


Preface to the Second Edition



  1 What Is Dialogue Editing?

  2 The Story of Production Sound


Success Has Many Fathers

Early Attempts at Sound in Movies

Feature-length Talkies

The Modern Era

  3 Film Sound Workflows: Then and Now

Classic Film Workflows

Single System Workflows

Film/Video Hybrid Workflows

Working in an NTSC Environment

Working in a PAL Environment

Digital Cinema

  4 On the Set

The Picture Team

The Sound Team

Other Departments at the Shoot

Sound Equipment

Syncing Picture and Sound on the Set

Sound Reports

Getting What You Need

Give the Post-Production Team What They Need

  5 The Sound Department

  6 A Quick Look at Picture Editing

  7 Moving the Film from Picture to Sound

The Picture Cutting Room

What You Need in Order to Get Started

A Brief Detour to Understand How Film Became Digital

Exporting and Importing Sessions Using OMF/AAF

The Edit Decision List


Performing the Assembly


Back Up Your Files

  8 Working with Picture

A Brief History of Editing Sound Locked to Picture

The Trouble with Digital Picture

Timecode Burn-Ins

  9 The First Screening

10 Setting Up Your Editing Universe

The Monitor Chain

Sync Now!

Preparing Your Editing Workspace

Eliminating Redundant Regions


Beeps, Tones, and Leaders

Wild Sound

11 Editing Dialogue Tracks

Organizing Tracks

Scene-to-Scene Splits

Where to Edit

Shot Balancing

Room Tone

Shot Transitions: Basic Rules of Thumb

Working With Many Channels of Dialogue

Making Sense of a Scene

Production Sound Effects

Making Guide Tracks

Editing Dialogue for Television

12 Image, Depth, and Perspective

Dialogue in the Soundscape


Focusing on One Character in a Group


Choosing the Crossfade

13 Dialogue Editing Tips and Tricks

14 Dealing with Noise

What is Noise?

Transient Noises

Fixing Transient Noises

Alternate Takes

Reducing Ambient Noises

To Process or Not to Process

15 ADR

Replacing What Cannot be Fixed

Looping, ADR, and Postsync

Preparing for ADR

Organizing the ADR Process

The ADR Recording Session

Preparing Dialogue Tracks for ADR Editing

ADR Editing

Group Loop

Matching ADR to Production Sound

16 Managing Your Time

Ask the Right Questions

Set Daily Goals

Estimate How Long the Editing Will Take

17 Editing Production Sound for Documentaries

Documentary Sound Challenges

The Documentary Workspace

Typical Documentary Problems

Production Sound Effects

18 When the Picture Changes

The Reconform Defined

Automated Reconforms

Manual Reconforms

19 Preparing for the Mix

Talk to the Mixer

Check the Final Picture

Moving from One Platform to Another

Dealing With the Details

Packaging Dialogue Elements

Close the Cutting Room and Back Up the Project

20 The Dialogue Premix

Premix Goals

Planning the Premix

Mixing Models (A Bit of History)

The Mechanics of Mixing

The Final Mix

Back to the Box


Appendix A: Dialogue Editing in a Nutshell

Appendix B: Track Template for a Typical Small Film's Dialogue




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