Chapter 9. Publish Site

Finally, you’re ready to put your pages on the Web, a process sometimes called publishing since they’ll become available for anyone to read. Dreamweaver’s expanded Files tab displays files on the remote Web server, along with those on your local machine. It plays a key role in helping you keep track of which files are where and when they were last changed.

Publish Site

Add Search Terms

It’s easy for you to help Web search engines highlight your site if you enter a succinct description, along with multiple keywords, in the home page. Dreamweaver places this information in the page’s hidden head code.

Add Search Terms
Add Search Terms
Add Search Terms
Add Search Terms
Add Search Terms

Check and Fix Links

Few things are more frustrating for Web users than broken links. Dreamweaver can check your entire site in seconds and save everyone hours of frustration.

Check and Fix Links
Check and Fix Links

Check and Fix Links Once you make the fix, save the page and the Results panel automatically removes the broken link from its list. Repeat until you’ve fixed all broken links.

Explore the Files Panel

The Files panel serves as your main tool to put files from your local site on to the Web server that will host your files, known as the remote site. You also use it to get any of your remote files if, for example, you’ve accidentally deleted their local site counterparts.

Explore the Files Panel
Explore the Files Panel
Explore the Files Panel

Set Up Remote Site

After double-checking your files, you’re ready to add the details about the remote site. Your computer is the local site, whose details you defined on page 8. (See the first two “set up remote siteextra bits on page 133.)

Set Up Remote Site
Set Up Remote Site
Set Up Remote Site
Set Up Remote Site

Connect to Remote Site

Having set up the remote site, you’re ready to connect to it.

Connect to Remote Site Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

Connect to Remote Site
Connect to Remote Site

Connect to Remote Site Once the connection is made, the remote site’s files appear in the left side of the Files panel.

Connect to Remote Site You’re ready to upload your files.

Upload Multiple Files

If this is the first upload to your Web site, you’ll be publishing multiple files, including all the necessary images for your pages.

Upload Multiple Files
Upload Multiple Files
Upload Multiple Files

This may take several minutes to complete, depending on how many files you’re uploading and the speed of your Internet connection.

Upload Multiple Files
Upload Multiple Files

Upload a Single Page

Sometimes you’ll need to upload only a single page—for example, when you need to update information or fix a mistake.

Upload a Single Page

Upload a Single Page A single progress dialog appears as Dreamweaver uploads the selected page. Use your Web browser to check the page on the remote Web site, and when you’re done, click the Disconnect button.

Extra Bits

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