



Renders the content within the tags only to the user who has installed the application and to that user’s friends. This tag does not work on Facebook Pages.

FBML-Specific Attributes




bgcolor=[color] default: none

The background color in which the text rendered in the box will appear.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML for <fb:visible-to-friends/>:

<fb:visible-to-friends> Greetings, friend!

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

If your friend visits your profile, or if you visit your own profile, the rendered HTML looks like this:

Greetings, friend!

Additional Information

  • Be careful not to use this tag to render sensitive information. The content rendered by this tag, whether shown in the browser or not, is always available in the source on the page.

  • This tag works only on a user’s profile.

  • Use the <fb:visible-to-connection/> tag (described later in this chapter) if you want to verify fans of a Page as well as friends of a user.

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