Modern mechanical and aerospace systems are often very complex and consist of many components interconnected by joints and force elements such as springs, dampers, and actuators. These systems are referred to, in modern literature, as multibody systems. Examples of multibody systems are machines, mechanisms, robotics, vehicles, space structures, and biomechanical systems. The dynamics of such systems are often governed by complex relationships resulting from the relative motion and joint forces between the components of the system. Figure 1 shows a hydraulic excavator, which can be considered as an example of a multibody system that consists of many components. In the design of such a tracked vehicle, the engineer must deal with many interrelated questions with regard to the motion and forces of different components of the vehicle. Examples of these interrelated questions are the following: What is the relationship between the forward velocity of the vehicle and the motion of the track chains? What is the effect of the contact forces between the links of the track chains and the vehicle components on the motion of the system? What is the effect of the friction forces between the track chains and the ground on the motion and performance of the vehicle? What is the effect of the soil-track interaction on the vehicle dynamics, and how can the soil properties be characterized? How does the geometry of the track chains influence the forces and the maximum vehicle speed? These questions and many other important questions must be addressed before the design of the vehicle is completed. To provide a proper answer to many of these interrelated questions, the development of a detailed dynamic model of such a complex system becomes necessary. In this book we discuss in detail the development of the dynamic equations of complex multibody systems such as the tracked hydraulic excavator shown in Fig. 1. The methods presented in the book will allow the reader to construct systematically the kinematic and dynamic equations of large-scale mechanical and aerospace systems that consist of interconnected bodies. The procedures for solving the resulting coupled nonlinear equations are also discussed.

Hydraulic excavator

Figure 1.1. Hydraulic excavator


The analysis of mechanical and aerospace systems has been carried out in the past mainly using graphical techniques. Little emphasis was given to computational methods because of the lack of powerful computing machines. The primary interest was to analyze systems that consist of relatively small numbers of bodies such that the desired solution can be obtained using graphical techniques or hand calculations. The advent of high-speed computers made it possible to analyze complex systems that consist of large numbers of bodies and joints. Classical approaches that are based on Newtonian or Lagrangian mechanics have been rediscovered and put in a form suitable for the use on high-speed digital computers.

Despite the fact that the basic theories used in developing many of the computer algorithms currently in use in the analysis of mechanical and aerospace systems are the same as those of the classical approaches, modern engineers and scientists are forced to know more about matrix and numerical methods in order to be able to utilize efficiently the computer technology available. In this book, classical and modern approaches used in the kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanical and aerospace systems that consist of interconnected rigid bodies are introduced. The main focus of the presentation is on the modeling of general multibody systems and on developing the relationships that govern the dynamic motion of these systems. The objective is to develop general methodologies that can be applied to a large class of multibody system applications. Many fundamental and computational problems are discussed with the objective of addressing the merits and limitations of various procedures used in formulating and solving the equations of motion of multibody systems. This is the subject of the general area of computational dynamics that is concerned with the computer solution of the equations of motion of large-scale systems.

The role of computational dynamics is merely to provide tools that can be used in the dynamic simulation of multibody systems. Various tools can be used for the analysis and computer simulation of a given system. This is mainly due to the fact that the form of the kinematic and dynamic equations that govern the dynamics of a multibody system is not unique, and therefore, it is important that the analyst chooses the tool and form of the equations of motion that is most suited for his or her application. This is not always an easy task and requires familiarity of the analysts with different formulations and procedures used in the general area of computational dynamics. The forms of the equations of motion depend on the choice of the coordinates used to define the system configuration. One may choose a small or a large number of coordinates. From the computational viewpoint, there are advantages and drawbacks to each choice. The selection of a small number of coordinates always leads to a complex system of equations. Such a choice, however, has the advantage of reducing the number of equations that need to be solved. The selection of a large number of coordinates, on the other hand, has the advantage of producing simpler and less coupled equations at the expense of increasing the problem dimensionality. The main focus of this book is on the derivation and use of different forms of the equations of motion. Some formulations lead to a large system of equations expressed in terms of redundant coordinates, while others lead to a small system of equations expressed in terms of a minimum set of coordinates. The advantages and drawbacks of each of these formulations, when constrained multibody systems, are considered, are discussed in detail.

Generally speaking, multibody systems can be classified as rigid multibody systems or flexible multibody systems. Rigid multibody systems are assumed to consist only of rigid bodies. These bodies, however, may be connected by massless springs, dampers, and/or actuators. This means that when rigid multibody systems are considered, the only components that have inertia are assumed to be rigid bodies. Flexible multibody systems, on the other hand, contain rigid and deformable bodies. Deformable bodies have distributed inertia and elasticity which depend on the body deformations. As the deformable body moves, its shape changes and its inertia and elastic properties become functions of time. For this reason, the analysis of deformable bodies is more difficult than rigid body analysis. In this book, the branch of computational dynamics that deals with rigid multibody systems only is considered. The theory of flexible multibody systems is covered by the author in a more advanced text (Shabana, 2005).


Systems such as machines, mechanisms, robotics, vehicles, space structures, and biomechanical systems consist of many bodies connected by different types of joints and different types of force elements, such as springs, dampers, and actuators. The joints are often used to control the system mobility and restrict the motion of the system components in known specified directions. Using the joints and force elements, multibody systems are designed to perform certain tasks; some of these tasks are simple, whereas others can be fairly complex and may require the use of certain types of mechanical joints as well as sophisticated control algorithms. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of these systems becomes crucial at the design stage and also for performance evaluation and design improvements. To understand the dynamics of a multibody system, it is necessary to study the motion of its components. In this section, some of the basic concepts and definitions used in the motion description of rigid bodies are discussed, and examples of joints that are widely used in multibody system applications are introduced.

Unconstrained Motion

A general rigid body displacement is composed of translations and rotations. The analysis of a pure translational motion is relatively simple and the dynamic relationships that govern this type of motion are fully understood. The problem of finite rotation, on the other hand, is not a trivial one since large rigid body rotations are sources of geometric nonlinearities. Figure 2 shows a rigid body, denoted as body i. The general displacement of this body can be conveniently described in an inertial XYZ coordinate system by introducing the body XiYiZi coordinate system whose origin Oi is rigidly attached to a point on the rigid body. The general displacement of the rigid body can then be described in terms of the translation of the reference point Oi and also in terms of a set of coordinates that define the orientation of the body coordinate system with respect to the inertial frame of reference. For instance, the general planar motion of this body can be described using three independent coordinates that define the translation of the body along the X and Y axes as well as its rotation about the Z axis. The two translational components and the rotation are three independent coordinates since any one of them can be changed arbitrarily while keeping the other two coordinates fixed. The body may translate along the X axis while its displacement along the Y axis and its rotation about the Z axis are kept fixed.

Rigid body displacement

Figure 1.2. Rigid body displacement

In the spatial analysis, the configuration of an unconstrained rigid body in the three-dimensional space is identified using six coordinates. Three coordinates describe the translations of the body along the three perpendicular axes X, Y, and Z, and three coordinates describe the rotations of the body about these three axes. These again are six independent coordinates, since they can be varied arbitrarily.

Mechanical Joints

Mechanical systems, in general, are designed for specific operations. Each of them has a topological structure that serves a certain purpose. The bodies in a mechanical system are not free to have arbitrary displacements because they are connected by joints or force elements. While force elements such as springs and dampers may significantly affect the motion of the bodies in one or more directions, such an element does not completely prevent motion in these directions. As a consequence, a force element does not reduce the number of independent coordinates required to describe the configuration of the system. On the other hand, mechanical joints as shown in Fig. 3 are used to allow motion only in certain directions. The joints reduce the number of independent coordinates of the system since they prevent motion in some directions. Figure 3a shows a prismatic (translational) joint that allows only relative translation between the two bodies i and j along the joint axis. The use of this joint eliminates the freedom of body i to translate relative to body j in any other direction except along the joint axis. It also eliminates the freedom of body i to rotate with respect to body j. Figure 3b shows a revolute (pin) joint that allows only relative rotation between bodies i and j. This joint eliminates the freedom of body i to translate with respect to body j. The cylindrical joint shown in Fig. 3c allows body i to translate and rotate with respect to body j along and about the joint axis. However, it eliminates the freedom of body i to translate or rotate with respect to body j along any axis other than the joint axis. Figure 3d shows the spherical (ball) joint, which eliminates the relative translations between bodies i and j. This joint provides body i with the freedom to rotate with respect to body j about three perpendicular axes.

Other types of joints that are often used in mechanical system applications are cams and gears. Figure 4 shows examples of cam and gear systems. In Fig. 4a, the shape of the cam is designed such that a desired motion is obtained from the follower when the cam rotates about its axis. Gears, on the other hand, are used to transmit a certain type of motion (translation or rotary) from one body to another. The gears shown in Fig. 4b are used to transmit rotary motion from one shaft to another. The relationship between the rate of rotation of the driven gear to that of the driver gear depends on the diameters of the base circles of the two gears.

Mechanical joints

Figure 1.3. Mechanical joints

Cam and gear systems

Figure 1.4. Cam and gear systems


A mechanical system may consist of several bodies interconnected by different numbers and types of joints and force elements. The degrees of freedom of a system are defined to be the independent coordinates that are required to describe the configuration of the system. The number of degrees of freedom depends on the number of bodies and the number and types of joints in the system. The slider crank mechanism shown in Fig. 5 is used in several engineering applications, such as automobile engines and pumps. The mechanism consists of four bodies: body 1 is the cylinder frame, body 2 is the crankshaft, body 3 is the connecting rod, and body 4 is the slider block, which represents the piston. The mechanism has three revolute joints and one prismatic joint. While this mechanism has several bodies and several joints, it has only one degree of freedom; that is, the motion of all bodies in this system can be controlled and described using only one independent variable. In this case, one needs only one force input (a motor or an actuator) to control the motion of this mechanism. For instance, a specified input rotary motion to the crankshaft produces a desired rectilinear motion of the slider block is selected to be the independent variable, the force that acts on the slider block can be chosen such that a desired output rotary motion of the crankshaft OA can be achieved. Similarly, two force inputs are required in order to be able to control the motion of a multibody system that has two degrees of freedom, and n force inputs are required to control the motion of an n-degree-of-freedom multibody system.

Slider crank mechanism

Figure 1.5. Slider crank mechanism

Four-bar mechanism

Figure 1.6. Four-bar mechanism

Figure 6a shows another example of a simple planar mechanism called the four-bar mechanism. This mechanism, which has only one degree of freedom, is used in many industrial and technological applications. The motion of the links of the four-bar mechanism can be controlled by using one force input, such as driving the crankshaft OA using a motor located at point O. A desired motion trajectory on the coupler link AB can be obtained by selecting the proper dimensions of the links of the four-bar mechanism. Figure 6b shows the motion of the center of the coupler AB when the crankshaft OA of the mechanism shown in Fig. 6a rotates one complete cycle. Different motion trajectories can be obtained by using different dimensions.

Another one-degree-of-freedom mechanism is the Peaucellier mechanism, shown in Fig. 7. This mechanism is designed to generate a straight-line path. The geometry of this mechanism is such that BC = BP = EC = EP and AB = AE. Points A, C, and P should always lie on a straight line passing through A. The mechanism always satisfies the condition AC × AP = c, where c is a constant called the inversion constant. In case AD = CD, point P should follow an exact straight line.

The majority of mechanism systems form single-degree-of-freedom closed kinematic chains, in which each member is connected to at least two other members. Robotic manipulators as shown in Fig. 8 are examples of multidegree-of-freedom open-chain systems. Robotic manipulators are designed to synthesize some aspects of human functions and are used in many applications, such as welding, painting, material transfers, and assembly tasks. Some of these applications require high precision and consequently, sophisticated sensors and control systems are used.

While the number of degrees of freedom of a system is unique and depends on the system topological structure, the set of degrees of freedom is not unique, as demonstrated previously by the slider crank mechanism. For this simple mechanism, the rotation of the crankshaft or the translation of the slider block can be considered as the system degree of freedom. Depending on the choice of the degree of freedom, a motor or an actuator can be used to drive the mechanism. In the design and control of multibody systems, precise knowledge of the system degrees of freedom is crucial for motion generation and control. The number and type of degrees of freedom define the numbers and types of motors and actuators that must be used at the joints to drive and control the motion of the multibody system. In Chapter 3, simple criteria are provided for determining the number of degrees of freedom of multibody systems. These criteria depend on the number of bodies in the system as well as the number and type of the joints. When the complexity of the system increases, the identification of the system degrees of freedom using the simple criteria can be misleading. For this reason, a numerical procedure for identifying the degrees of freedom of complex multibody systems is presented in Chapter 6.

Peaucellier mechanism

Figure 1.7. Peaucellier mechanism

Robotic manipulators

Figure 1.8. Robotic manipulators


In the kinematic analysis we are concerned with the geometric aspects of the motion of the bodies regardless of the forces that produce this motion. In the classical approaches used in the kinematic analysis, the system degrees of freedom are first identified. Kinematic relationships are then developed and expressed in terms of the system degrees of freedom and their time derivatives. The step of determining the locations and orientations of the bodies in the mechanical system is referred to as the position analysis. In this first step, all the required displacement variables are determined. The second step in the kinematic analysis is the velocity analysis, which is used to determine the respective velocities of the bodies in the system as a function of the time rate of the degrees of freedom. This can be achieved by differentiating the kinematic relationships obtained from the position analysis. Once the displacements and velocities are determined, one can proceed to the third step in the kinematic analysis, which is referred to as the acceleration analysis. In the acceleration analysis, the velocity relationships are differentiated with respect to time to obtain the respective accelerations of the bodies in the system.

To demonstrate the three principal steps of the kinematic analysis, we consider the two-link manipulator shown in Fig. 9. This manipulator system has two degrees of freedom, which can be chosen as the angles θ2 and θ3 that define the orientation of the two links. Let l2 and l3 be the lengths of the two links of the manipulator. The global position of the end effector of the manipulator is defined in the coordinate system XY by the two coordinates rx and ry. These coordinates can be expressed in terms of the two degrees of freedom θ2 and θ3 as follows:

Equation 1.1. 

Two-degree-of-freedom robot manipulator

Figure 1.9. Two-degree-of-freedom robot manipulator

Note that the position of any other point on the links of the manipulator can be defined in the XY coordinate system in terms of the degrees of freedom θ2 and θ3. Equation 1 represents the position analysis step. Given θ2 and θ3, the position of the end effector or any other point on the links of the manipulator can be determined.

The velocity equations can be obtained by differentiating the position relationships of Eq. 1 with respect to time. This yields

Equation 1.2. 

Two-degree-of-freedom robot manipulator

Given the degrees of freedom θ2 and θ3 and their time derivatives, the velocity of the end effector can be determined using the preceding kinematic equations. It can also be shown that the velocity of any other point on the manipulator can be determined in a similar manner.

By differentiating the velocity equations (Eq. 2), the equations that define the acceleration of the end effector can be written as follows:

Equation 1.3. 

Two-degree-of-freedom robot manipulator

Therefore, given the degrees of freedom and their first and second time derivatives, the absolute acceleration of the end effector or the acceleration of any other point on the manipulator links can be determined.

Note that when the degrees of freedom and their first and second time derivatives are specified, there is no need to write force equations to determine the system configuration. The kinematic position, velocity, and acceleration equations are sufficient to define the coordinates, velocities, and accelerations of all points on the bodies of the multibody system. A system in which all the degrees of freedom are specified is called a kinematically driven system. If one or more of the system degrees of freedom are not known, it is necessary to develop the force equations using the laws of motion in order to determine the system configuration. Such a system will be referred to in this book as a dynamically driven system.

In the classical approaches, one may have to rely on intuition to select the degrees of freedom of the system. If the system has a complex topological structure or has a large number of bodies, difficulties may be encountered when classical techniques are used. While these techniques lead to simple relationships for simple mechanisms, they are not suited for the analysis of a large class of mechanical system applications. Many of the basic concepts used in the classical approaches, however, are the same as those used for modern computer techniques.

In Chapter 3, two approaches are discussed for kinematically driven multibody systems: the classical and computational approaches. In the classical approach, which is suited for the analysis of simple systems, it is assumed that the system degrees of freedom can easily be identified and all the kinematic variables can be expressed, in a straightforward manner, in terms of the degrees of freedom. When more complex systems are considered, the use of another computer-based method, such as the computational approach, becomes necessary. In the computational approach, the kinematic constraint equations that describe mechanical joints and specified motion trajectories are formulated, leading to a relatively large system of nonlinear algebraic equations that can be solved using computer and numerical methods.

This computational method can be used as the basis for developing a general-purpose computer program for the kinematic analysis of a large class of kinematically driven multibody systems, as discussed in Chapter 3.


Forces in multibody systems can be categorized as inertia, external, and joint forces. Inertia is the property of a body that causes it to resist any effort to change its motion. Inertia forces, in general, depend on the mass and shape of the body as well as its velocity and acceleration. If a body is at rest, its inertia forces are equal to zero. Joint forces are the reaction forces that arise as the result of the connectivity between different bodies in multibody systems. These forces are sometimes referred to as internal forces or constraint forces. According to Newton's third law, the joint reaction forces acting on two interconnected bodies are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. In this book, external forces are forces that are not inertia or joint forces. Examples of external forces are spring and damper forces, motor torques, actuator forces, and gravity forces.

While in kinematics we are concerned only with motion without regard to the forces that cause it, in dynamic analysis we are interested in the motion and the forces that produce it. Unlike the case of static or kinematic analysis, where only algebraic equations are used, in dynamic analysis, the motion of a multibody system is governed by second-order differential equations. Several techniques are discussed in this book for the dynamic analysis of mechanical systems that consist of interconnected rigid bodies. Only the reader's familiarity with Newton's second law is assumed for understanding the developments presented in later chapters. This law states that the force that acts on a particle is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the particle. Newton's second law, with Euler's equations that govern the rotation of the rigid body, leads to the dynamic conditions for the rigid bodies. D'Alembert's principle, which implies that inertia forces can be treated the same as applied forces, can be used to obtain the powerful principle of virtual work. Lagrange used this principle as a starting point to derive his dynamic equation, which is expressed in terms of scalar work and energy quantities. D'Alembert's principle, the principle of virtual work, and Lagrange's equation are discussed in detail in Chapters 4 and 5.


Depending on the number of coordinates selected to define the configuration of a mechanical system, different equation structures can be obtained and different solution procedures can be adopted. Some of the formulations lead to equations that are expressed in terms of the constraint forces, while in other formulations, the constraint forces are eliminated automatically. For instance, the equations of motion of a simple system such as the block shown in Fig. 10 can be formulated using a minimum set of independent coordinates or using a redundant set of coordinates that are not totally independent. Since the system has one degree of freedom representing the motion in the horizontal direction, one equation suffices to define the configuration of the block. This equation can simply be written as where m is the mass of the block, x is the block coordinate, and F is the force acting on the block. Note that when the force is given, the preceding equation can be solved for the acceleration. We also note that the preceding equation does not include reaction forces since this equation describes motion in terms of the degree of freedom. As we will see in subsequent chapters, it is always possible to obtain a set of dynamic equations which do not include any constraint forces when the degrees of freedom are used. The principle of virtual work in dynamics represents a powerful tool that enables us systematically to formulate a set of dynamic equations of constrained multibody systems such that these equations do not include constraint forces. This principle is discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

Equation 1.4. 

Forms of the equations of motion

Figure 1.10. Forms of the equations of motion

Another approach that can be used to formulate the equations of motion of the simple system shown in Fig. 10 is to use redundant coordinates. For example, we may choose to describe the dynamics of the block using the following two equations:

Equation 1.5. 

Forms of the equations of motion

where y is the coordinate of the block in the vertical direction, N is the reaction force due to the constraint imposed on the motion of the block, and g is the gravity constant. If the force F is given, the preceding two equations have three unknowns: two acceleration components and the reaction force N. For this reason, another equation is needed to be able to solve for the three unknowns. The third equation is simply the equation of the constraint imposed on the motion of the block in the vertical direction. This equation can be written as

Equation 1.6. 

Forms of the equations of motion

where c is a constant. This algebraic equation along with the two differential equations of motion (Eq. 5) form a system of algebraic and differential equations that can be solved for all the coordinates and forces. Here we obtained a larger system expressed in terms of a set of redundant coordinates since the y coordinate is not a degree of freedom. As we will see in this book, use of the redundant system can have computational advantages and can also increase the generality and flexibility of the formulation used. For this reason, many general-purpose multibody computer programs use formulations that employ redundant coordinates. There are, however, several general observations with regard to the use of redundant coordinates. Using our simple system, we note that the number of independent constraint (reaction) forces is equal to the number of coordinates used minus the number of the system degrees of freedom. We also note that the number of independent reaction forces is equal to the number of constraint equations. As we will see in subsequent chapters, this is always the case regardless of the complexity of the system analyzed, and the elimination of a reaction force can be equivalent to the elimination of a dependent coordinate or a constraint equation. In our example, we have one reaction force (N) and one constraint equation (y = c).

When the equations of motion are formulated in terms of the system degrees of freedom only, one obtains differential equations that can be solved using a simpler numerical strategy. When the equations of motion are formulated in terms of redundant coordinates, a more elaborate numerical scheme must be used to solve the resulting system of algebraic and differential equations. These algebraic and differential equations for most multibody systems are coupled and highly nonlinear. Direct numerical integration methods are used to solve for the system coordinates and velocities, and iterative numerical procedures are used to check on the violation of the constraint equations. This subject is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, in which the Lagrangian formulation of the equations of motion is introduced. In this formulation, a symmetric structure of equations of motion expressed in terms of redundant coordinates and constraint forces is presented. To obtain this symmetric structure, the concept of generalized constraint forces, which are expressed in terms of multipliers known as Lagrange multipliers, is introduced.

The simple example of the one-degree-of-freedom block discussed in this section alludes to some of the fundamental issues in computational dynamics. However, the equations of motion of multibody systems are not likely to be as simple as the equations of the block due to the geometric nonlinearities and the kinematic constraints. As the complexity of the system topology increases, the dimensionality and nonlinearity increase. Computational methods for modeling complex and nonlinear multibody systems are discussed in Chapter 6.


In studying the dynamics of mechanical systems, there are two different types of analysis that can be performed. These are the inverse and forward dynamics. In the inverse dynamics, the motion trajectories of all the system degrees of freedom are specified and the objective is to determine the forces that produce this motion. This type of analysis requires only the solution of systems of algebraic equations. There is no need in this type of analysis for the use of numerical integration methods since the position coordinates, velocities, and accelerations of the system are known. In the case of the forward dynamics, however, the forces that produce the motion are given and the objective is to determine the position coordinates, velocities, and accelerations. In this type of analysis, the accelerations are first determined using the laws of motion. These accelerations must then be integrated to determine the coordinates and velocities. In most applications, a closed-form solution is difficult to obtain and, therefore, one must resort to direct numerical integration methods.

The difference between forward and inverse dynamics can be explained using a simple example. Consider a mass m which moves only in the horizontal direction with displacement x as the result of the application of a force F. The equation of motion of the mass is

Equation 1.7. 


In the forward dynamics, the force F is given and the objective is to determine the motion of the mass as the result of the application of force. In this case, we first solve for the acceleration as

Equation 1.8. 


Knowing F and m, we integrate the acceleration to determine the velocity. Using the preceding equation, we have

Equation 1.9. 


which yields

Equation 1.10. 




Equation 1.11. 


If the force F is known as a function of time, the preceding equation can be used to solve for the velocity of the mass. Having determined the velocity, the following equation can be used to determine the displacement:

Equation 1.12. 


from which

Equation 1.13. 


where x0 is the initial displacement of the mass. It is clear from this simple example that one needs two initial conditions: an initial displacement and an initial velocity, to be able to integrate the acceleration to determine the displacement and velocity in response to given forces. In the case of simple systems, one may be able to obtain closed-form solutions for the velocities and displacements. In more complex systems, integration of the accelerations to determine the velocities and displacements must be performed numerically as described in Chapter 6.

In the inverse dynamics, on the other hand, there is no need for performing integrations. One needs to only solve a system of algebraic equations. For instance, if the displacement of the mass is specified as a function of time, one can simply differentiate the displacement twice to obtain the acceleration and substitute the result into the equation of motion of the system to determine the force. For example, if the displacement of the mass is prescribed as

Equation 1.14. 


where A and ω are known constants, the acceleration of the mass can be defined simply as

Equation 1.15. 


Using the equation of motion of the mass (Eq. 7), the force F can be determined as

Equation 1.16. 


This equation determines the force required to produce the prescribed displacement of the mass.

The inverse dynamics is widely used in the design and control of many industrial and technological applications, such as robot manipulators and space structures. By specifying the task to be performed by the system, the actuator forces and motor torques required to accomplish this task successfully can be predicted. Furthermore, different design alternatives and force configurations can be explored efficiently using the techniques of the inverse dynamics.


The analysis of planar systems can be considered as a special case of spatial analysis. In spatial analysis, more coordinates are required to describe the configuration of an unconstrained body. As mentioned previously, six coordinates that define the location of a point on the body and the orientation of a coordinate system rigidly attached to the body are required to describe the unconstrained motion of a rigid body in space. In the planar analysis, only three coordinates are required, and one of these coordinates suffices to define the orientation of the body as compared to three orientation coordinates in the three-dimensional analysis. Furthermore, in the planar analysis, the order of rotation is commutative since the rotation is performed about the same axis; that is, two consecutive rotations can be added and the sequence of performing these rotations is immaterial. This is not the case, however, in three-dimensional analysis, where three independent rotations can be performed about three perpendicular axes. In this case, the order of rotation is not in general commutative, and two consecutive rotations about two different axes cannot in general be added. This can be demonstrated by using the simple block example shown in Fig. 11, which illustrates different sequences of rotations for the same block. In Fig. 11a, the block is first rotated 90° about the Y axis and then 90° about the Z axis. In Fig. 11b, the same rotations in reverse order are employed; that is, the block is first rotated 90° about the Z axis and then 90° about the Y axis. It is clear from the results presented in Figs. 11a and b that a change in the sequence of rotations leads to different final orientations. We then conclude from this simple example that the order of the finite rotations in the spatial analysis is not commutative, and for this reason, the finite rotations in the spatial analysis cannot be in general added or treated as vector quantities. The subject of the three-dimensional rotations is discussed in more detail in Chapters 7 and 8, where different sets of orientation coordinates are discussed. These sets include Euler angles, Euler parameters, direction cosines, and Rodriguez parameters. The general dynamic equations that govern the constrained and unconstrained spatial motion of rigid body systems are also developed in Chapter 7. This includes the Newton-Euler equations and recursive formulations that are often used in the computer-aided analysis of constrained multibody systems.

Sequence of rotations

Figure 1.11. Sequence of rotations


While the analytical techniques of Newton, D'Alembert, and Lagrange were developed centuries ago, these classical approaches have proven to be suitable for implementation on high-speed digital computers when used with matrix and numerical methods. The application of these methods leads to a set of differential equations that can be expressed in a matrix form and can be solved using numerical and computer methods. Several numerical algorithms are developed based on the Newtonian or the Lagrangian approaches. These algorithms, which utilize matrix and numerical methods, are used to develop general- and special-purpose computer programs that can be used for the dynamic simulation and control of multibody systems that consist of interconnected bodies. These programs allow the user to introduce, in a systematic manner, elastic or damping elements such as springs and dampers, nonlinear general forcing functions, and/or nonlinear constraint equations. An example of these general purpose multibody system computer programs is the code SAMS/2000 (Systematic Analysis of Multibody Systems) which is described in Chapters 9. It is important that the reader becomes familiar with the capabilities of such multibody system codes in order to have an understanding of the use of the formulations and algorithms presented in this book and used in the general field of computational dynamics.

The computational efficiency of the computer programs developed for the dynamic analysis of mechanical systems depends on many factors, such as the choice of coordinates and the numerical procedure used for solving the dynamic equations. The choice of the coordinates directly influences the number and the degree of nonlinearity of the resulting dynamic equations. The use of a relatively small number of coordinates leads to a higher degree of nonlinearity and more complex dynamic equations. For this reason, in many of the computational methods developed for the dynamic analysis of mechanical systems, a larger number of displacement coordinates is used for the sake of generality.

As pointed out previously, the reader will recognize when studying this book that there are two basic dynamic formulations which are widely used in the computer simulation of multibody systems. In the first formulation, the constraint forces are eliminated from the dynamic equations by expressing these equations in terms of the system degrees of freedom. Variables that represent joint coordinates are often used as the degrees of freedom in order to be able to express the system configuration analytically in terms of these degrees of freedom. The use of the joint variables has the advantage of reducing the number of equations and the disadvantage of increasing the nonlinearity and complexity of the equations. This can be expected since all the information about the system dynamics must be included in a smaller set of equations. Formulations that use the joint variables or the degrees of freedom to obtain a minimum set of equations are referred to in this book as the embedding techniques. The embedding techniques are also the basis for developing the recursive methods, which are widely used in the analysis of robot manipulators. The recursive methods are discussed in Chapter 7.

Another dynamic formulation that is widely used in the computer simulation of multibody systems is the augmented formulation. In this formulation, the equations of motion are expressed in terms of redundant set of coordinates that are not totally independent. Because of this redundancy, the kinematic algebraic constraint equations that describe the relationship between these coordinates must be formulated. As a result, the constraint forces appear in the final form of the equations of motion. Clearly, one of the drawbacks of using this approach is increasing the number of coordinates and equations. Another drawback is the complexity of the numerical algorithm that must be used to solve the resulting system of differential and algebraic equations. Nonetheless, the augmented formulation has the advantage of producing simple equations that have a sparse matrix structure; therefore, these equations can be solved efficiently using sparse matrix techniques. Furthermore, the general-purpose multibody computer programs based on the augmented formulation tend to be more user-friendly since they allow the user systematic introduction of any nonlinear constraint or force function. In most general-purpose computer programs based on the augmented formulation, the motion of the bodies in the system is described using absolute Cartesian and orientation coordinates. In planar analysis, two Cartesian coordinates that define the location of the origin of the body coordinate system selected, and one orientation coordinate that defines the orientation of this coordinate system in a global inertial frame, are used. In the spatial analysis, six absolute coordinates are used to define the location and orientation of the body coordinate system. The use of similar sets of coordinates for all bodies in the system makes it easy for the user to change the model by adding or deleting bodies and joints and/or introducing nonlinear forcing and constraint functions.

Both the embedding technique and augmented formulation are discussed in detail in this book, and several examples will be used to show the structure of the equations obtained using each formulation. These two methods have been applied successfully to the analysis, design, and control of many technological and industrial applications, including vehicles, mechanisms, robot manipulators, machines, space structures, and biomechanical systems. It is hoped that by studying these two basic formulations carefully, the reader will be able to make a better choice of the method that is most suited for his or her application.


The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the subject of computational dynamics. The goal is to introduce the reader to various dynamic formulations that can be implemented on the digital computer. The computer implementation is necessary to be able to study the dynamic motion of large-scale systems. The general formulations presented in this book can also be used to develop general-purpose computer codes that can be used in the analysis of a large class of multibody system applications. The book is organized in nine chapters, including this introductory chapter.

As the dimensionality and complexity of multibody systems increase, a knowledge of matrix and numerical methods becomes necessary for understanding the theory behind general- and special-purpose multibody computer programs. For this reason, Chapter 2 is devoted to a brief introduction to the subject of linear algebra. Matrix and vector operations and identities as well as methods for the numerical solution of systems of algebraic equations are discussed. The QR and singular value decompositions, which can be used in multibody system dynamics to determine velocity transformation matrices that relate the system velocities to the time derivatives of the degrees of freedom, are also introduced in this chapter.

The kinematics of multibody systems are discussed in Chapter 3. In this chapter, kinematically driven systems in which all the degrees of freedom are specified are investigated. For these systems, to define the system configuration, one need only formulate a set of algebraic equations. There is no need to use the laws of motion since the degrees of freedom and their time derivatives are known. Two basic approaches are discussed, the classical approach and the computational approach. The classical approach is suited for the analysis of systems that consist of small number of bodies and joints, and in which the degrees of freedom can be identified easily and intuitively. The computational approach, on the other hand, is suited for the analysis of complex systems and can be used to develop a general-purpose computer program for the kinematic analysis of varieties of multibody system applications. Based on a systematic and general description of the system topology, a general-purpose computer program can be developed and used to construct nonlinear kinematic relationships between the variables. This program can also be used to solve these relationships numerically, in order to determine the system configuration.

Various forms of the dynamic equations are presented in Chapter 4. A simple Newtonian mechanics approach is used in this chapter to derive these different forms and demonstrate the basic differences between them. It is shown in this chapter that when the equations of motion are derived in terms of a set of redundant coordinates, the constraint forces appear explicitly in the equations. This leads to the augmented form of the equations of motion. It is shown in Chapter 4 that the constraint forces can be eliminated from the system equations of motion if these equations are expressed in terms of the degrees of freedom. This procedure is referred to in this book as the embedding technique.

Although as demonstrated in Chapter 4, the embedding technique can be applied in the framework of Newtonian mechanics, the result of this technique can be obtained more elegantly by using the principle of virtual work. This principle can be used to eliminate the constraint forces systematically and obtain a minimum set of dynamic equations expressed in terms of the system degrees of freedom. The concepts of the virtual work and generalized forces that are necessary for the application of the virtual work principle, Lagrange's equation, and the Hamiltonian formulation are among the topics discussed in Chapter 5. The chapter concludes by examining the relationship between the principle of virtual work and the Gaussian elimination used in the solution of algebraic systems of equations.

The analytical methods presented in Chapter 5 are used as the foundation for the computational approaches discussed in Chapter 6. A computer-based embedding technique and an augmented formulation suitable for the analysis of large-scale constrained multibody systems are introduced. The important concepts of the generalized constraint forces and Lagrange multipliers are discussed. Numerical algorithms for solving the differential and algebraic equations of multibody systems are also presented in Chapter 6. It is important to point out that the basic methods presented in Chapter 6 are not different from the methods presented in Chapters 4 and 5 except for using a certain set of coordinates that serves our computational goals.

In Chapter 3 through 6, planar examples are used to focus on the main concepts and the development of the basic methods without delving into the details of the three-dimensional motion. The analysis of the spatial motion is presented in Chapter 7. In this chapter, methods for describing the three-dimensional rotations are developed, and the concept of angular velocity in spatial analysis is introduced. The three-dimensional form of the equations of motion is presented in terms of the generalized coordinates and used to obtain the known Newton-Euler equations. Formulations of the algebraic constraint equations of several spatial joints, such as the revolute, prismatic, cylindrical, and universal joints, are discussed. The use of Newton-Euler equations to develop a recursive formulation for multibody systems is also demonstrated in Chapter 7.

In Chapter 8, special topics are discussed. These topics include gyroscopic motion and various sets of parameters that can be used to define the orientation of the rigid body in space. These parameters include Euler parameters, Rodriguez parameters, and the quaternions. The eigenvalue analysis is widely used to study the stability of nonlinear multibody systems. The nonlinear equations of motion can be linearized at different points in time during the simulation in order to define an eigenvalue problem that can be solved to obtain information on the system stability. This important topic is also discussed in Chapter 8 of this book.

Chapters 9 describes the general purpose multibody system computer code SAMS/2000. Many of the formulations and algorithms discussed in various chapters of this book are implemented in this general purpose multibody system computer program. This code and other multibody system codes allow the user to build computer models for planar and spatial multibody systems. SAMS/2000 has also advanced multibody system capabilities based on formulations and techniques that are beyond what is covered in this introductory text.

It is important that readers become familiar with the multibody notations used in this book as described in the preface in order to follow the developments presented in different chapters. Boldface letters are used to indicate vectors or matrices. Superscripts are used to indicate body numbers. To distinguish between a superscript that indicates the body number and the power, parentheses are used whenever a quantity is raised to a certain power. For example, (l5)3 is a scalar l associated with body 5 raised to the power of 3.

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