Window Menu

The Window menu corrals all of the window-related Entourage commands in one place.

Minimize Window

Sends the frontmost Entourage window to the Dock. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-M.

Zoom Window

Does the same thing as the green zoom button in the upper-right corner of the window: resizes it to its full size, so that it fills up most of the screen.


Opens the Progress window, which shows how network operations are progressing. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-7.

Error Log

Open Entourage’s Error Log, which tells you about any problems the program had in sending or receiving your messages. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-8.

My Day

Opens the My Day program (Linking tasks). Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-9.

Cycle Through Windows

Moves from one open window to the next, one at a time. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-~.

Bring All to Front

Makes all open, nonminimized Entourage windows visible, pulling them out from behind other windows.

Window List

All of the open windows are listed at the bottom of the Window menu. To switch to an open window, select it from this list.

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