Chapter 11. Going Into Production

Phusion Passenger, aka mod_rails, has been on a tour de force lately and rightfully so. It makes Rails deployment so much simpler and, combined with REE, faster and with less memory overhead. So I'm really happy to see that lots of the hosting companies in the Rails world are adopting it and making it available to their customers.

—David Heinemeier Hansson

Ruby on Rails is notorious for its ability to provide developers with a quick and relatively easy way to prototype Web applications. Yet building an application is only the first in a series of steps that are required before you're able to see your creation live.

This chapter supplies you with a few important considerations about security, performance and optimization, and deployment. Because entire books have been written on each of these topics, my aim with this final chapter is merely to provide you with a few essential notions and considerations before you advance on your own journey of further improving your Ruby on Rails skills. We'll start with the fundamental topic of securing your Web application.

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