Chapter 5
No Joy on the Bus
George finally got his shoes on and as he walked to the bus stop, Joy the bus driver and her smile popped in to his head. Maybe she’s not all that bad. After all, she pegged you, George, he thought to himself. But do I really need another person telling me how much my life stinks? I mean, not only do I have to hear it from my boss and my wife, but now I even have a bus driver and total stranger on me. Who would be next to tell me what a loser I am, the mailman?
He made it to the bus stop in plenty of time and waited for Bus #11 to pull up expecting to see Joy at the wheel, but when the bus arrived, Joy was nowhere to be found. Instead a man was at the wheel and he certainly didn’t have the smile nor the welcome she had.
George wondered what had happened to her. He felt bad for being rude to her. After all, she was only trying to be nice and it wasn’t her fault my life is in the toilet, he thought. George sat quietly on the bus. No conversation, no smiling, and certainly no energy. He thought about yesterday’s meeting with his boss and the meeting he had with his team. He knew some changes had to happen and they had to happen quickly. He was ready to do something. What he wasn’t sure but he knew he needed to do something to save his job, his family, and his marriage. He would start today, he thought.
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