Capital Structure and Balance Sheet
Even with strong revenue, a firm can experience financial stress and possible bankruptcy if its assets, liabilities, and capital structure are poorly selected or structured. Management has the ability to select or partially control nearly all items that relate to the sources and uses of funds in the firm. On the asset side, the more obvious items are large capital expenditure projects such as building a new warehouse; a more obscure one could be directing in-store advertising toward more cash versus credit sales. As for the liabilities and capital structure, management is responsible for determining how to fund assets. They have the ability to select different types of debt and equity or work with other entities to structure financing to fit the company’s needs. All of the financing comes at a cost, which revenue must be able to cover in the long term.
Companies can have innumerable variations of assets, liabilities, and capital structure. There is an expansive spectrum of combinations. On the extremes, a manufacturing firm may have multiple warehouses and machinery and be financed mostly with equity, while a financial services company may have assets consisting of complex financial instruments and equally complex financial products making up its capital structure. To make sense of all of these possibilities, accountants created a financial statement known as the balance sheet. This financial statement is an organized account of what the company owns, what the company owes, and how much of the company is owned. It is broken down into standard categories, typically organized from the most liquid items to least liquid.
Each of the items that compose a firm fits into one of the standard categories of the balance sheet, as shown in Figure 4.1. The most critical concept that accountants built into the creation of the balance sheet is the balance principle: Assets must always equal liabilities plus equity. Simply put, nothing is free. Whenever an asset is created, funds are used to do so. If there is an imbalance between assets and liabilities plus equity, it means something is unaccounted for and the analyst’s view of the company is incomplete.
An unbalanced balance sheet should never occur in past audited financial statements. This is because historical balance sheets reflect a specific moment or snapshot in time. In corporate valuation modeling, we are making predictions about the future, which could create instances of an unbalanced balance sheet. For example, we may assume the company will build a particular plant that is primarily funded by a long-term debt issuance. Multiple assumptions that vary across possible stress scenarios can easily throw off the balance of assets, liabilities, and equity. One example would be an expected decrease in the cost of the building the plant. Holding all other variables constant, we would have a situation where we issued more funds from the loan than necessary. This causes the balance principle to be violated by having liabilities and equity greater than assets. Our model needs to account for and repair any imbalance. We will see that in corporate valuation modeling we will always maintain the cardinal rule of assets equaling liabilities plus equity, but rather than wasting time balancing the balance sheet each period, we will set up our model in such a way that it does so automatically. Figure 4.2 is a graphic of this cardinal rule.
FIGURE 4.1 Although each company’s balance sheet could have a variety of items, most are grouped in standard categories in descending order of liquidity.
To accomplish our goal of thoroughly understanding the balance sheet and implementing it in a model, we will dedicate two additional chapters beyond this one. Since the balance sheet describes the entire underpinnings of a company, there are sections that we will want to analyze in as much detail as possible. Although this could vary among companies, the most common sections that require in-depth analysis are capital expenditures, depreciation, amortization, and long-term debt. This chapter will provide an overview and framework for the balance sheet; Chapters 5 and 6 examine the aforementioned sections in detail. As with all chapters, we will begin with theory and concept discussion, move on to Model Builder instructions, and wrap up with a Toolbox.
FIGURE 4.2 Assets must always equal liabilities plus equity. Historically, this is easy to see, but in a projection model we must automate the balancing process.


An asset is an item that the company owns. The more tangible items include warehouses, plants, machinery, and equipment. Financial instruments such as cash, receivables, and securities are also classified as assets. Regardless of the type of asset, the focus of analysis for assets is understanding their value. Some assets are easy to value, such as cash or highly liquid securities, while others are problematic, such as illiquid securities or defaulting receivables. To get a better understanding of the nuances involved in analyzing assets, we will go through the primary asset categories, their descriptions, and valuation issues.

Cash and Highly Liquid Securities

One of the most seemingly straightforward but often misunderstood concepts is cash. I typically distinguish between three types of cash in a valuation:
1. Cash: the minimum amount necessary to operate the company
2. Surplus cash: any cash projected that is above and beyond the minimum amount necessary to operate the company
3. Marketable securities: securities that are highly liquid
Be careful when distinguishing between these three. The first item, cash, is the cash necessary for the company to operate. For most nonfinancial institutions this should not be an extraordinary number. Cash projected can be valued at its face value. Rare exceptions include businesses in emerging market countries with highly devaluing currency. These businesses may keep large reserves of foreign currency or may have entered into currency swaps, which will show up on a different part of the balance sheet. Also keep in mind that cash typically earns a small amount of interest, which can be integrated into a valuation model each period.
Surplus cash is merely a concept for projection models. This is technically the “plug” on the asset side. When a model’s liabilities plus equity are greater than the assets, the remaining cash can be thought of as surplus. Think about what would cause liabilities and equity to become greater than the assets. A tangible example would be a capital expenditure that actually costs less than what was funded through debt. If the capital expenditure cost $98 million and $100 million of long-term debt was issued, there is $2 million of surplus cash. We will work with this concept in detail when we must set up an automatic balancing of the model.
The third and final cash item is marketable securities. These could be investments in money market accounts, certificates of deposit, or guaranteed investment contracts (GICs). They are typically very secure, short-term investments that are valued at their face amount. Figure 4.3 depicts the three cash items and when they occur.

Accounts Receivable

When an order is shipped or a sale is made in a store, a receivable is generated. That receivable either can be paid instantly with a form of cash or it can be paid over time. Usually businesses try to keep accounts receivable to as short a duration as possible and will offer deals such as 2% 10 net thirty, meaning that if the customer pays within 10 days of goods delivery, then a 2% discount will be applied to the receivable; otherwise, the receivable is due in 30 days.
FIGURE 4.3 Surplus cash is found only in projection models, while cash and marketable securities are standard balance sheet items.
Other forms of discounts can include product-placement discounts or discounts eventually passed on to customers, for which the firm is ultimately responsible. These discounts should be noted in the company’s financial statements. For corporate valuation modeling it’s important that the figures used to project accounts receivable include these discounts; otherwise, the accounts receivable value could be overstated.
Another valuation problem with accounts receivable relates to doubtful accounts or a bad loan reserve. Holders of accounts receivable are subject to an obligor’s ability and propensity to pay. When accounts receivable become very delinquent, there is an eventual expectation that they will not pay. For companies with small-to-medium accounts receivable a bad loan reserve percentage based on historical bad loans can be applied to decrease the accounts receivable figure. If accounts receivable is a core component of the business operation, then more sophisticated techniques may be appropriate. For example, a valuation that I completed involved an appliance and electronics retailer that sold three-fourths of its products on credit. These sales were booked as accounts receivable. The consumers who purchased these products were of average-to-poor credit quality, with default rates in the upper teens. Defaults followed specific timing patterns typical of consumer credit portfolios. Given the size of the credit sales as a percent of the total revenue and the high default rates, a detailed delinquency and default analysis was integrated into the valuation model.


Finished products ready for sale and materials that are ready to be made into products are accounted for as inventory. Three categories usually comprise inventory:
1. Raw materials: unprocessed materials
2. Work in process (WIP): products in production (i.e., between a raw material and a finished good).
3. Finished goods: complete, ready-to-sell products
The major valuation challenge with inventories is timing, which is captured by two different accounting methods. The first method is first-in-first-out (FIFO), which is the only method of inventory accounting that IFRS allows. When an item is sold, its value moves from the inventory account on the balance sheet to the cost of goods section of the income statement. Under FIFO, the amount by which that inventory account should be reduced is based on the cost of making the oldest of the same product in inventory.
Under the last-in-first-out (LIFO) method, the last product made in inventory represents the value that is removed from the inventory account. Often a company is constantly producing and selling products, allowing LIFO-based inventory valuation to use only the latest product costs for their products. Critics of LIFO contend that the method allows lower inventory valuation and higher cost of goods sold than in actuality. For this reason, IFRS does not allow LIFO-based valuation. In order to compare the results of two valuation models, their inventory valuation methodologies must be the same.

Other Current Assets

Any other item that is liquid within the next 12 months is considered a current asset. Typical other current assets are prepaid expenses, which are items or services that have been paid for but not yet received. These can include:
• Vendor deposits
• Salary advances
• Prepaid rent
• Insurance premiums

Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E)

The most tangible items within a company are often categorized under property, plant, and equipment. Land, warehouses, production plants, and equipment items of varying sizes are grouped into this category. Specific examples depend on the type of company that is under consideration. For example, an airline company would have multiple planes, repair equipment, warehouses, and hangars under this category. Alternatively, an energy company would primarily list its property and energy plants.
A key point to keep in mind is that PP&E is listed at book value. This is typically thought of as gross PP&E. Plant and equipment lose value over time due to wear and tear, otherwise known as depreciation. This depreciation is accumulated over time and netted out of gross PP&E to arrive at net PP&E. Until an asset is disposed of, its book value is listed under gross PP&E and its accumulated depreciation is netted out. Net PP&E is counted toward the value of the assets.
Notice in the previous paragraph that land was not included as an item that loses value over time. Under IFRS, land is not depreciated as part of PP&E.


If PP&E categorizes the tangible assets of the firm, intangibles categorizes the intangible assets of a company. What is an intangible? Items such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, other forms of intellectual property rights, and goodwill are examples of intangible assets. Essentially, they are items with value that do not have a tangible form.
Intangibles are challenging to value since they often can be unique; however, they are treated similarly to PP&E in that they can lose value over time. Patents expire, technology can be replaced, and overall intangible value erodes over time. For these reasons, intangible values are amortized over a specific useful life, similar to depreciation. Gross intangibles are kept on the balance sheet along with accumulated intangible amortization. Net intangibles are counted toward the value of the assets.
Goodwill is an exception for intangibles. IFRS 3 and SFAS 142 ended the amortization of goodwill. It is, however, periodically reviewed for impairment.

Other Long-Term Assets and Receivables

Oftentimes a company has some type of long-term investment, such as bond or note investment. This section of companies’ balance sheets has come under quite a bit of scrutiny since the advent of the mortgage-backed security (MBS) credit crisis that originated in 2007. Purchasers of MBSs and other structured finance securities typically list these assets on the balance sheets in this section. Overall, two general methods of valuing long-term assets are to use market values or to create an intrinsic valuation based on expected cash flow. Intrinsic valuation can be very challenging given the complexity of some of these assets; however, systems and consulting companies exist that are able to process very detailed valuations of such assets.


1. Insert a worksheet after the Income Statement sheet and name it Balance Sheet.
2. In cell A1, enter the text Balance Sheet.
3. Similar to the other sheets, we will create the balance sheet as a projection and require the dates that we are projecting. As an example, the first three cells of this section on the Balance Sheet sheet should have the following values in the corresponding cells:
D2: =Vectors!D9
E2: =Vectors!E9 F2: =Vectors!F9
This referencing pattern should continue for range G2:Z2. Also, complete a similar referencing pattern for row 3. The first three cells of this section are shown below:
D3: =Vectors!D10
E3: =Vectors!E10 F3: =Vectors!F10
Continue this referencing pattern for range G3:Z3. Refer to Figure 4.4 to make sure you are completing this step correctly.
FIGURE 4.4 The dates and timing are continued on the Balance Sheet sheet.
4. We will start at the top of the balance sheet with assets, specifically current assets. Enter the text Assets in cell B5 as a label. Then enter the following text in the corresponding cells to get the labels down for current assets:
B6: Surplus Funds
B7: Minimum Cash
B8: Marketable Securities
B9: Accounts Receivable
B10: Inventory (units)
B11: Inventory Unit Purchases
B12: Inventory Dollar Purchases
B13: Inventory (dollars)
B14: Other Current Assets
B15: Current Assets
5. With the labels complete, we should now insert one year of historical information. Enter the following values in the corresponding cell references:
D7: 10
D8: 4
D9: 17
D10: 5
D11: 0
D12: 0
D13: 10
D14: 1
Also enter the formula =SUM(D6:D9,D13:D14) in cell D15. This will total the historic current assets. Copy and paste that formula over the range D15:J15. Thus far the Balance Sheet sheet should look like Figure 4.5.
6. We go back to the Vectors sheet and create the assumptions for the balance sheet. These assumptions will have been based on historical or expected performance. Studies similar to what we did for revenue should be done to understand expected performance. Also, for this model many of the assumptions are based on revenue, which may or may not be the case in other analyses. Also, while we will try to automate the model so that accounting standards are followed, make sure that
FIGURE 4.5 The current assets in the balance sheet start to take form.
the assumptions entered make accounting sense. Let’s start this by going to the Vectors sheet and entering the following text in the corresponding cells:
B19: Balance Sheet Items
B20: Minimum Cash (% of Revenue)
B21: MS (% of Revenue)
B22: AR(% of Revenue)
B23: Inventory (% of Revenue)
B24: Other CA (% of Revenue)
B25: Other LTA (% of Revenue)
B26: AP (% of Inventory Purchases)
B27: Other CL (% of Revenue)
B28: Other LTL (% of Revenue)
B29: Other Equity (% of Revenue)
7. As with the income statement section of the Vectors sheet, we need to set up the possible scenarios with the labels created in the previous step. Enter the following formulas in the corresponding cells:
B50, B81, B112: =B19
B51, B82, B113: =B20
B52, B83, B114: =B21
B53, B84, B115: =B22
B54, B85, B116: =B23
B55, B86, B117: =B24
B56, B87, B118: =B25
FIGURE 4.6 Proxy values for the Vectors sheet should be entered in order to generate values as we construct the model.
B57, B88, B119: =B26
B58, B89, B120: =B27
B59, B90, B121: =B28
B60, B91, B122: =B29
8. We should also put proxy numbers in for the values each period, for each scenario. Given the large number of hard-coded numbers to enter for each scenario, refer to the complete model on the CD-ROM. Figures from the balance sheet section of each scenario in the Vectors sheet can be copied and pasted directly into the model you are building. Figure 4.6 shows an example of what the base case section should look like for the balance sheet items.
9. Just as was completed for the income statement items on the Vectors sheet, we must implement formulas in the live scenario section so that the correct values are referenced in the model, depending on the scenario the user has selected. Enter the following formula in cell E20:
Copy and paste this formula over the range E20:J29.
10. Back on the Balance Sheet sheet, we now create formulas to project out the balance sheet items based on the Vector assumptions just entered and the projected revenue from the income statement. Enter the following formulas in the corresponding cells:
E7: =‘Income Statement’!E5*Vectors!E19
E8: =‘Income Statement’!E5*Vectors!E20
E9: =‘Income Statement’!E5*Vectors!E21
Copy and paste these formulas across to column J. For instance, cell E7 should be copied and pasted over the range E7:J7, cell E8 should be copied and pasted over the range E8:J8, and so on.
11. Rows 10 through 13 are dedicated to calculating inventory. The first formula to enter is in cell E10:
=‘Income Statement’!E5*Vectors!E23
This quantifies the number of units to expect in inventory based on sold units. Next, we have to realize that we made an assumption about how many units we sold and should consider that in order to achieve those sales we need to produce the units. Therefore, we look at how many units are expected to be sold, plus how many extra were kept in inventory. This logic is expressed in the formula that should be entered in cell E11:
=‘Income Statement’!E5+‘Balance Sheet’!E10-‘Balance Sheet’!D10
We can then convert the units purchased to a dollar amount based on the cost of each unit. Do this by entering the following formula in cell E12:
=E11*‘Income Statement’!E8
We can also value our inventory based on its cost value. Enter the following formula in cell E13:
=E10*‘Income Statement’!E8
Copy and paste all of the formulas from this step over to column J while maintaining their respective rows.
12. Now that we know our inventory, we can jump back to the income statement to complete the cost of goods sold calculation. Go to the Income Statement sheet and enter the following formula in cell E9:
=‘Balance Sheet’!D13-‘Balance Sheet’!E13+‘Balance Sheet’!E12
Notice that this formula looks at the difference between last year’s inventory and the current period’s inventory and adds that amount to the purchased inventory. Think about the values currently in the example model. Inventory declines from 10 to 5.57 from 12/31/2007 to 12/31/2008, suggesting that $4.43 worth of inventory was sold. However, in order to justify the sales figures that we are posting, we must have purchased goods that were sold. We did, and this is captured in cell E12. Copy and paste cell E9 over the range E9:J9.
13. Go back to the Balance Sheet sheet and enter the following formula in cell E14:
=‘Income Statement’!E7*Vectors!E24
Copy and paste the formula over the range E14:J14. Thus far the current assets section of the Balance Sheet sheet should look like Figure 4.7.
FIGURE 4.7 The balance sheet current assets should start taking form. Note that items in italics are not assets, but calculations to help establish asset values.
14. For now we are going to skip over implementing PP&E and intangibles since Chapter 5 will be dedicated to those concepts. This brings us to our expectation for other long-term assets and receivables. As we do not know of any management plans to acquire or dispose of these assets, we will assume they will maintain a historical level commensurate to their revenue. Earlier, in cell B24 on the Vectors sheet, we created the label Other LTA, which stands for Other Long-Term Assets. The percentages we entered in row 25 are our percent of revenue expectations for other long-term assets and receivables. To implement this projection, enter the following text, value, and formula into the corresponding cells on the Balance Sheet sheet:
B25: LT investments & receivables D25: 8.04
E25: =‘Income Statement’!E7*Vectors!E25
Copy the formula in E25 and paste it over the range E25:J25.
15. We will wrap up the asset side of this Model Builder by summing the total assets. Enter the label Total Assets in cell B26 of the Balance Sheet sheet. Enter the following formula in cell D26:
Copy and paste this formula over the range D26:J26. Refer to Figure 4.8 for a view of how the model should look thus far.


If assets can be thought of as what the company owns, liabilities are what the company owes. Every item that the company owns is either owned and paid for by people who have an interest in the company (equity) or was paid for by a creditor (liability). Similar to assets, liabilities are organized by current liabilities, which are due within 12 months, and long-term liabilities, which are due over a period greater than 12 months.
FIGURE 4.8 The asset side of the Balance Sheet sheet takes form. Note that we will complete the PP&E and intangibles section in Chapter 5, and that some values in this figure will not appear in a model being built according to the Model Builder steps.

Accounts Payable

When goods and services are purchased but not immediately paid for, a payable is generated. For the company, this is a debt they owe, although it typically does not bear interest. There are few valuation issues with accounts payable. One possibility is that the amounts reflected include a discount for early payment and the early payment does not actually take place. This would underestimate accounts payable by a small percent.
The other issue for accounts payable is that when a company becomes distressed it might try to finance its business through accounts payable, essentially taking goods and services on credit and not paying for them, nor paying an interest expense. A detrimental strategy such as this should be clear to ratings analysts, who will probably downgrade the company, making it more costly and difficult for the company to borrow. This is a red flag as it perpetuates the distress cycle and could lead to the downfall of a company.

Short-Term Borrowings, Credit Facilities, and Revolvers

A company typically tries to match its assets and liabilities so that there is little discrepancy between revenue generation and funding. Unfortunately, projections can be imprecise and there are times when small amounts of funding (relative to long-term debt) may be necessary to keep operations flowing smoothly. These amounts are considered short term in nature as they are loans that are expected to be repaid within a year or sooner. Short-term debt can be a direct loan from a bank or a drawdown from an established credit facility or revolving account.
The difference between a direct loan and a credit facility is cost and time. A direct loan may be slightly less expensive to implement, but can take longer depending on approval. This can also cause problems during distressed times as approval can be denied. Usually companies set up credit facilities, where there is a preapproved amount of credit that can be drawn down. The trade-off is cost. A credit facility will charge an undrawn amount on the credit line and then an increased amount on drawn balances. For financial modeling purposes, we would have to track both of these charges.
More importantly, for financial modeling, short-term debt often serves as the liability and equity side plug when the projection model creates more assets than liabilities and equity. Some may wonder how a situation could occur where more assets than liabilities and equity are created. A simple way to conceive of this is to imagine running a stress scenario where capital expenditures are expected to exceed base-case forecasting—a situation that occurs frequently. Usually, a set amount of long-term debt is structured for capital expenditures. In a stress situation where capital expenditures are higher than expected, gross PP&E increases. The funding of this increase on the balance sheet must come from somewhere, with short-term debt being the most likely candidate.

Current Portion of Debt

Principal and interest on debt, both long and short term, that is due within the next 12 months is considered the current portion of debt. This is classified under current liabilities. On a complete balance sheet, the current portion of debt is a very important figure. There needs to be enough liquidity in the company or earnings potential to service the debt. In particular, cash is required to service the immediate debt payments. If this cannot be done, the firm risks defaulting on its debt and possibly being forced into bankruptcy and, ultimately, liquidation by debt holders.
One needs to be very careful when using a projection model and determining the payment ability of a firm. For instance, we could look at cash on hand in a given period and compare it to the current portion of debt, but relying on cash may not be sustainable. Perhaps the company sold off an asset in a particular period that generated cash. Unless the debt is ultimately paid off, selling off assets is an unsustainable method of paying down debt. We may want to look at other sources of funds for debt payment, particularly earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA). This cash would be available for us to pay down interest. After taxes, dividends, and capital expenditures, we can then use the remaining cash to pay down principal. In Chapter 6, we will look at debt-repayment capacity in much more detail.
Ultimately, we are building a financial projection model for analysis. In the core model, the Balance Sheet sheet will not include the current portion of debt since we will actually try to pay debt over the course of each period. We will still be able to see repayment capacity once the debt sheet is created in Chapter 6.

Other Current Liabilities

As with current assets, there are usually smaller or unique items to a company that do not quite fit in other categories. A common example is salaries payable, which is money that is due to employees but not yet paid. More specific current liabilities exist depending on industry. For instance, in the airplane industry there is often a line item for air traffic liability. These are amounts paid for by passengers and cargo clients, but prior to the service date of the travel or shipment.

Long-Term Borrowings

A company can fund itself in two ways: with money that the owners of the company already have (equity), or by borrowing money from others (debt). When a company seeks debt financing, it can either ask creditors for a corporate loan directly or seek funding from the capital markets via a bond issuance. Overall, debt financing has its advantages and disadvantages compared to equity, which we will examine in detail in Chapter 6.
For now, we should realize that long-term debt shows up on the balance sheet and is considered a liability. Repayment of that liability is a major concern for both the company and the lender. Since many focus a great deal of time on debt, the example model will have an entire sheet, called the Debt sheet, dedicated to determining the debt schedule, the repayment capacity, and the tracking of ongoing balances. The long-term borrowings section of the Balance Sheet sheet will reference the balances from the Debt sheet to obtain the correct balances of the long-term borrowings at any given time.


1. Go to the Balance Sheet sheet and enter the following labels in the corresponding cells:
B29: Liabilities
B30: Accounts Payable
B31: ST Borrowings
B32: Other Current Liabilities
B33: Current Liabilities
2. For now, we will establish proxy numbers for the current liabilities on the balance sheet. Enter the following values in the corresponding cells:
D30: 15
D31: 0
D32: 3
3. In cell D33, enter the following formula:
Copy and paste this formula over the range D33:J33.
4. In steps 6 to 8 of Model Builder 4.1, we entered the necessary assumptions on the Vectors sheet for a few of the liabilities on the Balance Sheet sheet. We will now put those to use with the following formulas:
E30: = E12*Vectors!E26
E32: =‘Income Statement’!E7*Vectors!E27
Copy and paste these formulas from the E column to the J column. For instance, cell E30 should be copied and pasted over the range E30:J30. See the example model or Figure 4.9 if this is unclear. Also, keep in mind that we purposely skipped row 31 as this is the short-term debt row, which will be the liability and equity side plug to balance the balance sheet. We will come back to this in Chapter 7, when we finish off the balance sheet.
5. Move down the Balance Sheet sheet and enter the label LT Borrowings in B35. Also enter a value of 0 in cell D35. We will not fill in any projection formulas at this time since we will examine long-term debt in much more detail in Chapter 6.
6. We will finish off this Model Builder section by entering the text Total Liabilities in cell B36. Also enter the following formula in cell D36:
Copy and paste this formula over the range D36 through J36. The Balance Sheet sheet should look like Figure 4.10 at this point.
FIGURE 4.9 The current liabilities section of the Balance Sheet sheet.
FIGURE 4.10 The liabilities section of the Balance Sheet sheet. Note this figure shows values that will not appear yet on a model that is following the Model Builder steps. The values will populate upon completion.


The final section of the balance sheet accounts for amounts owed to the equity holders. While debt holders are part of the firm’s value, they hold a lien against the firm and are limited in earnings (and loss). Equity holders invest amounts with greater risk, but have a greater upside than debt holders. Overall, equity holders’ returns are dictated directly by the performance of the company, whether they receive their return in the form of dividends or capital gains.
The most standard equity item is common stock, which is listed at issuance price. Common stock is the lowest denomination of equity and represents a fractional share in the market value of the equity in the company. Notice that it is not a fractional share in the market value of the company since debt must be netted out to understand equity value. Debt holders have priority over cash flow and therefore should be removed from the equity holder value. For instance, if the firm were being liquidated, the debt holders would be paid first and then funds would be dispersed to equity holders. Since debt holder amounts are taken away from equity holders, those amounts do not create shareholder value.
Other forms of equity include preferred stock, convertible preferred stock, and minority interest. Preferred stock is technically listed as equity, but it has many attributes of a liability. As with a liability, it typically has a fixed dividend payment based on a percentage, it can sometimes be called debt, and it can sometimes be structured so it converts to common shares. However, it is equity since it is listed as equity and has priority below debt and can sometimes be structured with a capital gains sharing mechanism (although it should never enjoy the full capital gains benefit that common shares receive).
Another type of equity is minority interest. This can often be a complex section of a balance sheet. Minority interest is determined by the percentage of interest one party has in another party. Typically, when one party has 20% or less interest in another company there is a minority interest.
If this sounds confusing, the best way to think about minority interest is to look at the situation where only two companies exist and one has a 20% interest in the other company, while the other company has an 80% interest in the first company. Let’s denote Company A as having the minority 20% interest in Company B and Company B as having an 80% interest in Company A. This situation could have been created by Company B acquiring an 80% interest in Company A, thereby causing a consolidated approach according to IFRS. A consolidated accounting approach means that all of the assets from Company A are brought onto the balance sheet of Company B. As Company B does not own all of the assets, they must report a 20% minority interest in their liabilities and equity section of the balance sheet. Other forms of interest in other companies exist, which is dictated by IFRS based on ownership percentages.
The final form of equity that is extremely important is retained earnings. When a company earns money, as reported by the income statement, it eventually flows through as net income. The company then has the choice, depending on the Board of Directors’ vote, to dividend that money out to equity holders, or to retain that money internally for use or distribution later. Any retained earnings from the past year are added to the current retained earnings to get the balance. Unless money is released as a dividend, funds are retained. Figure 4.11 shows the first of many connections between the income statement and the balance sheet.
Retained earnings are very important because they are the major link between the income statement and the balance sheet. From a financial modeling viewpoint, this link causes headaches because it is a source of circularity in the model that we must adjust for if we model the company with certain periodicities in mind. We will learn about this circularity more and see how this is efficiently calculated and automated in Chapter 7.
FIGURE 4.11 Retained earnings is a direct link from the
Income Statement sheet to the equity section of the Balance Sheet sheet.


1. Still on the Balance Sheet sheet, label the equity section by entering the text Equity in cell B39.
2. Create the following labels in the associated cell references:
B40: Minority Interest
B41: Total Common Equity
B42: Retained Earnings
B43: Total Shareholder Equity
3. We should also enter historical values for 2007. Enter the following values in the corresponding cell references:
D40: 0
D41: 100
D42: 20.04
4. For Minority Interest and Common Equity, we will assume values for now. Enter the following values in each of the associated cells in the range:
E37:J37: 0
E38:J38: 100
5. Retained Earnings requires a formula that is connected to the Income Statement sheet. Enter the following formula in cell E42:
=‘Income Statement’!E39+D42
Copy and paste this formula over the range E42:J42.
6. We should sum up the total shareholders’ equity by entering the following formula in cell D43:
Copy and paste this formula over the range E43:J43.
7. The final part of this section is adding up the liabilities and equity. Enter the text Total liabilities & equity in cell B46. Enter the following formula in cell D46:
Copy and paste this formula over the range D46:J46. The equity section of the Balance Sheet sheet should look like Figure 4.12.
FIGURE 4.12 The equity section of the Balance Sheet sheet. As with other figures, some values may populate later as the model develops.


Although the actual Excel functions in this chapter’s Model Builder exercises were neither new nor advanced, there are common errors that many novice financial modelers make. The first is to use a growth formula to project an item, when the item’s assumptions are based on a percentage of revenue analysis. For instance, if cost of goods sold was historically analyzed and found on average to be 30% of revenue, then in a base case the projected period’s revenue should be multiplied by 30% to estimate cost of goods sold. The common error is to implement a method similar to revenue growth by multiplying last year’s cost of goods sold by (1 + .3).
Another error occurs when people try to back into a figure from a growth rate. For example, say one wanted to calculate last year’s revenue given a growth rate of 10% and a current revenue estimation of 875. The common mistake is to multiply the 875 by .9. This is wrong as it will yield 787.50, which when grown by 10% equals 866.25. The proper method is to divide 875 by (1 + .1), which will yield 795.45.
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