


<fb:google-analytics uacct="..." ... >...</fb:google-analytics>

Renders the standard Google Analytics JavaScript code in the place where you put the tags. For more information on Google Analytics, refer to and Basically, Google Analytics and Google’s Urchin Software analyze your site traffic and provide you with reports about how your visitors use your site.

FBML-Specific Attributes


uacct=[string] default: none

The Urchin or Google account ID provided to you by Google Analytics. It’s often the text in the variable _uacct provided in the JavaScript that Google gives you.


Based on, the following optional attributes are available:

page=[string] default: none

The argument given to the urchinTracker() function; either a page or a virtual page.

ufsc=[1|0] default: 1

Sets the client info flag, where 1 = on and 0 = off. This is an Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM) user setting.

udn=[auto|none|domain] default: auto

Sets the domain name for cookies. Specify auto, none, or domain. This is a UTM user setting.

uhash=[on|off] default: on

Specify whether the unique domain hash for cookies is on or off. This is a UTM user setting.

utimeout=[int] default: 1800

Sets the inactive session timeout in seconds. This is a UTM user setting.

ugifpath=[string] default: /__utm.gif

Sets the web path to the __utm.gif file. This is a UTM user setting.

utsp=[string] default: |

Sets the transaction field separator. This is a UTM user setting.

uflash=[1|0] default: 1

Sets the Flash version detection option, where 1 = on and 0 = off. This is a UTM user setting.

utitle=[1|0] default: 1

Sets the document title detection option, where 1 = on and 0 = off. This is a UTM user setting.

ulink=[1|0] default: 0

Enables linker functionality, where 1 = on and 0 = off. This is a UTM user setting.

uanchor=[1|0] default: 0

Indicates whether the use of anchors for campaigns is enabled, where 1 = enabled and 0 = disabled. This is a UTM user setting.

utcp=[string] default: /

Specifies the cookie path for tracking. This is a UTM user setting.

usample=[1...100] default: 100

Represents the sampling percentage of visitors to track, which is a whole number from 1 to 100. This is a UTM user setting.

uctm=[1|0] default: 1

Sets the campaign tracking module state, where 1 = off and 0 = on. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucto=[int] default: 15768000

Sets the timeout in seconds. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

uccn=[string] default: utm_campaign

The name of the campaign. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucmd=[cpc|cpm|link|email|organic] default: utm_medium

Represents the campaign medium. Specify cpc, cpm, link, email, or organic. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucsr=[string] default: utm_source

Represents the campaign source. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

uctr=[string] default: utm_term

The campaign term or keyword. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucct=[string] default: utm_content

Represents the campaign content. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucid=[int] default: utm_id

Represents the campaign ID number. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

ucno=[string] default: utm_nooverride

Indicates whether or not to override the campaign. This is a UTM campaign tracking setting.

Example FBML

Implementing <fb:google-analytics/> is actually quite simple. First, go to and set up an account and a new site to track. When it asks you to verify the code on the site, you can ignore that part. Take the _uacct number from the JavaScript you were provided and plug it into your Facebook application. The FBML code will look something like this:

<fb:google-analytics uacct="UA-1279896-6" page="" />

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The example yields HTML that looks something like this:

<script src="" 
<script type="text/javascript">
        _uacct = "UA-1279896-6";

Additional Information

  • If you want to do any link tracing, you can utilize FBJS on any links to access your Urchin Tracker through the Facebook.urchinTracker() method. Simply write something like the following code (taken from

    <a href="" onclick="Facebook.urchinTracker
  • This tag will work only on canvas pages. Profile pages will render nothing. It is unclear at the time of this writing how this tag will work in the new design on pages other than canvas pages.

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