTextBox(obj, "form1");

Notice that the places property has a value of 1 in the constraint attribute. This forces the user to type a one decimal digit in the value.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods


Key Styles


Key Events





Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox");


This class creates a widget that subclasses NumberTextBox. This class allows only numeric data but also puts a further limitation on the entered data by requiring that it follow the rules for currency formats. Each country has a particular format for writing its currency that follows rules for the number of decimal places, the decimal character, and the separator characters for thousands. Also a unique symbol can be used such as “€” for the Euro). The International Standard Organization (ISO) defines standard codes and formats for describing various currencies.[1] Each country is assigned a unique three-character code to identify it (such as “JPY” for Japan).

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This example displays an amount in Japanese, which is always formatted as a whole number without decimal digits. The bottom example shows what happens when you try to enter decimal digits in a field expecting an amount in yen.

The symbol for yen is not entered by the user but is supplied automatically after the data is entered and focus leaves the field.

HTML Markup Examples

The following HTML would create a widget for entering an amount in Japanese yen.

<input id="field1" type="text" name="total"

The following HTML would create a widget for entering an amount in U.S. dollars. The user would not be required to enter the decimal digits.

<input id="field1" type="text" name="total"

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Create a NumberTextBox widget using JavaScript.

   var obj = {
     name: "cost",
     promptMessage="Enter the item cost."
     constraints="{fractional: true}"

   var f1 = new dijit.form.CurrencyTextBox(obj);

This widget must still be added to the DOM so it displays on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods


Key Styles


Key Events




[1] For a detailed explanation of currency codes, visit the following page on Wikipedia:


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.TimeTextBox");


This class creates a widget that allows the user to enter data representing time. It also performs validation on the data to ensure that it is a time value and that it is in an appropriate format. The widget can be configured so that various time formats can be selected.

Another very useful feature of this widget is its ability to display a scrollable list of times from which the user can select a value. So there is no need to actually type the time. This feature is provided by a special pop-up widget created from the dijit._TimePicker class.

There are many formatting options for displaying time and date data. Dojo uses the Unicode locale conventions, which are explained in more detail at the Unicode Consortium web site. The URL for additional information on date and time conventions is as follows:

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This example shows the widget after the user has clicked in the data entry area. A popup appears displaying the dijit._TimePicker widget, which allows the user to select a time from a scrollable list.

The dijit._TimePicker widget will display five hours (although this example shows three hours for brevity) of times centered around the current time. Times are selectable in 15-minute increments.

HTML Markup Examples

Here is the HTML markup for creating a widget to display a time using the “medium” value for formatLength.

<input id="time1" type="text" name="time1"

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Create a TimeTextBox widget using JavaScript.

 var obj = {
    name: "time",
    promptMessage="Enter the time.",
    constraints="{formatLength: 'medium'}"

 var f1 = new dijit.form.TimeTextBox(obj);

This widget must still be added to the DOM so it displays on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods


Key Styles


Key Events





Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.DateTextBox");


This class creates a widget that allows the user to enter data representing a date. It also performs validation on the data to ensure that it is a properly formatted date value. The widget can be configured so that various date formats can be specified.

Another very useful feature of this widget is its ability to display a calendar from which the user can select a value. This feature is provided by a special pop-up widget created from the dijit._Calendar class.

There are many formatting options for displaying time and date data. Dojo uses the Unicode locale conventions, which are explained in more detail at the Unicode Consortium web site. The URL for additional information on date and time conventions is as follows:

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This example shows the widget after the user has clicked in the data entry area. A popup appears displaying the dijit._Calendar widget, which allows the user to select a date.

HTML Markup Examples

Here is the HTML markup for creating a widget for entering date values:

<input id="date1" type="text" name="date1"

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Create a DateTextBox widget using JavaScript.

  var obj = {
    name: "date",
    promptMessage="Enter the date."

  var f1 = new dijit.form.DateTextBox(obj);

This widget must still be added to the DOM so it displays on the page.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods


Key Styles


Key Events





Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.ComboBox");


This class creates a widget that is a combination of a text box and a select list, hence the name ComboBox. Like a <select> tag, it contains a list of possible values that can be selected from a pull-down list. And like a text field, the user can type anything he wants (even if the value is not in the list).

The list of values can be supplied statically as HTML markup or by specifying a function that will retrieve data from the server using Ajax.

The widget also has an auto-complete feature. When auto-complete is enabled for the widget, the user can just type the first few characters of the field, and the widget displays the first matching value from the select list.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

By typing an i in the text box the user is forcing the widget to filter out any option not beginning with an “i.” Also given that auto-complete is enabled, the first value in the select list that matches “i” is automatically entered into the text area.

HTML Markup Examples

The following HTML markup would create a ComboBox widget showing a list of states.

  <option value="blank"></option>
  <option value="AL">Alabama</option>
  <option value="AK">Alaska</option>

Most of the state values have been left out for brevity.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

The following JavaScript code would create a ComboBox widget with auto-complete enabled. The data will be populated from a data store retrieved from the server when the widget is built.

var st = new{url: 'states.json'});
cb = new dijit.form.ComboBox({
        name: "state",
        autoComplete: true,
        store: st,
}, dojo.byId("stateList"));

This version of the constructor also automatically adds the widget to the DOM as a child of the DOM element with an id of “stateList”.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods


Key Styles


Key Events





Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.FilteringSelect");


This class creates a widget that acts as a replacement for the HTML <select> tag. It inherits from ComboBox, but only valid options from the list may be chosen. In other ways, it acts in the same way as ComboBox. Filtering of the select list is performed based on the characters entered by the user. The data in the select list may be built with HTML markup or by using a Dojo data store that can acquire data using Ajax.

Display Examples

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

By typing an i in the text box, the user is forcing the widget to filter out any option not beginning with an “i.”

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

This example shows what happens when the user types data that can’t be matched against anything in the select list.

HTML Markup Examples

The following HTML markup would create a FilteringSelect widget showing a list of states.

    invalidMessage="Invalid state name"
  <option value="blank"></option>
  <option value="AL">Alabama</option>
  <option value="AK">Alaska</option>

Most of the state values have been left out for brevity.

JavaScript Constructor Examples

The following JavaScript code would create a FilteringSelect widget with auto-complete enabled. The data will be populated from a data store retrieved from the server when the widget is built.

var st = new{url: 'states.json'});
cb = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
        name: "state",
        autoComplete: true,
        store: st,
}, dojo.byId("stateList"));

This version of the constructor also automatically adds the widget to the DOM as a child of the DOM element with an id of “stateList”.

Key Properties

Same as for ComboBox.

Key Methods

Same as for ComboBox.

Key Styles

Same as for ComboBox.

Key Events

Same as for ComboBox.


When the user types invalid text, the last correct entry is saved so that only valid data is ever sent to the server.


Widget Name


Super Classes

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

File Location


Use dojo.require("dijit.form.Form");


This widget corresponds to the HTML <form> tag. It turns the standard <form> into a Dojo widget that allows you to use Dojo to manipulate it and connect events. The other advantage is that you can populate the values for the form elements using a JSON object or convert the values of elements in the form into a JSON object. So it makes working with the form elements as a group much easier.

Display Examples

There is not an HTML template associated with this widget, so there is specific visual display.

HTML Markup Examples

<form action="submit.jsp" dojoType="dijit.form.Form"
   id="form1" method="POST">
        Name: <input type="text" name="name" />

JavaScript Constructor Examples

Create a new Form widget.

new dijit.form.Form(
   {method: "POST", id: "form1", action: "submit.jsp" });

Additionally, you would need to add every child element (form widgets) that you want in your form to this widget. Given the amount of code you would need to write to create all the form elements, it is likely that you would create this widget with HTML markup rather than with JavaScript.

Key Properties

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Methods

Explanation of Dojo Form Widgets

Key Styles

No corresponding HTML template exists for this widget so there are no Dojo styles.

Key Events

The primary event for this widget is the submission of the form either through user input by clicking the Submit button or programmatically by running the submit method for this widget. In both cases, the developer can provide custom behavior for form submission by overriding the submit method.


This widget is very useful when you wish to submit the form using Ajax rather than having the browser submit it automatically.


Now that we’ve studied the various form widgets, we can move on to the next major category of widgets: layout widgets. We use the same approach to analyze them.

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