Chapter 8. Data Binding with Windows Forms and WPF Applications

So far, you’ve seen how to interact directly with an EDM using snippets of code in a console application. Although there is much more to learn about the Entity Framework, at this point it’s time to see how you can use the Entity Framework as part of your applications.

In this chapter, you will explore basic data-binding scenarios in Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). You’ll see how the Entity Framework objects work with Visual Studio’s data-binding features in much the same way that DataTables and DataSets do, without having to explicitly set and retrieve the values of each control. The data binding’s change notification mechanism works automatically with the Entity Framework’s change tracking, so editing data that was queried through the Entity Data Model does not require a lot of extra coding. In the examples here, you’ll bind directly to the results of Entity Framework queries as you learn the concepts. In Chapter 20, after you have learned much more about the Entity Framework, I will address n-tier Windows Forms applications.

The chapter will begin with data binding in Windows Forms and will then move on to the WPF techniques.

Data Binding with Windows Forms Applications

To demonstrate data binding of an EDM to a Windows form, let’s build a small application to let you view customers and their reservations as well as edit the customers and add new reservations. Figure 8-1 shows this form with a DataGridView to work with the customers, a ListBox control for reservations, and a ComboBox for selecting new trips to add to a customer’s reservations.


This chapter will not presume that you are familiar with Windows Forms or WPF data-binding techniques in the IDE. So, you’ll get a step-by-step walkthrough to be sure that the UI tasks don’t trip you up.

You’ll be building up the form in stages, adding a little more functionality in each stage and then testing what you’ve built so far.

The Windows Forms application you’ll be building

Figure 8-1. The Windows Forms application you’ll be building

Creating a Windows Forms Application

The first task is to create a Windows Forms project. In our example, we’ll use the BreakAwayModel project you created in Chapter 7. You should add this new Windows Forms project into the same solution that contains the BreakAwayModel project. In that way, you can easily reference the model and make changes to it as needed.


If you did not follow the walkthroughs in Chapter 7, you can download the completed BreakAwayModel project from the Downloads page of the book’s website.

  1. Add a new Windows Forms Application project to the solution and give it the name BreakAwayWinForms.


    The next three steps will be common for any application that needs to use an EDM that is in a separate assembly.

  2. Add a reference to the BreakAwayModel project. To do this, right-click the BreakAwayWinForms project in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference. In the Add Reference dialog, select the Projects tab, then select BreakAwayModel and click OK. This will allow the new application to use everything in the model as well as the generated entity classes.

  3. Add a reference to System.Data.Entity under the .NET tab of Add References.

    When you created the model in the BreakAwayModel project, the Entity Data Model Wizard automatically pulled in the necessary references to the Entity Framework APIs. Your new application will need this particular reference as well, which is why you need to add them manually.

  4. Copy the app.config file from the BreakAwayModel project into the new Windows Forms project.

Because you are using the model in the BreakAwayModel project, this Windows Forms project will need access to the entity connection string. By default, no app.config file is created for a Windows Forms project. If you had already created an app.config file, you only need to copy the BAEntities connection string element from the model’s app.config to this project’s app.config. In this case, since the app.config doesn’t exist yet, you can cheat by just copying the whole file.

Using Windows Forms Data Sources to Help with Data Binding

Data sources have been a feature of Windows Forms since Visual Studio 2005 and are a very convenient way to perform data binding. They provide a bridge between your data and the controls to which you are binding your data. There are three types of data sources: those that bind directly to a database, those that bind to a service, and those that bind to objects.

In this application, you will be creating data sources that bind to objects—specifically, to entity classes that were dynamically generated by an EDM. An Object data source won’t bind to the entire EntityContainer; it will bind to only one individual class. Additionally, although a data source that is derived from a database will trigger the interaction with the database, an Object data source will not. It provides the schema of the classes to the controls to which you are binding data, and it provides the ability to interact with the objects. You will have to write the actual code that populates the data source at runtime.

Using data sources is a great example of how the EDM and the Entity Framework work seamlessly with existing tools in Visual Studio.


This is not to say that the Entity Framework works with all of the existing features of Visual Studio. You will find that some gaps still exist, such as the inability of the Microsoft Report control to work with hierarchical data that comes from the EDM.

In the following walkthrough you will create an Object data source that binds to the Customer entity. Then, using the properties that are exposed through the Data Sources window, you will add controls to the form so that the controls are automatically bound to these properties. After adding a simple query to the form’s code, you will be able to run the application and scroll through the customers’ data. With a few more minor changes to the form, you will also be able to edit the data.

Creating an Object Data Source for a Customer Entity

The first step is to create the data source that will help you to create the data-bound controls on the form. The Object data source you will need is for the Customer class. Here’s how to create it:

  1. From the Visual Studio menu, select the Data menu item, and then select Show Data Sources from that menu’s drop-down, to open the Data Sources window (Figure 8-2).

The Data Sources window before the new data source has been created

Figure 8-2. The Data Sources window before the new data source has been created

  1. Click the Add New Data Source hyperlink to open the Data Source Configuration Wizard.

  2. Select Object in the Choose Data Source Type window, and then click Next.

  3. The next window will present you with the available assemblies in the current solution. Expand the BreakAwayModel assembly to reveal the BAGA namespace, and then expand that to reveal the entity classes, as shown in Figure 8-3.

The classes from your model, available for creating a data source

Figure 8-3. The classes from your model, available for creating a data source

  1. Select Customer and then click Next.

  2. Click Finish.

The Customer data source will now display in the Data Sources window. Expand the Customer data source to see its properties. Notice that the navigation properties are there, including Reservations with its properties, as shown in Figure 8-4. Entity Framework classes are built to expose their navigation properties for data binding.

The Customer data source, which includes its navigation properties

Figure 8-4. The Customer data source, which includes its navigation properties

What’s interesting about the Customer entity and class is that the most critical information—the customer’s name, address, reservations, and preferences—is not available in its scalar properties. You need to navigate to other entities to get this data. Although the Customer entity represents contacts who are customers, it depends on the related Contact entity to provide name information and to give you access to the contact’s addresses. Customer relies on its relationship to Reservations to supply details about what makes each customer a customer—all of the trips they have taken or are planning to take. Even their Activity and Destination preferences are navigation properties.

If you were to create a DataGridView from the Customer data source, the only properties that would display by default are the scalar properties. Instead, you can leverage the related contact and reservations details to build a more useful form.

Getting the Entity’s Details onto the Form

Data sources allow for some very convenient drag-and-drop operations that make it easy to specify which properties of an object are displayed on a Windows form. You don’t want to drag the entire Customer object, because, by default, that will result in a DataGridView with the scalar properties and the IDs of the entity reference properties. Instead, you’ll want to drag the properties, and you can do those only one at a time.


Later in this chapter, you’ll see the problem of the default DataGridView when you data-bind to the EntityCollection. But if you are curious now, nothing is stopping you from dragging the entire Customer object onto the form so that you can see the effect.

Since in this example we’ll want most of the customer’s contact details on the form, you can select Contact in the Data Sources window and drag it onto the form. Because Contact is a property, all of its details will come over to the form at once. The impact of dragging the properties onto the form is that a new navigation toolbar will be created, as well as the appropriate controls for the various properties—TextBox controls for the integers and strings, and DateTimePicker controls for the date properties. Additionally, on the perimeter of the design window, you’ll see that a CustomerBindingSource and a CustomerBindingNavigator were added. These are components that work hand in hand with the data sources in Windows Forms. The BindingSource will coordinate the form fields with the data. The BindingNavigator coordinates the actions of the toolbar (navigation, inserts, deletes, and updates) with the BindingSource. Remember that these are not Entity Framework features, but standard functionality in Windows Forms.

Next, expand the PrimaryActivity property and drag its ActivityName to the form. You’ll need to modify the label so that it reads “Primary Activity”. Do the same for the other preferences.

Finally, add the Customer.InitialDate field. This represents the first date the contact became a customer, which is useful in case the person was on a mailing list for a while before finally becoming a customer.

If you care to line up and organize the fields on the form, your form will look something like Figure 8-5 after you have added these fields.

The form with the first bits of data binding

Figure 8-5. The form with the first bits of data binding

Adding Code to Perform the EDM Query

You’ll need to execute a query when the form loads to retrieve the customers along with their related data from the database. You will bind these query results with the BindingSourceControl that was created for the Customer data source.

You’ll get to take advantage of eager loading, which you learned about in Chapter 4, by using a number of Include methods in this query. This is because the form relies on five navigation properties.

In the form’s Load event, add the code from Example 8-1. I will explain the use of ObjectResult and Execute shortly.

Example 8-1. Querying for customers in the form load

Dim context = New BAGA.BAEntities
Dim customers As ObjectResult(Of BAGA.Customer) = _
    context.Customers _
    .Include("Contact") _
    .Include("PrimaryActivity") _
    .Include("SecondaryActivity") _
    .Include("PrimaryDestination") _
    .Include("SecondaryDestination") _
    .Include("Reservations.Trip.Destination") _
CustomerBindingSource.DataSource = customers
var context = new BAGA.BAEntities();
ObjectResult<BAGA.Customer> customers=
customerBindingSource.DataSource = customers;

The query is written to ensure that all of the necessary related information is retrieved from the data store. Each Customer in the results will be a graph shaped as shown in Figure 8-6.

The Customer graph

Figure 8-6. The Customer graph

This particular query is not designed for efficiency, but rather to give you an idea of how the Include method works and how the data binding implements related data. Notice that the query does not even bother to filter the data. The SQL query that results and the amount of data returned may make you gasp. So, although it’s very important to be aware that this is not a best practice, it’s a handy query for this lesson based on what you’ve learned so far.

The query contains a lot of Include methods. Most of the related entities are small. Activity and Destination have only an ID field and a Name field. Reservations and Trip don’t have a lot of fields, either. But a lot of redundant data will be sent back to the application. For example, each customer who has Madagascar selected as her primary or secondary destination will cause that row of data to be transmitted back to the application. If 100 people favor that locale, 100 copies of that row will be returned.

As Object Services materializes objects from those rows, it will recognize the redundancy and will not create multiple copies of that particular object in memory, so on the application side the query results will be efficient.

Later in this chapter, we’ll look at more efficient ways to return the related data without this redundancy.

Testing the Sample

Go ahead and run what you’ve built so far. As you use the navigation toolbar to move from one customer to another, you’ll be able to see that all of the navigation properties automatically change as well (see Figure 8-7).

A customer’s details on display

Figure 8-7. A customer’s details on display

Entities, BindingSources, and a Very Important Rule

When you bind query results to a BindingSource, the BindingSource will act as an agent to coordinate among the entities, the fields, and the navigation toolbar. The BindingSource will update the entities when a change is made in the form’s fields. In this example, when it’s time to have the Entity Framework send the entity changes to the data store, all of the change information will be available.

But the code in Example 8-1 follows a very specific rule: the Customer query uses the Execute method.

I introduced the Execute method in Chapter 3, with a teaser about using it in data binding. Execute returns an ObjectResult(Of T); in our example, it returns an ObjectResult(Of Customer).


Although most of the code samples you have seen so far have taken advantage of implicitly typed variables, the customers variable was explicitly typed in this code so that you would be clear about the fact that the type is an ObjectResult.

ObjectResult is an enumerable collection that has special features to enhance data binding and the binding’s ability to interact with the ObjectContext. Although you may find that some updates and additions will work properly even if you returned a List(Of Customer), you may also get unexpected results. One bad result that you can count on is that when you delete an item, no delete command will be sent to the database. With an ObjectResult, the delete will work as expected.


As you dig deeper into Object Services in the next chapter, you’ll have a better understanding of why the delete command won’t reach the database in this scenario.

Execute takes a MergeOption parameter. MergeOption specifies what to do if the query results already exist in the context. It’s possible to execute many queries against the same context (or even to execute one query multiple times). If duplicate data is pulled down from the data store, you can control how those duplicates are handled. In this case, the AppendOnly option tells the context only to add entities that don’t already exist in the context. In this way, you won’t have to worry about overwriting changes you have made. You’ll learn more about MergeOptions in Chapter 9.


There’s also another caveat with using ObjectResults, which you will learn about when you encounter it in the upcoming WPF sample.

If you bind a LINQ query or an ObjectQuery directly to a BindingSource.DataSource property, you’ll get your data, but the query will execute every single time the user moves to a new customer. Imagine querying for 100 customers every time the user moves to a new customer.

If you work with highly concurrent data and want to be sure that each record has fresh data, you would be better off using a query that returns a single customer. Then you can bind the query directly to the BindingSource.DataSource property and have the query automatically execute each time the user moves to another Customer record.

Adding the Related EntityCollection to the Form

Now it’s time to get the reservations onto the form. The Reservation entity presents the same problem as the Customer entity in that most of the best information is in its navigation property, Trip. If you were to drag the Reservations property onto the form, the default control, DataGridView, will display the reservations as shown in Figure 8-8 when the application is run. This is the same problem that I alluded to earlier regarding dragging the entire Customer object onto the form.

Default grid for the Reservations navigation property

Figure 8-8. Default grid for the Reservations navigation property

The control is not able to work out the navigations to the Reservation’s Customer and Trip references and therefore displays only the type name for each. Even if you edited the DataPropertyName property of the Trip column to be Trip.StartDate, Windows Forms will not be able to navigate into Trip to find its StartDate. This problem is not specific to the Entity Framework, but a result of how the DataGridView functions.

Displaying the properties of reference properties in the grid

There is a way to display properties of related objects in DataGridView, and you can take advantage of that here. The grid will be useful if it displays the reservation date, the start and end dates of the trip, and the destination of the trip. Destination comes from a navigation property of the Trip entity, so first we’ll need to modify the columns in the grid.

Edit the grid’s columns. You can make the ReservationID’s Visible property false, and then remove the TimeStamp, Customer, Trip, and Payments columns. Add three new TextBox columns named tripStartColumn, tripEndColumn, and destinationColumn. Make sure their ReadOnly property is True.

The trick to displaying the navigation properties is in the code. You must override the individual cells as the grid is being rendered for display, and the place to do this is in the DataGridView.RowPrePaint event. Example 8-2 shows how to do this.


In C#, you can access the DataGridView.RowPrePaint event from the Events page of the grid’s Properties window. In VB, you can do the same or access the event in the code window by choosing ReservationsDataGridView from the Class Name drop-down and then RowPrePaint from the Method Name drop- down.

Example 8-2. Forcing the DataGridView to display navigation properties

Private Sub ReservationsDataGridView_RowPrePaint _
 (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
  System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs) _
  Handles ReservationsDataGridView.RowPrePaint

 'get a reference to the reservation currently being painted
  Dim res = _
 'push the reservations's navigation properties into the correct cells
  With ReservationsDataGridView
    .Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(tripStartColumn.Index).Value = _
    .Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(tripEndColumn.Index).Value = _
    .Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(destinationColumn.Index).Value = _
  End With
End Sub
private void reservationsDataGridView_RowPrePaint
 (object sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e)

 //get a reference to the reservation currently being painted
  var res = (BAGA.Reservation)(reservationsBindingSource[e.RowIndex]);

 //push the reservations's navigation properties into the correct cells
  var grid = reservationsDataGridView;
  grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[tripStartColumn.Index].Value =
  grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[tripEndColumn.Index].Value =
  grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[destinationColumn.Index].Value =

Testing the new version of the sample

Notice that you don’t have to add any additional querying or binding code into the form load. The fact that you have already bound the customers to the BindingSource is enough. The BindingSource will work out all of the relationships. In the form, as you navigate from one customer to the next, that customer’s reservations will be displayed in the grid (see Figure 8-9).

The sample with reservations added to the form

Figure 8-9. The sample with reservations added to the form

The trip start and end dates were formatted in the RowPrePaint event using ToShortDateString. To format the ReservationDate column, you’ll need an additional line of code in the Form Load event. After renaming the column to resDateColumn, the formatting code is as follows:

ReservationsDataGridView _
.Columns(resDateColum.Index) _
.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"
.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d";


Because of the convenient but inefficient query, all of the Customer objects with all of their reservations and related trip data are in memory. So, in this example, the application does not need to return to the database to retrieve additional data as you move from one customer to the next. In a properly designed application, you will need to be more diligent about retrieving only the data that the user will need, and you’ll need to be considerate about balancing the client-side resources with the trips to the server and the amount of data being transmitted based on your scenario.

Allowing the User to Edit the Data

So far, you have been using the form to view data. What about adding or editing data? BindingSource supports editing, but you’ll need to make a few small modifications to the form and the code to get this functionality. We’ll start with editing, and in the next section you’ll enable adding.

Enabling the Save button

By default, the navigation toolbar disables the Save button when the toolbar is first created. Right-click the button and check the Enabled property in the context menu.

Before you can add the method to save data, you have to make an important change in the existing code. Currently, you are instantiating the BAEntities ObjectContext in the Form Load event. The context is not available outside the event.

When you query data with the context, by default the entities that result are managed by the context that keeps track of changes made to those entities. You can then use the ObjectContext.SaveChanges method to save those changes back to the data store. Although you will learn much more about this later in the book, here you’ll need to be aware of the fact that only the context that is tracking the changes is able to save them. You can’t instantiate a new context and expect it to save changes to the entities that you’re working with in the form. It won’t know anything about them.

Therefore, it is important to be sure that when you call SaveChanges, you are working with the same context you used to retrieve the data.

To do this in the form, you need to declare the context in the form declarations, not within a method. In this way, all of the form’s methods can work with the same context and you will be able to call SaveChanges in the Click event of the Save button.

Changing the scope of the ObjectContext

Just beneath the line of code that declares the form, add the following code to declare the context:

Public Class Form1
  Private context As BAGA.BAEntities
public partial class Form1 : Form
  BAGA.BAEntities context;

In the form’s Load event, change the code that declared and instantiated the context so that it instantiates only the context, as shown in the following code snippet:

context = New BAGA.BAEntities
context = new BAGA.BAEntities();

Adding the save logic to the Save button

In the form’s Design view, double-click the Save button to get to its Click event handler. Then add the SaveChanges code into the Click event, as shown in the following code:


That is the complete code for saving all of the entity changes! There is no connection code, no need to build commands, and no need to worry about what entities are being saved or what types of changes are being made. Object Services reads all of the change information that it has kept track of for the entities that it is managing, and works out the proper commands (Insert, Update, or Delete) and then executes them.

If the model had any function mapping, Object Services would use stored procedures to perform the changes on the entities that have functions mapped to them.

Test editing a customer

In its current state, you can test edit a customer. Another tweak is necessary before you can edit the navigation properties, though, and yet another before you can add a new customer. So for now, try editing and saving the name fields of a customer.

Editing the Navigation Properties (and Trimming Down the Query)

The next stage of building up the functionality in this form is to make it possible to edit the other navigation properties.

You are already able to edit the Contact navigation property because it has a one-to-one relationship with the customer. It is essentially an extension of the customer. The preference properties—PrimaryActivity, among others—are values selected from a list of possible items. You’ll need two things to be able to change the selections. You will need access to a complete list of the items (activities and destinations). Therefore, the first thing you will need is queries in the code, which will retrieve these lists. The second thing you’ll need is some type of selection control, for example, a drop-down list, on the form to display the lists.

Reorganizing data retrieval

Currently, the only activities and destinations in memory are those that are attached to the customers, and this may not even be all of the available options.

Instead, we’ll need the full lists, so we’ll need a new query to retrieve all of the activities and another for all of the destinations.

This will add a big benefit to the application. When the activities and destinations are queried, their objects are stored in memory. More specifically, they will be managed by the ObjectContext. This means it won’t be necessary to include the activity and destination data in the Customers query. When the customers are queried, they will still have the reference EntityKeys even if they don’t have the actual related entities. Figure 8-10 shows the PrimaryActivity and PrimaryActivityReference properties of a Customer that was queried without any of its related data.

PrimaryActivity and PrimaryActivityReference properties of a Customer that was queried without any of its related data

Figure 8-10. PrimaryActivity and PrimaryActivityReference properties of a Customer that was queried without any of its related data

When the context creates the Customer, if the Activity object with that same EntityKey is already in the context, the two will be hooked up. The same happens if you were to query the customers first and then the activities.

So, now you can add the new queries and trim down the Customers query so that it doesn’t pull all of that extra data out of the database and over to the application. The new queries will be method queries so that you can keep your various querying skills tuned up.

At the same time, we’ll create two new form-level variables to contain the activities and destinations.

Add the new activities and destinations variables to the form declarations, as shown in Example 8-3.

Example 8-3. Adding variables to hold the new lists

Public Class Form1
  Private context As BAGA.BAEntities
  Private activities As List(Of BAGA.Activity)
  Private destinations As List(Of BAGA.Destination)
public partial class Form1 : Form
  BAGA.BAEntities context;
  List<BAGA.Activity> activities;
  List<BAGA.Destination> destinations;

Next, add the new queries shown in Example 8-4 into the form load and modify the existing Customers query to remove the extraneous navigations. Notice that Destination is also removed from the Reservations.Trip navigation path. Trip will also be able to find its related destinations in the context after they are created from the Destinations query.

Example 8-4. Querying for the list data

Private Sub Form1_Load _
 (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

  context = New BAGA.BAEntities
  activities =  context.Activities _
                .OrderBy(Function(a) a.ActivityName).ToList
  destinations = context.Destinations _
                 .OrderBy(Function(d) d.DestinationName).ToList
  Dim customers = context.Customers.Include("Contact") _
                  .Include("Reservations.Trip") _
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  context = new BAGA.BAEntities();
  activities = context.Activities
               .OrderBy((a) => a.ActivityName).ToList();
  destinations = context.Destinations
                 .OrderBy((d) => d.DestinationName).ToList();
  var customers = context.Customers.Include("Contact")


You can run the application again if you want to see that all of the reference properties are still intact.

Notice that the example uses ToList on the new queries instead of Execute. This data will be used only for pick lists and will not be edited directly, so you don’t have to worry about the BindingSource being able to pass along change information for activities and destinations to the context.

Replacing the navigation property TextBoxes with ComboBoxes

Now that the data for the lists exists, you can change the controls for PrimaryActivity and the other navigation properties to ComboBoxes so that it will be possible to edit a customer’s preferences.

You can bind the ComboBox controls in code or in the UI. Since there are four properties to change, let’s do both methods so that you can learn each one.

Replace the TextBox controls for the four target properties with ComboBox controls, giving them names to help you differentiate them. The FillCombos method in Example 8-5 performs the standard bindings for a ComboBox and additionally binds them to the Customer’s PrimaryActivity and PrimaryDestination navigation properties. Notice that the first argument for the new binding is SelectedItem. You may be more familiar with using Text in that argument. SelectedItem will cause the control to read the entire Activity object attached to the Customer and will work out how to match it up with the items in the ComboBox.

Example 8-5. Code for filling two of the ComboBoxes

Private Sub FillCombos()
  With PrimaryActivityComboBox
    .DisplayMember = "ActivityName"
    .ValueMember = "ActivityID"
    .DataSource = activities
    .DataBindings.Add _
      (New Binding("SelectedItem", CustomerBindingSource, _
                  "PrimaryActivity", True))
  End With
  With PrimaryDestinationComboBox
    .DisplayMember = "DestinationName"
    .ValueMember = "DestinationID"
    .DataSource = destinations
    .DataBindings.Add _
      (New Binding("SelectedItem", CustomerBindingSource, _
                  "PrimaryDestination", True))
  End With
End Sub
private void FillCombos()
  PrimaryActivityComboBox.DisplayMember = "ActivityName";
  PrimaryActivityComboBox.ValueMember = "ActivityID";
  PrimaryActivityComboBox.DataSource = activities;
   (new Binding("SelectedItem",customerBindingSource,
               "PrimaryActivity", true));

  PrimaryDestinationComboBox.DisplayMember = "DestinationName";
  PrimaryDestinationComboBox.ValueMember = "DestinationID";
  PrimaryDestinationComboBox.DataSource = destinations;
   (new Binding("SelectedItem",customerBindingSource,
               "PrimaryDestination", true));

Insert a call to the FillCombos method (FillCombos for VB or FillCombos(); for C#) into the form’s Load event You can put this line at the end of the existing code. Run the application again if you want to see how the ComboBoxes have been populated so far.

The other ComboBoxes will be bound in the UI. To do this, you will need to create one new Object data source for the BAGA.Activity class and one for the BAGA.Destination class. Then, in the form load, you will bind those new DataSources to the list variables, as shown in the following code:

ActivityBindingSource.DataSource = activities
DestinationBindingSource.DataSource = destinations
activityBindingSource.DataSource = activities;
destinationBindingSource.DataSource = destinations;

Using the ComboBox Tasks window, you can fill out three of the four properties for each ComboBox. Figure 8-11 shows the combo properties for the SecondaryActivity navigation property.

Binding some of the properties through the ComboBox Tasks window

Figure 8-11. Binding some of the properties through the ComboBox Tasks window

The last property is not filled because you will need to set the SelectedItem property, not the SelectedValue property. Do this in the Properties window, as shown in Figure 8-12.

Binding the ComboBox selection using SelectedItem, which is available in the ComboBox Properties window

Figure 8-12. Binding the ComboBox selection using SelectedItem, which is available in the ComboBox Properties window

Testing the sample again

Now you can view, edit, and save these properties along with the rest of the customer data, as shown in Figure 8-13.

Editing the navigation properties with pick lists

Figure 8-13. Editing the navigation properties with pick lists

Adding New Customers

We’ll take on one last task in this Windows form before moving on: adding new customers.

The data sources don’t handle the related entities quite as seamlessly when adding as they do when editing, so we’ll have to add a little bit of code to make this work.

When you click the plus sign icon to add a new customer, a new customer is added to the CustomerBindingSource. But you also need a new Contact entity to be created at the same time. The BindingSource has an AddingNew event, but this occurs before the new entity is created. The next event to fire is CurrentChanged as the BindingSource moves its pointer to the newly created Customer. In the CurrentChanged event, you can add the new contact and set any other properties that are necessary.

Here you will have your first opportunity to see how to create new entities in code, to create a relationship, and to be sure the new entity is being managed by the context.

From toolbar to BindingSource to context

We’ve established that clicking the plus sign icon adds a new Customer to the BindingSource, and that the CurrentChanged event is your first opportunity to work with the new Customer entity. But the CurrentChanged event is hit anytime the BindingSource points to a different Customer. You’ll need a way to discern the newly added Customer from those that already existed in the BindingSource.

One way might be to check the Customer’s ContactID, because it will not have been created yet. But if the user has added a number of customers prior to saving, ContactID=0 will not necessarily mean that the user just clicked the Add New icon.

Until you have more tools in your Entity Framework tool belt, the best way to determine a newly added Customer at this point is to use a flag to identify that a new Customer is being added to the BindingSource. We’ll employ a Boolean variable named adding for the flag.

Once that is in place, you will need to do the following for new customers:

  1. Create a new contact object.

  2. Add the contact to the new customer.

  3. Set necessary defaults on the contact.

  4. Set necessary defaults on the customer.

  5. Set the adding flag to false.

Let’s see how to implement these steps.


In Chapter 10, you will learn how to add business logic to entities and these types of steps won’t be necessary, especially not in the user interface.

Adding the code to ensure that new customers are created properly

Add the Boolean variable in Example 8-6 to the form’s declarations.

Example 8-6. Placing the adding variable into the form’s declarations

Public Class Form1
  Private context As BAGA.BAEntities
  Private activities As List(Of BAGA.Activity)
  Private destinations As List(Of BAGA.Destination)
  Private adding As Boolean
public partial class Form1 : Form
  BAGA.BAEntities context;
  List<BAGA.Activity> activities;
  List<BAGA.Destination> destinations;
  bool adding;

In the CustomerBindingSource.AddingNew event, set the adding flag to True, as shown in Example 8-7.

Example 8-7. Setting the adding flag to True

Private Sub CustomerBindingSource_AddingNew _
 (ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs)
 Handles CustomerBindingSource.AddingNew
    adding = True
End Sub
private void customerBindingSource_AddingNew
 (object sender, AddingNewEventArgs e)
  adding = true;

In the CurrentChanged event, check the adding flag. If it is true, perform the steps outlined earlier on the new Customer. If adding is false, this logic will be skipped, as shown in Example 8-8. In this example, CustomerBindingSource.EndEdit is called prior to adding the related entities to the Customer. This method will trigger the BAEntities context to add the new Customer and therefore the context will also manage the new Contact entity properly. Without this method call here, you will experience problems when it comes time to call SaveChanges. Finally, note that the CustomerType is assigned with an EntityKey. You’ll learn more about assigning EntityReference.EntityKey in the next chapter.

Example 8-8. Filling out the defaults for a new Customer

Private Sub CustomerBindingSource_CurrentChanged _
 (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
 Handles CustomerBindingSource.CurrentChanged
  If _adding Then
    Dim newcust = CType(CustomerBindingSource.Current, BAGA.Customer)
    If newcust.Contact Is Nothing Then
       newcust.Contact = New BAGA.Contact
       newcust.Contact.ModifiedDate = Now
       newcust.Contact.AddDate = Now
    End If
    newcust.InitialDate = Now
    newcust.CustomerTypeReference.EntityKey = _
     New EntityKey("BAEntities.CustomerTypes", "CustomerTypeID", 1)
     adding = False
  End If
End Sub
private void customerBindingSource_CurrentChanged
 (object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (adding)
    var newcust = (BAGA.Customer)customerBindingSource.Current;
    if (newcust.Contact == null)
      newcust.Contact = new BAGA.Contact();
      newcust.Contact.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
      newcust.Contact.AddDate = DateTime.Now;
    newcust.InitialDate = DateTime.Now;
    newcust.CustomerTypeReference.EntityKey = 
     new EntityKey("BAEntities.CustomerTypes", "CustomerTypeID", 1);
     adding = false;

You’ll need one last line of code for saving newly added customers. It’s not uncommon for the BindingSource to leave its current item in the “edit state.” With entities, this means that the changes in the UI won’t be pushed into the entities, and therefore SaveChanges will not see the need to do any updates to the database. BindingSource.EndEdit will ensure that the UI changes are registered with the entities. Add this method to the Save Item button’s Click event, just before SaveChanges is called, as shown in Example 8-9.

Example 8-9. Using EndEdit to ensure that BindingSource completes the current edit process

Private Sub CustomerBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
 Handles CustomerBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
End Sub
private void customerBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click
 (object sender, EventArgs e)

Testing the form’s add functionality

Run the form again and add a new customer. You’ll be able to enter name and preference information and save the record. Because the context is keeping track of additions and edits, it is possible to make changes to multiple records before clicking the Save button. When you do, all of the changes you have made to the list of customers, whether they were additions or edits, will be sent to the database. The best way to ensure that the code is working is to stop the application after you have saved your changes, and then start it again. This will force it to requery the database, and you can verify that the changes were definitely persisted to the store.

Not all of the form features will work. For instance, you will run into problems if you attempt to delete a customer, because of constraints in the database that we have not yet addressed. In upcoming chapters, you will learn how to perform this and other types of functions with your entities, how to add business logic, how to write layered applications, and more.

You could add plenty of features to this form to make it even more functional, but it’s time to move on to a different type of client-side data binding: data binding in WPF.

Data Binding with WPF Applications

For the WPF data-binding example in this section, you’ll focus on interacting with trips and their details: destination, lodging, and activities. You will also get a chance to see how many-to-many relationships work both for data retrieval and for updates.

If you’ve never created a WPF application before, this will be a useful, albeit simple, introduction. It will be a bit of a dive into the not-so-shallow end of the WPF pool, but the code samples should provide sufficient buoyancy. If you are looking for tips on how to make WPF perform its many shiny tricks, a data access book is not the place to look.


Quite a number of wonderful WPF books, articles, and other resources are available—too many to list here. For a good first look at WPF, I recommend MSDN’s “How Do I?” videos at

Currently, no data-binding controls for WPF are available “in the box” with Visual Studio 2008. Third-party control developers are a great source for WPF data-binding controls. But for this walkthrough, we’ll stick to what’s available directly with Visual Studio.


WPF is a much younger technology than Windows Forms, and therefore it does not have the suite of data-binding controls available for Windows Forms. The WPF sample in this chapter will use controls that are available in Visual Studio 2008.

Microsoft is committed to providing WPF controls, and currently provides a DataGrid in the WPF Toolkit, available on its code-sharing site, CodePlex, at A number of third-party providers have also written controls for WPF, including DataGrids and others that do data binding.

Creating the WPF Form

The purpose of this form will be to edit trips that exist in the BreakAway catalog. Trips are defined by a destination, a start and end date, a price, lodging, and a list of activities. Figure 8-14 shows the form you will build.

The WPF form for managing BreakAway’s Trips catalog

Figure 8-14. The WPF form for managing BreakAway’s Trips catalog

A slew of controls are involved in this form. You’ll learn how to bind ListBoxes and TextBoxes and how to have them interact with one another, as well as some tricks that you’ll need to know for doing all of this with the Entity Framework.

Creating the New Project

We’ll begin by creating a new WPF project, adding the references to use the model, and getting all of the controls onto the form:

  1. Create a new WPF project in the same solution where you created the model and the Windows Forms application.

  2. Add a reference to the BreakAwayModel project and to System.Data.Entity as you did for the previous application.

  3. Copy the app.config file from the Model project into this project.

    Remember, this is just a cheat to quickly get the ConnectionString into the current application.

  4. Drag a WPF ListBox control from the Controls Toolbox onto the default form. This will be the ListBox for displaying the trips.

  5. Change the ListBox’s name to lstBoxTrips.


If you haven’t used WPF before, you might appreciate that the name property is at the top of the control’s Properties window.

Adding Code to Query the Entities That Drive the Form

Adding events to WPF is the same as for Windows Forms. In C#, you can use the Events page of the Properties windows. In VB, you can do the same or use the Class Name and Method Name drop-downs in the Code window.

  1. Declare variables for the form.

    As in the previous application, you’ll need a context and some variables to contain the selection lists. You can add an Imports or using statement for the BAGA namespace so that you don’t have to type it repeatedly. While you’re at it, add the System.Data.Objects namespace as well. This will reduce some typing later on. (See Example 8-10.)

    Example 8-10. Adding the necessary namespaces and variables for the form

    Imports BAGA
    Imports System.Data.Objects
    Class Window1
      Private context As BAEntities
      Private activities As List(Of Activity)
      Private destinations As List(Of Destination)
      Private lodgings As List(Of Lodging)
      Private trips As List(Of Trip)
    using BAGA;
    using System.Data.Objects;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    namespace BreakAwayWPFCSHarp
      public partial class Window1 : Window
        private BAEntities context;
        private List<Activity> activities;
        private List<Destination> destinations;
        private List<Lodging> lodgings;
        private List<Trip> trips;
  2. In the Window.Loaded event handler, add the code for retrieving the trips as well as the related selection lists (see Example 8-11).

    You can return the selection lists as generic lists, but you should use the Execute method to return trips as ObjectResults because the trips will be edited as well as data-bound.


    Later on in the book, you’ll learn how to create a generic method that you can use to query for any reference lists so that it won’t be necessary to have separate queries for selection lists such as Destinations, Lodgings, and Activities.

    Example 8-11. Querying for lists that will be needed by the form

    Private Sub Window1_Loaded _
     (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) _
     Handles Me.Loaded
      context = New BAEntities
      activities = context.Activities _
                   .OrderBy(Function(a) a.ActivityName).ToList
      destinations = context.Destinations _
                     .OrderBy(Function(d) d.DestinationName).ToList
      lodgings = context.Lodgings _
                 .OrderBy(Function(l) l.LodgingName).ToList
      Dim tripResults = context.Trips _
                        .OrderBy("it.Destination.DestinationName") _
      lstBoxTrips.ItemsSource = tripResults
    End Sub
    private void Window_Loaded
     (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
      context = new BAEntities();
      activities = context.Activities
                   .OrderBy(a => a.ActivityName).ToList();
      destinations = context.Destinations
                     .OrderBy(d => d.DestinationName).ToList();
      lodgings = context.Lodgings
                .OrderBy(l => l.LodgingName).ToList();
      trips = context.Trips
              . .OrderBy("it.Destination.DestinationName").ToList()
      lstBoxTrips.ItemsSource = trips;

There are a few things to note about the code in Example 8-11. First, it doesn’t use the Execute method. Since we’re no longer using the Object data source, we can go back to using ToList.

The other notable code is the ItemsSource property. This is the method that WPF uses to bind lists to controls, rather than using DataSource.

XAML’s Role in Data Binding

Although the code identifies the ItemsSource, the Designer will need to know some more information about how to present the data. Data binding in WPF is very different from data binding in Windows Forms. On the design side, WPF is made of controls within controls within controls.

To get the first ListBox to display the data that you set to its ItemsSource property, you’ll need to do a few things to the XAML. For first-time WPFers, the following section will build up the XAML for the ListBox step by step to explain all of the working parts.

Binding with the ListBox

The XAML for the ListBox that you put on the form starts out with only the name and its margins:

<ListBox Margin="26,12,36,137" Name="lstBoxTrips" />


Your XAML may be a little different from what’s displayed in these examples because the positioning will not be the same. Not only will your margin values be different, but also, depending on the placement of your controls, you may have attributes such as VerticalAlignment or HorizontalAlignment. Don’t worry about those positioning differences from the examples you’ll see here. Focus on the binding.

Next, you will need to define what the rows will look like. You do this with a control called an ItemTemplate:

<ListBox Margin="25,22,42,197" Name="lstBoxTrips">

Within the ItemTemplate, you will use a DataTemplate because you are binding to a set of data:

<ListBox Margin="25,22,42,197" Name="lstBoxTrips">
    <DataTemplate >

Inside the DataTemplate, you will need two TextBlocks: one to display the DestinationName and another to display the StartDate. A DataTemplate can contain only a single child. Therefore, we’ll use a StackPanel (container) control as the single child and then place the TextBlock controls inside the StackPanel. This seems a little tricky, but it is the commonly used method.

<ListBox Margin="25,22,42,197" Name="lstBoxTrips">
    <DataTemplate >
      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <TextBlock Width="200" />
        <TextBlock />

StackPanels are vertical by default. Since we want the destination and date to be side by side, Orientation is explicitly set to Horizontal.

Finally, you need to display data in the TextBlocks. This is where the data binding finally comes in. The Text value uses specific syntax. Binding indicates that it will be getting its data by way of binding, rather than having it hardcoded into the list. Path refers to the name of the property within whatever it is bound to, and StringFormat defines how to format the string if you don’t want to see the default format:

<ListBox Margin="25,22,42,197" Name="lstBoxTrips">
    <DataTemplate >
      <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <TextBlock Width="200"
                   Text="{Binding Path=Destination.DestinationName}"/>
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding
                         Path=StartDate, StringFormat=MM/dd/yyyy}"/>

Notice that the Path of the first TextBlock is Destination.DestinationName. WPF will read the Trip.Destination navigation property and get to the DestinationName.

Add the ItemTemplate and all of its children shown in the preceding code to the XAML in Design view. You can type it directly into the XAML or drag the controls from the Toolbox. You can type the TextBlock text values directly into the XAML.

Testing the Example

You’ve got enough to see some action already. Run the form to see the trip destinations and start dates listed in the ListBox.


All of the typing you’ve done in the XAML may result in some typos. Although the consequences of some typos will be exceptions thrown at runtime, often you won’t see the results you expect even if there are no typos highlighted by IntelliSense in the code. If you’re testing the code, and controls are empty when they shouldn’t be, ensure that you typed in the correct control names and property names.

Selecting an Entity and Seeing Its Details

The next step is to view the trip details. On the form shown in Figure 8-14, you can see that the start and end dates appear in text boxes on the form, and the destination and lodging information is displayed in combo boxes. Eventually, you will use combo boxes for editing trips as well.

WPF’s binding goes far beyond binding data to controls. You can also bind controls to each other, creating dependencies between them. We’ll use this feature to link the TextBox controls to the ListBox. The TextBox controls will obtain their content from the ListBox’s selected trip.

Drag two TextBox controls (not TextBlocks) and two ComboBox controls onto the form. Arrange them similar to the example and change their names to txtStart, txtEnd, cboDestination, and cboLodging.

Binding the TextBox controls to the ListBox

The original XAML of the txtStart controls will look like this:

<TextBox Height="23" Width="85" Margin="124,0,207,101" Name="txtStart"
         VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Grid.Column="0"/>

You’ll be adding a Binding element as a child of each TextBox, which means you’ll need to remove the slash at the end of the control so that you can add the TextBox closing element after the binding.

Example 8-12 shows what the txtStart and txtEnd controls will look like after you add the Binding elements.

Example 8-12. The txtStart and txtEnd controls after adding the Binding element

<TextBox Height="23" Width="85" Margin="124,0,207,101" Name="txtStart"
         VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Grid.Column="0">
  <Binding ElementName="lstBoxTrips"
                StringFormat="{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" />

<TextBox Height="23" Width="85" Margin="0,0,54,101" Name="txtEnd"
         VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Width="120" >
  <Binding ElementName="lstBoxTrips"
                 StringFormat="{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" />


In the ListBox you added a binding into the Text property of a TextBlock. Here you are using a Binding element, and the syntax of the path and its StringFormat is different when used in this way.

Binding the ComboBox controls to the ListBox and to the data

Binding a WPF ComboBox is similar to binding a Windows Forms ComboBox in that you need to set the source (ItemsSource) to a set of data, identify the value and display properties, and identify what source provides its value. We’ll bind to the ItemsSource in code, just as you did for the ListBox. Then we’ll use XAML to provide the rest of the information as you just did for the TextBox.

First, the code.

In the Window.Loaded event, bind the results of the Destinations and Lodgings queries to the ComboBoxes. You can add this right beneath the code for binding the lstBoxTrips control:

cboDestination.ItemsSource = destinations
cboLodging.ItemsSource = lodgings
cboDestination.ItemsSource = destinations;
cboLodging.ItemsSource = lodgings;

In the XAML, add more attributes to the ComboBox controls, rather than adding a child element as you did for the TextBoxes, as shown in Example 8-13.

Example 8-13. Adding more attributes to the ComboBox controls

<ComboBox Height="23" Margin="0,0,36,72" Name="cboLodging" Width="198"/>

<ComboBox Height="23" Margin="0,0,36,72" Name="cboLodging" Width="198"
          SelectedValue="{Binding ElementName=lstBoxTrips,

The DisplayMemberPath and SelectedValuePath attributes refer to the properties of the list of lodgings to which you bound the ComboBox in code. SelectedValue gets the LodgingID from the currently selected trip in the ListBox.

Example 8-14 shows the XAML for the ComboBox that displays the selected trip’s destination.

Example 8-14. XAML for displaying the destination of the selected trip

<ComboBox Height="23" Margin="26,0,0,72" Name="cboDestination"
          SelectedValue="{Binding ElementName=lstBoxTrips,

Testing the sample

Now your form is starting to get interesting. When you run the application, the Start Date and End Date text boxes and the Destination and Lodging combo boxes should sync up to whatever trip is selected in the ListBox, as shown in Figure 8-15.

The form with the selection functionality enabled

Figure 8-15. The form with the selection functionality enabled

You still have three more tasks to complete: viewing the activities for a trip, editing trip details, and adding new trips.

Adding Another EntityCollection to the Mix: Activities

The Activities property is an EntityCollection and you need to display it in a control that can display sets. For that, we’ll use another ListBox.

The *:* relationship between trips and activities

Activities and trips are joined in a many-to-many relationship. Although the Entity Framework can query across this type of relationship and coordinate inserts, updates, and deletes without you having to work directly with the Join table, there is one thing that the Entity Framework is unable to do with this type of relationship, which is explained in the following paragraphs.

In previous examples, you saw how Object Services can automatically wire up related objects that are in the context. It will find entities that are related and build graphs between them. You took advantage of this in the Windows Forms application earlier. Because the activities and destinations were being returned in their own queries, you were able to remove the Include paths to the Customer preference properties.

In the Window.Loaded event for this WPF form, you have a query that returns a list of activities. You will use this as a pick list when you create a new trip. So, since those activities are already in the cache, it would make sense that they will automatically be wired up to the existing trips. But they aren’t. This is expected behavior and you’ll need to either load the related data with Include or Load, or manually attach the entities. In this example, you will use an Include. You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 15.


Object Services can automatically wire related entities only when one of the ends of the relationship has an EntityReference property that points to the other end of the relationship. Because both the Activities property of Trip and the Trips property of Activity are EntityCollections, the relationship information that is needed to bind them doesn’t exist within either entity. That is why you need to explicitly create the graph with one of the Object Services methods for joining related entities.

Modifying the code to eager-load the related activities

The bottom line is that you need to change the Customer query in the Window.Loaded event. To do this, add an Include method to pull in the activities, as shown in the following code:

trips = context.Trips.Include("Activities") _
               .OrderBy("it.Destination.DestinationName") _
trips = context.Trips.Include("Activities")

Adding the Activities ListBox and binding it to the Trips ListBox

Drag another ListBox onto the Window you are designing. You can take advantage of binding to get its data from the Trips ListBox just as you have done with the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes. The syntax is a little different because of the nature of the control.

The ListBox will look similar to when it is first added to the Window:

<ListBox Height="88" Margin="36,0,238,12" Name="lstActivities" />

You need to use a number of attributes to data-bind in a ListBox. For example, DataContext performs the binding to the source—in this case, lstBoxTrips. ItemsSource points to the actual items that will be used to populate the ListBox. You want the Activities EntityCollection of the selected trip for this attribute. Next, DisplayMemberPath identifies which property of the ItemsSource will be displayed in the box. ActivityName will do the trick here. Finally, the ListBox needs a little extra help syncing up with the source ListBox. You need to set IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem to True.

Example 8-15 shows the modified ListBox with all of the data-binding attributes in place.

Example 8-15. The modified ListBox

<ListBox Height="88" Margin="36,0,238,12" Name="lstBoxActivities"
     DataContext="{Binding ElementName=lstBoxTrips, Path=SelectedItem}"
     ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Activities}"

Don’t forget that you can set some of these values in the Properties window for the control. Figure 8-16 shows the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem and DisplayMemberPath properties. The other binding attributes are not available in the Properties window, so you’ll have to type them manually.

A modified view of the ListBox control’s Properties window showing some of the properties that you can modify

Figure 8-16. A modified view of the ListBox control’s Properties window showing some of the properties that you can modify

Testing the application again

Once you have the ListBox control configured, you should be able to see the effect of having each trip’s activities displayed in this ListBox as you select different trips from the main ListBox. Figure 8-17 shows the application performing its newest trick.

The WPF form with the Activities ListBox displaying an EntityCollection

Figure 8-17. The WPF form with the Activities ListBox displaying an EntityCollection

Editing Trip Entities and Their Related Data

Now it’s time for some editing.

In the Windows Forms application, the BindingSource coordinated user actions with entities. If a user edited data on the form, the BindingSource automatically pushed that change into the entity, even for the related entities.

Not so with WPF. Although the scalar properties, such as the StartDate and EndDate properties, will be updated with no more effort than calling SaveChanges, you’ll need to do a little extra coding to get the related entities to update.

Add a new button to the form and change its Content property to Save. Then double-click the button to get to the Click event handler, the button’s default event, and add a call to SaveChanges in the event handler, as shown in Example 8-16.

Example 8-16. Enabling saves

Private Sub btnSave_Click _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click

End Sub
private void btnSave_Click
 (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)

Run the form and edit one of the trips, changing a date and the lodging. Close the form and then run it again. When you select that trip again, you’ll see that the date was updated but not the lodging.

The problem isn’t that it’s related data, but that the ComboBox does not support updating. It is not sending the change back to the object. You’ll have to do that manually using the control’s SelectionChanged event. SelectionChanged is the default event, so you can get to it by double-clicking the ComboBox in the Designer.

Do this for the Lodging and Destination combo boxes and then add the code in Example 8-17 to change the currently selected trip’s Lodging and Destination properties to the ComboBox selections.

Example 8-17. Changing the currently selected trip’s Lodging and Destination properties to the ComboBox selections

Private Sub cboLodging_SelectionChanged _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs) _
 Handles cboLodging.SelectionChanged

  Dim selectedTrip = CType(lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem, Trip)
  selectedTrip.Lodging = CType(cboLodging.SelectedItem, Lodging)

End Sub

Private Sub cboDestination_SelectionChanged _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs) _
  Handles cboDestination.SelectionChanged

  Dim selectedTrip = CType(lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem, Trip)
  selectedTrip.Destination = _
   CType(cboDestination.SelectedItem, Destination)

End Sub
private void cboLodging_SelectionChanged
 (object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
  var selectedTrip = (Trip)lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem;
  selectedTrip.Lodging = (Lodging)cboLodging.SelectedItem;
private void cboDestination_SelectionChanged
 (object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
  var selectedTrip = (Trip)lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem;
  selectedTrip.Destination = (Destination)cboDestination.SelectedItem;

What if the user changes the destination?

You might prevent destinations from being edited on existing trips, but you’ll need to use that ComboBox for new trips. If the user changes the trip’s destination, you won’t see the change on the ListBox.

WPF provides a way to sort the items of list controls with a SortedDescriptions collection. If you re-sort the list after the user selects a destination from the combo box, the list will be refreshed, the new destination name will appear, and the item will be properly sorted using the new name.


WPF’s sorting features are very different from what you may be used to. You can read more about SortedDescriptions in the MSDN documentation.

Add the code in Example 8-18 to the end of the cboDestination’s SelectionChanged event.


Add System.ComponentModel to the Imports/using statements to use this feature.

Example 8-18. Allowing the List to be sorted

lstBoxTrips.Items.SortDescriptions.Add _
  (NewSortDescription("Destination.DestinationName", _
lstBoxTrips.Items.SortDescriptions.Add _
  (New SortDescription("StartDate", ListSortDirection.Descending))
 (new SortDescription("Destination.DestinationName",
 (new SortDescription("StartDate", ListSortDirection.Descending));

Adding Items to the Child EntityCollection

Next, we’ll add the ability to add activities to a trip. To do this, you’ll need a way to select a new activity to add.

Add a new ComboBox to the form with the name cboActivities. In the Window.Loaded event, you have already queried for the list of activities. Now you need to bind those results to this new ComboBox. Add the following binding beneath the binding for cboLodgings:

cboActivities.ItemsSource = activities
cboActivities.ItemsSource = activities;

Next, the ComboBox needs to know which property to display and which to use as the value. You can set both of these in the Properties window for the ComboBox.

Change SelectedValuePath to ActivityID and DisplayMemberPath to ActivityName. Unlike the other combo boxes, no additional bindings need to be typed directly into the XAML.

The ComboBox has a SelectionChanged event, but it’s not useful for reacting to a user selection. Instead, add another button to the form. We’ll use that to read the selected item in the cboActivities ComboBox and add it to the current trip’s Activities EntityCollection. The ListBox that shows the activities will update automatically because of its bindings.

Add the code in Example 8-19 to the new button’s Click event.

Example 8-19. Adding Activities to the selected trip entity

Private Sub btnAddActivity_Click _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) _
 Handles btnAddActivity.Click

  Dim selectedActivity = CType(cboActivities.SelectedItem, Activity)
  If Not selectedActivity Is Nothing Then
  Dim selectedTrip = CType(lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem, Trip)
    If Not selectedTrip Is Nothing Then
    End If
  End If
End Sub
private void btnAddActivity_Click
 (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
  Activity selectedActivity = (Activity)cboActivities.SelectedItem;
  if (selectedActivity != null)
    var selectedTrip = (Trip)lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem;
    if (selectedTrip != null)

This code ensures that an activity and a trip are selected before it tries to perform the main task. Notice how the new activity is added to the trip’s Activities collection with the Add method. You will likely use the EntityCollection.Add method quite a lot in your Entity Framework-based applications. Chapter 15 drills into this functionality in detail.

Testing the new feature for adding activities

Run the application, select a trip, and add some activities. You’ll see the Activities ListBox react. You can save the changes with your existing Save method. Note that since the data is not refreshed, again you’ll want to stop and start the application for proof that the change was saved.

The Last Task: Adding New Trips to the Catalog

Adding new trips will take a bit more code to implement. Not only will you need to set some defaults on the new trip entity, but also you’ll have to use a few tricks to make the user interface flow properly.

Start by adding a new button to the form that will be the user’s New Trip button. That’s all you need to do in the UI. In the button’s Click event, you’ll create a new trip and set some defaults.

A few WPF tricks for a more interactive ListBox

Before modifying the new button’s Click event, you’ll need to make two changes that are related to WPF’s data binding and are not specifically related to the Entity Framework.

In the Windows form, you had a BindingSource to coordinate between the controls and the data. WPF has no such control; however, it does have another mechanism, called the ObservableCollection. Without getting too sidetracked, if you use an ObservableCollection of trips as the source for the Trip ListBox control, as you add and remove items from this collection the ListBox will respond by adding or removing the items from the display.

It’s worth the effort to use this rather than a ListBox so that you won’t have to write the extra code to stuff your new trip into the ListBox.

To pull this off, you’ll need a new variable that is scoped to the whole Window class. Add this to the Window’s declarations. We’ll instantiate it in the declaration so that it’s ready to use in the Window.Loaded event.


Add the Collections.ObjectModel namespace to the Imports/using statements to use this feature.

Private ObservableTrips As New ObservableCollection(Of Trip)
private ObservableCollection ObservableTrips = new ObservableCollection();

In the Window.Loaded event, after the Trips query has been executed, transfer the trip results into the new collection. Then change the ItemsSource of the Trips ListBox to this new collection, as shown in the following code:

For Each t In trips
lstBoxTrips.ItemsSource = ObservableTrips
foreach (var t in trips)
lstBoxTrips.ItemsSource = ObservableTrips;

Now when you add new trips to the collection, they will automatically pop into the ListBox. But they’ll be at the bottom and will remain there until you run the application again. That’s no good. You can get the ListBox to sort on the DestinationNames and StartDates using this WPF code, which is very different from what you might be used to with Windows Forms or ASP.NET applications.

You can copy the sorting code from the Destination ComboBox’s SelectionChanged event into the Window.Loaded event to benefit from the sorting early on. In this way, if you add a new trip before you hit the other location where the sort is applied, the new trip will drop into the correct position in the ListBox. With the ListBox controlling the sort, you can remove the OrderBy method in the Trips query.


You’ll still need the sorting code in the ComboBox to trigger the refresh. There may be a better way to trigger a refresh in the ListBox than adding the SortDescription again. But this little trick will do for now.

Coding the Add New Trip feature

With that functionality in place, you can now add a new trip and have the form respond in an expected manner.

The Click event of the New Trip button will add a new trip, set some default values, and add the trip into the ListBox’s items (see Example 8-20).

Example 8-20. The Click event of the New Trip button

Private Sub btnNewTrip_Click _
 (ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnNewTrip.Click

 'create a new Trip object with default date values
  Dim newtrip = New Trip
  newtrip.StartDate = Today
  newtrip.EndDate = Today

 'add a default destination. Sorting will fail if Destination is null
   newtrip.Destination = destinations[0]

 'add the trip to the context so that its changes will get tracked

 'add the new trip to the bound collection
 'select the new trip so that the bound controls will be tied to it
   lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem = newtrip

End Sub
private void btnNewTrip_Click
 (object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
 //create a new Trip object with default System.DateTime values
  var newtrip = new Trip();
  newtrip.StartDate = System.DateTime.Today;
  newtrip.EndDate = System.DateTime.Today;

 //add a default destination. Sorting will fail if Destination == @null
  newtrip.Destination = destinations[0];

 //add the trip to the context so that its changes will get tracked;

  //add the new trip to the bound collection
  //select the new trip so that the bound controls will be tied to it
   lstBoxTrips.SelectedItem = newtrip;

Validating the new trip before saving

You may want to consider using one last bit of code: validation code for the new trip.

You can call the short method shown in Example 8-21 prior to calling SaveChanges to prevent your demo from blowing up if the user gets click-happy. It just checks to make sure that any new trips have a destination and valid start and end dates. If it returns False, it displays some type of message and doesn’t call SaveChanges.

Example 8-21. Validating the new trip’s data

Private Function validateNewTrips() As Boolean
  Dim newtrips = From t In ObservableTrips _
                 .Where(Function(t) t.TripID = 0)
  For Each Trip In newtrips
    If Trip.Lodging Is Nothing Then
        Return False
    ElseIf Trip.StartDate < Today Then
      Return False
    ElseIf Trip.EndDate < Trip.StartDate Then
      Return False
    End If
  Return True 'when newTrips.Count=0 or all trips validate
End Function
private bool validateNewTrips()
  var newtrips =
    from t in ObservableTrips.Where(t => t.TripID == 0)
    select t;
  foreach (var Trip in newtrips)
   if (Trip.Lodging == null)
     return false;
   else if (Trip.StartDate < System.DateTime.Today)
    return false;
   else if (Trip.EndDate < Trip.StartDate)
    return false;
 return true; //when newTrips.Count==0 or all trips validate

Testing the final version of the WPF demo

Run the demo again and check out the new features. When you add a new trip, watch how smoothly the bound Trip ListBox displays the new trip at the top of the ListBox. When you change the default destination, the trip will reappear alphabetically sorted in the ListBox, but still selected. Add some activities to the new trip. Save your changes and restart the application to prove that it all really worked (see Figure 8-18).

The final WPF form with all of its features in place

Figure 8-18. The final WPF form with all of its features in place


The Entity Framework has a number of levels of entry. In this chapter, you got a chance to apply much of what you learned in previous chapters in creating two starter client-side applications. The Windows Forms application leaned heavily on drag-and-drop data binding, whereas the WPF application let you get your hands a little dirtier as you interacted with the entities in code.

The applications in this chapter went beyond typical Hello World introductory demos and gave you an opportunity to learn some of the nuances of data binding with entity objects. At the same time, you learned how to perform some good data-binding tricks in Windows Forms and WPF that will make life with entities a little easier.

In the next chapter, you will dive into a little more theory as we go into much more detail regarding how Object Services manages entity objects.

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