


<fb:tabs><fb:tab-item href="..." title="..."/>...</fb:tabs>

Renders a set of standard Facebook tabs for your app. The tabs appear wherever the tags are placed in the app. Please also see the <fb:dashboard/> tag (described earlier) for a different style of navigation.

FBML-Specific Attributes


href=[string] default: none

The URL to take the user to when they click on the link.



Example FBML

The following example FBML code for <fb:tabs/> renders “Hello Friends Example” and “Invite Your Friends” tabs, with the first tab being selected:

    <fb:tab-item href="" 
        title="Hello Friends Example" selected="true"/>
    <fb:tab-item href="
        invite.php" title="Invite Your Friends" />

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The underlying HTML for the example looks like this (Figure 3-30 shows the result):

<div class="tabs clearfix"><center><div class="left_tabs">
   <ul class="toggle_tabs clearfix" id="toggle_tabs_unused">
   <li class="first "> <a href="" 
   class="selected"> Hello Friends Example </a></li><li class="last ">
   <a href="">
   Invite Your Friends </a></li></ul></div></center></div>
The result of our <fb:tabs/> example
Figure 3-30. The result of our <fb:tabs/> example

Additional Information

  • Multiple <fb:tabs/> are allowed on a single canvas page.

  • This tag must contain at least one <fb:tab-item/>.

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