



Renders different content for those who may not be friends with the app user and those who are friends with the app user.

FBML-Specific Attributes




uid=[int] default: profileowner

The ID of the user you want to verify as a friend of the viewer.

includeself=[true|false] default: true

If the viewer is actually the user with the specified ID and this is true, the tag returns true.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer/>:

<fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer> The two of you are friends 
  <fb:else> The two of you are not friends </fb:else> 

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

If the current viewer is friends with the person who has installed the application, the rendered HTML looks like this:

The two of you are friends

If the current viewer is not friends with the person who has installed the application, the rendered HTML looks like this:

The two of you are not friends

Additional Information

  • This tag supports <fb:else/>.

  • This tag may be used only on a user’s canvas page.

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