


<fb:req-choice url="..." label="..."/>

Provides a button to be used in the invite request sent to the user’s friends.

FBML-Specific Attributes


url=[string] default: none

The URL to direct the user to when they click on the button. Must be an absolute URL.

label=[string] default: none

Text to display on the button.



Example FBML

Please see the <fb:request-form/> tag earlier in this chapter for an example of this tag.

Additional Information

  • If two buttons with the same URL are used, only the last one will be rendered.

  • Each request defaults to have one ignore button. Having more than one ignore button can cause problems.

  • <fb:req-choice/> is built to be used within the content attribute of the <fb:request-form/>. Be sure to properly encode it to fit within the quotes of that attribute.

  • You may have as many <fb:req-choice/> buttons as needed.

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