



2 Apple’s iPhone DevCenter:

Chapter 1

1 See to learn more about the game’s history or search for “Maniac Miner” on YouTube to watch the game in action.

2 For example, if the zombies kill you in Zombieville USA, that’s it—you’re done. You have to start over again at the very beginning. However, version 1.4 of the game released for the iPhone 3.0 SDK gives you the option of adding lives before you set out to save the town from the swarm of zombies. For more info on Zombieville USA, search for it on the iTunes App Store.

Chapter 2

1 Books available for OpenGL include OpenGL Programming Guide, OpenGL Shading Language, and OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide.

2 Checking out game development forums, such as and, is a good place to start looking for freelance graphical artists to help with your project.

3 Zwoptex ( is a flash-based sprite sheet generation tool that allows you to perform complex arrangements of different sized images. A cocoa based version can be found at (

4 You can find Parachute Panic in the App Store by searching for Parachute Panic.

5 Neon Tango ( by Freeverse is a great example of what can be done with simple geometric shapes. It helps that they have executed the game with extreme precision and some dazzling effects, but you get the idea.

6 Hiero can be found at This link will run the application over the Internet rather than download it.

7 bmfont can be found at

8 Tiled is a Java-based application and can be found at

9 Particle Designer is an application I developed to allow particle emitters used within Sir Lamorak’s Quest to be configured visually. It can be found at (

10 Skynet:

11 The Objective-C Language can be downloaded in PDF format from

Chapter 3

1 A PDF of The Objective-C Programming Language can be downloaded from Apple’s developer site, at

2 Apple’s Introduction to Coding Guidelines can be found at

3 The QuartzCore framework provides access to Core Animation and other effects that are rendered in hardware for optimal performance. Core Animation provides the layer onto which OpenGL commands are rendered.

4 This is one of the most confusing lines in Objective-C, and a great explanation of what it means can be found at

5 Vertical synchronization, or vsync, refers to the synchronization of frame changes with the vertical blank interval of the screen.

6 In Objective-C, methods are referred to as selectors.

7 Information on the OpenGL ES API can be found at

8 The OpenGL ES Programming Guide for iPhone OS can be found at

Chapter 4

1 The game loop code used is based on a tutorial by Alex Diener at

2 SynthesizeSingleton; see

Chapter 5

1 More information on matrix math can be found at

Chapter 6

1 Zwoptex ( is a Flash-based sprite sheet builder. There is also a Cocoa-based version of this tool available. This Cocoa version generates output the same as the flash version, but was not available during the writing of this book.

2 Pixar Animation is an award-winning computer animation studio responsible for feature films such as Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Finding Nemo, among many others.

Chapter 7

1 Garbage collection is a form of automatic memory management. The garbage collection basically tries to reclaim memory from objects that are no longer in use.

Chapter 8

1 Hiero is a Java-based application that can create a bitmap font sprite sheet and control file from standard as well as TrueType fonts.

Chapter 11

1 OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API for use with gaming applications and many other types of audio applications. More information can be found at

3 The OpenAL context can be thought of as a session that all sounds are going to be played in. You could also think of it as the world the sound sources and listener are in.

4 OpenAL documentation can be found at

Chapter 12

1 Apple’s iPhone Application Programming Guide can be found online at

2 Manhattan Distance, as defined on Wikipedia:

Chapter 14

1 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle:

2 Once such resource is

Chapter 15

1 Information on spatial portioning can be found at

2 The separating axis theorem:

Chapter 16

1 Learn more about Thumb and floating-point math as it pertains to the ARM architecture:

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