Chapter 2. Quality Management

In this chapter, you will learn about . . .

  • What Is Quality?

  • Quality Management System

  • Quality Tools

  • TQM and QMS

  • The Focus of Quality Management—Customers

  • The Role of Employees in Quality Improvement

  • Quality in Services

  • Six Sigma

  • The Cost of Quality

  • The Effect of Quality Management on Productivity

  • Quality Awards

  • ISO 9000

Quality Management

Web resources for this chapter include

  • OM Tools Software

  • Internet Exercises

  • Online Practice Quizzes

  • Lecture Slides in PowerPoint

  • Virtual Tours

  • Company and Resource Weblinks

The Mars Quality Management Process (QMP) is applied to all aspects of its supply chain, from acquiring high-quality ingredients, to their manufacturing processes, to product distribution, and to measuring customer satisfaction. Mars QMP is maintained at the leading edge of quality management practices by benchmarking against the highest quality and food safety standards and best practices throughout the food industry. Continuous improvement is the foundation of Mars QMP and drives the company to continually raise its standards and learn how to do things more effectively and efficiently to bring value to its customers.

In effect, quality is an obsession at Mars. All Mars employees are committed to quality, are provided the technical skills to deliver quality excellence, and are accountable for providing their customers with the highest possible quality. An example is their fear of "incremental degradation," a term they use to describe what can happen by using cheaper ingredients. Rather than replace a high-priced ingredient with a cheaper one, even if taste tests show that the customer wouldn't notice the difference, Mars will forego the extra profit to avoid risking incremental degradation in product quality. In spotlessly clean Mars plants, employees are constantly tasting products to make sure they are being made properly, and an entire production run of Snickers may be thrown out because of barely noticeable nicks in the chocolate coating. A Mars salesman at a supermarket will throw out a whole product display if it's getting too close to its freshness date. Mars considers each individual sale its most important one, and their goal is to build life-long relationships with its customers. They believe if they forget this they risk resting on their past and ignoring their future.

In this chapter we will discuss how other quality-conscious companies like Mars develop effective quality management (QM) programs.

Source: Mars Web site at; and Craig J. Cantoni, "Manager's Journal: Quality Control from Mars," Wall Street Journal, January 27, 1992, pg. A12.


Asked "What is quality?" one of our students replied "getting what you pay for." Another student added that to her, quality was "getting more than you paid for!" The Oxford American Dictionary defines quality as "a degree or level of excellence."

What is quality in the eye of the beholder?

The American Society for Quality (ASQ) defines quality as "a subjective term for which each person has his or her own definition. In technical usage, quality can have two meanings: (1) The characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs and (2) A product or service free of deficiencies." Obviously, quality can be defined in many ways, depending on who is defining it and the product or service it refers to. In this section we provide a perspective on what quality means to customers and companies.


A business organization produces goods and services to meet its customers' needs. Customers want value and quality has become a major factor in the value of products and service. Customers know that certain companies produce better-quality products than others, and they buy accordingly. That means a firm must consider how the consumer defines quality. The customer can be a manufacturer purchasing raw materials or parts, a store owner or retailer purchasing products to sell, or someone who purchases retail products or services over the Internet. W. Edwards Deming, author and consultant on quality, says that "The consumer is the most important part of the production line. Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer, present and future." From this perspective, product and service quality is determined by what the customer wants and is willing to pay for. Since customers have different product needs, they will have different quality expectations. This results in a commonly used definition of quality as a service's or product's fitness for its intended use, or fitness for use; how well does it do what the customer or user thinks it is supposed to do and wants it to do?

Fitness for use: is how well the product or service does what it is supposed to.

Products and services are designed with intentional differences in quality to meet the different wants and needs of individual consumers. A Mercedes and a Ford truck are equally "fit for use," in the sense that they both provide automobile transportation for the consumer, and each may meet the quality standards of its individual purchaser. However, the two products have obviously been designed differently for different types of consumers. This is commonly referred to as the quality of design—the degree to which quality characteristics are designed into the product. Although designed for the same use, the Mercedes and Ford differ in their performance, features, size, and various other quality characteristics.

Quality of design: involves designing quality characteristics into a product or service.


The dimensions of quality for manufactured products a consumer looks for include the following[5]:

Dimensions of manufactured quality for which a consumer looks.

  1. Performance: The basic operating characteristics of a product; for example, how well a car handles or its gas mileage.

  2. Features: The "extra" items added to the basic features, such as a stereo CD or a leather interior in a car.

  3. Reliability: The probability that a product will operate properly within an expected time frame; that is, a TV will work without repair for about seven years.

  4. Conformance: The degree to which a product meets preestablished standards.

  5. Durability: How long the product lasts; its life span before replacement. A pair of L.L. Bean boots, with care, might be expected to last a lifetime.

  6. Serviceability: The ease of getting repairs, the speed of repairs, and the courtesy and competence of the repair person.

  7. Aesthetics: How a product looks, feels, sounds, smells, or tastes.

  8. Safety: Assurance that the customer will not suffer injury or harm from a product; an especially important consideration for automobiles.

  9. Other perceptions: Subjective perceptions based on brand name, advertising, and the like.

These quality characteristics are weighed by the customer relative to the cost of the product. In general, customers will pay for the level of quality they can afford. If they feel they are getting what they paid for (or more), then they tend to be satisfied with the quality of the product.


The dimensions of quality for a service differ somewhat from those of a manufactured product. Service quality is more directly related to time, and the interaction between employees and the customer. Evans and Lindsay[6] identify the following dimensions of service quality.

Dimensions of service quality.

  1. Time and timeliness: How long must a customer wait for service, and is it completed on time? For example, is an overnight package delivered overnight?

  2. Completeness: Is everything the customer asked for provided? For example, is a mail order from a catalogue company complete when delivered?

  3. Courtesy: How are customers treated by employees? For example, are catalogue phone operators at L.L. Bean nice and are their voices pleasant?

  4. Consistency: Is the same level of service provided to each customer each time? Is your newspaper delivered on time every morning?

  5. Accessibility and convenience: How easy is it to obtain the service? For example, when you call L.L. Bean does the service representative answer quickly?

  6. Accuracy: Is the service performed right every time? Is your bank or credit card statement correct every month?

  7. Responsiveness: How well does the company react to unusual situations, which can happen frequently in a service company? For example, how well is a telephone operator at L.L. Bean able to respond to a customer's questions about a catalogue item not fully described in the catalogue?


A Mercedes and a Ford pickup truck are equally "fit for use," but with different design dimensions for different customer markets that result in significantly different purchase prices.


Now we need to look at quality the way a producer or service provider sees it: how value is created. We already know that product development is a function of the quality characteristics (i.e., the product's fitness for use) the customer wants, needs, and can afford. Product or service design results in design specifications that should achieve the desired quality. However, once the product design has been determined, the producer perceives quality to be how effectively the production process is able to conform to the specifications required by the design referred to as the quality of conformance. What this means is quality during production focuses on making sure that the product meets the specifications required by the design.

Quality of conformance: is making sure the product or service is produced according to design.

Examples of the quality of conformance: If new tires do not conform to specifications, they wobble. If a hotel room is not clean when a guest checks in, the hotel is not functioning according to the specifications of its design; it is a faulty service. From this producer's perspective, good-quality products conform to specifications—they are well made; poor-quality products are not made well—they do not conform to specifications.

Achieving quality of conformance involves design, materials and equipment, training, supervision, and control.

Achieving quality of conformance depends on a number of factors, including the design of the production process (distinct from product design), the performance level of machinery, equipment and technology, the materials used, the training and supervision of employees, and the degree to which statistical quality-control techniques are used. When equipment fails or is maladjusted, when employees make mistakes, when material and parts are defective, and when supervision is lax, design specifications are generally not met. Key personnel in achieving conformance to specifications include the engineering staff, supervisors and managers, and, most important, employees.

An important consideration from the customer's perspective of product quality is product or service price. From the producer's perspective, an important consideration is achieving quality of conformance at an acceptable cost. Product cost is also an important design specification. If products or services cannot be produced at a cost that results in a competitive price, then the final product will not have acceptable value—the price is more than the consumer is willing to pay given the product's quality characteristics. Thus, the quality characteristics included in the product design must be balanced against production costs.


L.L. Bean's first product was the Maine Hunting shoe, developed in 1912 by company founder, Leon Leonwood Bean, a Maine outdoorsman. He initially sold 100 pairs to fellow sportsmen through the mail, but 90 pairs were sent back when the stitching gave way. However, true to his word L.L. Bean returned their money and started over with an improved boot. In years to come L.L. Bean operated his business according to the following belief: "Sell good merchandise at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings, and they will always come back for more." L.L. Bean also guarantees their products to "give 100% satisfaction in every way." If they don't, L.L. Bean will replace the item or refund the purchase price "at any time."


We approached quality from two perspectives, the customer's and the producer's. These two perspectives are dependent on each other as shown in Figure 2.1. Although product design is customer-motivated, it cannot be achieved without the coordination and participation of the production process. When a product or service is designed without considering how it will be produced, it may be impossible for the production process to meet design specifications or it may be so costly to do so that the product or service must be priced prohibitively high.

Figure 2.1 depicts the meaning of quality from the producer's and consumer's perspectives. The final determination of quality is fitness for use, which is the customer's view of quality. It is the consumer who makes the final judgment regarding quality, and so it is the customer's view that must dominate.

The Meaning of Quality

Figure 2.1. The Meaning of Quality


To make sure that products and services have the quality they have been designed for, strategy to achieve quality throughout the organization is required. This approach to the management of quality throughout the entire organization has evolved into what is generally referred to as a quality management system (QMS).


A handful of prominent individuals summarized in Table 2.1 have had a dramatic impact on the importance of quality in the United States, Japan, and other countries. Of these "quality gurus" W. Edwards Deming has been the most prominent.

In the 1940s Deming worked at the Census Bureau, where he introduced the use of statistical process control to monitor the mammoth operation of key punching data from census questionnaires onto millions of punch cards. During World War II, Deming developed a national program of 8- and 10-day courses to teach statistical quality-control techniques to over 10,000 engineers at companies that were suppliers to the military during the war. By the end of World War II he had an international reputation.

In 1950 Deming began teaching statistical quality control to Japanese companies. As a consultant to Japanese industries and as a teacher, he was able to convince them of the benefits of statistical quality control. He is a major figure in the Japanese quality movement, and in Japan he is frequently referred to as the father of quality control.

In the 1950s, W. E. Deming began teaching quality control in Japan.

Table 2.1. Quality Gurus

Quality Guru


Walter Shewhart

Working at Bell Laboratories in the 1920s, he developed the technical tools such as control charts that formed the basis of statistical quality control; he and his colleagues at Bell Labs introduced the term quality assurance for their program to improve quality through the use of statistical control methods.

W. Edwards Deming

A disciple of Shewart, he developed courses during World War II to teach statistical quality-control techniques to engineers and executives of companies that were military suppliers; after the war he began teaching statistical quality control to Japanese companies, initiating their quality movement.

Joseph M. Juran

An author and consultant, he followed Deming to Japan in 1954; he focused on strategic quality planning within an annual quality program, setting goals for product quality and designing processes to achieve those goals; quality improvement is achieved by focusing on projects to solve problems and securing breakthrough solutions.

Armand V. Feigenbaum

In his 1951 book, Quality Control: Principles, Practices and Administration, he introduced the concept of total quality control and continuous quality improvement as a companywide strategic commitment requiring the involvement of all functions in the quality process, not just manufacturing; discovered by Japanese in the 1950s at about the same time as Juran's visit; from 1958 to 1968 he was director of manufacturing operations and quality control at GE.

Philip Crosby

In his 1979 book, Quality Is Free, he emphasized that the costs of poor quality (including lost labor and equipment time, scrap, downtime and lost sales) far outweigh the cost of preventing poor quality; in his 1984 book,Quality Without Tears, he defined absolutes of quality management—quality is defined as conformance to requirements, quality results from prevention, the performance standard is "zero defects."

Kaoru Ishikawa

This Tokyo University professor promoted use of quality circles and developed the "fishbone" (cause and effect) diagram to diagnose quality problems; he emphasized the importance of the internal customer, that is, that a quality organization is first necessary in order to produce quality products or services.

Quality Gurus

Deming's approach to quality management advocated continuous improvement of the production process to achieve conformance to specifications and reduce variability. He identified two primary sources of process improvement: eliminating common causes of quality problems, such as poor product design and insufficient employee training, and eliminating special causes, such as specific equipment or an operator. Deming emphasized the use of statistical quality-control techniques to reduce variability in the production process. He dismissed the then widely used approach of final product inspection as a means of ensuring good quality as coming too late to reduce product defects. Primary responsibility for quality improvement, he said, was employees' and management's. He promoted extensive employee involvement in a quality improvement program, and he recommended training for workers in quality-control techniques and methods.

Deming's overall philosophy for achieving improvement is embodied in his 14 points, summarized in Table 2.2.

Deming is also credited for development of the Deming Wheel, or plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle, although it was originally formulated by Walter Shewhart and renamed by the Japanese.

Quality Gurus
Quality Gurus

W. E. Deming is the most famous of all "quality gurus." He introduced statistical quality control to the Japanese, which served as the catalyst for a worldwide quality movement. His "14 points" were the foundation for modern TQM and QMS processes.

The Deming Wheel—plan, do, check, act.

Table 2.2. W. E. Deming's 14 Points

  1. Create a constancy of purpose toward product improvement to achieve long-term organizational goals.

  2. Adopt a philosophy of preventing poor-quality products instead of acceptable levels of poor quality as necessary to compete internationally.

  3. Eliminate the need for inspection to achieve quality by relying instead on statistical quality control to improve product and process design.

  4. Select a few suppliers or vendors based on quality commitment rather than competitive prices.

  5. Constantly improve the production process by focusing on the two primary sources of quality problems, the system and employees, thus increasing productivity and reducing costs.

  6. Institute worker training that focuses on the prevention of quality problems and the use of statistical quality-control techniques.

  7. Instill leadership among supervisors to help employees perform better.

  8. Encourage employee involvement by eliminating the fear of reprisal for asking questions or identifying quality problems.

  9. Eliminate barriers between departments, and promote cooperation and a team approach for working together.

  10. Eliminate slogans and numerical targets that urge employees to achieve higher performance levels without first showing them how to do it.

  11. Eliminate numerical quotas that employees attempt to meet at any cost without regard for quality.

  12. Enhance worker pride, artisanry, and self-esteem by improving supervision and the production process so that employees can perform to their capabilities.

  13. Institute vigorous education and training programs in methods of quality improvement throughout the organization, from top management down, so that continuous improvement can occur.

  14. Develop a commitment from top management to implement the previous 13 points.

The Deming Wheel is a four-stage process for continuous quality improvement that complements Deming's 14 points, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Deming's approach to quality embodied in his 14 points and PDCA cycle are the foundation for today's quality management systems employed by many successful companies.

The Deming Wheel (PDCA Cycle)

Figure 2.2. The Deming Wheel (PDCA Cycle)


The seven well-known tools for identifying quality problems and their causes are sometimes called the "magnificent seven."

A major cornerstone of the commitment to quality improvement prescribed by Deming and the other early quality gurus is the need to identify and prevent the causes of quality problems, or defects. These individuals prescribed a number of "tools" to identify the causes of quality problems that are still widely used today, including Pareto charts, process flowcharts, checksheets, histograms, scatter diagrams, statistical process control charts and cause-and-effect diagrams.

In fact, as noted previously, Deming traveled to Japan primarily to teach statistical process control techniques. These popular tools became the basis for the quality management programs developed by many companies. In this section we will briefly describe some of these tools, which are summarized in Figure 2.3.

Quality Tools

Figure 2.3. Quality Tools

Quality Tools


A process flowchart is a diagram of the steps in a job, operation, or process. It enables everyone involved in identifying and solving quality problems to have a clear picture of how a specific operation works and a common frame of reference. It also enables a process improvement team to understand the interrelationship of the departments and functions that constitute a process. This helps focus on where problems might occur and if the process itself needs fixing. Development of the flowchart can help identify quality problems by helping the problem solvers better understand the process. Flowcharts are described in greater detail in Chapter 6 ("Processes and Technology") and Chapter 8 ("Human Resources").

A flowchart is a diagram of a job operation or process.

process flowchart: a diagram of the steps in a job, operation, or process.


A cause-and-effect diagram, also called a fishbone or Ishikawa diagram, is a graphical description of the elements of a specific quality problem and the relationship between those elements. It is used to identify the causes of a quality problem so it can be corrected. Cause-and-effect diagrams are usually developed as part of brainstorming to help a quality team of employees and managers identify causes of quality problems.

Cause-and-effect diagram or fishbone diagram: a chart showing the different categories of problem causes.

Figure 2.4 is a cause-and-effect diagram for a Six Sigma project at a hospital to reduce delays in patient bed turnaround time, which creates a patient flow problem throughout the hospital. The primary cause of the problem is suspected to be related to the "bed tracking system" (BTS), an electronic system that indicates the status of each bed to the registered nurse (RN) who admits patients and assigns them to a room. (See the "Along the Supply Chain" box for the North Shore University Hospital on page 79.)

The "effect" box at the end of the diagram is the quality problem that needs correction. A center line connects the effect box to the major categories of possible problem causes, displayed as branches off of the center line. The box at the end of each branch (or fishbone) describes the cause category. The diagram starts out in this form with only the major categories at the end of each branch. Individual causes associated with each category are attached as separate lines along the length of the branch during the brainstorming process. Sometimes the causes are rank-ordered along the branches in order to identify those that are most likely to affect the problem. The cause-and-effect diagram is a means for thinking through a problem and recording the possible causes in an organized and easily interpretable manner.

A Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Figure 2.4. A Cause-and-Effect Diagram

A Cause-and-Effect Matrix

Figure 2.5. A Cause-and-Effect Matrix

A complementary tool related to the fishbone diagram is the cause-and-effect matrix, which is used to prioritize the potential causes of quality problems in a process that might first be identified using a cause-and-effect diagram. The output (or Y) variables are listed along the top of the matrix. These are also referred to as CTQs or CTQCs, (i.e., "critical-to-quality characteristics") and they are measurable characteristics that express the key requirements defined by a customer. CTQCs are what the customer expects from a product, and accordingly they have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The input (or X) variables that might affect the outcome of process, (i.e., the potential causes of an outcome) are listed along the left side of the matrix (or grid). The CTQCs are ranked or weighted in terms of importance to the customer; then, the relationship between causes and effects (CTQs) are weighted or ranked; and finally, an overall score is calculated for the causes (or X variables). The causes with the highest score should be addressed first in improvement efforts because they will have the largest impact on customer satisfaction. Figure 2.5 shows a cause-and-effect matrix for the hospital bed turnaround time example. Note that staff communication has the highest score, and thus, the greatest impact on how satisfied the customers are with the overall process.

Cause-and-effect matrix: a grid used to prioritize causes of quality problems.


Checksheets are frequently used in conjunction with histograms, as well as with Pareto diagrams. A checksheet is a fact-finding tool used to collect data about quality problems. A typical check sheet for quality defects tallies the number of defects for a variety of previously identified problem causes. When the check sheet is completed, the total tally of defects for each cause can be used to create a histogram or a Pareto chart, as shown in Figure 2.6.

A check sheet is a list of causes of quality problems with the number of defects resulting from each cause used to develop a bar chart called a histogram.


Pareto analysis is a method of identifying the causes of poor quality. It was devised in the early 1950s by the quality expert Joseph Juran. He named this method after a nineteenth-century Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, who determined that a small percentage of the people accounted for most of the wealth. Pareto analysis is based on Juran's finding that most quality problems and costs result from only a few causes. For example, he discovered in a textile mill that almost 75% of all defective cloth was caused by only a few weavers, and in a paper mill he studied, more than 60% of the cost of poor quality was attributable to a single category of defects. Correcting the few major causes of most of the quality problems will result in the greatest cost impact.

Pareto analysis: most quality problems result from a few causes.

Pareto analysis can be applied by tallying the number of defects for each of the different possible causes of poor quality in a product or service and then developing a frequency distribution from the data. This frequency distribution, referred to as a Pareto diagram, is a useful visual aid for focusing on major quality problems.

Pareto Chart

Figure 2.6. Pareto Chart

The quality problem for hospital bed turnaround time described in the previous section on cause-and-effect diagrams (Figure 2.4) in this case a defect is anytime the turnaround time exceeds 150 minutes for a patient out of a sample of 195 patients. Some of the causes of this problem are as follows.


Number of Defects


Staff communication



BTS system



Room cleaning















For each cause of poor quality, the number of defects attributed to that cause has been tallied. This information is then converted into the Pareto chart shown in Figure 2.6 above.

This Pareto chart identifies the major cause of poor quality to be poor staff communication. Correcting the problem will result in the greatest quality improvement. However, the other problems should not be ignored. Continual quality improvement is the long-term goal. The Pareto diagram simply identifies the quality problems that will result in the greatest immediate impact on quality improvement.


Scatter diagrams graphically show the relationship between two variables, such as the brittleness of a piece of material and the temperature at which it is baked. One temperature reading should result in a specific degree of brittleness representing one point on the diagram. Many such points on the diagram visually show a pattern between the two variables and a relationship or lack of one. This diagram could be used to identify a particular quality problem associated with the baking process.

A scatter diagram is a graph showing how two process variables relate to each other.


We discuss control charts and other statistical quality-control methods in Chapter 3, "Statistical Process Control." For now, it is sufficient to say that a control chart is a means for measuring if a process is doing what it is supposed to do, like a thermostat monitoring room temperature. It is constructed with a horizontal line through the middle of a chart representing the process average or norm. It also has a line below this center line representing a lower control limit and a line above it for the upper control limit. Samples from the process are taken over time and measured according to some attribute. In its simplest form, if the measurement is within the upper and lower control limits, the process is said to be in control and there is no quality problem, but if the measurement is outside the limits, then a problem probably exists and should be investigated and corrected.

Process control involves monitoring a production or service process using statistical quality-control methods.

Statistical quality-control methods such as the process control chart are important tools for quality improvement. Employees who are provided with extensive training in statistical quality-control methods, are able to identify quality problems and their causes and to make suggestions for improvement. (See the "Along the Supply Chain" box on page 79 to see how a control chart is used to monitor hospital bed turnaround times).


Total quality management (TQM) has been the most prominent and visible approach to quality to evolve from the work of Deming and the early quality gurus. TQM originated in the 1980s as a Japanese-style management approach to quality improvement, and became very popular during the 1990s, being adopted by thousands of companies. Although it has taken on many meanings, it was (and still is) a philosophy for managing an organization centered on quality and customer satisfaction as "the" strategy for achieving long-term success. It requires the active involvement, participation and cooperation of everyone in the organization, and encompasses virtually all of its activities and processes. To achieve and sustain this pervasive focus on quality requires a significant long-term commitment on the part of the organization's leadership. Deming's 14 points and the philosophies and teachings of the early quality gurus are clearly embodied in the basic principles of TQM:

  1. Quality can and must be managed.

  2. The customer defines quality, and customer satisfaction is the top goal; it is a requirement and is not negotiable.

  3. Management must be involved and provide leadership.

  4. Continuous quality improvement is "the" strategic goal, which requires planning and organization.

  5. Quality improvement is the responsibility of every employee; all employees must be trained and educated to achieve quality improvement.

  6. Quality problems are found in processes, and problems must be prevented, not solved.

  7. The quality standard is "no defects."

  8. Quality must be measured; improvement requires the use of quality tools, and especially statistical process control.

Total Quality Management (TQM): customer-oriented, leadership, strategic planning, employee responsibility, continuous improvement, cooperation, statistical methods, and training and education.

Quality Management System (QMS): A system to to achieve customer satisfaction that complements other company systems.

TQM has been supplanted to a large extent by what is most commonly referred to as a quality management system (QMS). This approach (or term) has evolved out of the ISO certification process that many companies around the world have gone through; essentially ISO certifies a company's "quality management system," and much of the ISO's written materials refer directly to "quality management systems." (ISO certification is discussed in greater detail in a separate section later in this chapter.) A QMS is not as much of a philosophy as TQM; rather, it is a system that complements a company's other systems and functions. It is a systematic approach to achieving quality and hence customer satisfaction, and while it suggests no less commitment to that goal than TQM, it maintains less of a core strategic focus that TQM. Further, since a QMS is not a "philosophy," it more naturally is designed to meet the individual needs and circumstances of a particular company. It outlines the policies and procedures necessary to improve and control specific (but not all) processes that will lead to improved business performance. A QMS tends to focus more on individual projects that have a quantifiable impact (i.e., increased profitability). Some companies have adopted the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria as its QMS; another wellknown QMS is Six Sigma (which we will discuss in greater detail in a later section).

Regardless of the term a company uses to identify its approach to achieving quality improvement, and the possible differences between TQM and a QMS or other approaches, there are certain common characteristics of company-wide approaches to quality improvement, such as customer satisfaction and employee involvement, topics we will talk about next.


The main focus of Deming's 14 points, TQM and all QMSs is to achieve customer satisfaction. The reason is simple; customers who are very happy and delighted are less likely to switch to a competitor, which translates to profits. A high level of satisfaction creates an emotional bond instead of simply a rational preference. Research by companies has shown that there is a direct link between customer satisfaction and attrition rates, indicating that delighted customers are less likely to defect than dissatisfied customers. Figure 2.7 highlights some of the "facts" that are generally known to exist about customer satisfaction.

The Impact of Customer Satisfaction

Figure 2.7. The Impact of Customer Satisfaction


Most companies not only have customers they want to satisfy, but they are also customers of other companies, their suppliers, within a company's supply chain. Companies know that to satisfy its customers requires not only their own commitment to quality, but also the support and resources of its suppliers. This is especially true of companies that outsource many of their activities to suppliers. Companies and their suppliers joined together in a supply chain must work together to meet the needs of the company's customers. A partnership exists between the supplier and its customer wherein the supplier is expected to manage its own quality effectively so that the company it supplies can count on the quality of the materials, parts, and services it receives.

Many companies reduce their number of suppliers in order to have more direct influence over their suppliers' quality and delivery performance, which was one of Deming's 14 points. It is based on the notion that if a company has a major portion of a supplier's business, then the supplier is more willing to meet the customer's quality standards. The company and supplier enter into a business relationship referred to as partnering, in which the supplier agrees to meet the company's quality standards, and in return the company enters into a long-term purchasing agreement with the supplier that includes a stable order and delivery schedule.

Partnering: a relationship between a company and its supplier based on mutual quality standards.

In order to ensure that its supplier meets its quality standards, a company will often insist that the supplier adopt a QMS similar to its own, or a company's QMS will include its suppliers. Still other companies require that their suppliers achieve ISO 9000 certification (see page 95), an international quality standard that ensures a high industry standard of quality as its QMS; some companies require their suppliers to follow Baldrige National Quality Award guidelines or even enter the Baldrige Award competition as their QMS.

At the other end of a company's spectrum from its suppliers is its direct relationship with its own customers. An important component of any QMS is the company's ability to measure customer satisfaction; to "hear" what the customer wants. The company needs to know if its QMS is effective. Is the company meeting customer expectations? Are its products or services meeting their fitness for use definition? Is it what the customer wants, does the customer like it, does the customer need it, would the customer like it changed? A QMS requires that some form of measurement system be in place to answer these questions and provide data about the customer's level of satisfaction. It is a well-established fact of consumer behavior that unhappy customers will tell almost twice as many others about their quality problems as they will tell others about satisfactory products or services.


For most companies, figuring out what satisfies customers (i.e., what they want and need) is easier said than done. It requires that a company somehow gather information on what the customer wants and needs, disseminate that information throughout the company, use that information to improve its products and processes and develop new products, and then monitor customer satisfaction to ensure that the customer's needs are being met. The primary means for garnering information from customers, and measuring customer satisfaction is the customer survey. The customer survey is a means for companies to listen to what is often referred to as the "voice of the customer (VoC)." Applicants for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award are expected to provide measures of customer satisfaction typically through customer surveys. Motorola, a two-time Baldrige Award winner, contracts with an independent survey firm to conduct regularly scheduled surveys with its customers around the world to help Motorola determine how well it's meeting its customers' needs.

J.D. Power and Associates is an independent, third-party, company that provides companies in the automotive, energy/communications, travel, financial, and home-building industries with feedback from their customers based on surveys that they conduct. They also annually present awards to companies that have excelled in their industry based on independently financed consumer opinion studies. Award-winning companies are allowed to license the use of J.D. Power and Associates awards in advertising. For example, their 2006 automotive performance award winner for the "large car" was the Hyundai Azera; their 2006 award winner for the "highest guest satisfaction among mid-scale hotel chains" was Hampton Inns.


The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) was established in 1994 through a partnership of the University of Michigan Business School, the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the international consulting firm, CFI Group. The ACSI is funded in part by corporate subscribers who receive industry benchmarking data and company-specific information about financial returns from improving customer satisfaction.

ACSI measures customer satisfaction with the goods and services of 7 economic sectors, 39 industries (including e-commerce and e-business), and more than 200 companies and 70 federal and local government agencies. The ACSI reports scores on a 0 to 100 scale, which are based on econometric modeling of data obtained from telephone interviews with customers. From random-digit-dial (RDD) telephone samples (and Internet samples for e-commerce and e-business), more than 65,000 consumers are identified and interviewed annually.

ACSI scores are posted on their Web site at For example, in 2008 had an ACSI score of 86, one of the highest scores ever recorded in any service industry. Apple was the leading company in the computer industry with a score of 85. Lexus and BMW were the highest-scoring car companies at 87, followed by Toyota and Honda at 86.


Job training and employee development are major features of a successful quality management program. Increased training in job skills results in improved processes that improve product quality. Training in quality tools and skills such as statistical process control enable employees to diagnose and correct day-to-day problems related to their job. This provides employees with greater responsibility for product quality and greater satisfaction for doing their part to achieve quality. When achievement is reinforced through rewards and recognition, it further increases employee satisfaction. At Ritz-Carlton, first-year employees receive over 300 hours of training. Marriott employees are trained to view breakdowns in service as opportunities for satisfying customers; for example, they may send a gift and note of apology to customers who have experienced a problem in the hotel.

In our previous discussions, the importance of customer satisfaction as an overriding company objective was stressed. However, another important aspect of a successful QMS is internal customer (e.g., employee) satisfaction. It is unlikely that a company will be able to make its customers happy if its employees are not happy. For that reason, many successful companies conduct employee satisfaction surveys just as they conduct customer surveys.

When employees are directly involved in the quality management process, it is referred to as participative problem solving. Employee participation in identifying and solving quality problems has been shown to be effective in improving quality, increasing employee satisfaction and morale, improving job skills, reducing job turnover and absenteeism, and increasing productivity.

Participative problem solving is usually within an employee-involvement (EI) program, with a team approach. We will look at some of these programs for involving employees in quality management, including kaizen, quality circles, and process improvement teams.

Participative problem solving: employees are directly involved in the quality management process.


Kaizen is the Japanese term for continuous improvement, not only in the workplace but also in one's personal life, home life, and social life. In the workplace, kaizen means involving everyone in a process of gradual, organized, and continuous improvement. Every employee within an organization should be involved in working together to make improvements. If an improvement is not part of a continuous, ongoing process, it is not considered kaizen. Kaizen is most closely associated with lean systems, an approach to continuous improvement throughout the organization that is the subject of Chapter 16.

kaizen: involves everyone in a process of continuous improvement.

Employees are most directly involved in kaizen when they are determining solutions to their own problems. Employees are the real experts in their immediate workspace. In its most basic form, kaizen is a system in which employees identify many small improvements on a continual basis and implement these improvements themselves. This is actually the application of the steps in the Deming Wheel (Figure 2.2) at its most basic, individual level. Employees identify a problem, come up with a solution, check with their supervisor, and then implement it. This works to involve all employees in the improvement process and gives them a feeling that they are really participating in quality improvement, which in turn keeps them excited about their jobs. Nothing motivates someone more than when they come up with a solution to their own problem. Small individual changes have a cumulative effect in improving entire processes, and with this level of participation improvement occurs across the entire organization. No company-wide quality management program can succeed without this level of total employee involvement in continuous improvement.


With today's foucs on healthcare costs, quality in healthcare is a major issue in the service sector. Its importance is signified by the fact that it is one of five categories in which the Baldrige National Quality Award is annually given.

Employees at Dana Corporation's Spicer Driveshaft Division, North America's largest independent manufacturer of driveshafts and a 2000 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winner, participate in a kaizen-type program. On average, each employee submits three suggestions for improvements per month and almost 80 percent of these ideas are implemented. The company also makes use of kaizen "blitzes" in which teams brainstorm, identify, and implement ideas for improvement, sometimes as often as every three or four weeks. Company-wide, Dana Corporation employees implemented almost 2 million ideas in one year alone.


One of the first team-based approaches to quality improvement was quality circles. Called qualitycontrol circles in Japan when they originated during the 1960s, they were introduced in the United States in the 1970s. A quality circle is a small, voluntary group of employees and their supervisor(s), comprising a team of about 8 to 10 members from the same work area or department. The supervisor is typically the circle moderator, promoting group discussion but not directing the group or making decisions; decisions result from group consensus. A circle meets about once a week during company time in a room designated especially for that purpose, where the team works on problems and projects of their own choice. These problems may not always relate to quality issues; instead, they focus on productivity, costs, safety, or other work-related issues in the circle's area. Quality circles follow an established procedure for identifying, analyzing, and solving quality-related (or other) problems. Figure 2.8 is a graphical representation of the quality circle process.

Quality circle: a group of workers and supervisors from the same area who address quality problems.

The Quality Circle Process

Figure 2.8. The Quality Circle Process


A process improvement team includes members from the interrelated functions or departments that make up a process.

Process improvement teams, also called quality improvement teams (QIT), focuses attention on business processes rather than separate company functions. It was noted previously that quality circles are generally composed of employees and supervisors from the same work area or department, whereas process improvement teams tend to be cross-functional or even cross-business between suppliers and their customers. A process improvement team would include members from the various interrelated functions or departments that constitute a process. For example, a process improvement team for customer service might include members from distribution, packaging, manufacturing, and human resources. A key objective of a process improvement team is to understand the process the team is addressing in terms of how all the parts (functions and departments) work together. The process is then measured and evaluated, with the goal of improving the process to make it more efficient and the product or service better. A key tool in helping the team understand how the process works is a process flowchart, a quality tool we discussed in greater detail in the section on "Quality Tools."


From our discussion so far it is clear that most quality management approaches evolved in manufacturing companies like Toyota, GE, and Motorola. However, in the 1980s and 1990s service companies began to embrace quality management. This is important because the service sector is the largest segment of the U.S. economy, employing almost three times as many people as manufacturing industries.

Service defects are not always easy to measure because service output is not usually a trangible, physical item.

Service organizations and manufacturing companies both convert inputs into outputs—products or services—through a productive process. Both manufacturing and services use the same kinds of inputs—resources such as physical facilities, capital, materials, equipment, and people. In some instances the processes and products are similar. For example, both Toyota and McDonald's produce a tangible, physical product (cars and hamburgers) assembled from component parts. However, in pure service industries such as law, hotels, entertainment, communication, engineering, education, clubs, real estate, banks, retail, health care, and airlines, the processes are less similar and the products are not as tangible. The "products" provided by these organizations are not typically a physical item that can be held or stored. The customer of a manufacturer tends to interact only at the output end of the production process. The customer of a service often interacts directly with the production process, consuming services like legal advice, a classroom lecture, or an airline flight as they are being produced. Services tend to be customized and provided at the convenience of the customer; for example, doctors prescribe individually to patients. In addition, services tend to be labor intensive, while manufacturing is more capital-intensive. Thus, human contact and its ramifications are an important part of the process of producing services.

Services tend to be labor intensive.

If a manufactured item is defective, the defect can usually be felt or seen, and counted or measured. The improvement (or deterioration) in a product's quality can likewise be measured. It's not the same for service. A service cannot be held, felt, stored, and used again. A service output is not always tangible; thus, it is not as easy to measure service defects. The dimensions of service quality include timeliness, courtesy, consistency, accuracy, convenience, responsiveness, and completeness—all hard to measure beyond a subjective assessment by the customer. This does not mean that the potential for quality improvement is any less in services. Each day thousands of travelers check into and out of Ritz-Carlton Hotels, UPS handles and delivers millions of packages, and VISA processes millions of credit transactions worldwide. However, it is sometimes more difficult to assess defects in service and thus more difficult to measure customer satisfaction.

Services and manufacturing companies have similar inputs but different processes and outputs.

Disney World, for example, has had to develop a "different" view of quality than a manufacturing company. In some ways, a theme park is similar to an assembly line except that Disney's rides have to work flawlessly all the time. However, the Disney experience is not just about defect-free rides. It is also about customer emotions and expectations, which are likely to vary widely. Customers have different tolerance levels for things that go wrong. When there is a long line at a ride, the issue is not just the length of the wait, but how a customer feels about waiting. Disney addresses this problem by being innovative; costumed characters entertain customers waiting in line.


Timeliness, or how quickly a service is provided, is an important dimension of service quality, and it is not difficult to measure. The difficulty is determining what is "quick" service and what is "slow" service. How long must a caller wait to place a phone catalogue order before it is considered poor service? The answer, to a large extent, depends on the caller's expectations: "too long" is not the same for everyone. Varying expectations make it difficult to determine an exact specification.

Timeliness is an important dimension of service quality.

Professional football player Drew Brees and wife Brittany check in as the first guests of the Ritz-Carlton in New Orleans when it reopened after Hurricane Katrina. The Ritz-Carlton is the only twotime winner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the service category and its goal is a totally defect-free experience for its guests.


Quality management in services must focus also on employee performance related to intangible, difficult-to-measure quality dimensions. The most important quality dimensions may be how correctly and pleasantly employees are able to provide service. That is why service companies such as Federal Express, Starbuck's, Avis, Disney, and Ritz-Carlton Hotels have well-developed quality management programs that focus on employee performance, behavior, and training, and serve as "benchmarks" for other companies. Service companies lose more customers because either their service is poor or their competitor's is better, than for any other reason, including price.

The principles of TQM apply equally well to services and manufacturing.

Benchmark: "best" level of quality achievement in one company that other companies seek to achieve.

McDonald's has a reputation for high-quality service resulting from its application of established quality management principles. It provides fresh food promptly on demand. Restaurant managers meet with customer groups on a regular basis and use questionnaires to identify quality "defects" in its operation. It monitors all phases of its process continuously from purchasing to restrooms to restaurant decor and maintenance. It empowers all employees to make spot decisions to dispose of unfresh food or to speed service. The McDonald's workforce is flexible so that changes in customer traffic and demand can be met promptly by moving employees to different tasks. Food is sampled regularly for taste and freshness. Extensive use is made of information technology for scheduling, cash register operation, food inventory, cooking procedures, and food assembly processes—all with the objective of faster service. All of these quality improvement procedures are standard and similar to approaches to quality improvement that could be found in a manufacturing firm.


The "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ritz-Carlton" are the key factor in Ritz-Carlton's receipt of two Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards and the highest guest satisfaction level in the luxury hotel industry.


Six Sigma was first developed at Motorola, and they and other companies have had a great deal of success with it as reported in the "Along the Supply Chain" box on page 77. A number of companies have credited Six Sigma with billions of dollars in cost savings and increased profits, and these reported successes have led many other large and small companies to adopt all or some of the Six Sigma methodology. As a result Six Sigma is currently one of the most popular quality management systems in the world.


Basically, Six Sigma is a project-oriented methodology (or system) that provides businesses with the tools and expertise to improve their processes. This increase in performance through a decrease in process variation leads to defect reduction (to near zero) and an increase in product and service quality and increased profits. In its simplest form, Six Sigma is based on Deming's PDCA cycle and Joseph Juran's assertion that "all quality improvement occurs on a project-by-project" basis, with elements of kaizen-type employee involvement. In this section we will provide a more detailed description of the elements and components of Six Sigma. Figure 2.9 illustrates the primary elements of a Six Sigma program.


Six Sigma is a process for developing and delivering virtually perfect products and services. The word "sigma" is a familiar statistical term for the standard deviation, a measure of variability around the mean of a normal distribution. In Six Sigma it is a measure of how much a given product or process deviates from perfection, or zero defects. The main idea behind Six Sigma is that if the number of "defects" in a process can be measured, then it can be systematically determined how to eliminate them and get as close to zero defects as possible. In Six Sigma "as close to zero defects as possible" translates into a statistically based numerical goal of 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO), which is the near elimination of defects from a process, product, or service. This is a goal far beyond the quality level at which most companies have traditionally operated. Through the reduction of variation in all processes (i.e., achieving the Six Sigma goal), the overall performance of the company will be improved and significant overall cost savings will be realized.

Six Sigma measure of how much a process deviates from perfection.

Six Sigma

Figure 2.9. Six Sigma

Six Sigma


As implemented by Motorola, Six Sigma follows four basic steps—align, mobilize, accelerate, and govern. In the first step, "align," senior executives create a balanced scorecard (see Chapter 1) of strategic goals, metrics and initiatives to identify the areas of improvement that will have the greatest impact on the company's bottom line. Process owners (i.e, the senior executives who supervise the processes) "champion" the creation of high-impact improvement projects that will achieve the strategic goals.

Six Sigma process: the four basic steps of Six Sigma—align, mobilize, accelerate and govern.

In the second step, "mobilize," project teams are formed and empowered to act. The process owners select "black belts" to lead well-defined improvement projects. The teams follow a step-by-step, problem-solving approach referred to as DMAIC.

In the third step, "accelerate," improvement teams made up of black belt and green belt team members with appropriate expertise use an action-learning approach to build their capability and execute the project. This approach combines training and education with project work and coaching. Ongoing reviews with project champions ensure that projects progress according to an aggressive timeline.

In the final step, "govern," executive process owners monitor and review the status of improvement projects to make sure the system is functioning as expected. Leaders share the knowledge gained from the improvement projects with other parts of the organization to maximize benefit.

In the next few sections we describe some components of the Six Sigma process in greater detail.


The first step in the Six Sigma process is the identification of improvement projects. These projects are selected according to business objectives and the goals of the company. As such, they normally have a significant financial impact. These projects are not one-time, unique activities as projects are typically thought of, but team-based activities directed at the continuing improvement of a process.

Once projects are identified, they are assigned a champion from upper management who is responsible for project success, providing resources and overcoming organizational barriers. Champions are typically paid a bonus tied to the successful achievement of Six Sigma goals.

Champion: an executive responsible for project success.


At the heart of Six Sigma is the breakthrough strategy, a five-step process applied to improvement projects. The five steps in the breakthrough strategy are very similar to Deming's four-stage PDCA cycle (Figure 2.2), although more specific and detailed. The breakthrough strategy steps are define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, (DMAIC) shown in Figure 2.9.

Breakthrough strategy: define, measure, analyze, improve, control.

Define: The problem is defined, including who the customers are and what they want, to determine what needs to improve. It is important to know which quality attributes are most important to the customer, what the defects are, and what the improved process can deliver.

Measure: The process is measured, data are collected, and compared to the desired state.

Analyze: The data are analyzed in order to determine the cause of the problem.

Improve: The team brainstorms to develop solutions to problems; changes are made to the process, and the results are measured to see if the problems have been eliminated. If not, more changes may be necessary.

Control: If the process is operating at the desired level of performance, it is monitored to make sure the improvement is sustained and no unexpected and undesirable changes occur.


The project leader who implements the DMAIC steps is called a Black Belt. Black Belts hold fulltime positions and are extensively trained in the use of statistics and quality-control tools, as well as project and team management. A Black Belt assignment normally lasts two years during which the Black Belt will lead 8 to 12 projects from different areas in the company, each lasting about one quarter. A Black Belt is certified after two successful projects. Black Belts are typically very focused change agents who are on the fast track to company advancement. Figure 2.10 describes some of the most important tools used by black belts at Motorola.

Black Belt: the project leader.

Master Black Belts monitor, review, and mentor Black Belts across all projects. They are primarily teachers who are selected based on their quantitative skills, and on their teaching and mentoring ability. As such, they are a resource for project teams and Black Belts. They also hold full-time positions and are usually certified after participating in about 20 successful projects, half while a Black Belt and half as a Master Black Belt.

Master Black Belt: a teacher and mentor for Black Belts.

Project team members are Green Belts, which is not a full-time position; they do not spend all of their time on projects. Green Belts receive similar training as Black Belts but somewhat less of it.

Green Belts: project team members.

At General Electric employees are not considered for promotion to any management position without Black Belt or Green Belt training. It is part of the Six Sigma overall strategy that as Black Belts and Green Belts move into management positions they will continue to promote and advance Six Sigma in the company. A generally held perception is that companies that have successfully implemented Six Sigma have one Black Belt for every 100 employees and one Master Black Belt for every 100 Black Belts. This will vary according to the size of the company and the number of projects regularly undertaken. At GE, black belt projects typically save $250,000 or more and green belt projects frequently yield savings in the $50,000 to $75,000 range.

In Six Sigma all employees receive training in the Six Sigma breakthrough strategy, statistical tools, and quality-improvement techniques. Employees are trained to participate on Six Sigma project teams. Because quality is considered to be the responsibility of every employee, every employee must be involved in, motivated by, and knowledgeable about Six Sigma.


An important element of the Six Sigma system is Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), a systematic methodology for designing products and processes that meet customer expectations and can be produced at Six Sigma quality levels. It follows the same basic approach as the breakthrough strategy with Master Black Belts, Black Belts, and Green Belts and makes extensive use of statistical tools and design techniques, training, and measurement. However, it employs this strategy earlier, up front in the design phase and developmental stages. This is a more effective and less expensive way to achieve the Six Sigma goal than fixing problems after the product or process is already developed and in place.

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS): a systematic approach to designing products and processes that will achieve Six Sigma.


A recent trend in quality management is Lean Six Sigma (also known as Lean Sigma), that integrates Six Sigma and "lean systems." Lean systems is the subject of Chapter 16 so we do not offer a detailed presentation of it at this point; rather we will discuss lean systems in general terms and how it relates to Six Sigma.

Lean Six Sigma: integrating Six Sigma and lean systems.

Six Sigma Tools

Figure 2.10. Six Sigma Tools

Lean is a systematic method for reducing the complexity of a process and making it more efficient by identifying and eliminating sources of waste in a process (such as materials, labor, and time) that hinder flow. Lean basically seeks to optimize process flows through the organization in order to create more value for the customer with less work; i.e., get the product through the process faster. The lean process management philosophy was derived mainly from the Toyota Production System (including push and pull production, JIT and kanbans; see Chapter 16) that has been very effective in manufacturing. As in the case of TPS, lean is basically a more sophisticated extension of earlier efforts to achieve efficiency (i.e., speed) in a manufacturing process by OM pioneers like Henry Ford and Frederick R Taylor.

The lean approach to process improvement includes five steps. First it is determined what creates value for the customer, i.e., quality from the customer's perspective discussed earlier in this chapter. Second, the sequence of activities (in the process) that create value, called the "value stream," is identified, and those activities that do not add value are eliminated from the production process. Third, waste (such as inventory or long process times) along the value stream is removed through process improvements. Fourth, the process is made responsive to the customer's needs; i.e., making the product or service available when the customer needs it. Finally, lean continually repeats the attempt to remove waste (non-value activity) and improve flow; it seeks perfection. As such, lean is more of a philosophical approach to continuous improvement by eliminating waste throughout the organization everywhere along the value stream by involving everyone in the organization.

Lean Six Sigma attempts to combine the best features of lean and Six Sigma. As we have discussed, Six Sigma is a disciplined and very organized approach for improving processes and preventing defects. It employs a specific program (DMAIC) to identify and eliminate waste and achieve perfection (no defects). By focusing on reducing and controlling variation in targeted processes in an organization (via projects), Six Sigma improves the organization's performance. Through process improvement methods lean attempts to eliminate waste and accelerate process efficiency and flow times, thus increasing value to the customer. Lean improvements cause products to flow through processes faster while Six Sigma improves quality and prevents defects by reducing variation through individual projects. Six Sigma identifies the key factors in the performance of a process and sets them at their best level. Lean reduces the complexity of processes everywhere by eliminating waste that can slow down process flow. Lean focuses on what should not be done in a process and removes it; Six Sigma considers what should be done and how to get it right for all time.

The common link between the two is that they both seek to improve processes and provide value to the customer; however they go about it in different ways. The proponents of Lean Six Sigma believe the two approaches complement each other, and that combining them can result in greater benefits than implementing them separately. However, others consider lean and Six Sigma to be mostly incompatible; Six Sigma is considered to be more of a management tool (i.e., a program), whereas lean is a philosophical approach to process improvement that, like the Toyota Production System, is most effective in a mass manufacturing setting.


The criterion for selecting Six Sigma projects by executives is typically based on the financial impact of the improvement expected from the project—how it will affect the bottom line. This focus on profitability for initiating quality improvement projects is one of the factors that distinguishes Six Sigma from TQM.

In Quality Is Free, Philip Crosby states that, "Quality is not only free, it is an honest-to-everything profit maker." Gary L. Tooker, former CEO and vice chairman of Motorola, in response to the question, "Is there a link between quality and profitability?" responded that "We've saved several billion dollars over the last year because of our focus on quality improvement and the Six Sigma initiative . . . . there is no doubt about the fact that it has enhanced our bottom line."

This is only the tip of a mountain of conclusive evidence that quality improvement and profitability are closely related. As quality improves, the costs associated with poor quality decline. Quality improvements result in increased productivity. As the quality of a company's products or services improve, it becomes more competitive and its market share increases. Customers' perception of a company's products as being of high quality and its competitive posture enables the company to charge higher prices. Taken together, these things result in higher profitability.

Example 2.1 describes a scenario that illustrates that impact of profitability that can result from a Six Sigma project.


According to legendary quality guru Armand Feigenbaum, "quality costs are the foundation for quality systems economics." Quality costs have traditionally served as the basis for evaluating investments in quality programs. The costs of quality are those incurred to achieve good quality and to satisfy the customer, as well as costs incurred when quality fails to satisfy the customer. Thus, quality costs fall into two categories: the cost of achieving good quality, also known as the cost of quality assurance, and the cost associated with poor-quality products, also referred to as the cost of not conforming to specifications.

Two recent trends are driving a renewed interest within organizations for measuring quality costs. First, the most recent version of ISO 9000 emphasizes measurements and requires that quality improvement be quantifiably demonstrated. Maintaining quality cost data can provide ISO auditors with evidence of improvement in an organization applying for ISO certification. Second, the popularity and proliferation of Six Sigma, which emphasizes the financial impact of projects as a measure of improvement, has created a need in organizations for quality cost data in order to determine project success.


The costs of a quality management program are prevention costs and appraisal costs. Prevention costs are the costs of trying to prevent poor-quality products from reaching the customer. Prevention reflects the quality philosophy of "do it right the first time," the goal of a quality management program. Examples of prevention costs include:

Prevention costs: costs incurred during product design.

Quality planning costs: The costs of developing and implementing the quality management program.

Product-design costs: The costs of designing products with quality characteristics.

Process costs: The costs expended to make sure the productive process conforms to quality specifications.

Training costs: The costs of developing and putting on quality training programs for employees and management.

Information costs: The costs of acquiring and maintaining (typically on computers) data related to quality, and the development and analysis of reports on quality performance.

The costs of preventing poor quality include planning, design, process, training, and information costs.

Appraisal costs are the costs of measuring, testing, and analyzing materials, parts, products, and the productive process to ensure that product-quality specifications are being met. Examples of appraisal costs include:

Appraisal costs: costs of measuring, testing, and analyzing.

Inspection and testing: The costs of testing and inspecting materials, parts, and the product at various stages and at the end of the process.

Test equipment costs: The costs of maintaining equipment used in testing the quality characteristics of products.

Operator costs: The costs of the time spent by operators to gather data for testing product quality, to make equipment adjustments to maintain quality, and to stop work to assess quality.

Costs of measuring quality include inspection, testing, equipment, and operator costs.

Appraisal costs tend to be higher in a service organization than in a manufacturing company and, therefore, are a greater proportion of total quality costs. Quality in services is related primarily to the interaction between an employee and a customer, which makes the cost of appraising quality more difficult. Quality appraisal in a manufacturing operation can take place almost exclusively inhouse; appraisal of service quality usually requires customer interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and the like.


The cost of poor quality (COPQ) is the difference between what it actually costs to produce a product or deliver a service and what it would cost if there were no defects. Most companies find that defects, rework and other unnecessary activities related to quality problems significantly inflate costs; estimates range as high as 20 to 30% of total revenues. This is generally the largest quality cost category in a company, frequently accounting for 70 to 90% of total quality costs. This is also where the greatest cost improvement is possible.

The cost of poor quality can be categorized as internal failure costs or external failure costs. Internal failure costs are incurred when poor-quality products are discovered before they are delivered to the customer. Examples of internal failure costs include:

Internal failure costs: include scrap, rework, process failure, downtime, and price reductions.

Scrap costs: The costs of poor-quality products that must be discarded, including labor, material, and indirect costs.

Rework costs: The costs of fixing defective products to conform to quality specifications.

Process failure costs: The costs of determining why the production process is producing poorquality products.

Process downtime costs: The costs of shutting down the productive process to fix the problem.

Price-downgrading costs: The costs of discounting poor-quality products—that is, selling products as "seconds."

External failure costs: include complaints, returns, warranty claims, liability, and lost sales.

External failure costs are incurred after the customer has received a poor-quality product and are primarily related to customer service. Examples of external failure costs include:

Customer complaint costs: The costs of investigating and satisfactorily responding to a customer complaint resulting from a poor-quality product.

Product return costs: The costs of handling and replacing poor-quality products returned by the customer. In the United States it is estimated that product returns reduce company profitability by an average of 4% annually.

Warranty claims costs: The costs of complying with product warranties.

Product liability costs: The litigation costs resulting from product liability and customer injury.

Lost sales costs: The costs incurred because customers are dissatisfied with poor-quality products and do not make additional purchases.

Internal failure costs tend to be low for a service, whereas external failure costs can be quite high. A service organization has little opportunity to examine and correct a defective internal process, usually an employee–customer interaction, before it actually happens. At that point it becomes an external failure. External failures typically result in an increase in service time or inconvenience for the customer. Examples of external failures include a customer waiting too long to place a catalogue phone order; a catalogue order that arrives with the wrong item, requiring the customer to repackage and send it back; an error in a charge card billing statement, requiring the customer to make phone calls or write letters to correct it; sending a customer's orders or statements to the wrong address; or an overnight mail package that does not arrive overnight.


Collecting data on quality costs can be difficult. The costs of lost sales, of responding to customer complaints, of process downtime, of operator testing, of quality information, and of quality planning and product design are all costs that may be difficult to measure. These costs must be estimated by management. Training costs, inspection and testing costs, scrap costs, the cost of product downgrading, product return costs, warranty claims, and liability costs can usually be measured. Many of these costs are collected as part of normal accounting procedures.

Management wants quality costs reported in a manner that can be easily interpreted and is meaningful. One format for reporting quality costs is with index numbers, or indices. Index numbers are ratios that measure quality costs relative to some base value, such as the ratio of quality costs to total sales revenue or the ratio of quality costs to units of final product. These index numbers are used to compare quality management efforts between time periods or between departments or functions. Index numbers themselves do not provide very much information about the effectiveness of a quality management program. They usually will not show directly that a company is producing good- or poor-quality products. These measures are informative only when they are compared to some standard or other index. Some common index measures are:

Labor index: The ratio of quality cost to direct labor hours; it has the advantage of being easily computed (from accounting records) and easily understood, but it is not always effective for long-term comparative analysis when technological advances reduce labor usage.

Cost index: The ratio of quality cost to manufacturing cost (direct and indirect cost); it is easy to compute from accounting records and is not affected by technological change.

Sales index: The ratio of quality cost to sales; it is easily computed, but it can be distorted by changes in selling price and costs.

Production index: The ratio of quality cost to units of final product; it is easy to compute from accounting records but is not effective if a number of different products exist.

Example 2.2 illustrates several of these index numbers.

Index numbers: ratios that measure quality costs against a base value.

Labor index: the ratio of quality cost to labor hours.

Cost index: the ratio of quality cost to manufacturing cost.

Sales index: the ratio of quality cost to sales.

Production index: the ratio of quality cost to units of final product.


In Example 2.2 we showed that when the sum of prevention and appraisal costs increased, internal and external failure costs decreased. Recall that prevention and appraisal costs are the costs of achieving good quality, and internal and external failure costs are the costs of poor quality. In general, when the cost of achieving good quality increases, the cost of poor quality declines.

Philip Crosby's fourth absolute from his 1984 book Quality Without Tears, explains that the dollar cost of quality is the difference between the price of nonconformance, the cost of doing things wrong (i.e., the cost of poor quality), and the price of conformance, the cost of doing things right (i.e., the cost of achieving good quality). He estimates that the cost of doing things wrong can account for 20 to 35% of revenues, while the cost of doing things right is typically 3 to 4%. As such, managers should determine where the cost of quality is occurring and find out what causes it.

The cost of quality is the difference between the price of nonconformance and conformance.

Companies committed to quality improvement know that the increase in sales and market share resulting from increased customer satisfaction offsets the costs of achieving good quality. Furthermore, as a company focuses on good quality, the cost of achieving good quality will be less because of the improvements in technologies and processes that will result from the quality improvement effort. These companies are frequently the ones that seek to achieve zero defects, the goal of Six Sigma.

The Japanese first recognized that the costs of poor quality had been traditionally underestimated. These costs did not take into account the customer losses that can be attributed to a reputation for poor quality. The Japanese viewed the cost associated with a reputation for poor quality to be quite high. A General Accounting Office report on companies that have been Baldrige Quality Award finalists has shown that corporate wide quality improvement programs result in higher worker motivation, improved employee relations, increased productivity, higher customer satisfaction, and increased market share and profitability.


In the previous section we saw how an effective quality management program can help to reduce quality-related costs and improve market share and profitability. Quality management can also improve productivity—the number of units produced from available resources.


Productivity is a measure of a company's effectiveness in converting inputs into outputs. It is broadly defined as

Productivity: the ratio of output to input.


An output is the final product from a service or production process, such as an automobile, a hamburger, a sale, or a catalogue order. Inputs are the parts, material, labor, capital, and so on that go into the productive process. Productivity measures, depending on the outputs and inputs used, are labor productivity (output per labor-hour) and machine productivity (output per machine-hour).

Quality impact on productivity: Fewer defects increase output and quality improvement reduces inputs.

Improving quality by reducing defects will increase good output and reduce inputs. In fact, virtually all aspects of quality improvement have a favorable impact on different measures of productivity. Improving product design and production processes, improving the quality of materials and parts, and improving job designs and work activity will all increase productivity.


Product yield is a measure of output used as an indicator of productivity. It can be computed for the entire production process (or for one stage in the process) as follows:

Yield: a measure of productivity.

Yield = (total input)(% good units) + (total input)(1 – % good units)(% reworked)


Y = (I) (%G) + (I) (1 – %G) (%R)


I = planned number units of product started in the production process

% G = percentage of good units produced

% R = percentage of defective units that are successfully reworked

In this formula, yield is the sum of the percentage of products started in the process (or at a stage) that will turn out to be good quality plus the percentage of the defective (rejected) products that are reworked. Any increase in the percentage of good products through improved quality will increase product yield.

Improved quality increases product yield.

Now we will expand our discussion of productivity to include product manufacturing cost. The manufacturing cost per (good) product is computed by dividing the sum of total direct manufacturing cost and total cost for all reworked units by the yield, as follows:

Computing Product Yield


Computing Product Yield


Kd = direct manufacturing cost per unit

I = input

Kr = rework cost per unit

R = reworked units

Y = yield

In Examples 2.3 and 2.4 we determined productivity measures for a single production process. However, it is more likely that product quality would be monitored throughout the production process at various stages. Each stage would result in a portion of good-quality, "work-in-process" products. For a production process with n stages, the yield, Y (without reworking), is

Y = (I)(%g1)(%g2) . . . (%gn)


I = input of items to the production process that will result in finished products

gi = good-quality, work-in-process products at stage i


Another measure of the effect of quality on productivity combines the concepts of quality index numbers and product yield. Called the quality–productivity ratio (QPR),[7] it is computed as follows:


This is actually a quality index number that includes productivity and quality costs. The QPR increases if either processing cost or rework costs or both decrease. It increases if more good-quality units are produced relative to total product input (i.e., the number of units that begin the production process).

Quality–productivity ratio (QPR): a productivity index that includes productivity and quality costs.


The Baldrige Award, Deming Prize, and other award competitions have become valuable and coveted prizes to U.S. companies eager to benefit from the aura and reputation for quality that awaits the winners, and the decreased costs and increased profits that award participants and winners have experienced. They have also provided widely used sets of guidelines to help companies implement an effective quality management system (QMS), and winners provide quality standards, or "benchmarks," for other companies to emulate.


The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is given annually to one or two companies in each of five categories: manufacturing, services, small businesses (with less than 500 full-time employees), health care, and education. It was created by law in 1987 (named after former Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige, who died in 1987) to (1) stimulate U.S. companies to improve quality, (2) establish criteria for businesses to use to evaluate their individual quality-improvement efforts, (3) set as examples those companies that were successful in improving quality, and (4) help other U.S. organizations learn how to manage quality by disseminating information about the award winners' programs.

The Baldrige Award was created in 1987 to stimulate growth of quality management in the United States.

The award criteria focus on the soundness of the approach to quality improvement, the overall quality management program as it is implemented throughout the organization, and customer satisfaction. The seven major categories of criteria by which companies are examined are leadership, information and analysis, strategic planning, human resource focus, process management, business results, and customer and market focus.

The Baldrige Award has had a major influence on U.S. companies, thousands of which request applications from the government each year to obtain a copy of the award guidelines and criteria for internal use in establishing a quality management system. Many companies have made the Baldrige criteria for quality their own, and have also demanded that their suppliers submit applications for the Baldrige Quality Award. Since its inception in 1987, it has been estimated that the economic benefits of the Baldrige award to the U.S. economy is almost $30 billion. Companies that have won the Baldrige Quality Award and have become known as leaders in quality include Motorola, Xerox, Cadillac, Milliken, Federal Express, Ritz Carlton, and IBM. These and other Baldrige Award winners have become models or benchmarks for other companies to emulate in establishing their own quality management systems.


The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is given each year to companies in .ve categories—manufacturing, services, small businesses, health care and education. The award criteria and guidelines have become a template for a successful quality management system.

Table 2.3. Selected National and International Quality Awards




Malcolm Baldrige Award

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Small business, manufacturing, service, education, and health care

Deming Medal

American Society for Quality

Leader in quality

J.D. Powers Awards

J.D. Powers Associates

Customer satisfaction in a variety of industries

George M. Low Trophy


NASA suppliers

President's Quality Award

U. S. Office of Personnel Management

Federal government organizations

IIE Award for Excellence in Productivity Improvement

Institute of Industrial Engineers

Large and small manufacturing companies and large and small service companies

Distinguished Service Medal

American Society for Quality

Gold medal for individual distinction

International Asia Pacific Award

Asia Pacific Quality Organization

Winners of national quality awards

Australian Business Excellence Awards

Standards Australia International Limited

Excellence medal, gold, silver, and bronze awards open to Australian companies

Canada Awards for Excellence

National Quality Institute

Quality award and healthy workplace award

European Quality Awards

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)

European organizations demonstrating excellence in quality

German National Quality Award

German Society for Quality and Association of German Engineers

EFQM criteria for German companies

Hong Kong Award for Industry

Quality Trade and Industry Dept.

Companies based and operating in Hong Kong

Rajiv Ghandi National Award

Bureau of Indian Standards

Indian manufacturing and service organizations

Japan Quality Award

Japanese Quality Award Committee

Six companies in manufacturing, service, and small/medium businesses

Deming Prize

Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers

Application prize, individual prize, and quality-control award for business units

Japan Quality Medal

Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers

Deming application prize companies

Swiss Quality Award

Swiss Association for Promotion of Quality

EQFM criteria for Switzerland

UK Quality Award for Business Excellence

British Quality Foundation

EFQM criteria for United Kingdom


The creation and subsequent success of the Baldrige Award has spawned a proliferation of national, international, government, industry, state, and individual quality awards. Table 2.3 provides information about selected national and international quality awards. (Internet addresses for these awards can be found on the Chapter 2 Web links page on the text Web site.) The American Society for Quality (ASQ) sponsors a number of national individual awards, including, among others, the Armand V. Feigenbaum Medal, the Deming Medal, the E. Jack Lancaster Medal, the Edwards Medal, the Shewart Medal, and the Ishikawa Medal.


The President's Quality Award was established in 1989 to recognize federal government organizations that improve their overall performance and capabilities, demonstrate mature approaches to quality throughout the organization, and demonstrate a sustained trend in high-quality products and services that result in effective use of taxpayer dollars.

Prominent international awards include the European Quality Award, the Canadian Quality Award, the Australian Business Excellence Award, and the Deming Prize from Japan. The countries from which these four awards are administered plus the United States account for approximately 75% of the world's gross national product. The European Quality Award, established in 1991 to recognize outstanding businesses in 16 European countries, is similar in criteria and scope to the Baldrige Award, as are most of the other international awards.

ISO 9000

ISO 9000

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, has as its members the national standards organizations for more than 157 countries. The ISO member for the United States is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The purpose of ISO is to facilitate global consensus agreements on international quality standards. It has resulted in a system for certifying suppliers to make sure they meet internationally accepted standards for quality management. It is a nongovernment organization and is not a part of the United Nations.

ISO is not an acronym for the International Organization for Standardization; it is a word, "ISO," derived from the Greek "isos" meaning "equal."

During the 1970s it was generally acknowledged that the word quality had different meanings within and among industries and countries and around the world. In 1979 the ISO member representing the United Kingdom, the British Standard Institute (BSI), recognizing the need for standardization for quality management and assurance, submitted a formal proposal to ISO to develop international standards for quality assurance techniques and practices. Using standards that already existed in the United Kingdom and Canada as a basis, ISO established generic quality standards, primarily for manufacturing firms, that could be used worldwide.


Standards are documented agreements that include technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions to ensure that materials, products processes, and services are fit for their purpose. For example, the format for credit cards and phone cards was derived from ISO standards that specify such physical features as the cards' thickness so that they can be used worldwide. Standards, in general, increase the reliability and effectiveness of goods and services used around the world and as a result make life easier for everyone.

ISO 9000 is a set of procedures and policies for the international quality certification of suppliers.

The ISO 9000 series of quality management standards, guidelines, and technical reports was first published in 1978, and it is reviewed at least every five years. It was most recently revised and updated in 2008. ISO 9000:2008, Quality Management Systems—Fundamentals and Vocabulary, is the starting point for understanding the standards. It defines the fundamental terms and definitions used in the ISO 9000 family of standards, guidelines, and technical reports. ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management Systems—Requirements, is the requirement standard a company uses to assess its ability to meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements in order to achieve customer satisfaction. ISO 9004:2008, Quality Management Systems—Guidelines for Performance Improvements, provides detailed guidance to a company for the continual improvement of its quality management system in order to achieve and sustain customer satisfaction. The ISO 9000 family includes 10 more published standards and guidelines; however, these three are the most widely used and applicable to the majority of companies.


Many companies around the world require that companies they do business with (e.g., suppliers) have ISO 9001 certification. In that way, despite possible language, technology, and cultural differences, a company can be sure that the company it's doing business with meets uniform standards—that is, they are "on the same page." ISO 9001:2008 is the only standard in the ISO 9000 family that carries third-party certification (referred to as registration in the United States). A third-party company called a registrar is the only authorized entity that can award ISO 9001 certification. Registrars are accredited by an authoritative national body and are contracted by companies to evaluate their quality management system to see if it meets the ISO 9001 standards; if the company does, it is issued an ISO 9000 certification, which is recognized around the world. The worldwide total of ISO 9001 certifications at the end of 2004 was over 670,000 in 154 countries. This was a 35% increase over the total at the end of 2003.

ISO 9001:2008 primarily serves as a basis for benchmarking a company's quality-management system. Quality management, in ISO terms, measures how effectively management determines the company's overall quality policy, its objectives, and its responsibilities, as well as its quality policy implementation. A company has to fulfill all of the requirements in ISO 9001:2008 to be certified (except for activities and functions it does not perform at all). Customer satisfaction is an explicit requirement. Thus, to be certified a company must identify and review customer requirements, ensure that customer requirements are met, and be able to measure and monitor customer satisfaction. The company must also be able to show that measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction leads to corrective and preventive actions when nonconformance (to the standards) is found—that is, continual improvement. This type of analysis of customer satisfaction requires a large amount of data collection and processing.


Originally, ISO 9000 was adopted by the 12 countries of the European Community (EC)—Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,


Thousands of businesses have improved their operations by fully implementing a quality system based on the international standards known as ISO 9001:2008. When a company has met all the requirements of the standards, a registrar will certify/register them. This status is represented by a certificate, such as this sample.

Monarcas Morelia (shown in the yellow jersey with red stripes) went from last place in the Mexican Football Federation First Division league to champions in just two years after developing its QMS based on its ISO 9001 certification process.


Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The governments of the EC countries adopted ISO 9000 as a uniform quality standard for cross-border transactions within the EC and for international transactions. The EC has since evolved into the European Union (EU) with 25 member countries.

Many overseas companies will not do business with a supplier unless it has ISO 9000 certification.

These EU countries and many others are specifically acknowledging that they prefer suppliers with ISO 9000 certification. To remain competitive in international markets, U.S. companies must comply with the standards in the ISO 9000 series. Some products in the EU, for example, are "regulated" to the extent that the products must be certified to be in ISO 9000 compliance by an EU-recognized accreditation registrar. Most of these products have health and safety considerations. However, companies discovered that to remain competitive and satisfy customer preferences, their products had to be in compliance with ISO 9000 requirements even if these products were not specifically regulated.

The United States exports more than $200 billion annually to the EU market, much of it to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Most of these exports are affected in some way by ISO 9000 standards.

Companies are also pressured within the United States to comply with ISO 9000 by more and more customers. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense, and specifically the Department of the Navy, as well as private companies like DuPont, 3M, and AT&T, adopted ISO 9000. They recognize the value of these standards for helping to ensure top-quality products and services and required that their suppliers comply with ISO 9000.

In the EC registration system, the third-party assessors of quality are referred to as notified bodies; that is, the 12 EC governments notify one another as to which organization in their country is the officially designated government-approved quality assessor. The notified bodies ultimately certify a company with a European Conformity (CE) mark. The CE mark must be on any product exported from the United States that is ISO 9000-regulated. It is illegal to sell a regulated product in a store in the EC without the CE mark. For a supplier in the United States to export regulated products to an EC country, it must be accredited by European registrars—notified bodies within the EC. However, more and more EC companies are requiring ISO 9000 certification for suppliers of products that fall in the unregulated categories, and eventually all products exported to the EC will probably require certification. It is also important that U.S. companies obtain accreditation with a notified body that has widespread positive recognition in the EC so that they will have broad access to markets in the EC.

The U.S. member of the ISO, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), designated the American Society for Quality (ASQ), as the sponsoring organization for ISO 9000 in the United States. ASQ and ANSI created the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) to act as an accrediter of third-party registrars in the United States.


A registrar is an organization that conducts audits by individual auditors. Auditors are skilled in quality systems and the manufacturing and service environments in which an audit will be performed. The registrar develops an audit team of one or more auditors to evaluate a company's quality program and then report back to the registrar. An organization that wants to become a registrar must be accredited by RAB. Once RAB accredits a registrar, the registrar can then authorize its registered suppliers to use the RAB certificate in advertising, indicating compliance with ISO 9000.

ISO certification, or registration as it is called in the United States, is accomplished by a registrar through a series of document reviews and facility visits and audits. The registrar's auditors review a company's procedures, processes, and operations to see if the company conforms to the ISO quality management system standards. The registrar looks at a variety of things, including the company's administrative, design, and production processes; quality system documentation; personnel training records; management reviews; and internal audit processes. The registration process might typically include an initial document review that describes the company's quality management system, followed by the development of an audit plan and then the audit itself. This is usually followed by semiannual or annual surveillance audits to make sure the quality system is being maintained. The registration process can take from several weeks up to a year, depending on how ready the company is for registration. A RAB accredited registrar does not "help" the company attain certification either by giving advice or consulting.


In our discussion of quality management in this chapter, certain consistencies or commonalities have surfaced. The most important perspective of quality is the customer's; products and services must be designed to meet customer expectations and needs for quality. A total commitment to quality is necessary throughout an organization for it to be successful in improving and managing product quality. This commitment must start at the top and filter down through all levels of the organization and across all areas and departments. Employees need to be active participants in the quality-improvement process and must feel a responsibility for quality. Employees must feel free to make suggestions to improve product quality, and a systematic procedure is necessary to involve workers and solicit their input. Improving product quality is cost-effective; the cost of poor quality greatly exceeds the cost of attaining good quality. Quality can be improved with the effective use of statistical quality-control methods. In fact, the use of statistical quality control has been a pervasive part of our discussions on quality management, and it has been identified as an important part of any quality-management program. In the following chapter we concentrate on statistical quality-control methods and principles.



Quality Index Numbers


Product Yield

Y = (I)(%G) + (I)(1 – %G)(%R)

Manufacturing Cost per Product


Multistage Product Yield

Y = (I)(%g1)(%g2) . . . (%gn)

Quality-Productivity Ratio



appraisal costs costs of measuring, testing, and analyzing materials, parts, products, and the productive process to make sure they conform to design specifications.

benchmark a level of quality achievement established by one company that other companies seek to achieve (i.e., a goal).

Black Belt in a Six Sigma program, the leader of a quality improvement project; a full-time position.

breakthrough strategy in Six Sigma, a five-step process for improvement projects: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.

cause-and-effect diagram or fishbone diagram a graphical description of the elements of a specific quality problem.

cause-and-effect matrix a grid used to prioritize causes of quality problems.

champion a member of top management who is responsible for project success in a Six Sigma program.

cost index the ratio of quality cost to manufacturing cost.

design for Six Sigma (DFSS) a systematic methodolgy to design products and processes that meet customer expectations and can be produced at Six Sigma quality levels.

external failure costs costs of poor quality incurred after the product gets to the customer; that is, customer service, lost sales, and so on.

fitness for use a measure of how well a product or service does what the consumer thinks it is supposed to do and wants it to do.

Green Belt in a Six Sigma program, a project team member, a part-time position.

index numbers ratios that measure quality costs relative to some base accounting values such as sales or product units.

internal failure costs costs of poor-quality products discovered during the production process—that is, scrap, rework, and the like.

kaizen involving everyone in the workplace, in a process of gradual, organized, and continuous improvement.

labor index the ratio of quality cost to direct labor hours.

Lean Six Sigma integrating Six Sigms and lean systems.

Master Black Belt in a Six Sigma program, a teacher and mentor for Black Belts; a full-time position.

Pareto analysis a method for identifying the causes of poor quality, which usually shows that most quality problems result from only a few causes.

participative problem solving involving employees directly in the quality-management process to identify and solve problems.

partnering a relationship between a company and its supplier based on mutual quality standards.

prevention costs costs incurred during product design and manufacturing that prevent nonconformance to specifications.

process flowchart a diagram of the steps in a job, operation, or process.

production index the ratio of quality cost to final product units.

productivity a measure of effectiveness in converting resources into products, generally computed as output divided by input.

quality circles a small, voluntary group (team) of workers and supervisors formed to address quality problems in their area.

quality impact on productivity fewer defects increase output and quality improvement reduces inputs.

quality management system (QMS) a system to achieve customer satisfaction that complements other company systems.

quality of conformance the degree to which the product or service meets the specifications required by design during the production process.

quality of design the degree to which quality characteristics are designed into a product or service.

quality–productivity ratio (QPR) a productivity index that includes productivity and quality costs.

sales index the ratio of quality cost to sales.

Six Sigma a measure of how much a given product or process deviates from perfection, or zero defects; the basis of a quality-improvement program.

Six Sigma process includes four basic steps—align, mobilize, accelerate and govern.

total quality management (TQM) the management of quality throughout the organization at all management levels and across all areas.

yield a measure of productivity; the sum of good-quality and reworked units.



A manufacturing company has a weekly product input of 1700 units. The average percentage of good-quality products is 83%. Of the poor-quality products, 60% can be reworked and sold as good-quality products. Determine the weekly product yield and the product yield if the good-product quality is increased to 92%.



Step 1. Compute yield according to the following formula:

Y = (I)(G%) + (I)(1 – %G)(%R)

Y = (1700)(0.83) + (1700)(0.17)(0.60)

= 1584.4 units

Step 2. Increase %G to 92%:

Y = (1700)(0.92) + (1700)(0.08)(0.60)

= 1645.6 units


A retail telephone catalogue company takes catalogue orders from customers and then sends the completed orders to the warehouses to be filled. An operator processes an average of 45 orders per day. The cost of processing an order is $1.15, and it costs $0.65 to correct an order that has been filled out incorrectly by the operator. An operator averages 7% bad orders per day, all of which are reworked prior to filling the customer order. Determine the quality–productivity ratio for an operator.


Compute the quality–productivity ratio according to the following formulas:



2-1. How does the consumer's perspective of quality differ from the producer's?

2-2. Briefly describe the dimensions of quality, for which a consumer looks in a product, and apply them to a specific product.

2-3. How does quality of design differ from quality of conformance?

2-4. Define the two major categories of quality cost and how they relate to each other.

2-5. What is the difference between internal and external failure costs?

2-6. A defense contractor manufactures rifles for the military. The military has exacting quality standards that the contractor must meet. The military is very pleased with the quality of the products provided by the contractor and rarely has to return products or has reason for complaint. However, the contractor is experiencing extremely high quality-related costs. Speculate on the reasons for the contractor's high quality-related costs.

2-7. Consider your school (university or college) as a production system in which the final product is a graduate. For this system:

  1. Define quality from the producer's and customer's perspectives.

  2. Develop a fitness-for-use description for final product quality.

  3. Give examples of the cost of poor quality (internal and external failure costs) and the cost of quality assurance (prevention and appraisal) costs.

  4. Describe how quality circles might be implemented in a university setting. Do you think they would be effective?

2-8. Discuss how a quality management program can affect productivity.

2-9. The Aurora Electronics Company has been receiving a lot of customer complaints and returns of a DVD player that it manufactures. When a DVD is pushed into the loading mechanism, it can stick inside and it is difficult to get the DVD out. Consumers will try to pull the DVD drawer out with their fingers or pry it out with an object such as a knife, pencil, or screwdriver, frequently damaging the DVD or hurting themselves. What are the different costs of poor quality and costs of quality assurance that might be associated with this quality problem?

2-10. What are the different quality characteristics you (as a consumer) would expect to find in the following three products: a DVD player, a pizza, running shoes?

2-11. AMERICARD, a national credit card company, has a tollfree, 24-hour customer service number. Describe the input for this system function and the final product. What quality-related costs might be associated with this function? What impact might a quality management program have on this area?

2-12. A number of quality management philosophies hold that prevention costs are the most critical quality-related costs. Explain the logic behind this premise.

2-13. Why is it important for companies to measure and report quality costs?

2-14. Describe the primary contribution to quality management of each of the following: W. E. Deming, Joseph Juran, Phillip Crosby, Armand Feigenbaum, and Kaoru Ishikawa.

2-15. Describe the impact that the creation of the Malcolm Baldrige Award has had on quality improvement in the United States.

2-16. Write a one- to two-page summary of an article from Quality Progress, about quality management in a company or organization.

2-17. More companies probably fail at implementing quality-management programs than succeed. Discuss the reasons why a quality-management program might fail.

2-18. Select a service company or organization and discuss the dimensions of quality on which a customer might evaluate it.

2-19. Select two competing service companies that you are familiar with or can visit, such as fast-food restaurants, banks, or retail stores, and compare how they interact with customers in terms of quality.

2-20. Develop a hypothetical quality-improvement program for the class in which you are using this textbook. Evaluate the class according to the dimensions of quality for a service. Include goals for quality improvement and ways to measure success.

2-21. Identify a company or organization from which you have received poor-quality products or services, describe the nature of the defects, and suggest ways in which you might improve quality.

2-22. Identify a company or organization from which you have received high-quality products and describe the characteristics that make them high-quality.

2-23. Explain why strategic planning might benefit from a TQM program.

2-24. Why has ISO 9000 become so important to U.S. firms that do business overseas?

2-25. Go to the Baldrige Award Web site, and research several companies that have won the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Describe any common characteristics that the quality-management programs in those companies have.

2-26. The discussion in this chapter has focused on the benefits of implementing a quality management program; however, many companies do not have such a program. Discuss the reasons why you think a company would not adopt a quality management program.

2-27. Access a Web site of a company that sells products to the general public on the Internet. Discuss the quality attributes of the site, and evaluate the quality of the Web site.

2-28. For an airline you have flown on list all of the quality "defects" you can recall. Discuss whether you think the airline exhibited overall good or poor quality. If it exhibited good quality, explain what made it so; if it exhibited poor quality, what actions do you think could be taken by the airline to improve quality?

2-29. Identify three Web sites that you think are poor quality and three that are good quality. What common characteristics are exhibited by the group of poor-quality sites? the group of good-quality sites? Compare the two groups.

2-30. The production and home delivery of a pizza is a relatively straightforward and simple process. Develop a fishbone diagram to identify potential defects and opportunities for poor quality in this process.

2-31. Most students live in a dormitory or apartment that they rent. Discuss whether this type of living accommodation is a product or service. Assess the quality of your living accommodation according to your previous response.

2-32. Develop a fishbone diagram for the possible causes of flight delays.

2-33. Observe a business with which you are familiar and interact with frequently, such as a restaurant or food service, a laundry service, your bank, or the college bookstore. Develop a Pareto chart that encompasses the major service defects of the business, identify the most significant service problems and suggest how quality could be improved.

2-34. County school buses are inspected every month for "defects." In a recent monthly inspection, 27 worn or torn seats were found, 22 buses had dirty floors, there were 14 cases of exterior scratches and chipped paint, there were 8 cracked or broken windows, the engines on 4 buses had trouble starting or were not running smoothly, and 2 buses had faulty brakes. Develop a Pareto chart for the bus inspections and indicate the most significant quality-problem categories. What does this tell you about the limitations of applying Pareto chart analysis. How might these limitations be overcome in Pareto chart analysis?

2-35. Joseph Juran created a "quality spiral" showing that each element of the business process, each function, not just the end product, is important. Describe how each of the following business process areas might impact quality: marketing, engineering, purchasing/sourcing, human resources, and distribution.

2-36. Referring to Table 2.3, research the winner of an international quality award at one of the award Web sites and write a brief report.

2-37. Go to the Malcolm Baldrige Award Web site,, and write a brief report on one of the most recent years' Baldrige Award winners similar to the "Along the Supply Chain" boxes in this chapter.

2-38. Write a brief summary on the application of quality management in a company from Qualityworld, a professional trade magazine published in the United Kingdom.

2-39. Develop a fishbone diagram for the possible causes of your car not starting.

2-40. Describe the differences between Black Belts, Green Belts, and Master Black Belts in a Six Sigma program.

2-41. Describe the steps in the Six Sigma breakthrough strategy for quality improvement.

2-42. Develop a quality-improvement project in a situation you are familiar with such as a current or former job, a parttime job, a restaurant, your college bookstore, your dorm or apartment, a local business, and so on, and describe how you would apply the steps of the six sigma breakthrough strategy.

2-43. Reference the Web site for the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) at and write a brief summary describing how the numerical ACSI value is determined. Also, select an industry or service sector and pick two companies, one with a high ACSI and one with a relatively low ACSI; using your own knowledge and research about the companies, explain why you think they have different ACSI values.

2-44. Develop a Six Sigma-type quality improvement project employing the DMAIC steps for your own personal health such as losing weight, improving your diet, exercise, etc.

2-45. Develop a Six Sigma-type project employing the DMAIC steps for improving any phase of your personal life that you feel may be "defective."

2-46. Visit your university infirmary and study the process in-patients follow to see a doctor and describe a quality improvement project to improve this process.

2-47. At most universities course registration for future semesters typically involves some type of computerized online process possibly combined with some personal consultation with an academic advisor. Describe the registration process in your academic college or at your university and suggest ways the process could be improved.

2-48. The Japanese are generally credited with starting the global quality revolution that in the 1970s became an integral part of corporate culture, and eventually led to the development of quality improvement programs systems like TQM and Six Sigma. Research and write a report about what Japan did to initiate the quality movement and why it differed from what was being done in the United States.

2-49. Describe the general steps a company must go through to obtain ISO 9001:2008 certification.

2-50. Select a retail store you are familiar with such as a grocery store, J. Crew, Macy's, Best Buy, Target, etc., and identify what might be considered as "defects" in their processes and how improvement might be measured.

2-51. ISO 9000 and the Malcolm Baldrige Award competition are both programs that seek to achieve recognition for outstanding quality, one in the form of a certificate and the other in the form of an award. Discuss how the two are similar and different, and how they might complement each other.

2-52. Explain how you would determine customer satisfaction with a bank, your university, a football game, an airline, a car, a cell phone, and a television. Describe the tools and processes you would use to measure customer satisfaction.

2-53. In the ongoing national debate about health care that is likely to continue for years, one view holds that quality improvement (and corresponding cost reduction) across the industry is fundamentally not possible because the direct consumer (i.e., the patient) is not who pays the bill, for most people the insurance company is. Since insurance companies do not directly receive the service provided, they cannot assess how well "value" is being delivered, and neither the customer nor the insurance company are motivated to reduce costs. Discuss this phenomenon of the health-care industry and make a case for why you think it is accurate or inaccurate. Also address in your discussion how health-care insurance differs from other forms of personal insurance.



2-1. Backwoods American, Inc., produces expensive water-repellent, down-lined parkas. The company implemented a total quality-management program in 2005. Following are quality-related accounting data that have been accumulated for the five-year period after the program's start.








Quality Costs (000s)













Internal failure






External failure






Accounting Measures (000s)














  1. Compute the company's total failure costs as a percentage of total quality costs for each of the five years. Does there appear to be a trend to this result? If so, speculate on what might have caused the trend.

  2. Compute prevention costs and appraisal costs, each as a percentage of total costs, during each of the five years. Speculate on what the company's quality strategy appears to be.

  3. Compute quality-sales indices and quality-cost indices for each of the five years. Is it possible to assess the effectiveness of the company's quality-management program from these index values?

  4. List several examples of each quality-related cost—that is, prevention, appraisal, and internal and external failure—that might result from the production of parkas.

2-2. The Backwoods American company in Problem 2-1 produces approximately 20,000 parkas annually. The quality management program the company implemented was able to improve the average percentage of good parkas produced by 2% each year, beginning with 83% good-quality parkas in 2003. Only about 20% of poor-quality parkas can be reworked.

  1. Compute the product yield for each of the five years.

  2. Using a rework cost of $12 per parka, determine the manufacturing cost per good parka for each of the five years. What do these results imply about the company's quality management program?

2-3. The Colonial House Furniture Company manufactures two-drawer oak file cabinets that are sold unassembled through catalogues. The company initiates production of 150 cabinet packages each week. The percentage of good-quality cabinets averages 83% per week, and the percentage of poor-quality cabinets that can be reworked is 60%.

  1. Determine the weekly product yield of file cabinets.

  2. If the company desires a product yield of 145 units per week, what increase in the percentage of good-quality products must result?

2-4. In Problem 2-3, if the direct manufacturing cost for cabinets is $27 and the rework cost is $8, compute the manufacturing cost per good product. Determine the manufacturing cost per product if the percentage of good-quality file cabinets is increased from 83% to 90%.

2-5. The Omega Shoe Company manufactures a number of different styles of athletic shoes. Its biggest seller is the X-Pacer running shoe. In 2008 Omega implemented a quality-management program. The company's shoe production for the past three years and manufacturing costs are as follows.






Units produced/input




Manufacturing cost




Percent good quality




Only one-quarter of the defective shoes can be reworked, at a cost of $2 apiece. Compute the manufacturing cost per good product for each of the three years and indicate the annual percentage increase or decrease resulting from the quality-management program.

2-6. The Colonial House Furniture Company manufactures four-drawer oak filing cabinets in six stages. In the first stage, the boards forming the walls of the cabinet are cut; in the second stage, the front drawer panels are woodworked; in the third stage, the boards are sanded and finished; in the fourth stage, the boards are cleaned, stained, and painted with a clear finish; in the fifth stage, the hardware for pulls, runners, and fittings is installed; and in the final stage, the cabinets are assembled. Inspection occurs at each stage of the process, and the average percentages of good-quality units are as follows.


Average Percentage Good Quality













The cabinets are produced in weekly production runs with a product input for 300 units.

  1. Determine the weekly product yield of good-quality cabinets.

  2. What would weekly product input have to be in order to achieve a final weekly product yield of 300 cabinets?

2-7. In Problem 2-6, the Colonial House Furniture Company has investigated the manufacturing process to identify potential improvements that would improve quality. The company has identified four alternatives, each costing $15,000, as follows.


Quality Improvement


Stage 1: 93%


Stage 2: 96%. Stage 4: 97%


Stage 5: 97%, Stage 6: 98%


Stage 2: 97%%

  1. Which alternative would result in the greatest increase in product yield?

  2. Which alternative would be the most cost effective?

2-8. The Backwoods American company operates a telephone order system for a catalogue of its outdoor clothing products. The catalogue orders are processed in three stages. In the first stage, the telephone operator enters the order into the computer; in the second stage, the items are secured and batched in the warehouse; and in the final stage, the ordered products are packaged. Errors can be made in orders at any of these stages, and the average percentage of errors that occurs at each stage are as follows.


% Errors







If an average of 320 telephone orders are processed each day, how many errorless orders will result?

2-9. The total processing cost for producing the X-Pacer running shoe in Problem 2-5 is $18. The Omega Shoe Company starts production of 650 pairs of the shoes weekly, and the average weekly yield is 90%, with 10% defective shoes. One quarter of the defective shoes can be reworked at a cost of $3.75.

  1. Compute the quality-productivity ratio (QPR).

  2. Compute the QPR if the production rate is increased to 800 pairs of shoes per week.

  3. Compute the QPR if the processing cost is reduced to $16.50 and the rework cost to $3.20.

  4. Compute the QPR if the product yield is increased to 93% good quality.

2-10. Airphone, Inc., manufactures cellular telephones at a processing cost of $47 per unit. The company produces an average of 250 phones per week and has a yield of 87% good-quality phones, resulting in 13% defective phones, all of which can be reworked. The cost of reworking a defective telephone is $16.

  1. Compute the quality-productivity ratio (QPR).

  2. Compute the QPR if the company increased the production rate to 320 phones per week while reducing the processing cost to $42, reducing the rework cost to $12, and increasing the product yield of good-quality telephones to 94%.

2-11. Burger Doodle is a fast-food restaurant that processes an average of 680 food orders each day. The average cost of each order is $6.15. Four percent of the orders are incorrect, and only 10% of the defective orders can be corrected with additional food items at an average cost of $1.75. The remaining defective orders have to be thrown out.

  1. Compute the average product cost.

  2. In order to reduce the number of wrong orders, Burger Doodle is going to invest in a computerized ordering and cash register system. The cost of the system will increase the average order cost by $0.05 and will reduce defective orders to 1%. What is the annual net cost effect of this quality-improvement initiative?

  3. What other indirect effects on quality might be realized by the new computerized order system?

2-12. Compute the quality–productivity ratio (QPR) for the Burger Doodle restaurant in parts (a) and (b) in Problem 2-11.

2-13. For the Medtek Company in Example 2.1, determine the break-even point (in sales) and draw the break-even diagram for both cases described in the example—with defects and without. (Refer to Chapter 6, "Processes and Technology," for a description of break-even analysis). Discuss the significance of the difference between the two break-even points.

2-14. The Blue Parrot is an expensive restaurant in midtown open only for dinner. Entrees are set at a fixed price of $42. In a typical month the restaurant will serve 3,600 entrees. Monthly variable costs are $61,200, and fixed costs are $31,000 per month. Customers or waiters send back 8% of the entrees because of a defect, and they must be prepared again; they cannot be reworked. The restaurant owners hired a qualified black belt to undertake a Six Sigma project at the restaurant to eliminate all defects in the preparation of the entrees (i.e., 3.4 DPMO). Compare the profit in both situations, with and without defects, and indicate both the percentage decrease in variable costs and the percentage increase in profits following the Six Sigma project. Assuming that the restaurant paid the black belt $25,000 to achieve zero defects, and the restaurant owners plan to amortize this payment over a three-year period (as a fixed cost), what is the restaurant return on its investment (without applying an interest rate)? Discuss some other aspects of quality improvement at the restaurant that might result from the Six Sigma project.

2-15. A black belt has identified the following key input (X) and output (Y) variables for the process of laundering your clothes in your washing machine at home:

Input (X) Variables

Output (Y) Variables

Sort laundry

Clothes clean


Clothes not damaged

Wash temperature

Colors okay

Rinse temperature

Lint free

Stain treatment

Stains removed

Load size

Smell fresh/no odors

Fabric softener






Type of washer


Develop a cause-and-effect diagram for this process of washing clothes. Next develop a cause-and-effect matrix and use your own insight and judgment about the process to rank and weight the output (Y) variables, assign a numerical score to each X-Y combination, develop overall scores for each X variable, and then rank the X variables in terms of importance.

2-16. A retail Web site sells a variety of products including clothes, electronics, furniture, sporting goods, books, video games, CDs and DVDs, among other items. An average customer order is $47. Weekly total variable costs are $365,000 and weekly fixed costs are $85,000. The company averages 18,400 orders per week and 12% of all orders are returned for a variety of reasons besides the customer not liking the product, including product misinformation on the Web site, errors in fulfilling the order, incomplete orders, defective product, breakage, etc. Thirty percent of all returned orders are turned around and refilled correctly per the customer's desire, but at a cost (for handling, packaging, and mailing) of $8 per order, while the remaining 70% of returned orders are lost. In addition, it is estimated that half of the customers associated with lost orders will not return to the Web site at a cost of $15 per order. Determine the weekly cost of poor quality for the Web site. The company can implement a quality improvement program for $800,000 a year that will reduce the percentage of returned orders to 2%; should the company invest in the program? How should the company address its quality problem, i.e., what processes does it likely need to improve? Why would zero defects not eliminate returned orders?


Designing a Quality-Management Program for the Internet at D4Q

Design for Quality (D4Q) is a consulting firm that specializes in the design and implementation of quality management programs for service companies and organizations. It has had success designing quality programs for retail stores and catalogue order services. Recently D4Q was approached by a catalogue order company, BookTek Media, Inc., with the offer of a job. BookTek sells books, CDs, DVDs, and videos through its mail-order catalogue operation. BookTek has decided to expand its service to the Internet. BookTek is experienced in catalogue telephone sales and has a successful quality-management program in place. Thus, the company is confident that it can process orders and make deliveries on time with virtually no errors.

A key characteristic of BookTek's quality management program is the company's helpful, courteous, and informative phone representatives. These operators can answer virtually any customer question about BookTek's products, with the help of an information system. Their demeanor toward customers is constantly monitored and graded. Their telephone system is so quick that customers rarely have to wait for a representative to assist them. However, the proposed Internet ordering system virtually eliminates direct human contact with the customer. Since there will be no human contact, BookTek is concerned about how it will be able to make customers feel that they are receiving high-quality service. Furthermore, the company is unsure how its employees can monitor and evaluate the service to know if the customer thinks it is good or poor. The primary concern is how to make customers feel good about the company in such an impersonal, segregated environment. At this point BookTek is unconcerned with costs; management simply wants to develop the highest-quality, friendliest Web site possible.

D4Q indicated that it would like to take on the job, but while it is familiar with BookTek's type of catalogue order system, it is relatively unfamiliar with how things are ordered on the Internet for this kind of retail book business. It suggested that its first order of business might be to investigate what other companies were doing on the Internet.

Help D4Q develop a quality management plan for BookTek. Include in your plan the quality dimensions and characteristics of an Internet ordering system specifically for BookTek's products, suggestions for achieving customer satisfaction, ways to measure defective service, and how to evaluate the success of the order system in terms of quality.


Quality Management at State University

As a result of several years of severe cuts to its operating budget by the state legislature, the administration at State University has raised tuition annually for the past five years. Five years ago getting an education at State was a bargain for both in-state and out-of-state students; now it is one of the more expensive state universities. An immediate repercussion has been a decline in applications for admission. Since a portion of state funding is tied to enrollments, State has kept its enrollments up at a constant level by going deeper into its pool of applications, taking some less-qualified students.

The increase in the cost of a State degree has also caused legislators, parents, and students to be more conscious of the value of a State education—that is, the value parents and students are receiving for their money. This increased scrutiny has been fueled by numerous media reports about the decreased emphasis on teaching in universities, low teaching loads by faculty, and the large number of courses taught by graduate students. This, in turn, has led the state legislature committee on higher education to call for an "outcomes assessment program" to determine how well State University is achieving its mission of producing high-quality graduates.

On top of those problems, a substantial increase in the college-age population is expected this decade, resulting from a "baby boom" during the 1990s. Key members of the state legislature have told the university administration that they will be expected to absorb their share of the additional students during the next decade. However, because of the budget situation, they should not expect any funding increases for additional facilities, classrooms, dormitory rooms, or faculty. In effect, they will be expected to do more with their existing resources. State already faces a classroom deficit, and faculty have teaching loads above the average of its peer institutions. Legislators are fond of citing a study that shows that if the university simply gets all the students to graduate within a four-year period or reduces the number of hours required for graduation, they can accommodate the extra students.

This entire scenario has made the university president, Fred McMahan, consider retirement. He has summarized the problems to his administration staff as "having to do more, better, with less." One of the first things he did to address these problems was to set up a number of task forces made up of faculty and administrators to brainstorm a variety of topics. Among the topics and problems these task forces addressed were quality in education, educational success, graduation rates, success rates in courses (i.e., the percentage of students passing), teaching, the time to graduation, faculty issues, student issues, facilities, class scheduling, admissions, and classroom space.

Several of the task forces included faculty from engineering and business. These individuals noted that many of the problems the university faced would benefit from the principles and practices of a quality management approach. This recommendation appealed to Fred McMahan and the academic vice president, Anne Baker.

Discuss in general terms how a quality philosophy and practices might be instituted at State University.


Quality Problems at the Tech Bookstores

Tech is a major state university located in a small, rural college town. Tech Services is an incorporated university entity that operates two bookstores, one on campus and one off campus at a nearby mall. The on-campus store sells school supplies, textbooks, and school-licensed apparel and gifts and it has a large computer department. The off-campus store sells textbooks, school supplies, and licensed apparel and gifts and it has a large trade book department. The on-campus store has very limited parking, but it is within easy walking distance of the downtown area, all dormitories, and the football stadium and basketball arena. The off-campus store has plenty of parking, but it is not within walking distance of campus, although it is on the town bus line. Both stores compete with several other independent and national chain college bookstores in the town plus several school supply stores, apparel stores, computer stores, and trade bookstores. The town and university have been growing steadily over the past decade, and the football team has been highly ranked and gone to a bowl for eight straight seasons.

The Tech bookstores have a long-standing policy of selling textbooks with a very small markup (just above cost), which causes competing stores to follow suit. However, because textbooks are so expensive anyway most students believe the Tech bookstores gouge them on textbook prices. In order to offset the lack of profit on textbooks, the Tech bookstores sell all other products at a relatively high price. All "profits" from the stores are used to fund student-related projects such as new athletic fields and student center enhancements.

Tech Services has a Board of Directors made up of faculty, administrators, and students. The executive director, Mr. David Watson, reports to the Board of Directors and oversees the operation of the bookstores (plus all on-campus vending and athletic event vending). His office is in the on-campus store. Both bookstores have a store manager and an assistant store manager. There is one textbook manager for both stores, a trade book manager, a single school supplies and apparel manager, and a computer department manager, as well as a number of staff people, including a computer director and staff, a marketing director, a finance staff, a personnel director, a warehouse manager and secretaries. Almost all of the floor employees including cash register operators, sales clerks, stock people, delivery truck drivers, and warehouse workers, are part-time Tech students. Hiring Tech students has been a long-standing university policy in order to provide students with employment opportunities. The bookstores have a high rate of turnover among the student employees, as would be expected.

Several incidents have occurred at the off-campus store that have caused the Tech Services Board of Directors concern. In one incident a student employee was arrested for drug possession. In another incident a faculty customer and student employee got into a shouting match when the employee could not locate a well-known book on the bookstore computer system and the faculty member got frustrated over the time it was taking. In still another incident an alumnus who had visited the store after a football game sent a letter to the university president indicating that a student employee had been rude to him when he asked a question about the return policy for an apparel item he had purchased on the bookstore's Web site. When the student did not know the return policy, he told the customer in a condescending manner to come back later. The last incident was an offhand remark made by a local town resident to a Board member at a party about the difficulty she had completing a purchase at the mall store because the registers were unmanned, although she could see several employees talking together in the store.

Although sales and profits at the bookstore have been satisfactory and steady over the past few years, the Board of Directors is extremely sensitive to criticism about anything that might have the potential to embarrass the university. The Board of Directors suggested to Mr. Watson that he might consider some type of assessment of the service at the bookstores to see if there was a problem. Mr. Watson initially attempted to make random, surprise visits to the bookstores to see if he could detect any problems; however, there seemed to be a jungle telegraph system that alerted his employees whenever he entered a store, so he abandoned that idea. Next he decided to try two other things. First he conducted a customer survey during a two-week period in the middle of the semester at both stores. As customers left the store, he had employees ask them to respond to a brief questionnaire. Second, he hired several graduate students to pose as customers and make purchases and ask specific questions of sales clerks, and report on their experiences.

Selected results from the customer survey are on the table below.

The only consistent responses from the graduate students posing as customers were that the student employees were sometimes not that familiar with store policies, how to operate the store computer systems, what products were available, and where products were located in the stores. When they didn't know something they sometimes got defensive. A few also said that students sometimes appeared lackadaisical and bored.

Using observations of the operation of your own college bookstores to assist you, answer the following questions.

  1. Why do you think Mr. Watson organized the customer survey the way he did? What other things do you think he might have done to analyze the stores' quality problems?

















    Were employees courteous and friendly?









    Were employees knowledgeable and helpful?









    Was the overall service good?









    Did you have to wait long for service?









    Did you have to wait long to check out?









    Was the item you wanted available?









    Was the cost of your purchase(s) reasonable?









    Have you visited the store's Web site?









  2. Develop Pareto charts to help analyze the survey results.

  3. How would you define quality at the bookstores?

  4. Discuss what you believe are the quality problems the bookstores have?

  5. What are the bookstores' costs of poor quality?

  6. What actions or programs would you propose to improve quality at the bookstores?

  7. What obstacles do you perceive might exist to hinder changes at the bookstores and quality improvement?

  8. What benefits do you think would result from quality improvement at the bookstores?


Product Yield at Continental Luggage Company

The Continental Luggage Company manufactures several different styles of soft- and hardcover luggage, briefcases, hanging bags, and purses. Their best-selling item is a line of hardcover luggage called the Trotter. It is produced in a basic five-stage assembly process that can accommodate several different outer coverings and colors. The assembly process includes constructing a heavy-duty plastic and metal frame; attaching the outer covering; joining the top and bottom and attaching the hinge mechanism; attaching the latches, lock, and handle; and doing the finishing work, including the luggage lining.

The market for luggage is extremely competitive, and product quality is a very important component in product sales and market share. Customers normally expect luggage to be able to withstand rough handling while retaining its shape and an attractive appearance and protecting the clothing and personal items inside the bag. They also prefer the bag to be lightweight and not cumbersome. Furthermore, customers expect the latches and locks to work properly over an extended period of time. Another key factor in sales is that the luggage must be stylish and visually appealing.




Assembly Stage

Percentage Good Quality

Percentage Reworked
















Because of the importance of quality, company management has established a process control procedure that includes inspection at each stage of the five major stages of the assembly process. The following table shows the percentage of good-quality units yielded at each stage of the assembly process and the percentage of bad units that can be reworked, on average.

The first stage of the process is construction of the frame, and it is very difficult to rework the frame if an item is defective, which is reflected in the low percentage of reworked items.

Five hundred new pieces of luggage of a particular style and color are initiated through the assembly process each week. The company would like to know the weekly product yield and the number of input units that would be required to achieve a weekly yield of 500 units. Furthermore, the company would like to know the impact on product yield (given 500 initial starting units) if a quality-improvement program were introduced that would increase the average percentage of good-quality units at each stage by 1%.


Crosby, P. B. Quality is Free. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979.

Deming, W. E. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1986.

Evans, J. R., and W. M. Lindsay. The Management and Control of Quality. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN:West, 1996.

Feigenbaum, A. V. Total Quality Control. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.

Garvin, D. A. Managing Quality. New York: Free Press/Macmillan, 1988.

Ishikawa, K. Guide to Quality Control. 2nd ed. White Plains, NY: Kraus International Publications, 1986.

Juran, J. M. Juran on Planning for Quality. New York: Free Press/ Macmillan, 1988.

Juran, J. M., and F. M. Gryna, Jr. Quality Planning and Analysis. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.

Montgomery, D. C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, 1991.

Taguchi, G. Introduction to Quality Engineering. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1986.

[5] Adapted from D. A. Garvin, "What Does Quality Really Mean?" Sloan Management Review 26(1; 1984), pp. 25–43.

[6] J. R. Evans and W. M. Lindsay, The Management and Control of Quality, 3rd ed. (St. Paul, MN:West, 1996).

[7] E. E. Adam, J. E. Hershauer, and W. A. Ruch, Productivity and Quality: Measurement as a Basis of Improvement, 2nd ed. (Columbia, MO: Research Center, College of Business and Public Administration, University of Missouri, 1986).

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