

Appel, George, 87

Arithmetic scaling, 155157

Ascending triangle, 128, 130131

Aspray, Thomas, 87

AUD/JPY pair, 37, 3839

AUD/USD pair, 35, 36

Average Directional Index (ADX)/Directional Movement Index (DMI), 7172


Bar charts, 4143

Base currency, 7

Bear flags, 123127

Bearish candles chart, 44

Bearish engulfing patterns, 4546

Bid/ask spread, 810

Bollinger bands, 7277

scalping to trend with, 172173

trend detection/exhaustion with, 162164

trend trading with, 164167, 170172

volatility stop with, 167170

Breakout patterns, in candlestick charts, 4546

Buffett, Warren, 35

Bull flags, 123128

Bullish candle chart, 44

Bullish engulfing patterns, 4546


CAD/JPY pair, 37

Candlestick charts, 4358

breakout patterns, 4546

indecision patterns, 4649

reversal patterns, 5056

Carry trades, 1315

Central banks, as FX traders, 56

CHF/JPY pair, 39

Cohen, Steve, 158

Commodity Channel Index (CCI), 9196

Commodity currencies, 3536

Confidence, in trading, 184

Corporations, as FX traders, 5

Countercurrency, 7

Crosses, 3738


commodity, 3536

major, 3235


Dark Cloud Cover pattern, 4950

Data display, 4158

bar charts, 4143

candlestick charts, 4358

line charts, 41, 42

Dealer intervention, 9

Decentralization, of FX markets, 67

Demonstration trading accounts, evaluating of, 1924

Dennis, Richard, 153

Descending triangle, 131132

Diamond patterns, 135137

Doji candles, 4648

Double top and double bottom patterns, 114117. See also Triple top and bottom patterns

Dragonfly doji candle, 48


Economic growth, as trading fundamental, 17

Economic news, as trading fundamental, 1519

EUR/CHF pair, 3739

EUR/GBP pair, 37

EUR/JPY pair, 37, 39

EUR/USD pair, 32, 3335

Evening star/morning star candlestick, 5354, 55

Exponential moving average (EMA), 6566


Falling wedge, 132, 133, 134

Fibonacci sequence, 99112

background, 99102

pros and cons of, 102108

trading with, 108112

Flag and pennant patterns, 123128

Foreign exchange markets, see FX markets

FX markets. See also Trade management

bid-ask spread and dealer-based market, 810

decentralization and, 67

demonstration trading accounts, 1924

fundamentals of trading and, 1519

leverage and, 1015

market structure and, 46

quotation conventions, 78

rules and regulations of, 34

traders on, 5

trading volume on, 12


Gallacher, William, 64

Gartman, Dennis, 106, 153

GBP/CHF pair, 39

GBP/JPY pair, 37, 39

GBP/USD pair, 32

Geometric scaling, 156157

Ghost patterns, in CCI, 9495

Gravestone doji candle, 47


Hammer/hanging man candlestick, 5153

Harami candlestick, 5051, 52

Head and shoulder patterns, 137138

Hedge funds, as FX traders, 5


Indecision patterns, in candlestick charts, 4649

“Inside day,” 50

Interest on account, debits and credits for, 15, 20

Interest rates:

carry trades and, 1315

range trading and, 3840

as trading fundamental, 1718


Japan, regulation in, 3


Kovner, Bruce, 16


Lambert, Donald, 91

Lane, Dr. George C., 7981

Leverage, 1011

carry trades and, 1315

margin calls and, 1113

Line charts, 41, 42

Long-legged doji candle, 47

Lucas, Edouardo, 100

Lucas sequence, 100

Lukeman, John, 110, 112


Major currencies, 3235

Margin, on stock trades, 10

Margin call, in FX market, 1113

Market Maker's Edge, The (Lukeman), 110, 112

Market Wizards (Schwager), 16, 143

Morning star/evening star candlestick, 5354, 55

Moving average convergence/divergence (MACD), 8791

in setup example, 173176

Moving averages, 6471

exponential moving average, 6566

moving average crossover, 6669

simple moving average (SMA), 6465

three SMA filter, 6971


National Futures Association (NFA), 34

Nisson, Steve, 43

NZD/USD pair, 35


Observation, randomness theory and, 2527

Oscillators, 7997

Commodity Channel Index (CCI), 9196

moving average

convergence/divergence (MACD), 8791, 173176

Relative Strength Index (RSI), 8286, 176179

stochastics, 7981


Patterns and antipatterns, 113141

diamonds, 135137

double tops and double bottoms, 114117

flags and pennants, 123128

head and shoulders, 137138

reverse head and shoulders, 138141

triangles, 128132

triple tops and bottoms and the antipattern, 117123

wedges, 132135

%D, 80

%K, 80

Percentage in point (pip), 78

“Phi,” 100, 102. See also Fibonacci sequence

Pickers, 9

Pip (percentage in point), 78

Political stability, as trading fundamental, 1819

Pressing the trade, 152155

Price channels, trend lines and, 6063

Price data, randomness of, 2527


Quotation conventions, 78


Randomness, 2527

Range trading, 3032, 7997

Commodity Channel Index (CCI), 9196

crosses and, 3738

interest rates and, 3840

moving average

convergence/divergence (MACD), 8791, 173176

Relative Strength Index (RSI), 8286, 176179

stochastics, 7981

Relative Strength Index (RSI), 8286

in setup example, 176179

Reversal patterns, in candlestick charts, 5056

Reverse head and shoulders patterns, 138141

Rising wedge, 133135

Rosen, Adam, 83


Sarnoff, Tom, 183

Scaling, 155157

Scalping, 9

Scalping to trend, in setup example, 172173

Schwager, Jack D., 16, 143, 158

Science Askew (Simanek), 100102

Self-knowledge evaluation, 143150

Setup examples, 161184

MACD turn, 173176

Relative Strength Index, 176179

scalping to trend, 172173

trading pure trend with Bollinger bands, 170172

trend detection/exhaustion with Bollinger bands, 162164

trend detection with three simple moving averages, 180181, 182

trend trading with Bollinger bands, 164167

volatility stop, 167170

Shooting star/reverse hammer candlestick, 5153

Simanek, Donald, 100102

Simple moving average (SMA), 6465. See also Three simple moving average (SMA) filter

STC Capital, 158

Stochastics, 7981

Stock Market Wizards (Schwager), 158

Swiss franc, 32, 33

Symmetrical triangle, 128129


10 percent solution, 157159

Three Advancing White Soldiers candlestick, 5456

Three Black Crows candlestick, 5456, 57

Three simple moving average (SMA) filter, 3335, 6971

in setup example, 180181, 182

Trade balance, as trading fundamental, 18

Trade management, 143160. See also FX markets; Setup examples

arithmetic scaling, 155157

pressing the trade, 152155

self-knowledge and, 143150

success factors and, 181184

10 percent solution, 157159

2:1 reward/risk ratio, 150152

Trading houses, as FX traders, 5

Trend line break patterns, in CCI, 95

Trend trading, 2930, 5978

Average Directional


Movement Index, 7172

basic questions of, 7476

Bollinger bands, 7277

Bollinger bands, in setup examples, 164167, 170172

currencies for, 3236

moving averages, 6471

trend lines, 6064

Triangle patterns, 128132

Triple top and bottom patterns, 117123

2:1 reward/risk ratio, 150152


United Kingdom:

pound of, 3233

regulation in, 3

United States, regulation in, 3

USD/CAD pair, 35, 36

USD/CHF pair, 32

USD/JPY pair, 32, 39


Volatility stop, in setup example, 167170


Wedge patterns, 132135

Wilder, J. Welles, 71, 82

Winner Take All (Gallacher), 64

Wood, Ken, 91, 9395


Zero line reject patterns, in CCI, 9596

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