


<fb:pronoun uid="..."/>

Renders a pronoun for the specified user.

FBML-Specific Attributes



The ID of the user to render a pronoun for. Use actor when using this tag in a feed story to help render a pronoun for the actor.


A feed story is a blurb of text about the user of your app. This blurb gets put in the user’s Mini-Feed, where it has the potential to be sent to all of the user’s friends. See the section on Feed Forms” later in this chapter to learn how you can use plain FBML/HTML to send a feed story to the Mini-Feed of a user (i.e., the actor).


useyou=[true|false] default: true

Renders the pronoun “you” if you are the specified uid visiting the profile or canvas page.

possessive=[true|false] default: false

Renders a possessive form of the user (his/her/your/their).

reflexive=[true|false] default: false

Renders a reflexive form of the user (himself/herself/yourself/themself).

objective=[true|false] default: false

Renders an objective form of the user (him/her/you/them).

usethey=[true|false] default: true

Renders “they” if the user has not specified a gender.

capitalize=[true|false] default: false

Capitalizes the first letter of the pronoun.

Example FBML

The following example FBML code for <fb:pronoun/> capitalizes the first letter, renders “they” if the user has not specified a gender, and renders the possessive form of the pronoun (Figure 3-14 shows the result):

<fb:name useyou="false" uid="profileowner"/> has just finished 
    <fb:pronoun uid="profileowner" possessive="true" 
    capitalize="true"/> Book!
The result of our first <fb:pronoun/> example
Figure 3-14. The result of our first <fb:pronoun/> example

Here is another example (Figure 3-15 shows the result):

<fb:name useyou="false" uid="683545112"/> just gave 
    <fb:pronoun uid="actor" possessive="true"/> book to Fred.
The result of our second <fb:pronoun/> example
Figure 3-15. The result of our second <fb:pronoun/> example
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