



Renders a list of users, specified as <fb:user-item/> tags within the tags. Each <fb:user-item/> tag renders a thumbnail for the specified user, with a linked name for that user appearing to the right of the thumbnail. Look at the Mutual Friends section on each profile page for a good example of what this looks like.

FBML-Specific Attributes




cols=[int] defaults: 3 (for narrow column), 6 (for wide column)

The number of columns in the user table.

Example FBML

The <fb:user-table/> tag simply contains a list of <fb:user-item/> tags, as shown in the following example (see the <fb:user-item/> tag described next for more details):

  <fb:user-item uid="683545112"/>
  <fb:user-item uid="4"/>
  <fb:user-item uid="7403766"/>

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

When rendered, an <fb:user-table/> box on a user’s profile will produce HTML that looks like this (Figure 3-10 shows the result):

<table class="friendTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" 
<td >
  <table height="100%">
    <td height="100%" style="vertical-align: middle;">
      <a href="">
          <img src="
          alt=""  class="" /></a>
      <a href="">
          Jesse Stay</a>
<td >
  <table height="100%">
    <td height="100%" style="vertical-align: middle;">
      <a href="">
          <img src="
          alt=""  class="" /></a>
      <a href="">
          Mark Zuckerberg</a>
<td >
  <table height="100%">
    <td height="100%" style="vertical-align: middle;">
      <a href="">
          <img src="
          alt=""  class="" /></a>
      <a href="">
          Nick ONeill</a>
<td >
  <table height="100%"></table>
<td >
  <table height="100%"></table>
<td >
  <table height="100%"></table>
The result of our <fb:user-table/> example
Figure 3-10. The result of our <fb:user-table/> example

Additional Information

  • As with all tags in this section, <fb:user-table/> can be used only a user’s profile, nowhere else.

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