Chapter 6. Dimensions

Rebecca Murphey


Dimensions are a core part of adding advanced behaviors to a website. Once you know how to manipulate the dimensions of elements and their position on the page, you will have a new level of control over your user interface, providing desktop-like behaviors and interactions in your application.

6.1. Finding the Dimensions of the Window and Document


You want to get the width and height of the window and document in pixels.


jQuery’s width and height methods provide easy access to the basic dimensions of the window or document:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    alert('Window height: ' + jQuery(window).height()); // returns the height of
the viewport
    alert('Window width: ' + jQuery(window).width()); // returns the width of the

    alert('Document height: ' + jQuery(document).height()); // returns the height 
of the document
    alert('Document width: ' + jQuery(document).width()); // returns the width of 
the document


It’s important to understand that the width and height of the document can (and likely will) be different from the width and height of the window. The dimensions of the window refer to the size of the viewport—that portion of the browser that is available for displaying a document. The dimensions of the document refer to the size of the document itself. In most cases, the document height will be taller than the window’s height. The document’s width will always be at least the window’s width but may be greater than the window’s width. In Figure 6-1, jQuery('body').width() < jQuery(document).width(), and jQuery(document).width() == jQuery(window).width(). If the body were wider than the window, the document width would increase accordingly.

The document size and the window size are often different
Figure 6-1. The document size and the window size are often different

The width and height methods can also accept arguments if you want to set the dimensions of an element. The argument can be provided as an integer—in which case it will be interpreted as a pixel measurement—or as a string, in which case it is interpreted as a CSS-like measurement (i.e., $('#foo').width('300px')).

6.2. Finding the Dimensions of an Element


You want to determine the space occupied by an element.


The width and height methods can be applied to any element, and they are useful for determining the computed width or height of an element. However, they fall short if you need to determine the actual real estate that an element is occupying on the screen. In addition to width and height, jQuery provides the following methods for determining more specific dimensions of an element:


Returns the width excluding the border and including the padding


Returns the height excluding the border and including the padding


Returns the width including both the border and the padding


Returns the height including the border and including the padding

For a visual reference, see Figure 6-2.

Illustration of an element’s height, innerHeight, and outerHeight
Figure 6-2. Illustration of an element’s height, innerHeight, and outerHeight

Given the following HTML:

<div id="results"></div>
<div id="myDiv">Some text.</div>

and the following CSS:

#myDiv {

you could expect the following:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var $myDiv = jQuery('#myDiv'),
    var $results = jQuery('#results'),

    jQuery('<p>Computed width: ' + $myDiv.width() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 100
    jQuery('<p>Computed height: ' + $myDiv.height() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 30
    jQuery('<p>Inner width: ' + $myDiv.innerWidth() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 120
    jQuery('<p>Inner height: ' + $myDiv.innerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 50
    jQuery('<p>Outer width: ' + $myDiv.outerWidth() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 122
    jQuery('<p>Outer height: ' + $myDiv.outerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // 52

    jQuery('<p>Document outer height: ' + jQuery(document).outerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // NaN
    jQuery('<p>Document inner height: ' + jQuery(document).innerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // NaN
    jQuery('<p>Window outer height: ' + jQuery(window).outerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // NaN
    jQuery('<p>Window inner height: ' + jQuery(window).innerHeight() + '</p>')
        .appendTo($results); // NaN


The innerWidth/innerHeight and outerWidth/outerHeight methods are useful tools for determining the actual dimension that you’re after—the basic width and height methods are of limited use when you are trying to measure the actual real estate that an element with border and padding occupies on the screen.

Note that using innerWidth, innerHeight, outerWidth, or outerHeight methods on jQuery(document) or jQuery(window) objects will return NaN.

6.3. Finding the Offset of an Element


You want to determine the location of an element in the document.


jQuery offers three methods that are useful in determining an element’s position:


Returns an object containing the position of the top-left corner of the element relative to the document’s top-left corner


Returns an object containing the position of the top-left corner of the element relative to the top-left corner of the first positioned parent of the element (the offsetParent)


Returns a jQuery object containing the offsetParent of the element

The offset method is useful for determining the location of an element on the page—for example, if you want to scroll the window to an element. The position method is useful for repositioning elements and for finding the position of an element in a scrolling container. Both tasks will be discussed in subsequent sections; this section seeks to serve as an overview to the positioning methods.

Given the following HTML where the <body> element has 0-pixel margin and 10-pixel padding:

<body id="the_offset_parent">
    <h1>Finding the Offset of an Element</h1>
    <div id="foo">
        <div id="bar">Some text inside #bar, which is inside #foo</div>

    <div id="results"></div>

you can use the following code to determine the position, offset, and offset parent of the two DIVs:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
    var $bar = jQuery('#bar'),

    var $results = jQuery('#results'),
    var fooPosition = $foo.position();
    var barPosition = $bar.position();
    var fooOffset = $foo.offset();
    var barOffset = $bar.offset();

    var $fooOffsetParent = $foo.offsetParent();
    var $barOffsetParent = $bar.offsetParent();

        .append('<p>#foo ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#foo position.left: ' + fooPosition.left + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar position.left: ' + barPosition.left + '</p>') // 10

        .append('<p>#foo ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#foo offset.left: ' + fooOffset.left + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar offset.left: ' + barOffset.left + '</p>') // 10

        .append('<p>ID of #foo offsetParent: '
            + $fooOffsetParent.attr('id')) // the_offset_parent
        .append('<p>ID of #bar offsetParent: '
            + $barOffsetParent.attr('id')); // the_offset_parent

In this case, both elements have the same position, and both have the same offsetParent (the document’s <body> element).

However, if #foo is positioned using CSS:

<body id="the_offset_parent">
    <div id="foo" style="position:absolute; top:10px; left:10px;">
        <div id="bar">Some text inside #bar, which is inside the 
absolutely-positioned #foo</div>

    <div id="results" style="position:absolute; top:60px; left:10px;"></div>

then the results change. The #foo DIV hasn’t actually moved and its offsetParent hasn’t changed, so its position and offset stay the same; the #bar DIV hasn’t moved either, but since its offsetParent has changed, its position has changed—remember, an element’s position is relative to its offset parent.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
    var $bar = jQuery('#bar'),

    var $results = jQuery('#results'),
    var fooPosition = $foo.position();
    var barPosition = $bar.position();
    var fooOffset = $foo.offset();
    var barOffset = $bar.offset();

    var $fooOffsetParent = $foo.offsetParent();
    var $barOffsetParent = $bar.offsetParent();

        .append('<p>#foo ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#foo position.left: ' + fooPosition.left + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar ' + + '</p>') // 0
        .append('<p>#bar position.left: ' + barPosition.left + '</p>') // 0

        .append('<p>#foo ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#foo offset.left: ' + fooOffset.left + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar ' + + '</p>') // 10
        .append('<p>#bar offset.left: ' + barOffset.left + '</p>') // 10

        .append('<p>ID of #foo offsetParent: '
            + $fooOffsetParent.attr('id')) // the_offset_parent
        .append('<p>ID of #bar offsetParent: '
            + $barOffsetParent.attr('id')); // foo


The important thing to remember is this: the offset method will always give you an element’s position relative to the document. The return value of the position method may be the element’s position relative to the document, depending on whether the element has an offsetParent. If the element has an offsetParent—that is, a parent element that has positioning applied to it—then the position method will provide information about the position of the element relative to the offsetParent, not to the document.


jQuery’s offsetParent method provides a replacement for the standard JavaScript offsetParent DOM node property. In certain cases—such as when an element has a fixed position—some browsers will return null when asked for the offsetParent property of the element.

6.4. Scrolling an Element into View


You want to scroll the document or an element to bring another element into view.

Solution: Scrolling the Whole Window

If you need to scroll the whole window, you’ll use the offset method to determine the location of the destination element relative to the document and then use the scrollTop method to scroll the document to bring the element into view.

For example, let’s say you want to scroll to the #foo element when the user clicks the #bar element:

jQuery('#bar').click(function() {
    var fooOffset = jQuery('#foo').offset(),
        destination =;

Solution: Scrolling Inside an Element

If your destination element is inside a scrolling container, you’ll use the position method to determine the location of the destination element relative to the container, add it to the current scroll position of the container, and then use the scrollTop method to scroll the container to bring the element into view. Note that the scrolling container must be positioned—using position: relative, position: absolute, or position: fixed—in order for this to work.

For example, consider the following markup, styled so that #foo is not large enough to show both paragraphs at once.

    #foo {
    border:1px solid black;
    <input type="button" id="bar" value="Click to scroll to last paragraph" />
    <input type="button" id="bam" value="Click to scroll to last paragraph with 
animation" />
    <div id="foo">
    <p>This is the first paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi 
ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in 
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint 
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim 
id est laborum.</p>
    <p>This is the second paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi 
ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in 
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint 
occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim 
id est laborum.</p>
    <!-- several more paragraphs -->

Scrolling #foo to show the last paragraph is simple:

var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
$('#bar').click(function() {
    var lastParagraphPosition = jQuery('#foo p:last').position();
    var scrollPosition = $foo.scrollTop() +;

In both of these examples, the scrolling happens instantaneously—efficient, but not necessarily attractive. The animate method will animate an element’s scrollTop property, so animating the transition is trivial. Here’s how we would do it for the scrolling container:

var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
$('#bam').click(function() {
    var lastParagraphPosition = jQuery('#foo p:last').position();
    var scrollPosition = $foo.scrollTop() +;
    jQuery('#foo').animate({scrollTop: scrollPosition}, 300);


jQuery also includes a scrollLeft method, with behavior analogous to scrollTop.

6.5. Determining Whether an Element Is Within the Viewport


You want to determine whether an element is visible within the viewport; further, you want to determine the percentage of the element that is visible and scroll to it if it is less than 50 percent visible.


This makes use of several of the methods discussed in earlier sections of this chapter.

There are several steps to this process:

  1. Determine the size of the viewport.

  2. Determine the scroll position of the document.

  3. Figure out the minimum and maximum values for the top and left positions of the element if the element is visible.

  4. Test the position of the element against those values.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var viewportWidth = jQuery(window).width(),
        viewportHeight = jQuery(window).height(),

        documentScrollTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop(),
        documentScrollLeft = jQuery(document).scrollLeft(),

        minTop = documentScrollTop,
        maxTop = documentScrollTop + viewportHeight,
        minLeft = documentScrollLeft,
        maxLeft = documentScrollLeft + viewportWidth,

        $myElement = jQuery('#myElement'),
        elementOffset = $myElement.offset();
    if (
        ( > minTop && < maxTop) &&
        (elementOffset.left > minLeft &&elementOffset.left < maxLeft)
    ) {
        alert('element is visible'),
    } else {
        alert('element is not visible'),

With this solution, we know whether the top of the element is visible in the viewport; a better solution would test whether the entire element was contained in the viewport:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var viewportWidth = jQuery(window).width(),
        viewportHeight = jQuery(window).height(),
        documentScrollTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop(),
        documentScrollLeft = jQuery(document).scrollLeft(),

        $myElement = jQuery('#myElement'),

        elementOffset = $myElement.offset(),
        elementHeight = $myElement.height(),
        elementWidth = $myElement.width(),

        minTop = documentScrollTop,
        maxTop = documentScrollTop + viewportHeight,
        minLeft = documentScrollLeft,
        maxLeft = documentScrollLeft + viewportWidth;

    if (
        ( > minTop && + elementHeight < maxTop) &&
        (elementOffset.left > minLeft && elementOffset.left + elementWidth < maxLeft)
    ) {
        alert('entire element is visible'),
    } else {
        alert('entire element is not visible'),

Alternatively, we could look at how much of the element is visible—if it is less than a certain amount, then we can scroll to the element:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

var viewportWidth = jQuery(window).width(),
    viewportHeight = jQuery(window).height(),

    documentScrollTop = jQuery(document).scrollTop(),
    documentScrollLeft = jQuery(document).scrollLeft(),

    $myElement = jQuery('#myElement'),

    verticalVisible, horizontalVisible,

    elementOffset = $myElement.offset(),
    elementHeight = $myElement.height(),
    elementWidth = $myElement.width(),

    minTop = documentScrollTop,
    maxTop = documentScrollTop + viewportHeight,
    minLeft = documentScrollLeft,
    maxLeft = documentScrollLeft + viewportWidth;

function scrollToPosition(position) {
        scrollTop :,
        scrollLeft : position.left
    }, 300);

if (
    (( > minTop && < maxTop) ||
    ( + elementHeight > minTop && + 
elementHeight < maxTop))
    ((elementOffset.left > minLeft && elementOffset.left < maxLeft) ||
    (elementOffset.left + elementWidth > minLeft && elementOffset.left + 
elementWidth < maxLeft))
) {
    alert('some portion of the element is visible'),

    if ( >= minTop && + elementHeight 
<= maxTop) {
        verticalVisible = elementHeight;
    } else if ( < minTop) {
        verticalVisible = elementHeight - (minTop -;
    } else {
        verticalVisible = maxTop -;

    if (elementOffset.left >= minLeft && elementOffset.left + elementWidth 
<= maxLeft) {
        horizontalVisible = elementWidth;
    } else if (elementOffset.left < minLeft) {
        horizontalVisible = elementWidth - (minLeft - elementOffset.left);
    } else {
        horizontalVisible = maxLeft - elementOffset.left;

    var percentVerticalVisible = (verticalVisible / elementHeight) * 100;
    var percentHorizontalVisible = (horizontalVisible / elementWidth) * 100;

    if (percentVerticalVisible < 50 || percentHorizontalVisible < 50) {
        alert('less than 50% of element visible; scrolling'),
    } else {
        alert('enough of the element is visible that there is no need to scroll'),

} else {
    // element is not visible; scroll to it
    alert('element is not visible; scrolling'),



The scrollTo plugin by Ariel Flesler provides excellent shorthand access to many of these methods by allowing you to simply write $.scrollTo('#myElement'); it takes care of determining the position of the destination element.

6.6. Centering an Element Within the Viewport


You want to scroll the window to center an element within the viewport.


Get the viewport’s dimensions; determine the width, height, and offset of the element; and use a little math to center the element in the viewport:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('#bar').click(function() {
        var viewportWidth = jQuery(window).width(),
            viewportHeight = jQuery(window).height(),

            $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
            elWidth = $foo.width(),
            elHeight = $foo.height(),
            elOffset = $foo.offset();

            .scrollTop( + (elHeight/2) - (viewportHeight/2))
            .scrollLeft(elOffset.left + (elWidth/2) - (viewportWidth/2));

In the final lines, we add the top offset of the element to half the element’s height in order to determine the vertical center of the element. Then we subtract half the viewport’s height to determine the position to which we want the window to scroll. Finally, we do an analogous calculation to center the viewport horizontally.

6.7. Absolutely Positioning an Element at Its Current Position


You want to turn a static or relatively positioned element into being absolutely positioned.


To accomplish this, we simply get the position of the element and then use it to set the element’s CSS properties accordingly:

var $myElement = jQuery('#foo p').eq(0),
            elPosition = $myElement.position();

            position : 'absolute',
            top :,
            left : elPosition.left

We can also easily reposition an element relative to its current position:

var $myElement = jQuery('#foo p').eq(1),
            elPosition = $myElement.position();

            position : 'absolute',
            top : + 20,
            left : elPosition.left + 20

6.8. Positioning an Element Relative to Another Element


You want to position a new element relative to an existing element.


Get the width, height, and offset of the existing element, and use the values to position the new element accordingly.

Given the following HTML:

#foo {
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid red;
    padding: 5px;
#tooltip {
    border: 1px solid black;
    padding: 5px;
    background-color: #fff;

<div id="foo">An existing element</div>

the following code would add an element as a sibling to the existing element but positioned “inside” the element, 10 pixels from the top and 10 pixels from the left of the existing element’s top-left corner, and with a width 20 pixels less than that of the existing element:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
        fooPosition = $foo.position(),
        $tooltip = $('<div id="tooltip">A new element</div>').insertAfter($foo);

        position : 'absolute',
        top : + 10,
        left : fooPosition.left + 10,
        width : $foo.width() - 20

If you wanted to add the new element somewhere else in the page—that is, if you didn’t want it to be a sibling of the existing element—you could adjust your code to look at the offset of the original element rather than the position:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    var $foo = jQuery('#foo'),
        fooOffset = $foo.offset(),
        $tooltip = $('<div id="tooltip">A new element</div>').appendTo('body'),

        position : 'absolute',
        top : + 10,
        left : fooOffset.left + ($foo.width() / 2),
        width : $foo.width() - 20

6.9. Switching Stylesheets Based on Browser Width


You want to change the document’s CSS based on the width of the browser.


There are a few solutions to this problem. One changes the class attribute of the body element, another changes the href attribute of the stylesheet you want to change, and the third includes all size-related stylesheets on the page but enables only one of them at a time.

In each case, we’ll create a function that checks the width of the browser and bind that function to the document’s ready event and to the window’s resize event. The checkWidth function will then call the setSize function, which we’ll define based on the approach we’re taking:

var checkWidth = function() {
    var browserWidth = $(window).width();
    if (browserWidth < 960) {
    } else {

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

The definition of the setSize function depends on how you want to switch styles.

Solution 1: Changing the Class on the Body Element

var setSize = function(size) {
    var $body = jQuery('body'),
      jQuery('body').removeClass('large small').addClass(size);

Solution 2: Changing the href Attribute of the Stylesheet That’s Responsible for Size-Related Styling

Let’s assume you have the following size-related stylesheet in your document:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="css_size" href="size-small.css" />

In this case, you would define the setSize function as follows:

var setSize = function(size) {
    var $css = jQuery('#css_size'),
    $css.attr('href', 'size-' + size + '.css'),

Note that in this case, the new CSS file is requested from the server, which is likely to cause a brief delay in the style change occurring. For this reason, this is perhaps the least-preferable method.

Solution 3: Include All Size-Related Stylesheets in the Page, but Enable Only One at a Time

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" class="css_size small" href="size-small.css" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" class="css_size large"
    href="size-large.css" disabled=true/>

In this case, you would define the setSize function as follows:

var setSize = function(size) {

    jQuery('link.css_size').each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        if ($this.hasClass(size)) {
                .attr('rel', 'stylesheet'),
        } else {
                .attr('disabled', true)
                .attr('rel', 'alternate stylesheet'),

In this approach, all stylesheets are loaded at page load, and nothing new is fetched when switching from one stylesheet to another. This eliminates the delay caused by solution 2 but it also results in potentially unnecessary HTTP requests if your user is unlikely to need the alternate stylesheets.


There is no definitive answer to which of the three style-switching methods is the best. When choosing a method, you’ll want to consider how likely your users are to need a different stylesheet, how big your size-related stylesheets are, and how you prefer to manage your size-related styles. In many cases, the method from the first solution will be both sufficient and preferable.

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