Chapter 50. Web and Mobile Application Deployment

In the previous chapter you saw how to deploy your Windows application via either an installer or using ClickOnce. But how do you go about deploying other types of applications? This chapter walks you through deploying both web and mobile applications.

One of the most important aspects of building your application is to think about how you will package it so that it can be deployed. While a large proportion of web applications are only for internal release, where a simple copy script might be sufficient, if you do want to make your web application available for others to purchase and use, then you really need to focus on making the deployment process as simple as possible.

This is equally true with mobile applications. With the ever-decreasing cost of data plans, more mobile applications are being deployed straight to the device. However, for those users who still synchronize their devices with their main computers, it is worth building an installer for Windows that can automatically deploy your application to their devices the next time they synchronize.

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