Checking Your Spelling

In parts of Entourage that involve lots of text (such as notes and mail messages), you can ask Entourage to check your spelling for you. If you set Entourage’s preferences to check spelling as you type, it marks suspect words with a red squiggly underline. Control-click (or right-click) the underlined word and choose from the pop-up-up menu’s list of spelling suggestions.

If you prefer a more traditional spell checker that operates from a window, open the note or message you want to check and choose Tools → Spelling (⌘-Option-L). Work your way through the document using the Spelling window’s buttons. The procedure works like it does in Word (see Figure 11-38 and Spelling and Grammar), and in fact relies on the same spelling dictionaries.

Entourage’s Spelling window flags questionable words; you click the buttons on the right to ignore, add, or correct those words. The Options button at the bottom is a direct link to the Entourage’s Spelling preferences, where you can control the various spell check options.

Figure 11-38. Entourage’s Spelling window flags questionable words; you click the buttons on the right to ignore, add, or correct those words. The Options button at the bottom is a direct link to the Entourage’s Spelling preferences, where you can control the various spell check options.

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