


<fb:photo pid="..."/>

Renders a Facebook photo based on the photo ID passed to it.

FBML-Specific Attributes


pid=[int] default: none

The Facebook ID of the photo.


uid=[int] default: none

When the pid is not supplied by the API, this is the user ID used to find the pid.

size=[thumb|small|normal|square|t|s|n|q] default: normal

The size to display the photo. Options are t=thumb, s=small, n=normal, and q=square.

align=[left|right] default: left

The alignment of the photo.

Example FBML

The following FBML code takes a photo with a pid of 12345 for the user with an ID of 4 (Mark Zuckerberg) and displays it right-aligned as a square:

<fb:photo pid="12345" uid="4" size="square" align="right"/>

Additional Information

  • When using a pid returned by the API or Facebook Query Language (FQL), do not supply the uid attribute.

  • Be sure to wrap any data you want to display with the photo in <fb:if-can-see-photo/> tags.

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