News and Information About Facebook Development

Stay N’ Alive blog, by Jesse Stay (

“Stay” up-to-date with the latest and greatest in Facebook and social development news and other topics. This is my blog, a must-read if you are a reader of this book.

Jesse’s FriendFeed stream (

Want to follow what I’m doing, what I’m interested in, and what I’m linking to? Follow my FriendFeed stream and see what I’m talking about, get in on the conversation, and find out where I am on Twitter, my blogs, and more.

The Social Coding FriendFeed stream (

This is a great place I have set up for discussing and learning about developing for social websites and social networks in general.

FacebookAdvice blog (

The official blog for my previous book, I’m On Facebook—Now What??? (Happy About). It covers how-tos, advice, tips, and tricks related to Facebook in general.

Facebook blog (

The official Facebook blog, targeted to a nondeveloper audience.

Facebook Platform status feed (

Subscribe to this feed in your RSS reader if you want to be notified whenever the platform goes down, whenever updates are made to the platform, or whenever there is an update that could affect your code.

Facebook developer news (

The official Facebook developers blog. Subscribe to this feed for all the latest developer news, straight from Facebook. News will usually be here before any other source.

Facebook developers marketplace (

Looking for a job that needs a Facebook developer? This is the place to look, and it’s also the place to post jobs related to Facebook development.

AllFacebook, by Nick O’Neill (

Facebook news and reviews, by the folks at

FaceReviews, by Rodney Rumford (

Facebook apps reviews, news, and other info, by Rodney Rumford.

InsideFacebook, by Justin Smith (

More Facebook news and reviews, by Justin Smith.

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