John Templeton once famously said, “The four most dangerous words in investing are ‘This time it’s different.’ ” History never perfectly repeats, but it does have a habit of turning out similarly—so understanding it can provide key investing context and insights into the future. A history of the Materials sector could go back thousands of years. We could start with Stone Age Neanderthals throwing their first spears! But for the purpose of becoming better Materials investors, we’ll start with the Industrial Revolution, focusing on the metal and chemical industries.


Henry Bessemer’s creation of high-grade steel in the late 1850s kicked the Industrial Revolution into high gear, changing the world forever. His quest actually began after he invented a new type of artillery shell, but the cast iron guns of the day weren’t strong enough to handle the more powerful ordnance. Changing raw iron ore into strong and malleable steel that could be mass-produced also allowed new inventions like steam engines, railroads, skyscrapers, and assembly-line manufacturing.
Previously, raw iron ore was traditionally melted by burning charcoal. This process produced carbon emissions absorbed by the raw ore to become usable iron. However, charcoal-making was soon deemed unsustainable because of massive deforestation in Britain. Coal appeared the obvious replacement, but its high sulfur content resulted in very brittle metals. In the early 1700s, the discovery of coke solved the problem. Coke is coal burnt in the absence of air the same way charcoal is made by burning wood in the absence of air. Limestone added to the mix removed additional impurities. The result was cast iron. By today’s standards, with 4 percent carbon, cast iron is still quite brittle (the higher the percentage of carbon, the more brittle the iron or steel). But Bessemer revolutionized the industry by observing that blowing hot air through molten cast iron caused carbon to burn off, allowing the steelmaker greater control over carbon content. This led to mass production of cheap, high-grade steel in what are now known as Bessemer furnaces. Improvements on the original design yielded modern day blast and basic oxygen furnaces. Almost all steel today contains less than 2 percent carbon—considerably stronger and less brittle than pre-Bessemer cast iron.
Following Bessemer’s breakthrough, a whole universe of machinery development and infrastructure construction became possible. Productivity skyrocketed, setting the stage for a dramatic increase in living standards over the next century.
The US and global steel industry boomed during this revolutionary period. Factories and cities sprang up to take advantage of this newly abundant material. One of the most revolutionary new industries dramatically affecting world development was railroads. Railroads transported goods and people cheaper, farther, faster, and in greater quantity than ever before. Federal land grants enabled US railroads to grow at a mind-boggling pace. At the end of the Civil War in 1865, roughly 35,000 miles of track existed in the US. By 1900, an estimated 192,000 miles of track had been laid.1
The introduction of mass-produced strong steel impacted almost every aspect of life. At the turn of the century, 41 percent of the nation’s workforce worked in agriculture. Thirty years later, the portion roughly halved to 22 percent. Laborers were steadily pushed out of the fields by more efficient machinery and followed new opportunities into growing cities. By 2000, America’s agricultural workforce totaled just 2 percent.2 A similar process is happening today in emerging markets like China and India. Such tremendous change and growth also produced tremendous wealth (especially in the steel industry). Many of America’s most legendary businessmen made fortunes in iron and steel, including Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan.
An M&A Blast From the Past
JP Morgan formed US Steel through the merger of Carnegie Steel Company and the Federal Steel Company in 1901. The company represented 7 percent of US GDP, produced two-thirds of the country’s steel, and supplied nearly a third of the world’s steel. It was also the world’s first company worth $1 billion, with an initial market capitalization of $1.4 billion.
Source: U.S. Steel Kosice, “History,” (September 2003).
Despite a massive increase in consumption, most metal prices did not spike upwards during the Industrial Revolution. While prices did rise, the pace was relatively well contained as supply increased practically as quickly as demand. From 1880 to 1910, US steel production increased from 1.3 million tons to more than 24 million, making the US the world’s largest steel producer. Dramatic increases in productivity during this time also lowered production costs for raw materials, helping further moderate prices. These productivity gains can be seen in Figure 2.1, which shows the inflation-adjusted, or real, price of aluminum from 1910 through 2007. Other than a price spike during World War I, real aluminum prices have declined dramatically over time, falling 70 percent due to lower production costs. In fact, prior to harnessing cheap energy in the Industrial Revolution, aluminum was actually one of the most precious metals on earth. The top of the Washington Monument is capped with aluminum because, in the late 1800s, it was more precious than gold.
Figure 2.1 Real Aluminum Prices 1910-2007
Source: Global Financial Data.

The Birth of the Modern Chemicals Industry

As energy became readily available and industrialization thrived, Chemicals was among the first new industries to emerge. Though it’s hard today to imagine life without plastics, the first synthetic plastic, Bakelite, was only developed in 1907. Bakelite was heavily used in the growing auto and radio industries. Cellophane soon followed. Then DuPont scientists forever changed the industry with their discoveries of neoprene (a synthetic rubber), nylon (a synthetic fiber), and Teflon (a non-stick coating and the slipperiest substance on earth). The industry continued to grow throughout the twentieth century with countless variations of new additives, lubricants, adhesives, and plastics. Among them were distinctive new classes of carbon fibers in the late 1950s and synthetic fibers called Kevlar in the 1960s.
Historically, the Chemicals industry’s growth has hinged on innovation. This includes developing new materials and finding new applications for existing ones. Teflon, for example, was used in various industrial processes for over a decade, including the Manhattan Project in 1941, before it made its way into consumer products like pots and pans in the 1950s. The ubiquitous yellow sticky Post-it Note is another classic example of innovation creating a new product market. The weak adhesive pasted to the back of each note was actually a failed attempt at creating super strong glue. It ended up on the pages of a hymnal church book to mark pages without damaging them. From that, a new adhesive market was created.
Figure 2.2 US Scrap Steel Prices
Source: Global Financial Data.


Since the Industrial Revolution, the world market for basic metals has experienced four primary periods of dramatically advancing prices—the mobilization for World War I, the re-build after World War II, the inflationary period of the 1970s, and the recent industrialization of the emerging markets. (The price resurgence after the Great Depression was more a reflection of the end of deflation and return to normalcy than a structural shift or massive new demand.) Figure 2.2 illustrates these historic structural shifts by looking at US scrap steel prices.

The Surge of World War I

The Industrial Revolution had been in progress for a few decades by the time World War I broke out, and the world didn’t hesitate to employ its newfound technologies. The world shifted its manufacturing base to mass-produce machines of war. The tools of modern warfare were born: armor, poison gases, and heavy artillery became commonplace. Tremendous demand for many metals drove prices higher—Figure 2.3 shows the price of scrap steel and copper during the period.

Re-Building After World War II

During World War II, much of Europe’s infrastructure was leveled—countless roads, bridges, manufacturing plants—even entire cities—were destroyed. Japan was similarly damaged. Heavy bombing destroyed over 50 percent of Tokyo, and atomic bombs devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Following World War II, the US was virtually the only major industrialized country to remain (essentially) unscathed. Its industrial and infrastructure systems remained intact and were in fact greatly bolstered as a result of the war effort. The rest of the developed world had to rebuild—the global demand for steel products was unprecedented. If Materials usage was high during the war, the rebuilding process saw even greater demand, and the US was the linchpin. In 1950, the US produced nearly 50 percent of the world’s steel.3 America’s competitive advantage allowed it to quickly reconfigure its wartime manufacturing base to make consumer goods, resulting in a surge of economic growth.
Figure 2.3 Copper and US Scrap Steel Prices 1910-1935
Source: Global Financial Data.
This growth translated into tremendous performance for metals stocks. Figure 2.4 shows the performance of S&P Steel industry stocks over the 20-year period after World War II. Starting in early 1949, it surged 564 percent over the next 10-and-a-half years before leveling off again.

Inflation of the 1970s

Surging global inflation in the 1970s represents the next period of significant Materials growth. For the first time, it wasn’t all about economic growth. Instead, investors saw raw materials as a shelter from inflation’s erosive effects. Concurrent with the increase in broad-based inflation, that decade’s oil shocks led to a dramatic increase in energy costs and therefore higher production costs for many materials.
Figure 2.4 S&P Steel 1945-1964
Source: Global Financial Data.
The Rise of the Mini-Mills
Up until the 1970s, steel was largely made in blast furnaces following the same basic methods Henry Bessemer discovered back in the 1850s. Because of skyrocketing oil prices, however, engineers had a tremendous incentive to develop more energy efficient production processes. The result was the mini-mill.
The first mini-mill was conceived in the 1960s but didn’t become viable until energy costs climbed higher in the 1970s. A mini-mill is smaller than a normal steel plant and melts scrap steel in an electric arc furnace rather than making it from raw iron in a blast furnace.
Due to the nature of the production process, traditional blast furnaces typically run continuously and can take weeks to shut down or start up. Mini-mills not only require significantly less energy, but can also be built on a smaller scale and be turned on or off at will. This reduces fixed costs, allows for regional production (reducing shipping costs), and allows volume adjustments according to customer demand. Early mini-mills largely avoided using unionized labor, giving them an advantage in labor costs as well.
US steel production has remained relatively flat since the 1970s at around 100 million tons a year, but mini-mills now account for over 50 percent of production.
Source: Leslie Wayne, “Parched, Big Steel Goes to Its Washington Well,” New York Times (January 20, 2002).
Fall of the Gold Standard. Inflation is simply an excessive increase in money supply that doesn’t get absorbed by the economy. One of the reasons inflation took hold so strongly during the 1970s was the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971.
The gold standard was adopted by most nations after World War II. According to the Bretton Woods Agreements, most countries pegged their currencies to the US dollar, and the US promised to fix the price of gold at $35 per ounce. Thus, the amount of fiat (paper) money governments could print was constrained because its value was directly tied to an unchanging amount of gold. This policy helped protect the US (and all the countries pegged to its currency) from mismanaging their money supplies and creating excessive inflation. However, it also restricted each nation’s flexibility to support the economy through monetary policy adjustments.
Figure 2.5 Gold Prices vs. US Inflation 1966-1985
Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Global Financial Data.
In 1971, the world abandoned the gold standard for a fiat money system. The constraint preventing governments from endlessly increasing money supply as they saw fit was removed and inflation soared. Gold and other precious metals skyrocketed because they were viewed by many as better stores of value than paper money. Figure 2.5 shows gold prices and US inflation from 1966 through 1985. Inflation skyrocketed following the end of the gold standard, and gold peaked in 1980. However, better central banking globally helped tame inflation through the end of the 1980s and onward; gold would not reach those price levels again until 2007. Chapter 4 will cover gold and its drivers in more depth.


With communism’s decline and the failure of socialist economies in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the world’s developing economies began to embrace the capitalistic western model. Emerging markets today are responsible for much of the tremendous growth in consumption of steel, iron, copper, and other industrial metals over the last decade. This trend can be attributed to enormous wealth increases in heavily populated countries with limited existing infrastructure bases.
Figure 2.6 Iron Ore Benchmark Prices
Source: International Monetary Fund.
Figure 2.6 shows an example of the strain this structural shift has placed on commodity prices. The price of iron ore fell 2 percent from 1990 to 2003, but increased 340 percent from 2003 to 2008 as emerging market infrastructure building kicked into high gear.
But it’s not just emerging markets that are consuming commodities. The developed world simultaneously requires a massive rebuild of its aging infrastructure. For example, the American Society of Civil Engineers recently assessed the condition of America’s infrastructure and gave it a “D.” Repairs to modernize America’s infrastructure are estimated to cost about $1.6 trillion and take about five years.4
The combination of initial investment in the rapidly growing emerging markets and accelerating re-investment in the developed world has placed a strain on raw material supply. Chapter 6 will cover the drivers and consequences of these forces in greater detail.
Chapter Recap
While history doesn’ t perfectly repeat itself, understanding the past provides context for future events. The Industrial Revolution changed the Materials sector forever—harnessing energy and the ability to mass-produce steel set off a series of events, creating tremendous demand for metals and chemicals. Since that period, every global war and large-scale industrialization has led to a surge in the Materials sector and its largest industry, Metals & Mining.
• The Industrial Revolution dramatically lowered production costs and expanded consumption of basic materials.
• The modern chemical industry was simultaneously born and has experienced steady growth throughout the last century, predicated on the development of new products and end markets for its products.
• World War I created a surge in metal consumption.
• World War II and the re-build of Europe and Japan following the war again spurred tremendous growth in metal demand.
• The high inflationary period of the 1970s created a flight to safety in commodities.
• The industrialization of emerging markets recently created a dramatic new upturn in the sector.
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